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Risk Assessment Form


Hazards rat Controls
(High, Med,
Interview with Monika Molhar – this interview High I can avoid this by alerting everyone before the interview
will be taken in the dance studio the starts that there hazardous wire on the ground, and to be
interviewee works in. The hazard that can careful when moving around the room.
occur in this interview is that the interviewee or
anyone else in the room can maybe trip over
the plug in microphone wires.

Things may fall off the shelf, or off table and I Mediu
To avoid this hazard, I will have to film in a space where
or someone else may get hurt. m there aren’t any items or things that may fall.

Water or any liquid may fall on the filming High To avoid this hazard I will have to tell everyone in the room
equipment, and damage the camera or the or area to not have water in their hand or anywhere near the
microphone. equipment.
Water or liquid may fall on the floor and To avoid this hazard I will have to tell everyone in the room
someone can slip or fall. High
or areas to not have water in their hand or anywhere near
the floor.

The interviewee can become offensive towards Low To avoid this hazard I will be showing the questions to the
the questions the presenter asks them. interviewee before the actual interview.

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