Answer:: Woman That She Is Beautiful Is Fairly Pointless. She's Been Complimented On That Aspect All Her

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Whenever I compliment a beautiful girl, it doesn’t seem to have a very good effect on her.

It’s as if she already knows what I’m going to say before I say it. She already knows she’s pretty
and she’s used to having everyone remind of her of it. It feels as if she takes the compliment and
adds it to a long list of previous heard compliments. I suppose that’s why she’s a little full of
herself which puts her on a pedestal far beyond my reach.

My question is, if I’m going to be creating rapport and seducing attractive women, should I be
complimenting her or not?

How can I make her feel flattered and at the same time have a real impact on her? I don’t want
her to feel as if I’m just another guy complimenting her.

Most writers on HowToSeduction will tell you that compliments should be used sparingly, like
conversational spice.  An overload of them sounds unconvincing. Also, telling a beautiful
woman that she is beautiful is fairly pointless. She’s been complimented on that aspect all her
life. Try to find something else to compliment her on that isn’t physical.

For example, try telling her that she’s funny.  A lot of beautiful women never get complimented
on that aspect of their personality.  Believe it or not, many of them crave being told that they are
funny, clever or even witty.

I once met a very attractive woman which happened to be a fine dramatic actress.  I met her at a
party and we talked a while about her acting career.  I asked her why she switched from comedy
to drama and she replied that she was always drawn to trying to be funny and that people always
wanted to hire her for her looks and not her sense of humor.
I was floored.  This attractive, Emmy-nominated, dramatic actress was desperate to show that
she could be funny!  I also met her husband, that night.  I asked him what first drew him to her
and he said: “She made me laugh.”   Think she’d have been as drawn to him if he had simply
told her how pretty she was when they first met?

Compliment her taste in clothes, her sense of style.  Both of those come close to telling a woman
she’s beautiful, but they stop just short. This is good.

I understand the urge to spew compliments like a lawn sprinkler.  I’m involved with someone
now and sometimes it’s all I can do not to tell her that she is adorable.  But, I refrain.  I do tell
her how she makes me laugh.  I tell her that she makes me think.  I tell her that talking to her is
interesting and that she is a good conversationalist.

Even such compliments as those, I dole out cautiously.

Addition Comments:
You’re right, many men compliment beautiful women on being “pretty,” so one more from you
is almost meaningless. Instead, try complimenting her on something specific that she won’t have
heard before. “I love those earrings – where did you get them?” Many women, especially
“beautiful” ones, work hard on their appearance – makeup, clothes, etc. are not thrown on in 5
minutes usually. To point out that you like some specific choice she made makes her feel good
about it and makes her feel you are looking at her as more than just another piece of meat. Being
sincere helps also. Don’t make up stuff you like about her that is not true.

Most hot women have been hit upon dozens if not hundreds of times by men, so conversation
that starts/continues with “You’re a very beautiful woman!/you sure are gorgeous!” is more than
likely going to set off alarm bells: “This is another pickup. Raise shields!” Everything else you
say will have to get through that – not something you want. You need to disarm her first and
seem different from all the
other slobs who want to get in her pants.

It’s my experience that some women will play it as though they’re uninterested, or that they talk
to guys like you all the time (even if they don’t).

So sometimes they’re trying to downplay the impact of what you say or do, and sometimes they
really have heard it all before.  I try not to say the same things, and make fresh conversations as
often as possible.  Imagine hearing some woman say you’ve got “pretty eyes” 100 times a week.
It might
get a smile out of you the first few times, but it gets old the more you hear it.

I follow 2 rules regarding compliments.

#1 – Don’t sound like a game show host.  If you give too many compliments, they don’t work.
#2 – Look at her, listen to her.  Try to compliment on something she has gone out of her way to
display for you.  For instance, if she’s wearing something unusual, compliment on it.  If she’s
shoving her tits in your face, talk about them.
How To Be More Confident With Women

I’d argue that if you don’t know how to be more confident with woman than the average guy,
then it’s likely you won’t get further than the average guy when you’re trying to approach her.
Women immediately feel it when you have confidence, even if they don’t show it. Everyone will
feel it, even the guys that are nearby. Confidence is something that glows around you when you
have it, and something that’s very obvious when you don’t. So if you’re searching for quick
ways to build confidence with women, then here are some rock solid tips.

My Confidence Building Process

Realize that building confidence takes a lot of time and practice. It’s not something that
magically happens overnight, it’s something that takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few
years to develop. If you’re looking to do it the fast way, and who isn’t, then the best way is to
start by making friends with some girls. Wait.. isn’t that what I’m having issues with? No, you
should be having issues with attractive girls. Find girls that you really aren’t interested in having
an intimate relationship with, and befriend them! The mere act of being surrounded by females
on a frequent basis will help you tremendously in being more comfortable around women.
Having female friends is the number one way of being more comfortable with women. Just
don’t fall in love with your female friends … although if you do, is that really such a bad thing?
The Closest Thing to a Quick Fix For Confidence
The next solid piece of advice is to go to the gym. That’s because how you feel physically is
linked to how your mind feels about you in general. If you feel good after working out, and you
always do, then your mind will feel good about you in general. It’s really not about the muscles
or the health, it’s simply about feeling accomplished, energized and vibrant. Working out at the
gym does this better than anything else in the world. In addition, the more you go to the gym, the
more people will notice your appearance improve and therefore you’ll be getting compliments on
more frequently.

Imagine how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of compliments every day?

If girls came up to you and said you looked good… wouldn’t that boost up your confidence
pretty quickly? Yeah, I thought so.

#1 Go to the gym if you have a confidence issue.

The next way to be more confident with women is to be completely detached from the
outcome. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to simply stop caring about what other
people think. I know it can be hard. The trick is to concentrate on meeting people instead of
trying to ‘win’ every interaction you have. If you’re just out to meet people instead of pursuing a
specific objective, you’ll feel much more comfortable with yourself. You can’t be timid if you
aren’t afraid of losing, and you can’t lose if you aren’t actively trying. Now I’m not saying don’t
try to pick up women, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t feel as if you lost if an interaction
doesn’t go as planned.

If you meet a woman and have a great time, then that’s fantastic. If you meet a girl and things
don’t go as smoothly, then that’s fine as well. You shouldn’t worry about what a girl says, or
what hundreds of girls say for that matter. That’s because they don’t truly know you, if they did,
then they’d understand where you’re coming from.

Additional Comments About Gaining Confidence

At the end of the day, confidence doesn’t come easy. If I painted the picture that you can simply
go to the gym and be confident, then I’d like to apologize because although that’s a great
method, it won’t do it alone. Confidence is something you have to work on every single day.
You will have to be rejected many times over to toughen you up, you’ll have to accomplish
many feats that you never thought possible and eventually, you’ll be showered with compliments
you never expected.

Hard work will solve any confidence issues, so get to it today.

From my experience, if you follow this advice on how to be more confident with women, then
within a few weeks you’ll start noticing massive differences. This includes going to the gym,
getting female friends and actively approaching women. If you don’t, then you can be as good
looking as you want and you still won’t get any women.

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