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Minutes - Lead Teacher


We needed to start at 9am today and we didn’t quite manage this. Because of this we were behind
for the day. We found the group reflection was very good but did not have enough time to do a
P.M.I. correctly.

Today’s outline streamlined what we did last year, we were all very happy with the day’s agenda and
this will continue with this format.

Maria to do an Inquiry workshop for next TeKids. This will be done on a topic that will first see
students using a thinking tool – supported by a graphic organiser. This will be followed by students
presenting their findings using a web 2.0 tool that they have already used.

 Voicethread
 Stopanimation (single framer, istop, stopmotionstation)
 Pikikids
 Avatars
 Wordle
 Google search

Mary let L.T.’s know about e-followship that is a scholarship for e-learning.

TeKids Action Plan 2011

A large component of TeKids is the ability to be able to reflect and must be at the forefront of our
teaching for each session.

The K.C.’s worked hand in hand with the reflective practice.

Students to all attend student-led conference.

Students to do a voicethread on their job description. This can be done by taking a couple of points
from the job description and elaborating on it. This will show their understanding of what is

Term Two will see us hosting TeKids at different schools. Aokautere will host in Term Two with
Terrace End and Somerset Cres. in Term Three.

Milestone Writing

Mary navigated through the wiki for our new L.T.’s. It will be up to the L.T.’s to decide what to do
with last year’s work, it could be deleted our you can just keep adding.

The focus of the milestone this year is the five goals and we need to be gathering evidence of
students learning now.

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