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Human Resource Management

Miss Naila Akber

Sayed Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Haris

DATE: 4th July, 2009

Assessment Brief
1. Unit and Assessment Details

Course Title: HND Business

Unit Name: Human Resource Management
Assessor: Ms Naila Akbar
Internal Verifier: Ms Sadaf Ijaz
Assessment Title: Analysis of HRM practices, procedures for obtaining suitable
employees, principles and procedures for monitoring employees,
employee exit from the organization.
Assessing in: Group of 3
Number of Words: 3000 words (Total 30 Pages Maximum)
Outcomes Covered: 2, 3, 4
Issue Date: May 18, 2009
Due Date: July 04, 2009

Group Members

College Responsibilities
Learner Name Learner Signature
P1, P2, P3, P7, P9, M1,
7190 Sayed Muhammad Ali M2, M3, M6, D1, D2,
D3, D6
P4, P5, P6, P8, M4, M5,
7207 Muhammad Haris
D4, D5
Learner’s Declaration: I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.
Date 04/07/2009

Outcomes Covered

Outcome Description
2 Evaluate the procedures and practices used for obtaining suitable
3 Establish the effectiveness of principles and procedures for
monitoring and rewarding the employee
4 Examine voluntary and involuntary forms of employee exit from the
organization and the termination of the employment relationship

This report is based upon the human resource management and its practices by two competitor
banks i.e. Bank Alfalah and Faysal Bank.

The report is divided into three outcomes. In the first outcome, we analyzed the objectives and
the process of human resource planning and evaluated the systematic approach to recruitment
and then application of the same on two banks for finding the difference in their human resource
planning department. Also we investigated the recruitment and selection procedure in these
banks with comparison.

In the second outcome, we evaluated the application of appraisal procedures and carried out a job
evaluation for Bank Alfalah. The evaluation is made about the effectiveness of disciplinary and
grievance procedures which are in practice in the Bank Alfalah. Also we have explained the need
for maintaining personnel records by the organization.

In the last outcome, we have discussed the exit procedure used by the two banks and the need for
effective management for employee dismissal. We evaluated the selection criteria used for
redundancy and at the end we proposed techniques for dealing with redundancy.

A brief conclusion is given at the end of report.


This assignment was given by Madam Naila Akbar teacher for the subject Human Resource
Management (HND business, semester 2) to our group which comprises of Sayed Muhammad
Ali and Muhammad Haris. We were given the task for submission of report on the analysis of
HRM practices and procedures for obtaining suitable employees, principles and procedures for
monitoring employee’s and employee exit from the organization. 04th July, 2009 was given as a
last date for the completion of this assignment. For this purpose, we selected Bank Alfalah

Bank Alfalah Limited:

Vision: “To be the premier organizations operating locally & internationally that provides the
complete range of financial services to all segments under one roof.”
Mission: “To develop and deliver the most innovative products, manage customer experience,
deliver quality service that contributes to brand strength, establishes a comprehensive advantage
and enhances profitability, in this way providing value to the stakeholders of the bank.”

Bank Alfalah was established in 1997, it is a first fully private bank and having fifth
position in Pakistani banking sector. It has more than 270 branches across the country. The
Bank has highest deposits and huge paid up capital. The Bank also offers latest products and
services to their customers. This report gives an explanation about the HR practices in Bank
Alfalah with the analysis of its competitor i.e. Faysal Bank.

In order to get clearer concepts regarding the analysis of HRM practices and procedures for
obtaining suitable employees, principles and procedures for monitoring employee’s and
employee exit of Bank Alfalah. Interviews were conducted of the higher authorities, which
helped us a lot to come up with comprehensive analysis and preparing our report on the said
bank. We also took help from few books such as HND Human Resource Management and other
management books as well as search engines like Google and yahoo, which also helped us in
terms of theory.

The main hurdle was a lack of proper human resource department in the branches of Banks.
Therefore the information collected was not in detail or comprehensive.

Human Resource Planning (HRP):

Human resource planning is the process of determining an organization’s human resource needs.
It involves forecasting and planning for the acquisition, retention, improvement and the
utilization of HR. In other words we can say that it is the process through which management
select the right number of workforce for the right job, at the right place and at the right time. This
means to complete the task more effectively and efficiently and take more benefits that will help
in the success of organization. Planning is a very important part of any activity. In organization,
every decision needs its own set of plan, as there is a saying that “if you plan to fail, you plan to
fail”. Let us take an example of a firm who wants to enter into a new business or market, for the
success of a new business of a firm they should have proper planning of expansion along with
the need of financial and human resources. So HR Planning Process is the carrying out of
analysis of existing workforce and the forecasted man power. This process also includes the
development of training, skills, abilities and capabilities.
(BTEC HRM, 2001)

Objectives of Human Resources Planning (HRP):

Following are some of the objectives while carrying out human resource planning:
• Ensures right number of workforce for the right job, at the right place and at the right time.
• To reduce excessive labor turnover & high absenteeism.
• To forecast future requirements i.e. availability of finance and HR Labor.
• To ensure employees satisfaction and developing of their skills.
• To facilitate training and development programmes.
• To ensure organization is responsive to changes in the environment and technology.
• To improve productivity which help to achieve organizations goal.

Process of Human Resource Planning:

The following diagram shows the process of HR Planning:

(Figure 1: Process of HRP)

Step 1: Analysis of the Plans and Objectives of the Organization:
The organization should be clear about its objectives and strategies. The business policies such
as profitability, financial plans, production targets, market forecast and budget ettc are always
based upon and should be related to manpower planning.

Step 2: Analysis of Human Resource Requirement (Demand):

This step involves forecasting HR needs based on organizational objectives. Organizations
consider several factors while forecasting demand. Factors like objectives of the organization,
requirement of work force i.e. how many human resources are required for the achievement of
organizational objectives, the cost of labor, and environmental factor like technology and social
norms are crucial for demand forecasting.

Step 3: Analysis of Human Resource Availability (Supply):

In step three, organization checks the current position of their employees that how well they are
doing the existing programs and then forecast what additional programs they can do. This step is
the analysis of the present resources such as internal HR supply, external HR supply, analysis of
the human resource utilization etc.

Step 4: GAP Analysis:

After doing the demand and supply analysis there may become three situations.
First situation: demand may become equal to supply so no actions are needed in this situation.
Second situation: there may be surplus of workers so in such a situation steps like early
retirement, restricted hiring and down sizing are appropriate.
Third situation: a shortage of employees may arise so in such a scenario process of recruitment
and selection should carry out.

Step 5: Human Resource Planning:

This step involves developing a strategy or plan to meet the organizational human resource
needs. Organization need to prepare such a plan which removes the Gap between demand and
supply within the financial resources available to them. This should ideally take the form of
comprehensive human resource plan with various dimensions, such as organizational structure,
recruitment & selection, training & development, promotion, staff reduction, retrenchment etc.
So at that time not all the elements may require, only the prior matters then be incorporated into

Step 6: Monitoring & Control:

This is the final step in which all the process is reviewed and then takes some corrective steps
where necessary. This step also ensures that HR planning is going according to the organization
strategic plan and matches the demand and supply.

(Gary Dessler, 2005)

Comparison of Job Analysis & HR Planning Process in
Bank Alfalah and Faysal Bank:
Job Analysis of Bank Alfalah:
Job analysis is very important task because on the basis of that many administrative and
managerial decisions are made, such as recruitment, selection and training etc.
At Bank Alfalah the job analysis is conducted when the organization wants to open a new
branch, setting up new technology or new services etc. The purpose of job analysis is:
• To collect information about the different level of activities to be performed
• .To collect the data about education, skills, experience, personnel qualities
• To select the suitable person for right job

Job Analysis for Top Level Management:

The job analysis for the top management is done directly by the head office situated at Karachi
and the head office uses internal as well as external source of recruitment to fill the vacant job
accordingly. Following is one of the example of job description and job specification of the
managerial post of Bank.
Managerial Job Description:
Job Title: Branch Manager
Job Summary: Promotes banking in the community and manages branch operations in
coordination with the head office.
• Highlight the services of the bank in the community to attract people for opening their
accounts to increase the bank assets.
• To operate the branch in such a way that the cost of operation is minimized and the services
are maximized.
• To check and issue loans on merit for the increase of bank revenues.
Managerial Job Specification:
Experience: This job is for the trained person and should have minimum 2 years of working experience.
Previous job performance should be good.
Personality: Attractive
Qualification: MBA or MS in relevant field.

Human Resource Planning Process of Bank Alfalah:

HR Department is responsible for an effective HR planning regarding demand and supply of
employees and forecasting for these practices. The objectives of human resource planning for
Bank Alfalah is same like the other organizations i-e to forecast and plan for the acquisition,
retention, improvement and the utilization of HR. At Bank Alfalah Limited, Human Resource
Planning involves a decision making in three areas of combined activities:

In the first step the Bank Alfalah make a list of requirements to the specified job keeping in view
its needs, objectives, additional human resource and skills required, then bank is able to hire the
services of right kind of person to that job.

In the second step the Bank Alfalah make plans for motivation of their employees by giving
them different sort of targets and incentives on their achievement for bringing excellence in the
performance of employees in their organization.

In the 3rd step, employee goals and the organizational goals are interlinked.

Following are the different situations for which Bank Alfalah carries out different human
resource planning.

Forecasting Employee Demand:

• Opening a new branch
• Setting up or starting with new technology
• Changes in customer demand
• New services

Forecasting Employee Supply:

• Transfers
• Internal Movements (promotions)
• Job Rotations
• Overtime

Faysal Bank Limited:

Faysal Bank Limited started operations in Pakistan in 1987. Initially Faysal Bank started
functioning as an Islamic Bank but later on it converted into normal bank and renamed as Faysal
Bank Limited. Later on in January 2002, a group entity in Pakistan i.e. Al-Faysal Investment
Bank Limited became associated and merged into the current Faysal Bank. The Head Office of
the bank is situated at Faysal House Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi.
Job Analysis of Faysal Bank:
For every job there is different job specification which is according to the description of the job.
But the method of its application is different at different organization. We have taken the task of
job analysis of Faysal bank. According to our investigation, there are three different categories of
jobs in the Faysal Bank, which are handled in different ways.
Job Analysis for Lower Staff:
For lower staff there is no prescribed job description or specification. The operational manager
who is the controlling authority of the lower staff has the authority to change their job related
duties with the consultation of supervisor. If there is any job vacant at low level in the Faysal
Bank, the immediate supervisor of concerned department with the assistance of Branch Manager
will transfer the relevant job description and specification to the HRM Department of Faysal
Bank situated at Karachi. The head office will use this written job description and specification
to select the right employee for Faysal Bank.
Job Analysis for Middle Staff:
The branch manager who is the overall incharge of the bank, if there is any post vacant at middle
level staff which includes operational manager and head of all concerned department. Then the
manager will give requisition to the head office by giving job description and specification.
Job Analysis for Top Managerial Post:
In the Faysal Bank the top managerial staff is selected from the internal sources by the head
office and job analysis is directly done by the head office.

HR Planning Process of Faysal Bank:

These are the steps of HR planning process in Faysal Bank.
• Determining the objectives (To know where they are and where they wants to go)
• Defining skills required to meet objectives (To train their employees to meet the objectives
effectively and efficiently)
• Determine additional human resource requirement (To determine the need of extra work
force to do the job)
• Develop action to meet the anticipated HR needs.

Like all other good organizations, HR manager of Faysal Bank also builds employment plans
which are based on the basic assumptions for employment by forecasting three things:
• The supply of inside candidates
• Personnel needs
• The supply from outside candidates according to the bank requirements

By the utilization of their resources, it is checked that either there is any job placement or any
expansion in their business so that new jobs are open for new candidate’s .All these issues are
tackled by the HR manger and their respective staff.

Comparison of Bank Alfalah and Faysal Bank:

 At Bank Alfalah the job analysis is conducted when the organization wants to open a new
branch, setting up new technology or new services etc. They have specific job description
and job specification for each post. While in Faysal Bank they also conduct job analysis
whenever it is needed for middle level staff. But there is no specific job description and
specification for lower jobs.
 As far as top managerial jobs analysis are concerned, Bank Alfalah adopt the universal way
of recruitment from both internal and external sources according to the job description and
specification given by the head office. While in Faysal Bank the top managerial post are
mostly filled from internal sources from the persons with the required specification and job
description by the head office.
 The Bank Alfalah gets feed back from the lower supervisory staff and also from middle level
of managerial staff in the branches for their recruitment purpose. They provide job
description and specification to HR department where they analyze and make recruitment
with the consultation of the top managerial staff at the head office but Faysal Bank totally
relies on the HR department of their bank who are responsible to keep an eye on the
requirements of different branches with their expansion and growth. They mostly provide the
required staff from internal sources but external sources are also mobilized when suitable
candidate is not available for the job having certain specification and description.
 The main objective of HRM is to plan for the present and the future of the organization.
After comparing both the banks, we can conclude that the HR Planning are more or less

similar in nature. Some policies of Human Resource are different technically, but the overall
HR practices, for example- job analysis, Human Resource Planning are almost same.

Evaluation of HRP process in Bank Alfalah to Faysal Bank:

Both the banks i.e. Bank Alfalah and Faysal Bank are running successfully in Pakistan. Though
Faysal bank started a decade earlier than the Bank Alfalah but we can see that at present both are
having similar reputation which means the Bank Alfalah has shown much progress as compared
to Faysal bank. According to our analysis, the HRP in Bank Alfalah has played better role in
their progress. The main reason lies in the difference of approaches towards tackling their
problems. The human resource planning department of Bank Alfalah tries to develop links in the
employees and organizational goals. While the human resource planning department work
independently and the banks are working according to the HR planning, so naturally there are
some flaws which remain in their planning and are sorted out after the implementation of those
The Bank Alfalah has sustained its growing position in the market due to the reason that human
resource planning constantly watches its policies by reviewing and evaluating its strategies to
achieve the goals set for the future.

Recruitment is the formal process of selection of employees. It is the systematic process of
searching of candidates for employment and encourages them to apply for jobs in the
organization. The overall aim of recruitment is to obtain the quantity and quality of employees.
Effective recruitment is very important for any organization because it is the action in which
management goes into labor market to find individual who is best suited to the job. This is done
only when they communicate the position in such a way that eligible job seekers respond in
positive manner. Similarly the organization must provide essential and clear information about
the job, so that candidates who are not eligible on the given criteria can consider themselves out
of job candidacy. The good recruitment should attract the qualified and discourage the
unqualified, and this will also minimize the cost of processing unqualified candidates.

Stages of Systematic Approach to Recruitment:

The recruitment process begins when the human resource department starts receiving requisition
for recruitment from any department of the organization. A systematic approach to recruitment
process involves the following steps:
1. Detailed HR planning: A detailed document of human resource planning, which contains
anticipated detail of required human resource i.e. how much organization needs human
resource to meet it objectives.
2. Job analysis:
• Job description: (detail information of the competent tasks and duties)
• Job specification: (detail statement of professional qualification & skills required for job)
3. Identification of recruitment source
4. Preparation and publication of information (advertisement)
5. Managing the response
6. Short-listing
7. Conducting Interviews

Recruitment Sources (internal and external):

Internal Sources: “Filling of job vacancies from within the organization where selection is
made from existing employees rather than employing someone from outside”
Present employees, employee referrals, dependents of diseased and retired are the internal
sources for recruiting employees.
External Sources: “Filling of job vacancies from outside the organization”
Advertisement, employment agencies, outsourcing, and college recruiting are the external
sources of candidates.

Advantages Disadvantages
Internal Boost up Moral of employees, Develop Jealousy, Lack of command
Recruitment Incur Low Cost
External Bring qualified persons with new Longer process, More expensive
Recruitment ideas, Cheaper & faster than
training of existing employees

(Gary Dessler, 2005, P.no163)

Selection Process:
Selection process Involves screening of candidates by which best suitable person is chosen for a
vacant post from a pool of candidates. And rejecting the other who are not found eligible as per
their qualifications and suitability for job. The main objective of the selection process is to
choose the right person for the right job.

The selection process typically consists of eight steps:

1. Preliminary interview: The first step in the selection process involves screening of
candidates by initial interview and short-listing the list of candidates.
2. Completion of Application Form: Application form is the specific employment form used
to get specific information which the organization wants. In this step applicants are asked to
complete the organization’s application form.
3. Employment tests
• Performance simulation test (job behavior), In order to test the aptitude of candidates.
• Work sampling (In order to check their skills for the prescribed job)
• Assessment centers (In order to evaluate candidates individual and group performance)
4. Comprehensive interview: Interviews involve a face-to-face meeting with the candidate to
investigate the areas which is not addressed by the application form or tests.
5. Background investigation: Verification and investigation from the application form about
the backgrounds like:
• Former employers
• Previous job performance
• Education
• Legal status to work
• Criminal records
6. Conditional job offer: Job is offered on probationer bases for certain period of time. After
fulfillment of certain conditions and successful performance in that period the tentative job
may becomes permanent.
7. Medical/physical exam: An examination to determine an applicant physical fitness for
essential job performance.
8. Final selection: Individuals who perform successfully in preceding steps are now considered
eligible to receive the employment offer.

Recruitment and Selection Process in Bank Alfalah:

Bank Alfalah makes recruitment of three kind of employee’s for the fulfillment of their need of
expansion and growth i.e.
o Top Management
o Trainee Officers
o Contractual Employees
This recruitment is made on the basis of the requirement e.g. top managerial post is fulfilled
either from internal or external sources with good experience and qualification.
Trainee officers are fresh candidates usually recruited from external sources, who are having the
prescribed qualification for the post. Internal recruitment is also made by upgradation of the
lower employees with the same qualification or better performances at the lower post in the same

Some time contractual employment is made till the availability of permanent employees for the
post. Such type of employment is usually made on emergency bases.
Following sources are used to invite applications from suitable candidates for internal and
external recruitment:
• Newspapers:
Bank Alfalah advertises the vacancies in popular newspapers, which can either be in English
or Urdu language according to the need of job and situation.
• Website:
Bank Alfalah has also adopted online recruitment process like ROZEE.PK and other online
job offering websites, where they advertise the vacancies. Bank Alfalah also has its own
website, where they advertise the vacancies.
• Direct Applicants:
Fresh graduates keep on submitting their CVs to the HR Department from time to time. HR
Department selects the effective persons for interview and tests whenever a job is vacant.

Selection Procedure:
After the recruitment, the selection of most reliable and capable applicants is made at Bank
Alfalah under the supervision of HR personals.
First of all Bank Alfalah advertises in the media (newspaper, magazine, website etc) that
situation is vacant for the following post, for which their criteria are:
o Candidate must be a citizen of Pakistan.
o They must be qualified in the relevant field having graduate or post-graduate degree.
o Should have attained the age of 18 years but not be exceeding the age of 35 years.

Applications are invited from candidates on prescribed forms against the vacant posts advertised
in the newspapers, after advertisement different people apply for the job. In the preliminary CV,
irrelevant applications are screened out and relevant applications are called for written test. This
test is examined by IBP (Institute of Bankers Pakistan). The test pattern is of GMAT format in
which they judge the person job behaviour and skills of doing individual and group simulation
tasks. Then there is an initial interview in which one topic is given to each candidate and asked
to debate on that. Further screening is made from the group discussion which is examined by 10
HR executives of Bank Alfalah. In this way they judge their personality traits and leadership
qualities. Now final interview is conducted by the president of Bank Alfalah at the regional
office. Then job is offered to deserving candidates who are sent for training to the head quarter,
which is based at Karachi where they undergo intensive training in various fields. After
completion of training they are sent to different branches.

Recruitment & Selection Process in Faysal Bank:

Faysal Bank Limited recruits both from internal as well as external sources but they give more
preference to the internal recruitment by keeping in view their previous good record and to
encourage and motivate their employees. This is also less expensive as compared to getting
employees from outside by offering higher salaries. According to the recruitment policy of
Faysal Bank Limited, following internal and external recruitment sources are used:
• Newspapers:
Faysal Bank advertises the vacancies in the newspapers, magazines etc.

• Website:
Faysal Bank has also adopted online recruitment process like Bank Alfalah. They advertise
the vacancy on and other online job offering websites.
• Upgrading of present employees according to their performance.
• Retired persons are also reemployed in case of shortage of qualified personnel or increase in
load of work.

Selection Procedure:
The employee selection procedure in FAYSAL Bank is similar like the other banks and
organizations. They select the employees by the following way:
First of all Faysal Bank advertises in the media (newspaper, magazine etc) that situation is vacant
for the following post, for which their criteria are:
• Candidate must be a citizen of Pakistan.
• They must be a business graduate.
• Should have attained the age of 18 years but not exceeded the age of 35 years.

Applications are invited from candidates on prescribed forms against the vacant posts advertised
in the newspapers, after advertisement different people apply for the job.
 Scrutiny of application
 Short listing
 Issuance of call letter
 Test
 Listing on the basis of test
 Call letters for interviews
 Interviews-Panel Interviews
 Final short listing
 Offer letter
 Joining
 Training
 Posting

Comparison of Recruitment & Selection Process in Bank Alfalah &

Faysal Bank:
 As far as recruitment from external sources and selection procedure is concerned, the method
is the same in both the banks. But the difference lies in the policies of human resource
planning department. In the Bank Alfalah, all this is done with the consultation of
administration at bank level while in the Faysal Bank; the human resource planning
department is fully authorized to make decision in creation of posts and recruitment on the
vacant post by themselves.
 Recruitment from internal sources at higher position is in practice and preferred in the Faysal
Bank because of its low incurring cost. While Bank Alfalah prefer to employee highly
educated and qualified person from outside at high cost because they think that with the
changing technology all over the world, it is necessary to bring trained person in their setup
to cope with the new challenges.

Personal Suggestions for the Effectiveness of Recruitment and
Selection Process in the Bank Alfalah and Faysal Bank:
According to our analysis, Faysal Bank is mostly recruiting employees on higher post from
internal sources. Only lower staff and trainee officers are taken from outsources. No doubt it is
economical in a sense that internal recruitment at higher post is a usage of talent and experience,
which has been acquired with the passage of long period of time in their bank. These employees
are well acquainted in their fields, which is not only economical but also time saving and a sort
of encouragement to the lower staff. This also produces motivation and creates sense of
protection among the employees.
But in our opinion, this is the main hindrance in the progress of Faysal Bank because selection
from internal sources is a ban on new talent and experience from outside. Therefore new ways
and ideas are not introduced in their bank and they are running their bank on old beaten tract
without any novelty of technology in their working. It is therefore suggested that certain
technical posts should be filled on merit and open competition that will help in the progress of
Faysal Bank.

On the other hand, Bank Alfalah is always hunting for talent by getting recruitments from
external sources which is good for the bank but their employee feel deprived and less motivated
due to their little chance of promotion and achievements of higher grades, so they are always in
search of good offers from other banks and organization and this is the main cause of brain drain
from the Bank Alfalah.
In our opinion, Bank Alfalah need to adopt a balanced policy of recruitment and selection i-e
there should be atleast 20% reserved seats for internal recruitments of employees at higher
grades, which will bring sort of motivation and the employees will start feeling secure their
future in bank.

Performance Appraisal:
Performance appraisal is the assessment of an individual’s performance in a systematic way, in
which the performance is being measured against such factors i-e job knowledge, quality &
quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, co-operation, judgment, loyalty etc. Assessment
should not be confined to past performance alone. On the basis of performance appraisals of
employees, certain decisions are made i-e promotion, training, transfers, bonuses & incentives
Appraisals play a very important role in the employer’s management and their performance. The
main objective of performance appraisal is to improve employee’s efficiency. Appraisal can be
used by the organization in the following ways.
• To improve employees efficiency and their performance
• Develop confidence and hopes in employees about their career development
• Give feedback of the employees to the managerial staff
• Helps in motivating employees
• Provide uniform mechanism of evaluation to all employees
• Establish direction through objectives for performance
• Provide standard criteria for promotion and increase in the salary of employees
• Provide justification for transfers and discharges
• Helps in better understanding between employees and supervisors

Method of Performance Appraisal:

There are lot of methods of performance appraisal and can broadly categorized into two types.
• Traditional Methods
• Modern Methods

Traditional Methods:
Traditional methods are comparatively older methods of performance appraisals which are only
based on personal qualities i-e knowledge, loyalty and leadership etc. Following are different
traditional methods:
Unstructured Method: In this method, appraisal process doesn’t follow any specific structure.
It is only based on the description of the employee by the superior i-e judgment of leadership
qualities by the superior.
Ranking Method: In this method superior is asked to rate all the employees from highest to
lowest. Thus it is easy for superior to rate the best and worst one among all.
Paired Comparison: In this method, each member performance is compared with every other
member in the group. Thus a ranking system is formed and best one is chosen.
Man to Man Comparison: In this method performance of employees is determined on certain
factors i-e initiative, leadership and other personal qualities which are compared with another
Forced Choice Method: A type of method in which two options is given to the rater and the
rater must choose on of them about employee’s work behaviour.
E.g. is he loyal? (Yes or No)
Essay Method: In this method evaluator writes an essay about employee strength, weaknesses,
and past performance. But there is a major disadvantage in this method i.e. personal clash.

Checklist Method: In the checklist method, a rater is given a list of behavioural description and
the evaluator merely goes down the list and check off ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each question.

Modern Methods:
Modern methods were formulated to improve upon traditional methods. Modern methods
remove the shortcoming of old methods such as biased and prejudiced. Some of the modern
methods are:
Behavioral anchored rating scale (BARS): A performance appraisal technique that appraises
an employee on example of actual job behavior rather than traits. Advantage of this method is
the focus on specific and measurable job behavioral and the disadvantage is time consuming.
Management by Objective (MBO): This method is not done by a single person (Boss) but it is
done through mutual communication between boss and employees. It is the process of goal
setting and feed back.
360 degree feedback:
A performance appraisal method that utilizes feedback from supervisors, employees and
coworkers. This is thorough process but time consuming.

Job Evaluation:
It is the systematic approach for finding the value of the job offered by an organization. In this
we review the job not the person who is performing it. One of the simplest methods of analysis is
to break it into different factors; each factor is then allotted some points or score, on the basis of
those points job is then evaluated e.g. level of experience, knowledge, skill required etc are the
factors which score points in the process of evaluation. The main purpose of job evaluation to
give employee wages in such a way so that, they feel motivated.

When using job evaluation the organization must focus on these points.
1. Detail jobs analysis:
The details job analysis will clearly provide detail information about the following main tasks.
• The specific skills and abilities needed for certain job
• The value of assets
• The working conditions
• The number of employees answerable to the employer

2. Identifying relevant job factors:

These includes skills needed for the job, qualification required, the level of responsibilities,
physical efforts levels needed and better working conditions
3. Points are allocated for each job factor
4. Total score of the points give evaluation of their job

In jobs evaluation, jobs that require greater qualification, more responsibilities and duties should
be paid more than jobs with lesser requirements. The salary of the employee will be according to
the responsibility which they have to perform.

(Job and work analysis, Date Accessed 28/06/2009)

The Job Evaluation Criteria of Bank Alfalah:
In Bank Alfalah the job evaluation criteria is the basic pay; the fixed salary or wages which
constitutes the rates for the job. In the skill based jobs, these rates may vary according to the skill
and competence of a person. The rates are fixed by managerial judgment that what is required to
recruit and retain the employee.
There is no concept of bonuses, commission or over time related pay. The official timing of bank
is 09.00 AM to 06.00 PM but almost all of the employees have to work till 08.00 PM. However,
for this additional work they are not given any additional remuneration or over time.

Appraisal Approach of Bank Alfalah Limited:

Regarding the performance appraisal, Bank Alfalah adopts both types of approaches.
a. Traditional Approach:
This approach of appraisal is about the overall organization, on the basis of their past
performance. In the Bank Alfalah, it is reviewed at branch level. Each branch is responsible to
show its performance in accordance to the set goals in a positive direction.
b. Modern Approach:
In this method the employees are allocated certain goals or targets to be fulfilled in the given
period, which show the overall performance of each employee e.g. they are asked to collect the
deposit of certain amount in the prescribed period. The performances of all the branches are
reviewed at the end of December. Till yet Bank Alfalah, has no computerized system to assess
the performance of employees.

Performance Appraisal Process in Bank Alfalah:

The performance appraisal process in the Bank Alfalah Ltd. is carried out in the following
 A work target is given to the employees in accordance with the expectation of the employers
through which employees are evaluated.
 The Bank Alfalah develops performance appraisal form at the beginning of the year and
makes it known to all employees about their criteria of evaluation.
 The employees are observed and checked on that fixed criteria for certain period of time say
1 year or 6 months and their points are scored at the end of that period.
 It establishes the assessment of performance and the progress against work expectation.
 This formal documentation of performance through completion of the Performa provides a
tool for evaluation of the work of each employee.
 After completion of the form, they discuss the appraisal with the employees.
 At the end, appropriate action is recommended in accordance with the appraisal of
 Report is submitted by the manager to the higher authorities about the evaluation of
employee from different dimension, which help them to award them with increment or to
stop their increment for the coming year.

Proposed Strategies for Improving Performance Appraisal of Bank
Alfalah Limited:
Normally performance appraisal is carried out by mutual understanding of employees and
employers where some achievable targets are set and the performance is evaluated by scoring
certain points from the factors which are derived from segmentation of the task and finally the
results are obtained from accumulation of the points achieved during a set period of time. The
high or low score of each individual employee is used for giving them promotion or increment.

Following are the some recommendations for improving the effectiveness of this method of
appraisal in Bank Alfalah:
1. The method should be made transparent by using computerized system which are connected
throughout the branches on net, so that overall comparison of the employees can easily be
made and no favoritism or nepotism should be given.
2. This evaluation of appraisal of performance should only be used for motivation purpose and
not for penalizing their employees. Those who are able to score high points should be
awarded in such a way that other employees are motivated to achieve that kind of target in
3. Those who are not able to achieve 50% of their target should be only given letter reprimand
or warning to improve their work or their increment may be stopped next year if they do not
improve their required result.
4. Feedback is also very important factor for improvement of performance appraisal of the
employees in the Bank Alfalah.

Discipline is the set of rules and regulation for people to follow usually in an organization. If
organization did not have any discipline and rules about the way their employees should behave
then simply they would be free to do anything they want.

It is a formal way of resolving a problem at work. A grievance is a matter connected with the
terms and condition of employment or working arrangements that affect an individual directly or
affect their personal dealings or relationship with other staff members of the organization. It
occurs when employee feels him self that he/she is treated wrongly by his supervisor or

The Grievance procedure:

It is a process to resolve disputes, problems and misunderstandings associated with the staff of
the organization. This procedure is used in every organization and it is very important for every
organization. If employee has suffering from problem related to other employee then he/she
should immediate contact to his senior staff for resolving the problem.

Human Resource management:

Human resource management is the organization function that deals with the issues related to the
people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development,
safety, wellness, benefit, employee motivation, communication, administration and training.
Human resource play very important role in every organization.

(, Date Accessed 29/06/2009)

Disciplinary Procedure in Bank Alfalah:

There is a list of disciplinary procedure which is very important for every employee to follow
these rules and regulations are
• In bank Alfalah maximum 85% attendance is very important for every employee. The bank
Alfalah doesn’t compromise on attendance. There are no excuses for formal absentees. If the
attendance record of any employee below from 85% then strict action is taken against him.
• The working hour of bank Alfalah is from 9am to 6pm. If any person is late from 9am then
action is taken against him. If the reason for coming late is formal then no action is taken
against an employee.
• If any body found who misuse the property of Bank Alfalah then organization takes strict
action against him.
• Every employee should come in proper dress to the office.
• Missbehaviour with customers is not allowed.
• Smoking is prohibited inside the organization; this rule is applied on the employees as well
as of the customers.
• Any thing which harms the image and reputation of organization is strictly prohibited.
• Taking interest in organization activities is the duty and responsibility of every employee

Evaluating the Disciplinary procedure of Bank Alfalah:
The rules and regulation of bank Alfalah is very simple. They believe in having comfortable and
friendly environment so the employee can enjoy their work. If some one tries to break the rules
and regulation of the Bank Alfalah then manager has the authority to take strict action against
him. Bank Alfalah is in the position to give benefits to their customers and employees under
certain discipline that’s why Bank Alfalah doesn’t compromise on their rules and regulation.

Grievance Procedure at Bank Alfalah:

The proper procedure for every problem is handled in Bank Alfalah. if any employee have
suffered from some problem then first of all he goes to the regional manager and discuss the
problem with him after this if the regional manager is not in the position to solve his/her
grievance then the problem is forwarded to be the HR department. HR department will continue
the work on the problem, if the grievance of the employee is valid then the HR department will
remove the grievance and the problem will be solved, but if the grievance is unvalid then the
grievance will be rejected.

Evaluating the Grievance Procedure of Bank Alfalah:

The grievance procedure of Bank Alfalah is simple. If the grievance occurs in the organization
the human resource department will solve it.HRD put all its efforts for solving the employee
grievance. There aim I to solves the problem as soon as possible because grievance may caused
damage to the image and reputation of the Bank Alfalah in the market.

Suggestions for the Improvement of Discipline Grievance Procedure

• Rules and regulations should clearly be stated: For discipline to be instilled in employees
there should be clear rules and regulations that stipulates what is expected of each employee
and what is not expected of them.
• The rules and regulations should be constantly updated and reviewed. This will make it
possible to do away with rules that are no more necessary and addition of new ones that are
• There should be no discrimination in enforcing rules and regulations. To make sure that there
is discipline in an organization there should be a general rule for every defaulter.
• Another important thing is that it will prevent employees from getting involved in
indiscipline should be discouraged and prevented.
• There should be proper communication of the rules concerning discipline in the firm. These
rules should be written in the employee handbook and also put in notice boards. By so doing
no employee can say he or she is not aware of the rules.
• Disciplinary actions should be in such a way that defaulters will not want to be disciplined a
second time after defaulting for a first time.

The Need for Maintaining Personal Records:

Every organization needs to full fill the personal records of every employee. Personal records
contain information which is kept on every employee of the organization to form an employee
record. Such records are used for the internal use of the firm as well as by the government and
other agencies.
The need for the effective management of personal records arises because
• The personal data of employee’s history is very important to be stored when ever
updating is required then the stored data may be use.
• When government and agencies wants detailed of any employee then the detailed must be
provided to them.
• Personal or work information is very important for the organization it will gives help in
management areas such as recruitment, selection, healthy and safety issues and in training
and development etc.
The purpose for storing the personal records is to gather or use of communicate information
about the human resource of an organization.

It is the termination of the employee’s contract by the employer with or without notice. It is also
the expiry of fixed term contract without renewal.
If an employer keeps an employee in his employment, but on a different contract the employer is
terminating the existing contract and it will count as dismissal. There is a specific procedure for
dismissals of employee. Every organization has different dismissals procedure but the general
dismissal procedure is mentioned below

Friendly Talk:
If the mistake is for the first time and is not so serious then employee should be warn via friendly
in formal talk for not repeat the mistake in future.
Oral Warning:
If the mistake is repeated again then oral warning given to the offender. The human resource
person invites him talks to him and warns him again to be aware such a minor actions in the
First Written Warning:
When the mistake is again done by the offender then written serious warning is given to him.
The mistake which offender is doing again and again is converting in to the habit of the offender
to avoid this habit an organization gives a written warning consist of the details of complaints or
mistakes to the offender. In this written warning the organization warns him to not repeat this in
Final Written Warning:
If an employee making a habit of such type of minor mistake again and again then this action
damages the reputation and image of the organization then a final written warning given to him.
This warning letter consists of the details of the minor mistakes and improvement of the
mistakes. The organization strictly warns him to not repeat these mistakes in future other wise
he/she will be suspended from the job.
If the mistake is strong then the employee may be suspended from the job without pay.
Depending on the level of the mistake the suspension may take up to two months or more.
If the offender is not changing him self then he will be demoted from his post or position. Then
this position is given to other staff member who is perfect for this position.
This action is the last tool for employee. If employee does not improve his mistakes after several
warnings then dismissal tool to be used by the organization. This is the strongest action that can
be carried out on an employee and he/she will be dismissed rightly.

The fact that the requirements of the business for employees to carry out work of a particular
kind in the place where they were so employed have ceased or diminished or are expected to do

(, Date Accessed 30/06/2009)

Redundancy may happen:

• Work that used to be done by the people become mechanized can be done by the
• Business slow down due to lower sales or production.
• The business relocates.
• A mergers or takeover happens.
• The business restructures or reorganizes.
• Change in tariffs or exchange rates.

The organization, through line managers, and supported by the Department of Human Resources,
shall undertake meaningful consultation with the recognized Campus Union representatives, with
a view to reaching agreement on all matters covered by relevant legislation. The process which
shall normally be followed is set out in the supporting management guidance notes and shall
depend upon the prevailing circumstances.
Where it is not possible to avoid redundancy the requirements of legislation shall be met and a
reasonable period of time shall be allowed for meaningful consultation to take place with staff
and Campus Union representatives. The following are the steps used for redundancy.

General Criteria Used for Redundancy:

• The reason for redundancies.
• The number and categories of employees involved in redundancy.
• The numbers of employees in these categories employed at the establishment.
• How you plan to select employees for redundancy.
• How you will carry out redundancies.
• How you will work out redundancy payments.

Selection criteria shall have regard to the number of redundancies necessary and be based
upon the skills required to meet the current and future needs of the organization. Criteria may
• Skills and experience in relevant field.
• Qualification.
• Attendance records.
• Disciplinary record.

Comparison of Exit, Dismissal, and Redundancy Procedure
of Bank Alfalah and Faysal Bank:
Exit Procedure in Bank Alfalah:
• Resignation letter in written form.
• Process on resignation letter
• Employee exit interview
• Acceptance of resignation
• Exit check list

If any employee of bank Alfalah wants to resigns from the job then proper procedure will be
done. First of all an employee gives a written resignation letter to the organization in which
he/she mentioned that he wants to resign from the job. After this then the organization start
works on this resignation letter. When this resignation letter comes in process then the
organization decides to accept or deflects this resignation letter. If this resignation letter accepts
by the organization then the exit interview will conducted. The process for this exit interview is
to provide feedback on why the employee is leaving the job what they liked or did not liked
about their employment and what areas of the organization they feel need improvement. After
exit interview the resignation will be accepted by the organization. When the resignation will be
accepted then the employee will be allowed to leave the job. After this the exit check list will be
done this will include the following thing for example
• Clean out entire office (desk, files) return all supplies to production, take all personal
• Return all company’s credit cards.
• Hand in all copies of reports and manuals.
• Delete software from personal laptops or home computers.

Dismissal Procedure of Bank Alfalah:

In banks there are more chances of fraud in cash. There is a proper procedure of against
employee dismissal.
1. If any employee found in the fraud of cash in bank then the bank will send him the written
2. After the warning letter the internal inquiry will be conducted in the organization upon that
3. This inquiry result will be sent to the higher management for further inquiry.
4. If the fraud is proved on the employees then inquiry committee is established.
5. When inquiry proceeding is over then this committee makes a detailed report on that
6. After this if the fraud is proved on the employee then dismissal letter is given to him and he
will be dismissed fro the job.

Redundancy at Bank Alfalah:
Bank Alfalah is operating under the two types of redundancy.
1. Compulsory Redundancy:
The compulsory redundancy candidates are the most favorable candidates. These candidates
serve the bank from more than 30 years. These candidates are serve from money and also offered
them pension for their future life. The organization also gives them medical or health facilities.
Because these candidates apart from the age of above 55 years and are also the most favorable
candidates for compulsory redundancy.

2. Non Compulsory Redundancy:

In this case the employees are encourage to do the task in formal and good way in return they
will be benefited by a special package which is called Golden handshake. This package offers
provident fund, medical benefit, monthly pension, car finance etc.

Exit Procedure in Faysal Bank:

There are several steps involve in the exit procedure of Faysal bank.
• Written resignation letter.
• Submit this resignation letter before the three months of resigning.
• Clear all the dues of the organization.
• Acceptance of resignation letter.

Dismissal Procedure in Faysal bank:
Following are the steps of dismissal in Faysal bank.
• Written warning given to the employee.
• Inquiry will conduct in organization.
• A committee will made for high inquiry.
• If proved that such employee is involved in fraud or other informal work then dismissal letter
will be given to him/her.
• At the end he/she will be dismissed.

Redundancy at Faysal Bank:

This is same like in Bank Alfalah. They are also observes in two types of redundancy.
1- Compulsory Redundancy.
2- Non compulsory Redundancy.

There is not so much big difference between the exit, dismissal and redundancy procedure of the
organization that we selected .the organization that we selected for this comparison is bank
Alfalah and Faysal Bank. Most of the points are same in both banks. But there is also little bit
difference in their exit and dismissals procedures but the redundancy procedure is same in both
banks. The Bank Alfalah exit procedure is much more complicated as compare to Faysal bank.
They give resignation to the employee after a lot of inquiry but Faysal bank not does so much
inquiry in exit procedure.

Strategies for Tackling Turnover, Reducing Employee Turn Over
and Cost Associated with it:
Turn over costs for many organizations are very high and can significantly affect the
financial performance of an organization. Direct costs include recruitment, selection, and training
of new people. Much time and expense go into this process. Indirect costs include such things as
increased workloads and overtime expenses for coworkers, as well as reduced productivity
associated with low employee morale. There are many potential causes for turnover. Area
economic conditions and labor market conditions affect general turnover rates and can be very
difficult to manage. However, certain causes associated with turnover in any specific job or
organization can be managed. These include such things as non-competitive compensation, high
stress, working conditions, monotony, poor supervision, poor fit between the employee and the
job, inadequate training, poor communications, and organization practices .For a company to
develop a retention strategy, several steps must be taken.
• First, they must assess the current situation and measure the turnover rate in their
• Hire the right people and continue to develop their careers.
• Improve competitive pay and benefits.
• Provide opportunities for ongoing skill and career development
• Improve supervising training
• Give long term incentives packages to the employees.
• Conduct group meetings with agents to discuss environmental factors, such as stress,
management style, workload, etc
• Conduct regular employee satisfaction survey.

A company must also measure the cost of turnover, develop retention strategies, and plan for
some expected turnover and a changing workforce culture.

Employees Turnover:
Employees Turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. Employee
turnover is costly to the company because immediate vacuum is created which is difficult to fill.
Placement of inappropriate person may take place before recruitment of suitable person. Thus lot
of damage to the organization may occur in the due course.

Causes of Employee Turnover:

1. One problem is the type of the work, if the working environment is not good and there is no
opportunity to excel in the existing hierarchy then it creates the problem of employee
2. Misunderstanding between the management and workers also leads towards the rise in
3. The workers join the unions, most of the time unions challenges the management and creates
problem for the workers and thus the management take hard action against workers and
employee turn over increases.
4. Employee turnover can increase due to not fully fitness of the employee’s i-e both physical
and mental.
5. When employee changes the job from one industry to another for better wages, it creates
employee turnover in previous industry.
6. If an employee is not fit enough for the job and has completed 10 years of service, then
golden handshake is given to them in the form of incentives.
7. The bad recruitment and selection applied by the management may leads to the occurrence of
employee turnover.

Need for the Effective Management of Employee Dismissal:

When any employee who found in fraud or in corruption in organization then the organization
used the dismissal tool against him This tool organization thus uses when the problem is serious
and against the laws and regulations of the organization. If the fraud or corruption of the
employee is proved upon him/her then they will be dismissed from the job for maintaining the
future discipline of organization that no other employee should repeat the same task in future.
The need for the effective management is very important for every organization because
dismissal of any single employee from the job can affect the other staff members of the
organization either in negative direction or in positive direction. Some times the reason of
dismissal is not so much serious then the should be warn orally and allowed him/her to work in
organization but if the problem is serious then there is no chance for leaving him without an
inquiry. Every organization has an inquiry department. This department takes a check on every
employee. If an employee who found to be in fraud then this inquiry department will start
inquiry on that employee. The department will give a written final warning to the employee
before dismissal. The need for the effective management of employee is very important because
may be sometime the employee is not involved in such type of activities (fraud or corruption)
and the organization claim upon him that he/she is involved in that activities then this action may
be discourage that employee and may be on the basis of that claim the employee leave that job
rightly. Following are some steps which are very important before employee dismissal.

• First investigate that the employee is truly involved in fraud or in corruption.
• Take a check upon the employee for the specific time.
• If under this check he/she found in that activities then send the problem to the inquiry
• The inquiry department will give oral or written warning to that employee but during this
warning the department will investigate him/her.
• After a lot of inquiry or investigation if the employee is involved in those activities then
dismissal letter sent to that employee.
• At the end the employee should be dismissed from the job.

Employee Redundancy:
When an employer decides that employee job is not needed to be done by any one then this job
becomes redundant. It is the job which is redundant, not the individual. Employee’s redundancy
may take place due to following two different reasons.
1. If the time period of job is over or the contract is finished
2. Sometimes employees are working properly and the organization also doesn’t want to loose
their services but situation arises due to which organization is compelled to take this step.
Following are the situations in which organizations are bound to go for redundancy.
• The work which was formally performed by man is now done by machines e.g. computer has
replaced hundreds of employees.
• When the business is shifted from one place to another.
• When the job for which employees were hired exists no longer.
• When two businesses merge with each other.
• When there is need of minimizing the cost, staff is reduced.
• Poor planning and falling demand of the product.
• Economic problems or change in technology.

Approaches for Dealing with Redundancy:

Redundancy is always a bitter step to be taken by the employers but they cannot spare others at
the cost of their own. Therefore time comes when the employers are compelled to say good bye
to the most favorite workers of their organization. The redundancy is felt as a shock by the
employees who had worked for many years in some organization. This bring disturbance in their
smooth running life. The salaried people have fixed income and they have adjusted their
expenses according to that. This sudden change like redundancy comes in the form of their
dismissal from the services. The employees are not ready to accept redundancy even if they are
paid above the legal minimum. In order to deal with this situation, following approaches can be
adopted by an organization.
• Voluntary redundancy
• Early retirement
• Compulsory redundancy
• Last in first out (LIFO)
• Retention on merit

Evaluation of the Selection criteria used for redundancy
Different selection criteria are used for redundancy, following is the evaluation of some of the
criteria of redundancy.
Voluntary Redundancy: Removal of staff by voluntary redundancy is a good approach than
compulsory redundancy because it is less painful towards both sides. But in case of large scale of
redundancy, this approach is inappropriate as the numbers of volunteers are not sufficient.
Early Retirement: It is similar to voluntary redundancy because it is applied on those workers
who are at the verge of retirement. It is clearly in favour of both individual and organization but
it may result in the loss of experienced person.
Compulsory Redundancy: When organization find the voluntary and early retirement of
employees insufficient then they are compelled to go for compulsory redundancy.
Last in First out (LIFO): In this approach, the new commers are dismissed and the long serving
employees are given a chance to continue. This seems to be a fair approach because it reduces
compensation payments and organization doesn’t loose their experience individual.
Retention on Merit: Employees who are performing well are retained while the less effective
workers are made redundant. For an organization this approach is clearly of their benefit but they
cannot justify the selection by their own way of appraisal of performance of their workers.

Proposed Techniques of Dealing with Redundancy:

Following are the proposed techniques for any organization to deal with the situation of
redundancy in effective manner:
• The employees should be informed well before taking decision of their redundancy. This
period should be atleast 6 months to give them sufficient time for adjustment and enabling
them to seek alternate or new jobs.
• Trade unions of the employees should also be taken in confidence before going for
• Set up a special employee forum or consultative body long enough before the redundancies
occur to provide information and to consult.
• They redundant employees must be compensated in such a way that they may be able to
accept this change whole heartedly.
• Help should be provided to redundant employees for finding other jobs.
• Contact should be made with other local employers who may have vacancies for their
redundant employees.


Organizations exist when two or more people work towards achieving common goals. An
organization can never be better than the people it hires. Hence we have to get the best to be the
best because the performance of the employees reflects the company’s image and standing in the
market. Better the quality of the employees better the performance of the company.

Bank Alfalah is engaged in several business activities. There are various different techniques and
methods that the management goes through, in order to run this organization. To stay on top,
Bank Alfalah has adopted modern and up to date human resource management concepts. They
adopted such approaches that they have been able to keep their employees satisfied and happy
for so many years.

This report has highlighted different aspects of human resource management i-e HR planning,
job analysis, recruitment & selection, hiring, dismissal, evaluation and assessment of employees
along with personal recommendation and procedures that might be useful for the Bank Alfalah
HR management.


• BTEC. (2001) HND Business: Human Resource Management: BPP Publishing.

• Gary Dessler (2005), Human resource Management, prentice hall of India New Delhi

• Job Evaluation (Job and work analysis, Date Accessed 28/06/2009)

• Redundancy (bbk, Date Accessed 30/06/2009)

• Introduction of Bank Alfalah Limited, Date Accessed 20/06/2009)

• Introduction of Faysal Bank Limited, Date Accessed 20/06/2009)

Arbab Ghayoor Khan, In-Charge Human Resources Department, Bank Alfalah University Road Peshawar.

Miss Orakzai, Bank Manager, Faysal Bank Peshawar City Branch.


Course Title: HND Business

Unit Name: Human Resource Management
Assessor: Ms Naila Akbar
Internal Verifier: Ms Sadaf Ijaz
Assessment Title: Analysis of HRM practices, procedures for obtaining suitable
employees, principles and procedures for monitoring employees,
employee exit from the organization.
Assessment Method: Report
Assessing in: Group of 3
Number of Words: 1500 words (Total 25 Pages Maximum)
Outcomes Covered: 2, 3, 4

Issue Date: May 18, 2009

Due Date: July 04, 2009

Names of Group members:-

Sayed Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Haris

Meeting No. 1:

Time: - 08:45 am to 11:30 am

Date: - 17th June, 2009
Venue: - Ali’s home, Shaheen Town.

Purpose of Meeting:

In this meeting, we discussed the assignment brief in detail. We made a schedule for completing
the assignment and selected the two banks for our report.

Internal Verifier:
Miss Sadaf Ijaz.

Naila Akber Marwat

Signature: ______________________


Course Title: HND Business

Unit Name: Human Resource Management
Assessor: Ms Naila Akbar
Internal Verifier: Ms Sadaf Ijaz
Assessment Title: Analysis of HRM practices, procedures for obtaining suitable
employees, principles and procedures for monitoring employees,
employee exit from the organization.
Assessing in: Group of 3
Number of Words: 1500 words (Total 25 Pages Maximum)
Outcomes Covered: 2, 3, 4

Issue Date: May 18, 2009

Due Date: July 04, 2009

Names of Group members:-

Sayed Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Haris

Meeting No. 2:

Time: - 10:45 am to 11:30 am

Date: - 25thJune, 2009
Venue: - Ali’s home, Shaheen Town.

Purpose of Meeting:
In this meeting we made a program for visit of the two banks for collection of information and
data for our assignment.

Internal Verifier:
Miss Sadaf Ijaz.

Naila Akber Marwat

Signature: ______________________


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