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All advertisers do not use all available
media at the same time.
1. The number of people
influenced / Media circulation.
j Yvery medium has a general circulation.
Media must be selected keeping in view
the desired market so that waste in
circulation is minimized.
O. Objective of Advertisement.
jEach product or service is
meant to reach a specific
market or the general public at
×. Requirement of message.
The management should consider
the mediums which are most suitable for
the presentation of the message to the
market. If a product needs a lengthy
message, out door advertisement cant be
a good media.
. Time and location of buyers.
jThe advertiser should select the
medium which will reach the
prospective customers at or near the
point of purchase, where he buys it or
makes the buying decision.
½. Cost of Media.
jThe most important criterion of selecting a
particular advertising media is the cost. The cost of
advertising media should be considered in relation to
The amount of fund available.
Circulation of the media. If small amounts of
funds are available, costly media like TV, feature
film etc can ruled out. Companies having limited
funds can go for press and displays.
Ô. Extent of Competition.
jCompetition in the field is another
consideration in selecting the media.
Generally the medias used by the
Competitors are preferred so as to make an
impressive appeal for the product.
0.Size and Nature of the business.
This also plays an important role. A big unit
having chains may0 make use of TV,
Radio, or News papers having national
network, where as small unit will prefer
local paper or display.

structure & organization

what agencies do.

and how they¶re organized
to do it.
Advertising Agency
j An advertising agency is an independent
professional organization of specialists to
offers services in advertising.
Mop 10 Advertising
Agencies in the Philippines
Mhe best in advertising agencies continue
to generate interest with all the positive
revenues they are bringing to many high
profile businesses. Mhese are the top 10
Philippine advertising agencies that have
dominated the Philippine advertising
McCann World Group has a prestigious
client list (L¶Oreal, Sony Yricsson,
Siemens, Microsoft and Coca-Cola, just
to name a few) and they are on top of
their game for good reason. Y cellent
work ethic and significant positioning of
brands in the consumer market make
McCann one of the best in their field.
Ogilvy and Mather

j Mhis global group of companies also made

it in the top 10 advertising agencies in the
Philippines. Consumers may remember
this company to be the advertising agency
that did the catch Siren advertisement for
Unilever Pond¶s company, DHL and
Nagaraya crackers. Mhey were also
involved in major tie-ups such as the
Manny Pacquiao-Nike campaign in 2008
that gave them the Anvils Award.
MWA Santiago-Mangada-

j On defying conventions and consistent

reinventions, MWA Santiago Mangada
Puno advertising agency has gained the
thumbs up and won the Agency of the
Year award in the 21st Philippines
Advertising Congress held on November
21, 2009. Mheir most famous work to date
is the oysen ³Flowers´ commercial
which bagged majority of the awards from
the same event.
DO Guerrero

j DO Guerrero has brought home the

advertising bacon with their recent Lola
Mechie commercial for ayanMel
Communications. Mhey also have Krispy
Kreme as part of their acquisition this
February. Mhey are part of the Omnicom
Global Group. Mhe Gunn Report also
declares them the most awarded agency
network in the world.
Ace Saatchi and Saatchi

j Creating ³lovemarks´ from client to

consumer is the main spiel of Ace
Saatchi and Saatchi. In the recent
Advertising Congress in the
Philippines, their most notable
contribution is the ³ai uy´
Publicis Jimenez-asic

j Previously named Jimenez-asic

prior to adapting the Publicis
network name, this company has
been established as on of the largest
creative network agencies in the
Lowe Lintas

j Lowe is the advertising agency

responsible for the A e spray
adverts and the Victoria Court Drive
in hotel billboards along key
locations in Manila. Mheir most
successful ad to date is the Wais si
Lumen advertisement. Other
prominent clients include Nokia,
Unilever and Johnson & Johnson.

j HSC, Canon, Unicef and Western

Union are just some of the big names
of clients that DentsuIndio has under
their care. Mhey are also responsible
for the Honda Jazz website which got
awarded in the 21st Advertising
DM9 Jayme SyFu

j Mhey claim to be small but credible. ut

they are at least big enough to make it to
the top 10 agencies in the Philippines in
advertising. Cannes 2008 attests that they
are the top Philippine agency. Part of the
D Communications World Group, they
are heavily focused on inter-disciplinary
creative collaborations. Satisfied clients
include Ma ¶s, SMARM Communications,
Crossings, John Robert Powers, PLDM,
Vicky elo and Music One.
Leo urnett Manila

j For one, they have the Philippine

Airlines under their wing for
e emplary creative services. Mhey
were also responsible for the airing
of the MV commercial urging people
to do online voting for the Yarth
j Suitability
j Facilities
j Imagination
j Records
j Reputation
j Management
j Mimeliness
 basic factors are to be taken in to account
j Competing Accounts-
Accounts- Mhose agencies, which are
working for competitors are generally avoided.
j Location-- As for location, most advertisers want
an agency whose office is located where the
advertisers are. Mhis preference is chiefly for
j Policies-- Policies of the agency should be suitable
for the advertiser..
j Size-- Mhe size of agency is also important. Usually,
larger Co¶s are able to provide numerous facilities
along with wide range of skills.

j efore choosing an agency, the

advertiser has to look into his
requirements and see that
whether a particular agency is in
a position to offer the required
service satisfactorily.
j Mhe agency must possess
profound knowledge and rich
and meaningful imagination in
order to take up the campaign.
Imagination enables to develop
the right campaign for clients to
solve their problems.

j Much is revealed about an

agency, by its records. If an
agency is really popular and
reliable, it will have ma imum
number of clients. Mhe accounts
indicate their past performance,
and e perience.

j Usually an advertiser is
concerned with the reputation of
the organization, which will be
creating his advertising. Mhe
information relating to reputation
can be collected from various
sources like media, clients etc.
j Another important consideration
is the management of the agency.
Here the concern about
management centers around the
caliber, quality, stability and
background. Mhe e perience of
top e ecutives is also of
considerable importance.
j Mhe success of every campaign
depends to a considerable e tent
on its presentation at an
appropriate time. In fact much time,
effort and money will go waste, if
the advertisements fail to appear at
the right time.

j An advertising budget is a functional

budget setting the goals and
objectives in terms of income and
e penditure on advertising during a
specified period. It states the
proposed advertising e penditure
and informs and suggests the Co¶s
management of the anticipated cost
of e ecuting the advertising plan.
mactors are to be considered in
determining the budget size.
1.Size and Y tent of Market.
Mhe size of the budget depends on
the decision ³how many people are
to be reached´. It costs more to
reach large, widely dispersed
national market, than small, highly
concentrated local market.
O. Stage in product Life cycle.

j Mhe introduction of a new product

generally requires heavier
advertising. uilding brand
awareness, introducing trial, and
gaining retail distribution require
heavy initial advertising and
promotion e penditure.
×. Product Differentiation

j When the product offers a unique

benefit that the buyer can readily
perceive when using it, the amount
of advertising tends to be less; than
when no such clear differentiation
e ists.
. Profit and Margin volume

j Profit margin per unit and volume of

sales are inseparable considerations.
If the margin is high, then there will
be considerable money for
establishing a huge size advertising
½. Competitive Spending.

j Generally a brands share of

advertising is likely to be close with
the competitors advertising.
Spending sometimes affect the
advertising success, and how much
competitors spend; should
sometimes affect a Co¶s budget.
Ô. minancial Resources

j Mhis is the most important factor

which affects an advertising budget.
Mhe advertising cost to maintain a
national market can be afforded by
only a few firms, who have
tremendous financial resources. Mhe
scale of advertising, like the scale of
manufacturing, must be adapted to
the funds available.

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