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Proceedings of the Fourth Internationsl Coral Reef Symposium, Manila, 1981, Vol.



Barbara L. Kojie
Tnlogy Department, University of Queensland, Saint Lucia, Queensland, Australis
Norman J. Quinn
Fisheries Departmeut, Papua New Guinea University of Teqhnologr, Lae, Papua, New Guinea


The mode and tining of reproduc'tion, abundance and distribution were studied in four congeueric species of
hern"matypic coral on Heron Island reef, Great Barrier \*f.. Poites and.rewsi, P. lobota, P. lutea and P. ,nunayen'
sis have stable gonochorism with the former three species having a short annual period ofegg and sperm release,
fertilization being external, and the latter'having internd fertilization and an ertended larval release period. P.
andrcwsi, P. lafutc and P. luiea reproduce asexually when pieces &om large colonies are broken off and dispersed
by waves and currents. The abundance of the four species ol Paites on Heron Islend reef flat is rel,ated to tbe
relative success of sexual and aserual recruitment (fragrnentation).

II\ARODUCTION the periphery. Colonies are shades of brown, green

or grey. The massive colonies of P. lobota and P,
Only a few studies have attempted to interpret Iutea are purple and yellow-brown resp€ctively. In
ecological data while considering the reproductive contrast, P. nunuyensds Vaughan 1918 forms
ecology and life history phenomenon of hermatlpic small, massive or ensusting colonies with a max-
coral species (Loya 1976, Bak and Engel 1979, im 'm diameter of 20 Cm and is sirnila1' in color to P.
Lewis 1974). Distribution, species diversity and lutea Massive colonies of, P. murrayensds can be
zonation were frequently studied aad related to easily mistaken in the field for small eolonies of P.
physical parameters such as wave action, water Iutes-
depth (Yonge 1963, Stoddart 1969, Loya 19?2) and
sedimentation (Morrissey 1980). Part of the reason
for the lack of.attention to reproductive ecology was MATERIAI-S AND METHODS
the assumption that herrratypic corals were uni-
formly viviparous and released planulae (Hyman Samples were colected at approrirnately moathly
f940). This assumption was questioned (Connell intervals between September 1977 aad January
1973, Stimsoa 1978) and shown to be incorrect 1979 from 30 taggpd colonies oI Poites andrewsi
(SchlesingBn in Rinkevich and Loya 1979, Kojis aud (ten at each of three sites), ten tagged colonies ofP.
Quinn 1980, 198U. lobata (one site) and 20 tagged colonies of P. lutea
&eproductive ecology, relative abundance and (two sites) (Fig. 1) as described in Kojis and Quinn
maximum coloay size in four sympatric species of (1981). In addition, untagged colonies from various
Poites were studied on HeroD Island reef {23"2?'S}, regions of the reef flat were sampled periodically
Great Barrier Reef, Australia- Differences in abun- during the year to assiess variation in the timing of
dance and nerimrrm colony size are interpreted in reproduction between habitats. A poriion of
the light of variations in reproductive strategies colonie were sampled at intervals of one week or
among the species. Iess immediately prior to, during and after spawn-
ing. A rninimnm of six different colonies of P. mu*
SPECTES DESCRIPTIONS rayensis were sampled randomly from inner reef flat
site A (FiS. 1) in Jaauary, March, May, September,
P- andlewsi Dana, 1846, P lobata Dana, 1846, P. November and December 19?9.
lutea Milne Edwards and Haime, 1851 form large Samples were fixed and decalcified as detailed in
microatolls >2 m in diameter on the reef flat. Small Kojis and quiun (f98U. A 1-2 polyp thick slice of
and deepwater colonies of. P. andrewsi are ramose, decdcified tissue was plaeed on a slide and gently
whereas microatolls, corrmon oa Heron Islaud reef squashed with a coverslip. With a dissectingor com-
flat, have massive centers with short branches on pound microscope the presence or absence and sex

of gonads, 2-Bpm diameter could be determined. perpendicular axes and the average d.iameter deter-
Representative samples were treated histologically mined.
to verify observations of decalcified tissue with Colonies were saurpled from the top, middle and
regard to s€x and stages of gametogenesis, i.e. iime bottom on different sides of P. andrewsi (9 colonies;
of spermatozoan development and whether oocytes 3{ samples from each), P. lobata (1;?} and P. lutea
developed into ova, zygotes or embryos in situ. It is g; determine if gonad development was syn-
important to use a fixative and preservative that chronized within colonies.
does not harden tissue, e.g. formalin. Alcohol To observe spawning and larval development,
hardened decalcified tissue making it rubbery and colonies of. P. andrewsi and P. lobata were held in
non-amenable to squashing. aquaria during the end of November and December
Shortly after spawning, the eggs of P. ondrewsi 19?8 and 1979;P. luteainJauuary 1979 and,P. Mur-
were pipetted onto a slide with no coverslip and rayensis between the end of November 1978 and
measured. Since spawning was not observed in P. February 1979, mid-November and end of December
lnbata and P. lutea, eggs were measured in 1979 and the end of October and beginning of
decalcified tissue collected close to the time of November 1980.
spawning. The tissue was carefully dissected and a The method of determining distribution and abun-
coverslip placed over the tissue. Only larger eggs dance of species from tratrsects (Fig. 1) is descriH
from the latter two species were measured since in Kojis and Quinn (1981). The size and mortality of
small eggs \il'ers lslqined after spawning. All eggs fourteen tagged colonies of P. nurrayensis were
were measured with an eyepiece micrometer on two recorded from 1978 to 1980.


l'hron lstand

transectsl and ?

transecl 3

transect tr

, 500m .

Figure 1. Map of sample and transect sites on Heron Island reef flat. Sample sites: J andS Poites lutea;2 P. laba,",,^ 4,5
and 6 P. andreusii A, general locale of P. muroyensis collections.


T\ro modes of reproduction were observed in the

four speeies of Parttes studied. Annual broadcast
spawnng over approximately one week- was ob-
served only in P. iid.rewsi and is assumed to occur
in P. tobata and P. Iutea since samples revealed very
siniLar gonad development and spawning periodici-
ty. In contrast, P. murrayensis releases well-
developed larvae over five months or more.



All thre sp,ies have stable gonochorism; entire

colonies are either male or female. In P. and.rewsi
the sex ratio between male and female colonies Figure ?. Several weeks prior to spawning, zoo8anthellae
sampled randomly was 2:1 (N:771. There was a low were abundant in the tissue surrounding oocytes
incidence of hermaphroditism: four colonies out of (Pontes labota): o, oocytes: a zooxanthellae.
IO7 (3.7Vol had an equal ratio of eggs to sperm
clusters and three colonies were predominately male
l2.9%ol with a few eggs in tissue samples' There was
t no hermaphroditism in P- lobata or P lutea All
tagged colonies were female and of 43 and 44 co
:.' lonies of P. Iabata and P. Iutearespectively sampled
frorn various regions of the Heron Island reef flat,
only three in each species were male.
-* Gametogenesis of both sperm and eggs in allthree
species occurred over approximately four months of
the year. No gonads were present in samples from
tagged colonies of P. andrewsi and P. Iabata from
mid-January to the end of August 1978. Gonads
were observed in the majority of samples collected
the last week of September and spawning occurred
in December .ln P. lutea, a few oocyies, remnants of
spawning, were present in samples collected on 6
and ? February and no gonads were present in Figure 3. Prior to spawning, zoo'qanthell,ae e'ntered the
samples Som March to August. Only two of 13 ooplasm of oocybes (Porites lutea): o, oacyte; gu,
samples collected at the end of September had germinal vesicle: a zooxanthellae.
gonads, while all samples collected on 6 November
and examined had gonads. Spawning occurred diameter of 338 and 29? pm (N:20) respectively.
between the end of January and beginning of Spermiogenesis is similar to that describd for
February. Stylophora pistilla.ta (Rinkewich and Loya 19?9) and
In large reproductively mature colonies, ali Para,cyathus stearnsii tFadlallah 19811 with the ex'
mesenteries had gonads. In all three species, only ception that U all clusters in a colony are at the
ooc5rtes were present in histological sections of same stage of development at any one time {Figs. a
ovaries sampled before and afber spawning. Eggs of and 2) clusters containing sperln are present only a
P. andrewsi shortly after spawning, were white. few days prior to spawning. Sperm clusters in
Although the oocytes of. P. Iabuta andP. luteswere decalcified iissue were distinguishable from oocytes
observed ouly aftLr they had been fixed in formalin primarily by the absenee of a germinal vesiele. A
and decalcified, the color is probably similar. Zo+ testis initially developed in a mesentery as a row of
xanthellae, abundant in the endoderm surounding discrete, translucent clusters. These clrlsters en-
the oocytes {Fig. 2), were incorporated into the larged and coalesced prior to spawning.
ooplasm several weeks before release (Fig. 3). The Within a colony, gonad development, was closely
spawned eggs of P. andrewsi had an average synchronized and gonad abundances similar.
diameter of
231 am {N=19} and range of Among conspecific colonies gonad development was
ZI5-242 sm. Eggs dissected from decalcified tissue initially more variable, but proceeded to synchro-
of. P. tnibota and P. lutea had a maximun egg nized spawning.

Figure 4. Sperm clusters within a colony the same Figure 5, Just spawned.eCgs of Porites ondruwsii ;
&ag" of development {Poites andrcwsii); s' qperm above the sPawning colonY: e' eggs'
clusters: e, zooxanthellae.

In 19?8, no spawning was observed i:r aquarium In 19?8, P- lutea spawned betwren 20 Ja*-*:::
held colonies. A comparison of histological prepara- u"Jz F"t*uty (last qua*er moon, 1 FebruarS't;:..:;
tions of testes fron; colonies of P. attdrewsi held i" igrs Gtwein'rs Jiluarv and 5 Februarv-(Fje'
se; w€eks in aquaria and from freld colonies in- with most spawning occurring before l! Jn::::s1:'
dicated delayed development in the former. (last quarter-moon' 21 Jaurrary),
In 19?9, spawning was observed in aquarium-held S"iiuffv mature colonies of all three -sp+;:r:r
colonies of p. onarewsi only. Dense clouds of sperm ;;;"""""4t. In tagged colonies sampleri-;-'
were released on 1,2,4,5,7 aad 8 December between sic"""sirr" y"atj {P. ondrewsi: N= 13' -1977^' r: " :
ZttOO-Zt:gO hrs. On ? December 19?9 at 21:45 hrs a i5ig n: 11, l9??, 19?8;P la-baca N :,3. !=l*
f*g" i"*Uo of tiny white eggs were s-een floating ""a p.-l"iin tt:i6;1et8, le?e, 1er80 *-':
in an'aquarium {Fig. 5}. Eggs were also present lq-;a, 1-9y& 19?9) gonads were pre€ent ea€h 5*-'
throughiut the water colurnn owing to coutinued Also,'since no colony changed sex during sanpi::"'
spawning and water movement. Fewer eggs were fi-;;;;" not a function of colony s'ze' a ccl*:".
released-during spawning on 8 December. Mobile, pi"Utlfv does not change sex during iis lifetin:-
ciliated larvae-developd approximately 23 h after
spawning. Tbenty tarvae were pipetted into a 2-1
taree mouth jar (Kojis and Quinn 1981) and four set- l\

tlel within ooe *eek of spawning- The remainder of

! --
the larvae died or were lost inwater changes and the I

til/ iI
polyps survived onlY a few weeks. I
' Aiproximate dates of spawning wery t

trom-the pr€sence or absence of gonads in field c
samples and, in the case at P. andrewsl, aquarium
spawaing observations. It is suspe+ted that spawn-
i:ng in these species, as in Goniastrea australensis
{Kojis aud Quintl 1981}, is influenced by the lunar
cvcie. In 1977, P. andrewsi spawned irnmediately llll [n
prior to 6 December (last quarter moou 4 December)'
io 19?8, spawning oicurred between l'l-23 Finure 6. Period of gonad development and spawnir-'
- -poirn"
December (last quarts moon' 23 December) tFig' 6) andrewsiiind P. lutea on Heron Island reei :--
and in 19?9 between 3-9'December {last quarter a"ti"" and summer 19?8-19?9' A'different *":':
moon, 1l December). l+;"November l9?8 to earlv Februarv lui:'
;;;? "oti"e
' Sampling for P. labata during the - summer .'..:

lg77-15 spawning season occurred only on 7 PTANULATION IN P. MURNAYENSIS

November 19?? when all colonies had gonads and 19
Jaauary 19?8 after all colonies had spawned. In P. murrayensis releasd larvae and was dioecj*::'*'
19?8, spawning occurred between 13-24 December rriift "
indication of hermaphroditiss'
a:C in 19?9 during mid'December.
Gametogenesis probably began in August i:

September {all colonies collected 21 September had species in each transect with only P. and'rewsi and
gonads) and larval release began as early as mid- P. tnurrayensrs presant in all frve lrausects.
November. Reproductive colonies have either The patchy distribution o:f, P. lobata and P. lutea
sperm, eggs or eggs and larvae. The presence of was reidily apparent on the reef flat. Colonies ofP.
eggs and larvae simultatreously within a colony in- Iuteawete eoutmon ouly near Transects 1 and 2 (Fig.
dicated that larvae may develop and be released 1l where this species forms interconnected "step-
repeatedly over a single larval release s€ason. ping siones" from the mid-reef flat to the crest.
Larval release at Heron Island reef occurs from Microatolls af P. lobata were often clumped in wide
November to April, over approximately five months ly separate locations. On sandy substrate on tbe reef
of the year. flat SE and NE of Heron Island, they often formed
On 8 December 19?8, settled polyps and free mono-specific patches. Small, drscrete colouies of
swimming larvae were observed in aquaria in which these two species were found infrequently. In con-
colonies bad been placed several days earlier. Lar- trast, small colonies of P. and'rewsi and P- m.urro,yen-
vae continued to be released from colonies through' sis were cornmon on the reef flat' These species are
out December 19?8 to the beginning of February found in almost half the 15-m segments
19?9 when the field trip ended. Also, three out of six
field samples collected on 27 March 1979 had larvae; Table 2. The percent occlurence of four Pontes species in
while aone of 6 samples collected on 13 May had Tlansects 1-5 on Heron Islandreefflat. Tbansects were
gonads. Larvae were released on 20 November 1979 divided into 15-m segments. Figures refer io the percen-
tage of segments in which a species was recorded.
from eolonies placed in aquaria several days earlier
and continued to be released until the end of the
field trip in the last week of December. In 1980, col- Speies
onies placed in aquaria the first week of November
did not release lanrae, Thus, larval release at Heron P. andrewsi 4L.4
Island reef occurs from November to April over ap- F. mundyensis 40.5
proximately five months of the year. P. Iabato 7.6
The larvae of P. murmyensis were brown with P. lutea 6.0
abundant z,ooxanthellae ia the endoderm and had an
average dismeter of 6?9 rm (range 401'8?2 pm;
N:11). Released at an advanced developmental
stage, i.e. well developed stomodaeum" mesenteries Table 3. Relative abundaace lVo Eve coral cover) of four
and mesenterial filaments, they generally settle Poites speeies in Tlansects l'5 on Heron Island reef
rapidly, many within the first 24 hrs. flat.
the species apparen[ly rcproduces more than
once in its life time since colonies from 1.3-5.5 cm Tlansect No.
radius.had larvae. It is unknowB whether colonies Species
relea# larvae annually, since no colonies were
tagged and sampled over successive years.
P. andretusi 6.35 ?.36 9.51 6.22 6,82
Table 1 shows the relative abundance of the four
P. murrayensis
P. Iutea
P. lobeta 1.85 2-O3
Porites species in terms of perceat live coral cover
and Table 2 the number of 15-m segments in which
eaeh species occurs; the latter measurement gives
the relative number of colonies for each species. ASEXUAL COLONY REPRODUCTTQN BY
Table 3 shows the percent live coral cover of the FRAGMENTATION
Table l. The relative abuadance of four Pontes species on
Heron Island reef flat.
Recruitment by fragmentation may commonly oc-
cur among corals, especially those achieving a
Species Vo Live Coral Cover relatively large size. Connell (19?3) related obsenva-
tions of asexual recruitment in species of Acrcporu
andPoites, and Highsmith (19801 reported asexual
P- ondrewsi 6.02 colony "multiplication" in P. Iutea" On Heron
P. murtzyensis 1.?4 Islard, new colony formation by fragmentation
P. tutea 0.83 commonly occured in P. and.rewsr, less frequently
P. Iabata 0.78 in P. lobata and P. lutea arrd rarely, if ever, in P.

Formation of fragments begins with bioerosion oI colonies on Heron reef flat were all of a single coiar
eolonies at least partially separatingportious in situ and most were female.
and is often completed by physical forceg sueh as
storms acting to separate and disperse fragments.
Fragmentation works most obviously on the DISCUSSION
microatolle ol Poites.
Large microatolls of P. andrewsiwere at times in a Withiu the family Poritidae and the genusPorires
partiat state of collapse with fragments resting on two modes of reproduction have been observe*
the sand around the collapsed portion of a colony. Parites murrayeisis, P. stephensoni (Crpssland
Small branched fraguenti were sometimes totaliy 1952) {: P hpddani, Marshall and Stephenson
invested in tissue indicating frequent turning by 1933), P. asrewides, P. cl.auada {Vaughan 1d10} and :::
strong tidal currents or wa,re-actiott, and thus, c6nti- Goniopora queensland.iae decimd Eernard l{Yama-
nuing dispersal. When size prevented frequent turn- zato, pers. comm.l released Larvae, whileP. ondrewsi
ing or colonies lodged betwen oEhers, the basal and by inference P. lobata and P. /rztea, spawued ::;
region became buried in sediment and supported the eggs and sperm, Gonochorism is the rrrle in the fami-
rest of the colony above the substrate. Invariably ly Poritidae as Goniopora qu,eenslandioe deeime
reef fl,at colonies were attached to substrate of. P. an- (Yamazato et al. 1975ll, P. lobata, P. compressa
drewsi origin indicating they had been derived from (Stimson 19?6) and the species in this study are
asexually produced fragments or were in situ rem- dioecious. ::1
nants of onee much larger colonies. The relative abundance of the four species of *S
Very large aud old microatolls of P. lpbata and P. Poites studied on Heron Island is related to the :]$
lateawere seldom single, discrete colonies. Death of relative success of sexual and asexual reandtment
parts of microatolls separatd portions. Bioerosion (fragmentation). P. andrewsi" the most abundant
and solution acting on the dead tops lowered the species in terms of percent coral cover and frequen' ..n
center in relation to the periphery and, eventually, cy of occurence in 15-m segments, reproduces sex- .i*
regrowth occurred in the center with subsequeat ually by seaeonal broadcast spawniug, once'a year.
separation (Fig. 7). Storms probably detach and The two least abundant species, P loban and P.
disperse portions of colonies. larea, probably spawn sirnilarly. Successful local
sexual recruitment in all three species appear€ to be
infrequent. This may be owing in part to extremely
high mortality of eggs, larvae and juveniles; a conse
quence of their small size (Chia f97a). Sexual
recruitment in P. Iobata and, P, lutea may be further
hampered by unsuccessful fertilization of ova owing
to the faucity of male colonies. This assumes that
development is not parthenogenic.
In all three species, fagnentation is probably the
primary mode of recruitment on the reef flat.
Fragmentation by mechanical forces rccurred more
frequently and fragments probably survived more
readily in P. andrewsi owing to its branching habit :t:

than in P. labata and P. /a*ea which form massive

colonies. SmaII massive colonies are more easily
buried in sediment than branching colonies owing to
inherent differences in shape and patterns of
Figure ?, A microatoll of Parites lutea on Heron Island o3$r"*
reef flat: n, regrowth into center of microatoll from live and recruitment among planula releas-
periphery; N, new eolony. formed through separation of ing corals, such as P. murrayensiq are primarily by
regrowth. sexual means. Asexual reproduction plays little or
no role. The percent live eoral cover of P. rnuralen-
Further substantiathg the common occurrence of srs was considerably less thanP. andrewsi, but more
asexual reproduction in these three species is the than P. Iobato and P lutea Recruitment in P. an'
freguency with which a single color and sex d.rewsi and.P. rnunayeasrs was equally successful as
dominated local areas. Tbe ten tagged colonies of P. both occur in a similar number of 15'm segpents,
:tJrewsi at site 5 were all male and bright green as but was achieved in P. andrewsi largely by asexual
;*:e eigbt of the ten tagpd colouies at site 6. While new colony formation and in P. murrayensis by sex'
ual recruitment- Sexual recruitment was more suc'
...-:;- i ir other localities (M. Pichon, pers. comm.), cessful in the latter owing to 1) large larval size

$79 pm versus 241 pp,l and 2) the extended larval Connell, J.H. f973. Population ecology of building
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