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Public Support for Budget Proposals by Governor Cuomo

No increases in any state taxes and no new taxes 79% 19% 2%

No new state borrowing 76% 17% 7%

Reducing the size of the budget by $3.7 billion 75% 20% 5%

Creating regional economic development councils 64% 27% 10%

Reducing spending on the state workforce by $550 million or up to 9,800 layoffs if negotiations fail 55% 40% 5%

Reducing aid to municipalities by about $15 million 53% 38% 9%

Reducing spending for Medicaid by about $1 billion 51% 45% 4%

Reducing spending for SUNY and CUNY by about 10 percent 41% 56% 3%

Reducing state aid to local school districts by about $1.5 billion 34% 64% 2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Support Oppose DK/NO

New York: Right Track or Wrong Direction?
Right Track Wrong Direction









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Fe Ap J u Au No Ma J u Se No J a Ma Ma J u Oc De Fe Ap J u Au Oc No J a Ma Ma J u Se No J a Ma Ma J u Se Oc No J a

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