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Topic: To Determine the Perceptions of Investors about Real Estate Sector as a Lucrative
Investment Opportunity.

Questionnaire Part 1:

1. Name
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Occupation
5. Education background
6. Annual Income (Rs. In Lacs)

Below 4 4.1 - 8 8.1 - 12 12.1 - 16 16.1 - 20 20.1 - 24 24.1 - 28

28.1 - 32 32.1 - 36 36.1 - 40 40.1 - 44 44.1 -48 48.1 - 52 52.1 and

7. Number of dependents in the family

8. Marital Status
9. City

Part 2:

1. Have you invested in the Real Estate Sector?

 Yes
 No
2. Please specify the current proportions (percentage) of your investments in each of the
following investment avenues:
a. Stock Market –
b. Mutual Funds –
c. Real Estate -
d. Commodities -
e. Gold and Silver -
f. Bank Deposits -
g. Insurance -
h. Debentures and Bonds -
i. Others – Please specify

3. Please elaborate on the reason for investing the said proportion of your investment in real
estate as compared to others:
4. Rate each factor on a scale of 0 to 5 based on the extent to which the factor influences/
would influence your investment decision in the real estate sector. ( 0 – No influence, 1 –
least influential to 5 – highly influential)

Serial Factors 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Reputation of builder
2 Location of the real
estate property
3 Facilities and
amenities provided
4 Current Price of the
5 Capital Appreciation
(Expectation about
future Price)
6 Expectations of
7 Returns from other
8 Convenience of
legal compliance,
9 Loan availability for
10 Interest Rates
11 Tax incentives
12 Safety of investment
13 Liquidity(ease in
14 Period of
15 Influence of the
16 Past track records of
the real estate sector
(past growth)
17 Inflation rate
(expectations about
future rate)
18 Economic stability of
19 Political Stability
20 Effect of crises( eg:
Following questions to be answered by those who have invested in real estate:

1. What is your purpose for investment?

a. Speculation
b. Self use- residential or official
c. Mode of savings
d. Others (Please Specify)

2. What was the proportion of your investment in the real estate sector before the Financial
crisis of 2008?

3. A. Has your subsequent investment decision in real estate postponed due to the subprime

 Yes
 No

B. If so, by what period? ____________

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