Payne 2011-12 Legislation Introduced

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2011-2012 Sponsored Legislation

Resolut ions

H R 25 A Resolu tion celebrating the su ccess of the H ershey Bears

2009-2010 hockey team in w inning the Am erican H ockey
Leagu e Cham p ionship on Ju ne 14, 2010, and bringing the
Cald er Cu p to H ershey for the u n p reced ented 11th tim e in
Am erican H ockey Leagu e history.
Introduced 1/21/11
Adopted in House – 1/25/11 – Vote 200-0


H B 73 An Act d irecting the Secretary of the Bu d get to red u ce all State

ap p rop riations by 10% for fiscal year Ju ly 1, 2011, throu gh
Ju ne 30, 2012.
Referred to House Appropriations – 1/19/11

H B 147 An Act p rohibiting the u se of fu ll Social Secu rity nu m bers on

State form s.
Referred to House State Government – 1/21/11

H B 148 An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known
as the Liquor Code, further providing for definitions, for sales by
liquor licensees and restrictions and for unlawful acts relative to
liquor, malt and brewed beverages and licensees.
Referred to House Liquor Control – 1/21/11
Reported as amended – 2/9/11
First consideration – 2/9/11
Laid on the table – 2/9/11

H B 149 An Act am end ing Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania

Consolid ated Statu tes, p rovid ing for issu ance of "In God We
Tru st" registration p lates.
Referred to House Transportation – 1/21/11
H B 152 An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known
as the Public Welfare Code, in departmental powers and duties as to
licensing, further providing for application for registration
certificate, for issuance of registration certificate and for records;
providing for disclosure; and further providing for emergency
Referred to House Human Services – 1/21/11

H B 154 An Act am end ing the act of Ju ne 27, 2006 (1st Sp .Sess.,
P.L.1873, N o.1), know n as the Taxp ayer Relief Act, fu rther
p rovid ing for the d efinition of "incom e"; and p rovid ing for the
d efinition of "Social Secu rity su bstitu te p ension."
Referred to House Finance – 1/21/11

H B 155 An Act am end ing Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the

Pennsylvania Consolid ated Statu tes, p rovid ing for
nonp aym ent of p risoners d u ring a bu d get im p asse.
Referred to House Judiciary – 1/21/11

H B 156 An Act am end ing Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania

Consolid ated Statu tes, fu rther p rovid ing for the registered
gross w eight lim it of certain registration p lates.
Referred to House Transportation – 1/21/11
Reported as committed – 2/9/11
First consideration – 2/9/11
Laid on the table – 2/9/11

H B 157 An Act am end ing the act of Ap ril 9, 1929 (P.L.177, N o.175),
know n as The Ad m inistrative Cod e of 1929, in p ow ers and
d u ties of Dep artm ent of General Services and its d ep artm ental
ad m inistrative and ad visory board s and com m issions,
p rovid ing for assignm ent of Com m on w ealth au tom otive fleet
Referred to House State Government – 1/21/11

H B 158 An Act am end ing Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania

Consolid ated Statu tes, fu rther p rovid ing for lighted head
lam p s in w ork zones.
Referred to House Transportation – 1/21/11
H B 159 An Act am end ing the act of Ap ril 12, 1951 (P.L.90, N o.21),
know n as the Liqu or Cod e, fu rther p rovid ing for general
p ow ers of board .
Referred to House Liquor Control – 1/21/11

H B 160 An Act am end ing the act of Ap ril 12, 1951 (P.L.90, N o.21),
know n as the Liqu or Cod e, fu rther p rovid ing for w hen sales
m ay be m ad e at Pennsylvania liqu or stores.
Referred to Liquor Control – 1/21/11

H B 161 An Act am end ing Title 42 (Ju d iciary and Ju d icial Proced u re)
of the Pennsylvania Consolid ated Statu tes, fu rther p rovid ing
for registration of sexu al offend ers.
Referred to House Judiciary – 1/21/11

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