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Words from Official SAT Study Guide Test 2

undecided; having 'mixed' sides in a dispute; groups with

Ambivalent Factions
feelings common interests
Apathy lack of energy or interest Flotsam floating rubbish
Autonomy self-government Fostered encouraged
Benevolent kindly Hackneyed stale and over-used
Blanched turned pale Harbored held [as in 'harbored and idea']
Bolster give support to Hodgepodge strange mixture
concerned with the countryside Hypothetical not proven; based on guesswork
and farming Impetuous impulsive
Callous cruel and unfeeling Implacable cannot be appeased; relentless
Cantankerous bad tempered Impugned challenged; attacked in words
Capricious changeable; fickle Incorrigible cannot be corrected (of behavior)
Chicanery trickery; attempt to deceive Indigenous native to a particular place
Churlish ill-mannered Ineffable cannot be expressed in words
forming a whole; 'sticking' Irascible easily angered
together Ironic unexpected
Concur agree Lament express regret
Cryptic hidden; obscure Languid having no energy or interest
Decimation extensive destruction Lassitude lack of energy
Deft skilful Lugubrious mournful; very sad
Delinquency wrong-doing Mercurial rapidly changing
Depravity moral corruption Misnomer wrong name for something
lonely; devoid of life; feeling Mollified calmed; pacified
very sad and hopeless Multifaceted having many aspects
Devoid of empty of Mundane dull; ordinary
intending to teach or give Nostalgic longing for the past
Obtrusive easily seen; 'sticking out'
Disingenuous crafty
Omnipotent all powerful
Dispassionate unbiased
Pedagogy science of teaching
Disposition tendency; personality
Phlegmatic calm
Dissent disagreement
Plausible believable
overly expressive of emotions;
Effusive Precursor fore-runner; earlier version
Preeminence fame; top position
Endorse support
Pretentious putting on an act
Enigma puzzle
Prognosis outlook
Enumerate count out; list
Prolific producing a lot
Ephemeral short-lived
Provocative provoking
Erroneous wrong
Raiment clothes; garments
Erudition great knowledge or learning
Reciprocate pay back
Esoteric obscure
bring disputing side together
Fabrication something made up; untrue Reconcile
Facetious cheeky; not to be taken seriously
Remiss wrong Sustenance support; food
Remonstrance criticism can be held (of an opinion, for
Resilient able to spring back; strong example)
reducing staff or forces; Tenuous shaky; not firm
conserving resources Torrid hot and steamy
Robust firm and strong Undermine attempt to overthrow; weaken
Skeptical doubtful Underscore emphasize
Skewed distorted; bent Unequivocal clear; cannot be misunderstood
Stringent strict Vector carrier (of disease, for example)
Subtle not obvious Verbose wordy
Succinct clear, short and well-expressed Whimsical fickle; changeable
Sundry miscellaneous Wistful full of sadness and longing

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