Prposed High School Athletic Plan Assurance Page

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High School Athletic Plan for Stage 2

Assurance Page
Winter Sports
This Assurance Page is entered into as of the_________ day of ____________, 2020, by and
between the Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) and the_____________________________
(identified herein as the LEA or District), subject to the terms and conditions outlined herein.
This athletic direction was created in accordance with Idaho Rebounds Stage 2 plan and in
accordance with Article IX, Section 2 of the Idaho Constitution.


a. The objective of this Assurance Page is to allow LEA’s/Districts to participate in athletics
and have spectators in the gym as described in the athletic plan created to be
implemented during the Idaho Rebound Stage 2 Order.
b. LEA/District will follow the Athletic Plan set forth by the SBOE and promote the safety of
their participants and spectators.
a. LEA/DISTRICT will adhere to all aspects of the Idaho Rebound Stage 2 Protocol, Idaho
Statutes, and the High School Athletic Plan for Stage 2.
b. LEA/District will have a protocol/plan in place for all areas of the facility, including
parking lots, sidewalks, lobbies, bathrooms, hallways, and the gym. Entry and exit will
need to be clearly marked and if possible, separate entry and exits for each group of
participants and spectators.
c. LEA/District will be responsible to uphold these protocols during athletic events in their
home gymnasiums.
Consequences of non-compliance
a. First offense: The school receives a written reprimand from the SBOE.
b. Second offense: The school that is found in non-compliance forfeits that event.
c. Third & Final Offense: The school that is found in non-compliance will forfeit all future
athletic events for, that sport, during the winter season.
d. Schools that choose not to participate in an athletic event at a school that has been
found non-compliant will not forfeit the athletic event.
The signatories must be the LEA/District School Board Chairman and the LEA/District Superintendent. By
signing this Assurance page, the executive officers indicate the desire to participate in Idaho Athletics
under the Stage 2 protocol.
Authorized signature from LEA/District:
LEA/District School Board Chairman: _______________________________
LEA/District School Superintendent: _______________________________

Dated: ___________________

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