Mike Ross - Senior Vice President Manifesto

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Vote Mike Ross for Senior Vice


Over the last 4 years at Heriot-Watt I’ve been lucky enough to

play an active part in our student Union whilst doing my Maths
degree. I have had a wide involvement in student groups and
societies. From being president of the Poker and Maths society
to my current position on the ordinary executive committee
where I represent the activities area within the Union. I have
represented those on my course for the past 4 years which led
onto my current role as Maths school officer which I have
undertaken for the past 2 years. With these experiences I
believe I am the right person for the role of Senior Vice

As Senior Vice President I would look to uphold the current

positive aspects within our Union as well as looking to make
some changes to those areas which are in need of updating and
improvement. I believe that societies and student groups are a
fundamental part of the student experience. I also believe that
excellent academic representation structures are essential in
ensuring that students shape their own university experience.

Vote for me a Senior Vice President and I will make sure of the following;

Excellent support structures for societies and student groups to make sure that they are able to
perform at their best.
Creation of volunteers recognition scheme to reward those who put time and effort into
Make sure you are aware of your class rep and school officer as well as the excellent work they do
More effective representation system for combined studies students

To be successful in achieving these things I believe that the Union will have to develop an excellent
approach to communicating with students. I promise to work on developing this so that as a Union we can
represent all students effectively.

Mike Ross is
Mr Right!

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