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To design a mini project by applying our knowledge about the basic of

combinational system


Max+Plus II software

UP2 Training Board


Combinational logic circuits consist of logic gates whose outputs at any time
are determined by combining the values of the applied inputs using logic
operations. A combinational circuit performs an operation that can be specified
logically by a set of Boolean expressions. It consists of input variables, output
variables, logic gates and interconnections. The interconnected logic gates accept
signals from the inputs and generate signals at the outputs.

Referring to the block diagram in Figure 1.1, the n input variables come from
the environment of the circuit, and the m output variables are available for use by
the environment. Basically, each input and output variable exists physically as a
signal that represents logic 1 or logic 0.

Inputs outputs

Figure 1.1 : Combinational Circuit Block Diagram

After finish with the design, by using a PC-based student version of Altera's
CAD tool, Max+Plus II, our designs will be easily and quickly downloaded into the
UP-2 Training Boards using the ByteBlasterMV download cable, which is a hardware
interface to a standard parallel port. This cable sends programming or configuration
data between the Max+Plus II software and the UP-2 Training Boards.
This software provides support for schematic capture, VHDL based logic
synthesis, logic simulation, and CPLD programming which can be downloaded into
the UP-2 training boards. Altera UP-2 Training Board is actually Altera’s education
boards for stand-alone experiments. They contain large CPLD, Complex
Programmable Logic Device, that can be used to implement digital logic designs
built around an amount of up to 70,000 logic gates.

The UP-2 Training Board also contain switches, LEDs, seven segment
displays, a VGA connector, and a PS/2 keyboard or mouse port. VGA Video output
can be generated by hardware designs implemented on the board. Video output
directly from the CPLD can be used to generate different kinds of images and
movies for simulation and rapid prototyping at lower costs.

I still remember that time, it was my first visit to UniMap Kg Wai Clinic. I am
having a cold together with my housemate and we came to seek medical attention.
After filling some form and receive my turn number, we discover the 7 segment
display on the doctors’ room. The idea is to display turn number and a bell to alert
patients when their turns are up


Doctors Number display


g area

Our mini project is to design a similar system, but more basic using our own
knowledge and our own creativity. Our project features:

- We will design in a small scale from 0 to 9.

- Input will be 3 main switches (button)

1) Next

2) Recall

3) Restart

- Output will be 7 segment display and a bell

We assign bell as a led. This is because we don’t want to add an external

speaker and we want to make full use of UP2 board
So the basic diagram will be like this:

Assign bell as led


(next or recall or restart


• If the next button is push, the next turn will display.

For example if current number is 0, if the next button is push, the display will
show number 1 and the bell alert once

• If the recall button is push, the 7 segment will display the same previous
number and the bell alert once.

For example if current number is 0, if the recall button is push, the display will
show number 0 again and the bell alert once

• If the recall button is push, it will restart the numbering and the 7 segment
will display at number 0

For example if current number is 7, if the restart button is push, the system will
restart numbering and the seven segment will display at 0

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