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Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams

Automatic Saturation

Alexandre Hamez, Yann Thierry-Mieg, Fabrice Kordon

June 2008 - ICATPN’08
Xi’an, China
Set Decision Diagram (SDD)
Atpn – June 2008 2 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Evolution of DDD, integer

valued DD [atpn’02] • Increases sharing
• Memory gain
• Idea : hierarchy • Time gain
• Label the arcs with a SET = • cache
Set Decision Diagram • traversals


DDD or SDD =
referenced values
Atpn – June 2008 3 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Model-checking using decision diagrams => (nested) transitive closures

over the transition relation
• Optimizing complexity of this operation critical to efficiency
• [BCM’92] based on BFS style iterations, n iterations required where n
is depth of “deepest” state

s0 N(s0) N2(s0)

• [Roig’95] Chaining may converge faster, based on clusters of

transitions, no longer strict BFS

s0 t1(s0) t2(t1(s0)) t2(t1(t2(t1…(s0)))..))

• [Ciardo’01] Saturation is empirically 1 to 3 orders of magnitude better

Saturation example
Atpn – June 2008 4 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Suppose an event h = if (d <2) d++;

1 2 3 0
a b c d 1
+ h
Iteration 1 1 2 3 1
a b c d 1
1 2 3 [0,1]
BFS style iterations a b c d 1
1 2 3 [1,2]
a b c d 1
Iteration 2

1 2 3
a b c d 1
Saturation effect
Atpn – June 2008 5 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Nested transitive closure or fixpoint = saturation allows:

• single traversal of the top of the tree => cost of + and h
• less intermediate nodes

1 2 3 0
a b c d 1
+ h
Iteration 1 1 2 3 1
a b c d 1
1 2 3 [0,1]
BFS style iterations a b c d 1
1 2 3 [1,2]
a b c d 1
Iteration 2
Useless intermediate nodes !!

1 2 3
a b c d 1
Saturation vs BFS
Atpn – June 2008 6 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Saturation algorithm: [Ciardo et al. TACAS’01]

• Fire transitions from the leaves (terminals) up to root
• Go to ancestor of a node iff. The current node is saturated :
all events that only affect this variable and variables below it
have been fired until a fixpoint is reached
• Each time a node is affected by an event, resaturate it.
• Not BFS anymore, firing order of events follows data
• Huge reduction of time and space complexity
• Good tackling of intermediate peak size effect
• However :
• Definition of saturation algorithm is complex
• Cannot be implemented directly with public API of DD libraries
Our contribution : Automatic saturation
Set Decision Diagrams
Atpn – June 2008 7 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• More Formally E : a set of variables

e in E, Dom(e) : its (possibly infinite) domain
e d is an SDD iff.
• d 2 {0,1} or
… ai … • d = <e,>
• Given a partition  of Dom(e)
•  :   SDD, s.t. 8 i,j, i  j ) (ai)  (aj)
Arcs to 0 and arcs labeled by ; not represented

Fusing Arcs Splitting arcs

e e e
aj\ ai a i\ a j
aj aj ai
ai ai [ …aj …
aj Å ai
di di dj di dj di
di [ dj
Set Decision Diagrams :
A compositional Model
Atpn – June 2008 8 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• SDD arcs may be labeled by DDD

• Hierarchical Structure
• Adapted to composition
• captures the similarity of repeated modules

The similarity of behavior

of the philosophers is captured :
8*(1 Philosopher)
DDD sharing
& SDD sharing
Atpn – June 2008 9 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

State space, With SDD, the state of one

4 philosophers (DDD) philosopher is referenced.
P1 (P1)

P2 (P2)

P3 (P3)

P4 (P4)

P1 // P2 // P3 // P4 (P1) // (P2) // (P3) // (P4) Pi

Atpn – June 2008 10 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

: SDD  SDD
(0) = 0
(d1) + (d2) = (d1+d2)

Examples, hard coded in the library

Id, Id + d, Id * d, Id \ d, Id.d, d.Id
If 1, 2 are homomorphisms then
1 + 2 and 1  2 are homomorphisms
Inductive Homomorphism
Atpn – June 2008 11 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Used to define user operations

• Flexible, and powerful
• Benefits from a cache
•  is inductively defined by :
• (1) 2 SDD : constant terminal case
• (e,x) 2 Hom : e in E, x ½ Dom(e):
evaluation for an arbitrary SDD arc
returns a homomorphism to apply on
successor node
Skip predicate
Atpn – June 2008 12 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Skip(e) expresses local invariance: Skip is true => the

variable is neither read nor written

… …
… …

• Extends to composition : f+g and f±g skip a variable e

iff. both operands skip(e)
• Minimal structural information about user operations
that allows to enable saturation automatically
Fixpoint operator : *
Atpn – June 2008 13 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Built-in operator for transitive closure

• * (d) = n (d), where n is the smallest integer
such that
n+1 (d) = n (d)
• May not terminate (n infinite)
• Most often used as an accumulator :
( + Id)*
• Transitive closure naturally expressed as :
(t1 + t2 +…+tn + Id)*

Allows library to automatically enable saturation

Homomorphisms for a Petri Net
Atpn – June 2008 14 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Pre arc homomorphism Post arc homomorphism

• h- returns terminal 0 to prune path if precondition not met

• Skip on e  p : only one variable (place) is affected by the arc

• For a full transition, compose Post after Pre, e.g.

Homomorphisms for Labeled Petri net
Atpn – June 2008 15 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Built-in “local” homomorphism allows to target arc value(s) of a

given variable

DDD sharing
& SDD sharing (reminder)
Atpn – June 2008 16 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

State space, With SDD, the state of one

4 philosophers (DDD) philosopher is referenced.
P1 (P1)

P2 (P2)

P3 (P3)

P4 (P4)

P1 // P2 // P3 // P4 (P1) // (P2) // (P3) // (P4) Pi

Homomorphisms for Labeled Petri net
Atpn – June 2008 17 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Built-in “local” homomorphism allows to target arc value(s) of a

given variable

• Full transition relation for a synchronization is built as a

composition of local operations : e.g. philo P0 finishes eating:
Rewriting rules for homomorphisms
Atpn – June 2008 18 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• For Union : H = g_1 +.. +g_n + f_1 + .. + f_m such

that on current variable g terms do not skip and f
terms skip.

… … … … … …

Retirer le I dans variable

• No a priori variable order => Partition of operands of

union is cached
Effect of skip on (H + Id)*
Atpn – June 2008 19 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Case of interest : transitive closure of a set of transitions + Id

… … …

• Additional rules are defined for “local” construction (see proceedings)

Atpn – June 2008 20 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation
To finish :
Compositional nesting & hierarchy
Atpn – June 2008 21 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• SDD arcs may reference SDD

• Hierarchical structure
• Arbitrary depth
• Exemple Philosophers :

2^3 = 8 philosophes:
3 levels of depth
+ representation of a
Sharing at every level
Philosophers & Hierarchy :
Potential of SDD
Atpn – June 2008 22 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

P1 (P1) ((P1 - P2)-(P3 - P4))

- - -
P2 (P2) ((P5 - P6)-(P7 - P8))
- -
P3 (P3)
- - (Pi - Pi+1)
P4 (P4) -
- - (Pi+2 - Pi+3)
P5 (P5)
- - (Pi)
P6 (P6)
- - (Pi+1)
P7 (P7)
- -
P8 (P8) Pi
Atpn – June 2008 23 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Latest evolution of decision diagrams : SDD

• Suitable for very large systems
• Well suited to hierarchical/compositional
• Transparent and efficient transitive closure
• User defined homomorphisms
• Automatic saturation : generalize [Ciardo’01] with
definition independent of a given formalism
• Recursive folding for logarithmic complexity on
some examples
• SDD and DDD distributed as an open-source
LGPL C++ library :
Reduced Ordered
Binary Decision Diagrams

BDD for BDD Exploiting

Model-checking extensions Symmetries
Atpn – June 2008 25 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Decision diagrams:[BCM'92]
• Initially BDD [Bryant86]
• Compact Structure to represent sets
• Unique table & operation cache
• Complexity linked to number of nodes
• Exploits implicit symmetries between a
elements of the set
• Intermediate peak size problem 1 4
• Very widespread success
• SMV, Smart, Uppaal, Prism, ...
• Data Decision Diagram, ICATPN'2002
J.M. Couvreur, P.A. Wacrenier E. Encrenaz, E. Paviot-Adet, b c
D. Poitrenaud
3 1
• integer domain variables, no ordering,
variable length paths
• Set Operations + inductive homomorphisms 1
Transitive Closure : Fixpoint
Atpn – June 2008 26 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation
State space of a Petri net
Atpn – June 2008 27 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• A dining Philosopher + Chopstick

Labeled Petri net : labels
Atpn – June 2008 28 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

GetL GetR

PutL PutR
Labeled Petri net : synchronisation
Atpn – June 2008 29 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

• Synchronization on transitions

P0 P1
Labeled Petri net : state space
Atpn – June 2008 30 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

Synchronization on transitions : closing the loop

P0 P1 P2
Homomorphism application (1)
Atpn – June 2008 31 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

1 1 0 0 0 0
fork idle WaitL HasL WaitR HasR 1

1 0 1
WaitL HasL WaitR
Homomorphism application (2)
Atpn – June 2008 32 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

1 1
h-(Idle,1) fork idle WaitL
WaitL Skip is true
For variable “fork”
1 1
fork h-(Idle,1) idle WaitL
Homomorphism application (3)
Atpn – June 2008 33 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

1 1 0
fork h-(Idle,1) idle WaitL

h-(Idle,1) idle
Id0 WaitL

h-(Idle,1) idle 0
Returning 0 terminal cuts the branch
Homomorphism application (4)
Atpn – June 2008 34 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

1 1 0 0 0 0
fork idle WaitL HasL WaitR HasR 1

1 0 1
WaitL HasL WaitR
Branch is pruned by h-

•Behavior of h+ similar, without pruning effect

0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0
fork idle WaitL HasL WaitR HasR 1
Labeled Petri net : state space
Atpn – June 2008 35 Hierarchical Set Decision Diagrams & Automatic Saturation

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