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Tasks for D03


1. Write a program, that asks user to input N and N number from standart input. Then outputs them in
reverse order.

◦ Read in N from console
◦ Create array of N elements
◦ Start loop that counts from zero to N-1. Use counter x
◦ Read number and store it in x'th place of array
◦ Start another loop that counts from N-1 to zero using counter x
◦ Output x'th number of an array

Sample input: Sample output:

6 9 3 6 -4 2 7
7 2 -4 6 3 9

2. Write a program, that asks user to input N and then N numbers indexed from 1 to N.
Your task is:
a) firstly, output numbers standing on odd positions.
b) then, output numbers standing on even position.

Sample input: Sample output:

8 5 2 304 4 7 7 6 5
5 7 2 7 304 6 4 5

(** if you index all of these numbers: values: 5 7 2 7 304 6 4 5

indexes: 1 2 3 4 5 678
firstly, numbers at odd(1,3,5,7) indexes are outputed, then on even.)

3. Given a sequence of numbers. Find the number of occurences of the largest number in this array.

Sample input: Sample output:

7 3
(**here, number 8 is the largest number and occurs 3 times.)

4. Problem “Sale”

Once Murat got to a sale of old TV sets. There were n TV sets at that sale. TV set with index i costs ai
KZT. Some TV sets have a negative price — their owners are ready to pay Murat if he buys their useless
apparatus. Murat can «buy» any TV sets he wants. Though he's very strong, Murat can carry at most m
TV sets, and he has no desire to go to the sale for the second time. Please, help Murat find out the
maximum sum of money that he can earn.
The first line contains two space-separated integers n and m (1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ 100) — amount of TV sets at
the sale, and amount of TV sets that Murat can carry. The following line contains n space-separated
integers ai ( - 1000 ≤ ai ≤ 1000) — prices of the TV sets.
Output the only number — the maximum sum of money that Murat can earn, given that he can carry at
most m TV sets.
Sample input: Sample output:
53 8
-6 0 35 -2 4
Sample input: Sample output:
42 7
7 0 0 -7

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