Developing and Practicing Reading and Writing Skills

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Speed, accuracy and comprehension


Understanding the main point

Indentifying how a reading or writing is organized

Evaluating how well a writer support his o her argument

Using strategies


Using sight words


Writing conclusions

Students must be taught learning strategies:

Discerning patterns

Using context clues

Word analysis

Guessing and deducting

Students should be exposed to extensive reading and writing

Students can improve their skills through contextualized practice

What can the software or website do? How does it meet . .

. pedagogical goals?

How does the software do it? Are there exercises, quizzes,

multimedia presentation?

How will students be able to use the software to . .

meet goals? can they understand it

What do students produce using only the software or website?

What kind of appropriate feedback and evaluation does the site or . .

software offer?
Adds notes about what else is important to know about . . .
technology. Then balance the results to decide if the software or . .
website is useful

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