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Speed, accuracy and comprehension



Understanding the main point

Indentifying how a reading or writing is organized

Evaluating how well a writer support his o her argument

Using strategies


Using sight words


Writing conclusions

Students must be taught learning strategies:

Discerning patterns

Using context clues

Word analysis

Guessing and deducting

Students should be exposed to extensive reading and writing

Students can improve their skills through contextualized practice

Goals: What can the software or website do? How does it meet pedagogical goals?

Presentation: How does the software do it? Are there exercises, quizzes, multimedia

Appropriateness: how will students be able to use the software to meet goals? Can
they understand it?

Outcomes: What do students produce using only the software or website?

Evaluation: What kind of appropriate feedback and evaluation does the site or
software offer?

Notes: Add notes about what else is important to know about technology. Then
balance the results to decide if the software or website is useful

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