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Ne rn annua oe nL rage 1 ur ! me \ Print | Close Window ! ee li. S Se eee =e Tor , “Lebanon Tes Party Good alternoon ioe Hrostate to write ths, but fee! must While currently an elected official and office holder, have alto been a law enforcement office for aver thity-three years, thave n a republican my entte adult life. | chose ths profession because | beliave in what right and we must sways do the night thing ‘Now, my belie is that the tea party has came tothe forefrant because we ae tired of the government misusing and overspending (ou tax dollars and not doing the right thing. Having sai that, we al know there are people everywhere, including ataehvng themselves to the tea party, that have purely selfish agendas, for Shannon Jones but! am not sure can blindly follow this effort without knowing her intent have the utmost esa twill ryan explain ay view, willbe the first to admit that something needs done to improve collective bargaining, Ido not believe the police and fire personne! are overpaid yet seem to be the target as a blame far our issues. Please trust me when | say that binding arbitration needs locked at and improved. | am not a pro-union person but am very concerned that Shannon Jones has ‘set out to attack the very people that are charged with protecting us. Interestingly enough, she sought out and eeceived an {endorsement from the State FOP. Wonder what they are thinking about thi endorsement now? There have been 20 line of duty {eaths inlaw enforcement already this year. It began with Deputy Hopper of Clark County Ohio being ambushed and shotin the face lanuary 1 Maybe | have missed it, but what amount of taxpayer dollars will be saved by going after our middle class working people here. Where was Shannon Jones and the tea party members when our new Governor made a personal choice that costal! of us over 6 milion dollars? 1 supported and worked hard to help get Governor Kasich elected. One of his ist moves was to chose to be the frst Governor since the 1970's to notlvein the mansion. What are hisreasons? | heard them and they are purely selfsh to benete hs family. Well. we allnave families but do we have the authority to spend tax payer dollars to benefit them. What this the right thing todo? Why has there been no outcry of this expense? How do we preach cost cuting and savings with that type of decision? Will the efforts by Senator Jones in her atack against the public employee even olfset the amount of money it cost to pay for security at Governor Kasch’s home? 1 haven't heard any figures yet. 's Governor Kasih’ choices not being questioned by the Senate and House because they are all republicans? Does he get to make ‘hoes that benefit him and cost us money but no one calls hi on it? 1, as the Warren County Sherif, made a similar decison tor the benefit of my family while using tax payer dollars, what would happen? What would you think? How about the rest of our Warcen County etizens? Here's the only thing ask...Areallof you willing hold allo us accountable! 1s Senator !ones’ move purely political grandstanding? Are we doing the right thing hee? Do we have 3 goal in mind here? "certainly hope that calmer heads wil find a way to st down and make things better. Laney Sims From: (maitojoe. ‘Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 11:24 AM ‘To: Lebanon Tea Party ‘Subject: [The Time is Now to Reform Collective Bargaining) Importance: High FYI - From Senator Shannon Jones: Having trout viewing this emai? Lick here 2115/2011 http://email09.secureserver.nev/view_print_multi.php?uidArray

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