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University of San Carlos

College of Nursing


Name: _____________________________ Patient’s Health Profile: _____________________________________________

Age: _______ Sex: _____ _____________________________________________
Occupation: __________________ Initial Complaint: ___________________________________
Date of Admission: _______________ ___________________________________
Status: ______________ Religion:________________ Diagnosis: __________________________________________
Name of Drug Classification Mechanism of Action Contraindication Rout and Dosage Side Effects Nursing

May reduce blood pressure Hypersensitivity to Tab po CNS: chest pain, • Closely monitor
Captopril Chemical by affecting the renin- captopril, other ACE 6.25 mg as a single hypotension, blood pressure,
(Capoten) ACE inhibitor angiotensin-aldosterone inhibitors, or their dose starting three orthostatic especially when
system. components. days after MI and hypotension, therapy starts
Therapeutic then 12.5mg t.i.d. palpitations, and dosage
Antihypertensive • Prevents conversion Increase to 25 mg tachycardia increases. Keep
of angiotensin I to t.i.d. for several EENT: loss of taste patient supine if
angiotensin II, a days and then GU: dysuria, hypotension
potent increase again to impotence, occurs.
vasoconstrictor that maintenance nephrotic • Monitor renal
also stimulates the dosage. syndrome, nocturia, function tests
adrenal cortex to oliguria, polyuria, for signs of
secret aldosterone Maintenance proteinuria, urinary nephrotic
increases sodium and dosage 50mg tid frequency syndrome, such
water excretion, HEME: as proteinuria,
reducing blood eosinophilia and increased
pressure MS: arthralgia BUN and serum
• May inhibit renal and RESP: cough creatinine
vascular production SKIN: levels. Also
of angiotensin II photosensitivity, watch for renal
• Decreases serum pruritus, rash symptoms, such
angiotensin II level Other: angioedema, as oliguria,
and increases renin hyperkalemia, polyuria, and
activity. This hyponatremia, urinary
decreases aldosterone positive ANA titer frequency.
secretion, slightly • Monitor WBC
increasing serum regularly, as
potassium level and ordered.,
fluid loss. especially is
• Decreases vascular patient has
tone and blood collagen
pressure vascular
• Instruct pt to
take drug 1 hour
before meals.
• Tell pt. to rise
slowly from
sitting or lying

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