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Breakfast is usually a light meal consisting of coffee and toast or fruit. For Brazilians lunch is not a
meal to be eaten at the work desk. Most companies that employ white collar professionals provide
their staff with vouchers which are redeemable at lunch time restaurants so most staff usually eat
outside the office.yet, meat remains brazils staple food which is pretty unusual, eating habits are now
changing to western style and following their traditions.

Sri Lankan Clothing includes sari, skirts and blouses for ladies and jeans and trousers for men.
However the National Clothing in Sri Lanka for women is white sarong and a white shirt till knees. Sri
Lanka Clothing has caught up quite a fashion now. Moving with the trend, the Sri Lankans have kept
their heritage as well. Clothing of Sri Lankans is a perfect blend of the eastern and western fashion.
Jeans is quite a common and usual dress for the youngsters. Until and unless it is a formal occasion, Sri
Lankans do not give much importance to the color of the dresses they wear.

Brazil has the largest number of Catholics in the world. [2] Roman Catholicism has been Brazil's main
religion since the beginning of the 16th century. It was introduced among the Native Brazilians by
Jesuits missionaries and also observed by all the Portuguese first settlers. The largest proportion of
Catholics is concentrated in the Northeast (79.9%) and South (77.4%) regions. The smallest proportion
of Catholics is found in the Center-West region (69.1%). The State of Piauí has the largest proportion
of Catholics (90.03%) and the State of Rio de Janeiro has the smallest one (56.19%). Among the state
capitals, Teresina has the largest proportion of Catholics in the country (86.09%), followed by Aracaju,
Fortaleza, Florianópolis and João Pessoa.

Brazilian festivals are well reputed every specially their carnivals. Partying runs in the blood of most
Brazilians, and their festivals are a good excuse to do it longer and harder!
Festivals in Brazil - Carnaval - end of January/beginning of February. There are other festivals all
through the year accompanied by heavy feasts and parties.
When people hear Brazil, they think of football and why not? They have the world cup 5 times. Brazil
has many beaches and huge sand areas where football is a very common sport along with football
minors also indulge in various games like playing with marbels, hide and seek, etc. Tourists love their
beaches and the cold chilly breeze which blows from the south.

Brazilian people are a very simple type people. They do not get engaged in fights and they live very
happily. They respect their guests (tourists) and supply their hospitality as much as they can. Children
have respect for their elders but in some parts crime has increased day by day namely the eastern
parts where food shortage is a big problem.

Brazilian people are mostly illiterate with the literary range just over 20% and so most of them don’t
know how to read and write which is why finding books in brazil is a difficult job to handle. Internet
has the some fate as books as most people don’t know what internet really is, but in urban areas
there are mobile operators which provide sufficient connection for internet browsing for businessmen
and tourists, all in all Brazilians have a very simple life and they are happy with it.

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