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TFA 2013 – Introductory Mechanics

Sample Problem #1

1. Given A = i + 4 j + 3k and B = 4 i + 2 j − 4k .

a. Find the magnitude of vector A and B.

b. Find A + B

c. Show that vector A and B are perpendicular.

TFA 2013 – Introductory Mechanics

2. A ball is thrown upward with speed 12 m/s from the top of a building. How much later
must a second ball be dropped from the same starting point if it is to hit the ground at the
same time as the first ball? The initial position is 24 m above the ground.
Given g = 9.8 m/s2

3. A bullet is moving with a speed of 367 m/s when it enters a lump of moist clay. The
bullet penetrates a distance of 0.0621 m then it stop. Determine the acceleration of the
bullet while moving into the clay.

TFA 2013 – Introductory Mechanics

4. An artillery shell is fired so that its horizontal range is twice its maximum height. At what
angle is it fired?

5. Can a particle with constant speed be accelerating? If it has constant velocity, what
happen to the acceleration? Explain your answer briefly.

TFA 2013 – Introductory Mechanics

6. The force of gravity on a 2kg rock is twice as great as that on a 1kg rock. Why then
doesn’t the heavier rock fall faster in the vacuum?

7. Define:
a. First Newton’s Law

b. Second Newton’s Law

c. The net external force acting on an object is zero. Is it possible for the object to be
traveling with a velocity that is not zero? Justify your answer.

8. A person stands on a bathroom scale in a motionless elevator. When the elevator begins
to move, the scale briefly reads only 0.70 of the person’s regular weight. Draw free body
diagram, then calculate the acceleration of the elevator, and find the direction of

TFA 2013 – Introductory Mechanics

9. What magnitude of the net force is required to give a 135-kg refrigerator an acceleration
of magnitude 1.40 m/s2 ?

10. Block A in Figure 1 has a mass of 4.00 kg and block B has mass 12.0 kg. The coefficient
of kinetic friction between block B and surface is 0.35. The block B is moving to the right
and speeding up with an acceleration 1.50 m/s2. (Given g = 9.80 m/s2)


a. Draw free body diagram for each block.

b. Determine the normal force and friction force that acts on block B.

c. Find the tension of each cord (left and right of the block B)

d. Determine the mass of block C.


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