Good Tips To Become A Better Pianist Ernan

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Good tips to become a better pianist.

A good teacher once told me if piano were easy, everyone would be playing beautifully.
15 years later I find myself repeating that piece of advice to almost all of my students.
There really are no short cuts to learning the piano. It takes dedication, hard work, and passion.
While there might not be any short cuts to becoming a good pianist, there are strategies that can
help you
learn faster, and at the same time have fun.
What usually gets in the way of people excelling in the piano is the simple hurdle of
Piano is like any other subject you are learning. You have to study, you have to
practice, and you have to learn to like practicing.
One of the best ways to learn to really like practicing is to learn a song that you really,
really like.
Find the song that first inspired you to learn piano, and I am sure you will work hard.
After teaching more than 10 years I have come across many kinds of students, and the
that stick with piano have one thing in common. They are constantly improving. Who wants to
having weekly lessons if they’re not getting any better?
Once you have the music piece that you want to learn make sure you approach the song
piece by
piece. Don’t try to learn the entire song in one day. You will just be setting yourself up for
Remember the saying, “Inch by inch is a cinch, and yard by yard is hard.”
That is a great piano tip worth repeating.

“Inch by inch is a cinch, and yard by yard is hard.”

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