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1. Acceleration is defined as the
rate in which _________________
2. When an object ___________
there will be a change in
direction or speed.
3. In order to find the
acceleration of an object
moving in a straight line, the
change in __________________
per unit of time must be
4. A plane taking off will be an
increase or decrease in
speed?. Is this an example of
5. Is driving around the corner a
change in direction? Is this an
example of acceleration?

6. What is the formula for


7. What does V1 stand for?

8. What does V2 stand for?
9. What does T stand for?
10. Deceleration is an example of
how ________________ changes.

11. Complete the following

acceleration examples.
As a roller coaster car starts
down a slope, its speed is 4
m/s. 3 seconds later, at the
bottom, its speed is 22 m/s.
What is its acceleration?

12. During a hundred yard dash,

J’ marlos accelerates from a
standstill position at a speed of
10 yards/sec north in 20
seconds. What is his

13. Does the problem have a

positive or a negative

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