Plot Quiz

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/25 English 10 – Quiz Short Story

Elements - PLOT
= Part I: Identify the following specific types of conflict and
identify the specific forces involved in the conflict /8

% 1. Jeremy is struggling in math. Tomorrow there is a very important test

that could decide whether he passes or fails the course. A boy from
school offers to sell Jeremy the answer key for $20. Jeremy is unsure of
what he should do.

Conflict: _______________ vs. ________________

Forces: _______________ vs. ________________

2. For the last two years, Theresa has been the captain of her high school
volleyball team. This year, Millie, a new student, is trying out for the
position of captain. Theresa will have to get her head in the game and
put forth a good effort if she wants to keep her position this year.

Conflict: _______________ vs. ________________

Forces: _______________ vs. ________________

3. In December of 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American woman, refuses

to give up her seat for a white person on the city bus. At the time this
was the law and Ms. Parks was thrown off the bus and arrested.

Conflict: _______________ vs. ________________

Forces: _______________ vs. ________________

4. The pilot’s voice echoed over the intercom: “Please return to your seats
and fasten your seatbelts. There is some turbulence up ahead and it
looks bad.” The passengers held on for dear life as the plane bounced
them around in their seats.

Conflict: _______________ vs. ________________

/25 English 10 – Quiz Short Story
Elements - PLOT
Forces: _______________ vs. ________________

Part II: Define the following terms in your own words /


Term Definition






Part III: Draw and label a plot map


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