Fact Sheet A Technology Revolution To Address Climate Change

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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Fact sheet: A technology revolution to address climate change

No less than a technological revolution, both in the development of new technologies and in
enhancing access to existing technologies by developing countries, is necessary to enabling
action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.
Technology cooperation can create win-win outcomes that help both developed and developing
countries reduce the cost of tackling climate change, while also stimulating opportunities for
sustainable development.
To help meet this challenge Parties to the Convention are working toward the establishment of a
new Technology Mechanism under the UNFCCC.
The new Technology Mechanism would consist of:

• A Technology Executive Committee that will set the overall policy direction at the
international level for accelerating technology development and transfer.

• A Climate Technology Centre and Network of national, regional, sectoral and

international technology centres, networks, organizations, initiatives relevant to both
mitigation and adaptation across all sectors of the economy. It will provide practical
assistance to help governments prepare and implement the technological transitions that
are required to address climate change. The Climate Technology Centre and Network
would provide in-country technical assistance and training. It would also develop
customized tools and policies, facilitate the establishment of public private partnerships
to accelerate the innovation and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies, and
stimulate cooperative research and development.

Technology cooperation currently under the UNFCCC

Under the Convention all Parties are to promote and cooperate in the development, deployment
and diffusion, as well as transfer of technologies, practices and processes that control, reduce or
prevent certain anthropogenic emissions of GHGs in all relevant sectors.
Under the UNFCCC, industrialized countries are urged to take all practicable steps to promote,
facilitate and finance the transfer of, or access to, ESTs and know-how to developing countries
to enable them to implement the provisions of the Convention. The UNFCCC’s Expert Group on
Technology Transfer (EGTT) is tasked to identify ways to advance technology transfer activities
under the Convention.
The Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism (CDM) also provides a number of
opportunities for technology diffusion by offering a legal framework and a marketplace for
Parties that are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon market has an
important role to play in bridging the technology and investment challenge, while addressing
climate change concerns.

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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Challenges for technology development and transfer

One of the most significant challenges is access to financing for technology initiatives and
Parties agreed at the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to undertake an
assessment of gaps and barriers to the provision and access to financing for technology
development and transfer. This assessment was undertaken by the Expert Group on Technology
Transfer (EGTT) under the Convention (UNFCCC, 2009a).
As of 2009, estimates of the financing resources available in all countries for technology
research, development, deployment, diffusion and transfer for mitigation technologies were
between USD 77.3 and 164 billion per year. Only partial estimates are available for current
financial resources available within developing countries, as shown in Table 1. Reliable data for
technologies for adaptation are not currently available.

Table 1. Estimates of current financing for development and diffusion of climate

mitigation technologies, by stage of technological maturity and source
(billions of United States dollars per year)

R&D n Deployment Diffusion
(total (total (additional cost of (additional cost of
spending) spending) climate technologies) climate technologies) Total
Developing Developing
Global Global Global countries Global countries Global
6 Included with
Public 45 NA 19.5–27.0 8.0–15.5 55.5–82.0
10 R&D
Included with
Private 9.8–60 NA NA 12–22 3.3 21.8–82.0
Total 15.8–70 30–45 NA 31.5–49 11.3–18.8
Abbreviations: NA = not available, R&D = research and development.
Source: UNFCCC, 2009a
The flows of finance to technology development and transfer are classified according to whether
they are from public or private sources and whether they target research, development and
demonstration of new technologies, the deployment of emerging technologies, or the widespread
diffusion of existing technologies.

November 2010

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The gap between current levels of finance and financing required to stabilise greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at around 500 parts per million carbon dioxide equivalents is
illustrated in figure 1, below.
The financing gap is specified for technologies as they progress through the innovation cycle
from research and development, to demonstration, deployment, and finally widespread diffusion
within the global economy.
The estimates are for a mixture of both public and private sources and the range of estimates
reflect different assumptions and scenarios.
Estimates indicate that financing for mitigation technologies in all countries needs to increase
above current levels by USD 262–670 billion annually until 2030. Of this increase, 40–60 per
cent, or an additional USD 105–402 billion per year, is projected to be needed in developing
countries. This reflects the scale of the emissions reduction potential that is estimated to be
available in developing countries.
Engaging the private sector, as the key owner and implementer of technologies, is a crucial
component of any response to enhance technology development and transfer.

Figure 1. Estimates of annual financing needs for mitigation technologies up to 2030, by

source and stage of technological maturity

Note: in this figure ‘existing’ refers to estimates of current levels of finance. Additional is the
amount estimated to be needed beyond current levels.
Many developing countries have undertaken detailed assessments of their technology needs. A
synthesis of technology needs in 69 developing countries was prepared in 2009 (UNFCCC,
2009b). Eighteen of the 69 technology needs assessments prepared by developing countries go
beyond the identification of technology needs and include specific project proposals. Within
these technology needs assessments there is a total of 264 project proposals with a total
estimated budget of at least USD 11.2 billion.

November 2010

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The most commonly identified technology needs for mitigation were renewable energy
technologies, technologies for improved crop management, energy-efficient appliances, waste
management technologies, forestry-related technologies and more clean and efficient vehicles.
The most commonly identified technology needs for adaptation were related to crop
management, efficient water use, improving irrigation systems, technologies for afforestation
and reforestation, and technologies to protect against and accommodate rises in sea level.
The main barriers to technology transfer identified by developing countries were economic and
market barriers, particularly lack of access to finance. The measures identified by Parties to
address these barriers were measures to increase foreign investment, increasing participation of
the private sector in technology transfer, introducing supporting policies and laws, improving
collaborative research and development of technologies, and increased public awareness. Most
countries indicated that existing in-country capacity was insufficient to adequately address
national technology needs, indicating that there remains a large demand for capacity-building
support within developing countries.
A major push on research and development (R&D) in new technologies, such as further research
on carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and fuel cells, biofuels, power storage systems and
micro-generation, clean energy technologies, early warning systems for extreme weather events
and biotechnology will also be required – which will in turn require a range of government
support packages.
Technology cooperation between developed and developing countries, and increasingly between
developing countries, will be needed on an unprecedented scale. Many developing countries
experiencing rapid growth, are making huge investments worth billions of dollars in capital
stock, such as infrastructure and power generation, that will be used for thirty years or more.
Such investments need to contribute to sustainable development. A well functioning carbon
market is likely to be a prominent feature in any future mitigation framework.
Examples of technologies for mitigation and adaptation

Technologies for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions

Examples of technologies for mitigating carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions may include:
• Energy efficiency;
• Renewable energy technologies, including solar panels, wind turbines, biomass and hydro-
power generation, as well as technologies for geothermal energy and ocean energy;
• Carbon capture and storage, which involves capturing carbon dioxide before it can be
emitted into the atmosphere, transporting it to a secure location, and isolating it from the
atmosphere, for example by storing it in a geological formation;
• Hybrid vehicles, for example those that switch between electric and combustion engines;
• Nuclear power.

Examples of technologies for mitigating methane (CH4) emissions may include:

November 2010

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

• Animal waste management: Methane released from liquid manure management systems can
be captured and used to meet a portion of a farm’s energy requirements or simply flared;
• Livestock management: Improved nutrition and grazing management has been identified as
effective in increasing efficiency and reducing methane emissions;
• Landfill methane capture and use: The principal approach to reducing methane emissions
from landfills involves the collection and combustion or use of landfill gas. Landfill gas
utilization technologies focus on electricity generation and direct gas use;
• Natural gas and oil systems: Current opportunities for reducing methane emissions include
both process and hardware improvements, such as equipment upgrades.

Examples of technologies for mitigating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions may include:
• Matching nitrogen supply with crop demand, tightening nitrogen flow cycles, and optimising
tillage, irrigation and drainage could reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser use by
• Fertiliser: Nitrogenous fertilizers play an important role in increasing crop yields. Reducing
N2O emissions can include the use of low N2O-emitting fertilizer or the use of slow-release
fertilizers and nitrification inhibitors.

Examples of technologies for mitigating hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) emissions may include:

• Improved design, tighter components, and recovery and recycling during servicing and
disposal of refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pumps can reduce lifetime HFC
emissions at moderate to low costs.

Technologies for adaptation to adverse impacts of climate change

Examples of technologies for coastal areas:

• Accommodate sea-level rise (improved drainage, emergency planning);
• Protect against sea-level rise (hard, soft and indigenous technologies);
• Managed retreat.
Examples of technologies in the agricultural and fishing industries:
• Tolerant/resistant crop varieties (to drought/heat, salt, insects/pests);
• Efficient water utilization and improved irrigation systems;
• Heat-tolerant livestock breeds.
Examples of technologies for water resources:
• Water recycling and conservation (including rainwater harvesting);
• Water desalination.
Examples of technologies for health improvement:
• Disease monitoring and surveillance;
• Upgrading of drinking water and sanitation.
Examples of technologies for systematic observation and monitoring:
• Improved data collection;
• Improved data management and data processing systems.

November 2010

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNFCCC (2009a). Recommendations on future financing options for enhancing the

development, deployment, diffusion and transfer of technologies under the Convention. Report
by the Chair of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer, Document FCCC/SB/2009/2 and its
summary, UNFCCC: Bonn, Germany.
UNFCCC (2009b). Second synthesis report on technology needs identified by Parties not
included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat, Document
FCCC/SBSTA/2009/INF.1, UNFCCC: Bonn, Germany.

November 2010

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