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NAME: ________________________________ DATE: __________________

TC#: ____ PD: ____

WHH HW Quiz pgs. 318-322

1. Approximately how many people lived in the American colonies by 1750?

A) 2 million
B) 1 million
C) 500,000
D) 3 million

2. The American Bill of Rights protected all of the following except…

A) Freedom of Religion
B) Freedom of Press
C) Freedom of Assembly
D) Freedom of Government

3. The new constitution of the American colonies created a(n)…

A) Federal system
B) Absolute system
C) Bicameral system
D) National system

4. The Spanish called the children of European and Native American parents…

A) Mulattoes
B) Slaves
C) Mestizos
D) Quitos

5. Apart from the Spanish dominance of Central and South America, the Portuguese controlled…

A) Brazil
B) Mexico
C) Peru
D) Matto Grosso

6. Which family ruled Great Britain following the death of Queen Anne?

A) Stuarts
B) Bourbons
C) Hohenzollerns
D) Hanover’s

7. The Declaration of Independence was based upon the ideas of…

A) Hobbes
B) Locke
C) Rousseau
D) Montesquieu
8. Which agreement ended the American Revolution?

A) Treaty of London
B) Treaty of Versailles
C) Treaty of Washington
D) Treaty of Paris

9. The Catholic Church performed all of the following duties in America except…

A) Converted Native Americans

B) Educated Native Americans
C) Served as local law enforcement
D) Kept the Native Americans docile members of the empire

10. Which European nation assisted the American colonists during the revolution?

A) Prussia
B) France
C) Austria
D) Spain

11. All of the following were goods shipped from the Americas to Europe except…

A) Slaves
B) Gold
C) Diamonds
D) Sugar

12. What was the most noticeable feature of Latin American agriculture?

A) The small farms owned by Native Americans

B) The large cotton plantations
C) The large European landowners
D) The large plantations owned by Native Americans

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