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7 Characteristics of a Facilitative Leader

• Accomplished listener. Develop deep and empathetic listening

skills and the ability to hear people accurately.

• Learn how to reframe content. Develop the ability to help team

members re-think a situation, thus turning problems into

• Have the capacity to suspend judgment. Don't be easily

shocked. It is fundamental to the Facilitative Leadership process
that employees have a place to unload. Employees find this
liberating and energizing.

• Practice discretion and principled values. Leaders need to

walk the talk, maintaining strong ethical and confidentiality

• Offer possibilities and solutions. People have unlimited

potential and a proficient leaders recognize this, and work to
draw upon this innate potential to make relevant suggestions
and offer pertinent alternatives.

• Add value with tools, teaching, and education. Add value to

your team members by giving them knowledge of tools and
resources that will help them achieve their goals. If you are truly
listening, you will know what they are.

• Genuine, sincere care - By genuinely and sincerely caring for

people, we build this trust.

Interested in a group coaching program to help you develop,

refine and perfect your facilitative leadership skills? Group
coaching is a solution when you want to leverage your efforts by
collaborating with others who are headed in the same direction.

Let me know Here

Follow the 80-20 Rule

Remember that 80% of the problems that arise from work are
due to faulty systems, procedures and communication
misunderstandings. Only 20% can be attributed to the people
who are doing the work.

Dianne's Preview Call is for You if...

● You know you deserve a bigger bite of market share. Results

like this don’t happen by chance. They happen when leaders and
their managers build organizations that are systematically
aligned with cooperation and winning.

● You want to recruit and retain the best employees in the field.

● You’re committed to uncovering the root cause of what’s

causing conflict and confusion for your team and resolving it
once and for all so you can get on with growing your company
with loyal and accountable employees.

● You've been searching for a common sense, simple system

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