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Touchstone 2

Unit 11

Lesson B 1

Speaking activity
Draw a picture of one of your classmates. Do not show it to anyone. You have got 5 minutes to do that.
Write some vocabulary that you will need to describe this classmate to the rest of the class.

When students are finished, teacher asks students to get in pairs and each one of them describe the
person they have drawn to their partners. Partners guess who the person is.

Teacher gives students 15 minutes to go around and the student who can make the most right guesses
is the winner.

Teacher can ask a follow up question:

Who was the most difficult to guess? Why?

Task based lesson

Unit 6

Lesson D 1

1. Reading for gist:

Students read the text and follow the tour on the map.

2. Reading for specific details:

Exercise C
3. Sts get into groups.
4. Every group chooses an interesting place to describe and give directions to
where it is.
5. Students also have to draw a map of the place.

To describe the place students answer three questions:

 What is the place?

 Why have you chosen it?
 What can you do there?
6. Every group chooses two people to present the place and give directions to
7. Students evaluate their classmates’ work and every group give a mark (1 –
8. Teacher adds up marks and declares the best place and the winning group.

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