Slide 2: Get A Chalk Board and Piece of Chalk. (Paper Towel Is Also Useful)

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Chapter 9
PowerPoint Notes

Slide 2:

Get a chalk board and piece of chalk. (Paper towel is also useful)

1)Measure the mass of a piece of chalk and record the mass of the piece of chalk on your
chalk board. ______________________g
2)Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of calcium carbonate and
hydrochloric acid on the chalkboard.

3)Reweigh and record the new mass of the chalk. _____________________g

4)Calculate the number of moles of calcium carbonate you rubbed off onto the chalk
board? Show your work below:

5)How many carbonate ions are on your board? Show your work below.

6)What you’ve done is called Composition stoichiometry. _______________________

is the math of mass/mole ratios of elements and compounds.

Slide 3:
__________________________________ is the math of mass/mole relationships of
reactants and products in a chemical reaction.

Let’s say I decompose 0.1578 mol of sugar. C12H22O11

How many moles of Carbon were formed?

Slide 4:
What’s the balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of Sugar?

Write down all the possible mole ratio relationships from the balanced equation.

chp 9 chem ppt notes 1

The mole ratios become ___________________________________ that we can use to
solve problems.

Slide 5:
Determine the number of moles of carbon produced. Show your work.

Determine the number of grams of carbon produced. Show your work

Determine the number of moles of water produced. Show your work.

Determine the number of grams of water produced. Show your work.

Slide 6:
What are the four different types of stoichiometry problems we’ll do in this chapter?





Slide 7:
What are four steps in solving stoichiometry problems?

chp 9 chem ppt notes 2




Slide 8:
Work the sample problem on page 282.

Slide 9:
Work the sample problem on page 284

Slide 10:
Work the sample problem on page 285

Slide 11:
Work the sample problem on page 287

Slide 12:
How many g of calcium chloride forms when 0.50 g of calcium carbonate reacts with
an excess (2.0 mL 6M) of hydrocloric acid?

Write the balanced equation for this reaction.

What is given?

Solve the problem using dimensional analysis.

chp 9 chem ppt notes 3

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