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February 16, 2011

Problems with Great Britain and the USA

• When Canada was granted nationhood status from Great Britain, Canada became
independent and had full control over her affairs. However Canada was still considered a part
of Britain’s dominion and as such Canada’s foreign affair was often controlled by Britain.
• In 1899 Britain came into conflict with Dutch settlers (Afrikaner) in South Africa. Britain
called for and expected Canada to send troops to help in the fight.
• English and French Canada sentiment towards assisting Britain was of course different.
Reaction to the Boer War rehashed the ongoing divide between the French and English.
• While Laurier supported Britain’s declaration of war he at the same time believed that the
war posed no threat to Canada’s security.
• Laurier’s decision to not send the troops to assist Britain drew support from French Canada
and outrage from English Canada who saw it as a betrayal to Britain.
• Laurier in the end compromised with the decision to send troops under the conditions that
those going had to be volunteers and Britain had to pay them.
• Initially 1000 volunteers enlisted and by the end of the conflict 8300 Canadians had
volunteered and gone to support Britain in South Africa.
• Of course Laurier’s compromise angered many of his colleagues as well as French
• Many felt this would be the first of many such wars Britain would call upon them to
participate in.

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