China Comparative Government

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Wiley Davis

COUNTRY FACT SHEET: ________China______________________

FEDERAL/UNITARY Number of subunits Description of arrangements

22 provinces Power is mainly
5 autonomous regions centralized with the local
4 centrally administered CCP and government
municipalities having some control over
2 Special Administrative their respective regions.
Regions Hong Kong is pretty much
left alone.
PRESIDENTIAL; Name of Head of State (i.e. Name of Head of
President Hu Jinato Premier Wen Jiabao

HEAD OF STATE/ Powers of Head of state, Powers of head of

HEAD OF GOVERNMENT length of term government
The president is simply a The head of government is
figurehead elected officially also simply another
elected by the People’s figurehead. He leads the
Congress but really is People’s Congress but in
chosen by the upper actuality the People’s
echelon of the party. Congress is a rubber stamp
Election of head of state, so he is the most powerful
length of term of the powerless.
Elected by the legislature, ______________________
but only with the approval Election of head of
of the CCP leadership. government
Because of this the general Officially elected by the
secretary of the CCP is legislature but only with
normally the person with the consent and direction
real power in the country. 5 of the upper echelon of the
Year Term CCP
NAME OF LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 2,987 seats Members are elected by
(Identify both houses if applicable) 5 year terms municipal, regional, and
The legislature mainly acts provincial people’s
as a rubber stamp and congresses, and PLA.
almost always votes
according to the CCP
NAME OF JUDICIAL BRANCH Supremes are appointed by Supposed to be
the NPC independent but they are
Supreme People’s Court Locals are appointed by the not. No judicial review.
Local People’s Courts provincial and regional 99% conviction rate with
Special People’s Courts legislatures extremely harsh
And Special are like punishment.
military courts
BUREAURACRACY/CABINET The bureaucracy is filled The main cabinet form is
with corruption and the General Secretary’s
patronage. People must be Standing Committee which
members of the CCP to get is less of an advisory board
Wiley Davis
promoted to high positions. and actually is the
There is also a system of government itself. They
almost like bribes called make the major decisions.
guanxi, which accompanies
job placement.
POLITICAL RECRUITMENT How are elites recruited? Elites are recruited
through the Chinese
system of nomenklatura in
which members in the
party form the hierarchy.
The government is built
from within through a
patronage like system.
most revered institutions in
the country and many time
the country’s true
leadership comes from the
CMC (Central Military
MEDIA Describe type of “feedback” Citizens receive feedback
citizens receive from their government by
mass line the idea that
there is a great line of
communication between
the government and its
constituents. This mass line
however is heavily filtered
by the CCP.
LEGITIMACY The Chinese government is Mandate of Heaven used
fairly legitimate because of to be the main source of
the economic growth which legitimacy, now it is the
fares well with the will of Politburo. As the ultimate
the people power, the Politburo
determines the legitimacy.
FEATURES OF CONSTITUTION December 1982 Provides for parallel
government between the
CCP and the state
Is not considered the main
source of legitimacy and
rather is more like a party
doctrine than a regulatory
or guiding document.
Doesn’t have real checks
and balances.
Wiley Davis


HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF Identify 3 key events and briefly Communism-Formed a

POLITICAL TRADITIONS explain how the events shaped collective attitude for the people
current government of China

Authoritarian Rule-
Throughout history China has
been ruled by authoritarian
forms of government, therefore
they are not necessarily opposed
to the rule of an autocrat.

Mandate of Heaver-Determines
who has the right to rule. Losing
the Mandate of Heaven means
you have lost power in the eyes
of the people.
KEY POLITICAL LEADERS Mao Zedong Maoism characterized by mass
AND THEIR POLICIES line, collectivism,
Great Leap Forward (The
Great Big Failure), One
Hundred Flowers Movement,
and the Cultural Revolution

Zhou Enlai Four Modernizations. Opened

China up to trade and
communication with the outside
world. Nixon Visit

Deng Xiaoping Economic liberalization without

political liberalization. Socialism
with Chinese characteristics.
ETHNIC CLEAVAGES Major ethnic cleavage is the The most notable result of
different regions between Han ethnic cleavages is the Tibetan
Chinese and the other more independence movement which
widely diversified minorities. involves the popular Dalai
Lama and shines a light on
alleged civil rights injustices of
the Chinese.

POLITICAL PARTIES Communist Party is the only The CCP

really powerful political party.
Believes in some economic
liberalization but not social
Wiley Davis
ROLE OF POLITICAL ELITES Identify elites and describe their Political elites rule the country
roles with no real respect to rule of
CITIZENS Apathetic Citizens sometimes vote in local
elections but a lack of political
efficacy has convinced people
that their opinions on
government do not matter.
INTEREST GROUP SYSTEM There are no specific interest Many of the interest groups in
(pluralist or corporatist) groups mentioned that are China are environmentally
especially powerful. Only now based and advocate for China to
are interest groups beginning to implement green reform in the
emerge and currently these country. This is allowed because
interest groups are not that of the relatively benign nature
populous or powerful. of this type of protest to the
survival of the communist party.
ECONOMIC SYSTEM: Socialistic Private Industries while before
Identify type: capitalist, socialist, Many of the major businesses were very limited now make up
etc.: identify major economic such as petroleoum and steel are to 75% of China’s GDP. They
policies government has adopted government owned however thrive do to a large labor force
many of the government owned many of which are willing to
corporations are inefficient and work cheap.
are operating on a loss. The only
reason they are funded is Public Industries are
because they large number of ineffectively run and riddled
jobs they provide. with corruption and waste.
FIRST WORLD/THIRD WORLD Third World Developing Rural/ Urban economic
Has one of the fastest growing disparities
economies in the world. Second Lack of civil society
best economy ahead of Japan Lack of Competitive Elections
and behind the US Media Censorship
Some liberalization of the
SUPRANATURAL WTO, UN, G-20, WMO, IMF Impacted human rights
ORGANIZATIONS development, globalization, and
foreign investment
PUBLIC POLICY One Child Policy has caused a Most pressing problem is
gap in the number of males controlling the rapid economic
compared to the number of growth in a way that does not
females. cause rapid inflation and
managing to keep the economic
Refusal to let the Yuan growth of the country from only
appreciate has caused benefiting the rich elite rather
international tensions between than the entire nation, creating
the US and China a gap between the rich and the
The lack of product safety in
china has come from multiple
recalls in which it has been
Wiley Davis
revealed that multiple hazardous
things have been found in
products. Though many times
the leaders of oversight agencies
are executed


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