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Mrs Beutlich Becomes First Elorida Methber At Large Hre, Rolf Beutlich became the first Menber-at-Large in the Florida Wing on 15 Novenber, Col, Joseph F. Moody, Commander Florida Wing, presented Urs; Beutitch with her CAP meaborehip card ft ing Headquaitors, Marianne,.wife of AF-IO, Florida Wing, bea been putting in her houre st Ming Headquarters aseleting inthe administrative field, Mrs. Beutlich shares her husband's. enthasi for the CAP progran. Florida Wing waleaues Kre, Beutlich and hope to rearuit a few of ‘the young Beutiiche (5 in ail) who Fange five ‘the mursery set to high school ener CAP Honor Guard To Greet Governor ‘Second Lieutenant. Leroy B, Barnett, Jr, Now Sayrna Beach 8 coordinating with Daytona Beach’ Junior College official dedicstion on Decenber 8, 1960. Governor Leroy Collins will be met’ by a CAP Honor ‘Guard from unite of Group VI. 4 CAP fly-over ‘ail be a highlight of ‘the dedication cerenonies, ‘ ‘Take a bow, Lt Barnett. This is the kind of comunity ree ations we need’ for Florida Wing prestige, Group VIStatt Feted-nt Fly Ti Breokfast Over 50 CAP Seniors and Cadets drove and flew in to Daytona 7 Beach Munteipal Airport to: attend’ the monthly Group VI Fly-tn Breakfast. on Sunday, Novenber 13, ‘The meeting was held as the AFRee Ceitar.: Major Cherles Faralde, Daytona Beach Squadron Comender, supervised preparation of the hearty breakfast. Lt Col AL Rhodes, Group VI Commander,’ presided at the ‘necting, Major Rolf Boutlich, Florida Wing LO, briefed the group on the new Supply systex and urged unite to make their needs known to Wing. “Equigment will be obtained when possible only ‘after a request has been made, He pointed out thet, Squadrons could expedite procureent by contacting their area screening Fepresentative concurrently with requesting supplies through ‘channels. Beutlich aleo discussed the broad netionsl scope of GAP in Civil Defense if we can "get our house in order", ‘THE toatce cara Page L What'll You Have ? Tt ion't often thet a neyly formated publication borrows ite feature editorial; especially for the first issues. However, this excellent article was brought to our attention and weld Like to tip our hats to Captain Sarbara Nelson of the Anniston Squadron, Alsbana Wing, who edits Countdow fron which thie article was taken. for senior training? "Sone squadrons have all > Midle others ‘What, do you hav communications, others all navigation, meterology, et have no senior training at all, Having heard the pros and’oons of this type of training we would ‘ike to set forth a few ideas on the subject. National. Headquarters has put. out some very good manuals that could and should be incorporated in all senior training prograns. Let's start with'a class in CAPM 50-1, Introduction te Oivil Air Patrol, Wo must all etudy this manual when we firet Join, but does it stay with us? A review of this manual for old menbere, as well as thoce just Joining 4s well worth the tine, AU 10-1, Adninistrative Guides and CAPM 20-1, Job Description Guide, are very good to acquaint all maabers with the proper procedures on letter writing, inclosures, ete., as well as who te to do what. Jobe Being familiar with all etaff officer's duties, stops confusion in sto foes what CAPM 50~b, Leadership in Management, Administration end Staff Organization, ‘is a must for all personnel. who wish to becone staff officers or those who already hold staff positions. ‘ALL flying personnel will be interested in CAIM 50-5, The CAP Qooerver. Every year at the annual effectiveness test there is a shortage of qualified observers, We have enough aireraf in thie Wing to get the 10 hours flying tine required, eo let's study this anual and get the ground inetruction, too. "kerospace” is being incorporated into CAP more and nore. CAPM 50-6, Aerospace Orientation, ie another must. (Communicators as well ae pilots and cadete, should study CARK 100-2, CAP Oude for Radio Operators. Anyone who flys a CAP alreraft with & radio installed, and uses a CAP mobile unit or fixed station, HF or VHF, must study this-anual to know the correct operating pre” endures. ‘There 49 also a Survival Guide to becane acquainted with, as well. fas the seven cadet study manuals, iow about the CAP Regulations? Do you know all there $2 to know about then? OF course you don't; nd one does, ALL that {9 reoulred As a general working knowledge of all regulations, Uniforms are a constant. concern to all personnel and proper yoaring of the uniform is good study material five or six tines & years Feople need reninding on these things, Keep the prograa varied, 30 to-\G minutes for each class, plus fa business secsion, This makes a rosd weekly weet ings Let's hope that no one in the Wing is ever heard to say, "We don't have anything to use in senior training". ‘TW ‘oxToR CAPERS Age 2 Col J Moody, Condr 1 Col B Campeanu, Editor Published monthly by Florida Wing, Civil Air Patrol Box ML, Orlando Air Force Base, Florida FYI Since the last edition of thie shest made the romde of the something new has been aided, First, the Gator CAPers has a full tine steff to handle its publication, ‘the office has been Felocated at Wing Headquarters and,.28 you can see, the format has boon tenporarily changed. Other changes are in the offing. The mart io trying to acquire photographic capability for your nevepeper. ‘The staff, headed by Li. Col, fed, Canpeau, Wing Information Oeeteer, Sa'mue up of Hasoro Kip Hoution, Gulién Case and St Tom iow that we are a centrally located unit we hope to be able to put out a woll belanced nee sheet with an assortaent of stories and nows iteas that will interest you and the 2700 others maling ‘up the corps of the Florids Wing. Tn theory it gues Like this: The staff collecte all the to formation, seloete itens of interest and develops other 4d Story anterial, Toon off to the prinver ani there you have ite” Bit thie 1e only in theory. We must have your help if we are to serve you, Yor can best help by keeping your unit 10 informed, Your 10 wi2i ts turn forvard your staries to the Gator CAPers. If you do not nave an Information Officer, send your naterial direct tothe editor at Wing Headquarters, Orlando AFB, Like any sther news outlet, our greatest enexy 4s the time clock. Material must reach the editor's deck before the 25th day of the month. ewe Avene should be sent as they happen, ‘This staff needs ‘time to edit copy and by sulmitting your copy early we will be able to put out a better publication for your information and enjoyment. ‘Gator CAPars vill only be as interesting as you nake it.” We cannot manufacture news fren Headquarters, So, read it and if you fare not satisfied with the coverage, do something aboct it, Stuanr Squadron Slates Anniversary Dane Stuart Squadron, commanded by Major AL Keaton, plans to hold ‘8.19th Anniversary Dimer-Dance on Decenber 3rd. Gol. Joseph Moody fand Mra, Moody, Major Rolf Beut lich and Mrs, Beutlich, and Lt Cols George Fisher and Al Waiteside will attend the celebration at Stuart. a Krow The Wine Stare RCL Kar & Damn, Bay for Cal Lt Col Lather L Daneron, Deputy for Cadets, becaaé interested {2 gviation dn 1996 and loaned to fly at Wost alm Beaoh, Bnlisting 4a the Aray Air Force as en Aviation Cadet in dune, 191,’ Dansron Yet Hecharged in 1944 a0 a result of a phywical disability incurred An the line of dity, As President of a Flyers Club in Ft,, Lauderdale, Col. Dameron Bide. up he mind that he vould organise & CAP squadron, Col Joseph Moody, then Deputy Wing Comander, activated the aguadvon st on Tanderdals in 1949, Dameron coméinded the squadron until duly of 1952, In the aumer of 1951 he had escorted his cadete to the Ving feeamment and upon arrival was appointed Rneaspment. Comander when Wei sestmed comander did not report in for duty. His extraordinary: Geuonstrated by Lt Col Dameron, Major Gans ‘then National Comender, CAP, initiated « tetter of Samendation for efficient enompment’operetion after a Southeastern Regtonal and Wat ional. Snepestione ‘Since his appointment he has served as Ecexmment Coonander for Z,gubsequent encampments, escort officer on TAGE to Sudtecriond 4s 1955 and in 1958 was appointed Deputy Wing Comander, it the 1960 sueerment, Col Dameron requested re-assigment as bepity for Cadete, Duneron stated that his primary interest {0 in the Cadet Progran set he felt that hia efforts would be more beneficial to CAP andte hin self in this capacity. His goal for the future ts to see Ploride Wing in the Munber One position nationally on a cadet, eveluctians Lather and Louise Denoron are the parent of 3 chilirent Nike, 25, Linde 13, and Diane, 11. Louloe has been a devoted CAP wearer ‘and 4s @ Captain serves’ as 10 for Wing Cadet. Headquarters, Ke « Ceorcia Comm. Officer Wants. Comminicarors Petures spin HP. ctvon, Sterno, Goria, has cane up wth on sotere ect, for the SE Communicttare, ie hae Pott ka She" Horkaa Solmuicrsee ottu'in thelr aton for euttaatian 4n the proposed Southeastern Hegion Gaamuntcatore: ddfostseg Capt, Liteon requested 1D type photos of Lat and and opeseter kong sith ame, call sign and squadron, for futher inforestion, woite fo fers Gitton, Roste 1, Statesboro, Ceoreses ‘TRE ‘GaTOR CAPERS Page 5 Chaplain Rullowats, in his bi monthly newsletter, mentioned a very effective eysten of assisting Cadets in writing 1500-word gasaye, We have requested the National Chaplain to fucniah us with a copy of thie outline and as soon as we receive dt, we will mimeograph copise for all the Chaplains in the Wing. Le! us know shat you think of this when you have recetved it, ‘The new Chaplain Application Kite are available for the yecrulting progran. This kit will give all the information necessary in applying for a comosion as a CAP Chaplain, Please send in your Fequest to the Wing Cheplain's office, Let's have a chaplain in every uate Application for renewal of Sentor menbership 18 sonething that should be locked after immediately by every Chaplain. Please send in your renewal application at once. Dues are 20, follows: Major ~ $15.00 Captain - $10.00 Beet It, - $7.00 ord has been received that Chaplain Jules D, Jernigen, Group 4 Chaplain, has aoved to a new pastorate in Masiseippi., Even though ve reeret losing hin, we feel that there are great things in store for him in the Chaplainey of the Mississippi Wing. We ask Gofts guidance for him in hie nav location, 7 Would each Chaplain in'the Florida Wing be willing to give ‘rumbonail sketch of his past history, present appointnen:, and fami : Jy information for Gator Capers? Wing Chaplain Feels that’ this vould bp an excellent nethod of introducing all cur Chaplains te the Winge % Plesse let us hear from you. 1¢ CAP Chaplain, by his presence and personal witness, imparts g highly desirable and needed spiritual influence on ali th? personnel = 4am influence greatly needed in our country todays Florios Chaplains Roonam Secon Iw Recton The Wing cen well be proud of the haplain Progran in Florid Guaplain Farmer can be proud of the record hfe staff has set.” Florida Feted sevond in tke Southeastern Region and 22nd in the Ne-ional Fating for Cheplain activities during the fist half of 1360, TATA GATE Page 6 Three Units Apply Fir New Charter ~ Helin Cadet Squadron, West Wiant Squadron and Carol City Fight have applied for new chartara. Eglin Cadet Squadron fe ccmanded by Second Lieutenant John Re Hyland. Janes Ke ‘Commande the West viani init and Carou city Flight te comanded by W/O Malcolm Ey MoCallun Hyland Joined CAP in 1958 snd was formerly, menver of the Geatoone Squadron. Unit Infomation Officer 18 listed as Ps Je Friel. The Executive Officer for the new unit is Lt, Wiliam Kobos, well-known former outstanding Plorids Cadet. W/O NeCallun joined the Korth Usce Squadroa in 1956, He holds tthe aeronautical rating of pilot. Col Stonesier Returns riam Western Vacation Lt Col Robart: M Stonesifer, Wiig Supply Officer, returned trom & week vacation taken in New Nexiso early in Novenber. "He was Loaded Nath Indian Jewelry frea the Land of znchantment. Stoney 19 back ithe fobs “Le Cole Stones fer ang Maher work practically all day, Meg diy, baniling the trenendoas snort of administration funelled fo the Hetdquarters, The Wing is fortwate in having such dedicated CAP menbere who work so hard on beni! of the squadrons. ‘Assistant £0. Returns Faom Key West Trip ‘Ton Davis. Assistant Inforaation Officer, just returned to orlando Air Force Base after a week TOY at, Key West, ybere he wetrate 8S coordinate information activities with NASA, Navy Thi the Air Rescue Service for the Fecovery of a space capsule in conjunction with Project Mercury. Davis, who ie aesigned to ARS, explained that the Air Rescue Service has been charged with the responsibility of recovering the Setronaut free the space eapeule should he land in the ARS assiged ‘the Key West operation was © practice mission t¢ recover the space capaule froa the sea, The model. capsule was delivered from Gkpe Cansveral to Key West, Psrorescue personnel, “trined in SCUBA Giving by the US Navy, parachuted fron St-l6 aircraft to affix Specialy designed flotation device to the capsule to effect re Eetronaut, These jimpers were outfitted with ML Parareacuenen, long Fecognized as precision parachutistsy highly troined medics ané experts et, survival under tay conditions, now have the additional capability of underwater rescue, At the conclusion of the exercises, Davia returred the model ‘capsule to Cape Canaveral before returning to the Orlando ares. General M'Elrov Lauds CAP Communications Net General McElroy, our Nations] Comander, is very proud of the 1B, 219 CAP etatione whieh represent the largest, controlled Radio net in the world, ‘The lstional Inspection Team urges all. opera~ fore to increase the effectiveness of Communications and utilize fequiyment to the fullest. Ccananders of all echelons should monitor their nete to receive inforsation and traffic, We have the capability, so Lette use it. GEAR SON, ‘THE ‘GATOR CAPERS Poge 7 perboup® a5] H mod ezanbrzeu) ltt] A ‘ho Fort Ploree Composite Squadron found whet they thought wae am Aide de Camp to General Custer, but after «-haireet and oecton shave it vas discovered he vas one of General Black duce Persson Feconndissance experts in Old Mexsco who hae agreed to ealiettont one Gator Capers of life in the Olde Aviation Section of the Siena! Corpo, seat sutdpo carted the frat ail? : Yo dropped « 16'1b sledge bamer ina Jenny tire Sto male the Adjuvants. ierstaved: at Perahing's Resdguartere? Wiat” Squadren had e Calvary Troup of turrec? ‘ho olept with the rattlesnake to keep wera? nat Squadron vent xdthout breakfast because of a ttle Gila Monster? he above subjects will be’ covered if you readers want the news tran the Pancho Willa direct, "Write to Pancho, In care ef the eater’ Fort Perce Aisplane Draypears From St. Lacie Aiaport One G-place Beech Bananga, Painted yellow, black and white, Sen {gl umber 4273-D, “Disappeared fran Sc. Lucie County Mleports tndeay ‘States Border Patrol and Fort Fierce Canposite Squadron would Iike Information regarding sane, Please return to Chester Boline Welcome Extended for Celebration Fort Pierce Composite ‘Squaaron wants to extend a weleme to gnyore who can fly in or drive in and get acquainted during tho 19th Anniversary Celebration, The Special Project Officer is trying to arrange for a static arm display, We will have 4 CAPable female who'll prepare and serve hot dogs that proaie fe be out of this world, Refresiments will be available, Cone ‘to Fort Pherce and get into orbit. Major Aenold Back on Job Mier Losine Bout with Horse Plerce Squadron Comander, Major Earbara Arnold, 12 back on fhe job after en uncomfortable and serious injury which put her im the hovpital most of this month, Major Arnold was kicked bys horse, Wotre ali glad to know that she's home and helding her gene Pleezet! Mr. Castro, We WanT to Go If Me, Castro will Just et the tension cool dow a Little, we may be able to have sone aerial cover for our Pt. Fierce Anniversary gbeervance, Suniay, Decenber 4. Don't be too surprised if the fis Force band’ show up. “This writer spent @ houre in the Pantegen trying te see Coners] Spaats to try to have a CAP cover for the VFW National Convention in Fhiladelphia, Fron desk to desk and around and around, brief case inspection every other minute and we fooa gut it couldn't be done. But the parade was covered. Goce Cid Air Fores Better Watch out Santa Claus 18 cemmin' 4ount Tt has been runored that Santa Clave will fly to Fort. Piorce @ an early eveluation mission to visst the Squadron and to checks gu the conduct cf the Seniors, He will land at the St. iucte Gomnty Airport, Sunday, Decenbor 4 as reported by Hres Sante ‘ME ‘GATOR carte * Page 6 North Dade Holds Pactice SARCAP Mision 2 hie paid® Composite Squadron held a practice SARCAP at Air Sreiee, Maert, west of Cleviston, on the 30th of Ose, erfice Don Cuminghea, Squadron treining Offices, sey ed, Right aircraft flew a totel of & octet aie Bring fouros gir setiet re Pitot, rete wth eildsing Gammel 7 and 36 meabere and 6 eadate pat tn eestor goes Tors nied the ay austtter, Tntorstion Octicer, tanya Squadron, eborough County mission of guasdion the Brainerd during a fight fro SF raseeerty, Tampa, to 8 construction site ahent Tinke printa and’reinerd. Flying Bdeprinte to the forse a tnaragted SPProxinately 100° foet trea the. stop Bone, He was killed tnstant re Foard eae guutty Sherice oepartnent requested the CAP to stand guard unt CePlete an investigation. “Major Pilche, Captains Wittner, Kins, lot Lt Garrett, Chaplain former pated i teabers Wyers, Keppel, Cadets Sineietmn ne Morphy partiet~ pated in the missions Courses Hold Key to Ronstion System fa telneyngt Provotion recuirenente going in effect on Decenber Soothe eeentered tat Snterest in Sor wank Ane tn fet Extension. ment or maitute 18 adding new courses all tie tines” ee ‘anneuneér Tale cous Test £0 CAP personnel Ss thet of Satentton Technician, 7513, mredes areqcOvar# in, theory and appLication, thernen ream responsibi1~ te carols fe, "ontion technician,” Ho spectal suck fice, ‘are nooded to enroll for the courde. Coarse (inform Assistant Infornation Officer, completed the Headonaet stg Gnformat ie Officer) in dunes Tne 6 seep SemPae Cs fer 10s have finiahed the ee THE toaToR cars Page 9 Florida Well Represented At SER Confrence Florida Wing vas well represented at the SR Special Conference gt Stewart ARB, Nashville, Tennessee on 29-30 cctobers Col.” Joosah Moody, Ut Cole’ Es Js Ceapeau, Al Charland, Majors Rol? Beutisen, alten Gace, Kip Houlton, Captain Don MeLachlan and SM Tem Davie attended the ‘The Phased Recruiting Progran was discussed by Col Vard RetI1y, Sm Comander. Col Oren H. Lane, AF CAP Lisieon Offizery SR, ite Gol John Buie, USAF, Lt. CoL Sarah Dike, CAP and Major Joanne Patten were gn the agenda, “Le Col Betty MeNab)’ discussed Training probiees in ire region, tee ee ee ee The Florida Wing stands 3rd in the SHR Information program, With added effort and cooperation we can vin fret place’ ‘To come in first we should have an aesigned Information Officer fp every unit, The IO must make regular monthly reports ser Poce @ and submit ‘to Wing Headquarters a outlined in CAPR 190-1. Carbon copies of releases as well as clippings should be ineludeds This saterial must be received at Wing Headquarters on or before the 10th cf. the Roath following the month being reported, LL spectal evente, igtusl missions, or SARCAPS should be sent to Wing Headeusrters ehatin U4 days of the inet date of the activity, A full I0 report ty mee smportant, ‘These reports should be forwarded in tripiive ‘The Ming Information staff can help you only ae you indicate your needs, Sample releases of wing-wide interest will be sent to Yow for local adaptation. Radio and TV spots will be sents est let Rs know shat you need to do a better job and we'll get the mareriay or the information to you just as soon ae possible, Jey naterial sant’ to you from Region and National should be Hillisod to the maximm, Thie 48 costly mailing. Don's let at, gather dust ina desk drawer, fe faniliar with the new 10 responsibility in the recruiting of Zatron Menbers and Nenbere-at-large, This 1 & most inpertent movect ind the 10 must start now to fulfill his obligation with reesd're this progran. in, the Florida Wing, between 11 snd 1 unite have been reporting. Mis has put us in 3rd place regionally for the first half of dsoee st think where we'd stand if the other unite sulmitted restless ports! Major Case to Head New Program Najor Julian Cate, Asst. 10, 48 heading up the now CAP Patron progran, The sim of this project is to acquaint. pecvona of influence ature about the purposes and goals of Civil sir Patrols Tool ‘ng nore on this shortly frat lagor Case Region Names Sedita to Comm. Post Florida ing extends congratulations to Tt col Roos Sedite, Biminghas, Alabama, on his appointment ae the Deputy Chief of Steff for Coamunicetions, we

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