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12/13/2010 WON 12635 FRX 3054775371 Advadnén Are, oor /o06 To: M. Denarvise Thornton, Jr. Associate Executive Director for Compliance and Eligibility Services Fax: 352-333-2106 Dear Mr. Thornton: “For your immediate review. | really hope that this matter will be looked into. 12/13/2010 Mom 1235 AX 3054776372 AdvAdain area Boo2/006 Monday, December 13, 2010 To Whom It May Concem: Lam writing this letter as a very concemed spectator of high school sports. Over the course of the last few years and from what I can glear ftom others in the conitaunity Dr. Michael Krop High School has been recruiting student-atbletes. From one year to the next they have an influx of students on their boys basketball team, as they watch their previous clgss graduate. It is unfair to the other schools not only in their distriot-but across the State of Florida, that they ere getting away with this simply because they have fn alloged address in the system. Tam attaching a number of pieoes of information regerding one student-athlete in particule that many people have brought tothe attention of the basketball world. Lam asking that you please investigate this iseue and bring proper order to Flora Basketball. And while this is only one individual I finaly believe that 2 number of other illegal players field this particular tara, In the past they have been able to bring in players to make them a better team, FOR EXAMPLE: 4, They needed a “BIG MAN? fronically they bring ig (Kansas Stale) from Orlando, Florida. 2, “They needed a “POINT GUARD” they bring in (IUNMBMM (NC State) from ‘Now York. . : 3, Titey're down and neod of a “GUARD” they bring in SUC from. 5 Puerto Rico, who allogedly lives with the Head Coach of Michael Krop. 4, After the players listed above graduates, the majority of last year team of Michael Krop, coincidently, the following players below supposedly moved into Michael Krop district area. 2, a, childhood end of AAR 0 ‘attended Arlinglon Country Day moved from facksonville, 1), ABM 03 player in question, who attended Choice Academy on ‘the 1-20 program from the Bahamas, who"s Guardian Bernard Wright, ‘was the Had Coach at Choice Academy. 12/13/2019 MOM 12:36 FAX 3058776371 Advadnin Area Go03/006 To this date here are some of the things sbout the Michael Krop Basketball Team | ! 1, QUIMMMMNRNRNNNNERR 55018 from the Bahamas that came to play for Cente fie ‘Academy (Choco Academy} Which wa ten Coached by Bernard Wright, hs Guardian now. 2, Studeot attended R.M Balley Senor High Schoo| sa ninth and tenth grader. Upon entering the Center of tfe Academy the student was reavalsated and placed in tenth grade. | 3. The student ives with hls Guardian (Bernard Weighs) at 21220 ne S" ave. sald address doess't 1 exist on GPS navigation or tax rolls for Dade County) i 2. Have property reports pried out that attest to this | b. nthe printed mags- the sllaged adres isn anarea thet no homes are bul grassy / woods area. : , 4, Studant doesn’t have a valid 20 studant vss which he needs to e here to attend a Private School. From souree 20's are net accapted by Ruble Schools? Oris there a fee thet must be | pel? e

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