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Article-Meet Ercia Emm

In all honesty thehave been set far too much on the same old everyday artists of today. With musicmuchwe finally
get the opportunity to interview true talent...Erica Emm. With a highly credited album and the kicking off of her first
UK tour Erica seems the possible next big thing. Its 4pm, we are sat waiting for Erica in a practically dead bar. As I
take a sip at a rather bitter orange juice, Erica (full of life) bursts through the door, apologizing for her 5 minute
lateness. I smile and gesture her to the sofas, as she walks over I notice how she isto any other artist we've ever
interviewed, not a care in the world about her hair, make-up or even clothing but no doubt about it shethe almost
punk-like look. I already love this girl and I've not even spoke to her!

MTM: Hello Erica! to begin with congratulations with the new song. I'm really loving it at the minute, definatley
one for the ipod.

Erica: [Laughs], I'm glad you like it

MTM:when Ilistened toI got theit had a lot of feeling about it...kinda' like you were singing itto someone. Is this
true or am Ianalysing here?

Erica: Oh,'ll find this withsongs on my album andany of my future. I only really write songs I myselfrelate to. I feel
that way not only do the lyricsa lot better but the singing does to. I don't like singing about things I don't really
understand or experience for my self. Thatsense right?

MTM: Sure does, so we saw your album go on release in 2010, do you feel since then you have had a?

Erica: Well to some degree yes, I'm still adjusting to it to be honest. People come up to me and ask for a photo, and
its weird cause for a short space of time I'm thinking why do they want a photo with me?

MTM: So no crazy paparazzi's chasing you around?

Erica: [laughs] nope, not yet and I'm grateful too!

MTM: Take it we wont be seeing any heat magazine shots of you falling out of clubs then?

Erica: Oh I cant promise you that [Laughs] No, I'm joking. Right now I've no time to be partying, I'm concentrating
on my new tour. First impressions areassay

MTM: Ah yes the tour! What can we expect from it then?

Erica: Well I don't want to give away too much. Lets just say its not the classic girl on the stool in the spotlight with
her guitar kind of tour. I'm making adjustments to my songs and I may even perform a few new tracks

MTM: Oh I see, and how are youself for your first tour?

Erica: I'm hitting the gym more regularly, I never realised how much energy is required to perfom...I also
discovered how truely unfit I am [Laughs] I've cut down on eating crap and I'm going over my performing songs
over and over. Apart from that, I'm not sure what else I can do really.

MTM: And how to you plan to travel, are you tour bussing it up or crashing in hotels?

Erica: I can't afford a tour bus to my disappointment [Laughs] but I think the day I manage to scrape the cash for that
will be a great day. I'm going to decorate it inside and out, oh you've set me off now having some crazy creative
whiz!the tour bus days it'll be an almost hotel crawl across the country.
MTM: I look forward to seeing the Erica Emm tour bus then, I guess we wont be missing it. And you mentioned
you may perform some new you've been writing new material already?
Erica: I'm constantly writing, I write when I wake up and before I go to sleep. I find there the best times to activate
your creative thinking...anyway going off the point here! Yes I'm writing new material [Laughs]

MTM: A possible second album for this year?

Erica: I just don't know, I don't plan ahead I honestly wake up most of the time and have no idea what I'm doing.
Luckily fay ( Ericas assistant) sorts out and informs me of the day ahead, thank god I have her that's all I can say!

MTM:Well at least you're honest eh! Lets move on to discuss the media's reactions to you. You're being
compared to artists such as Florence and the machine and Lissie, how's that feel and does it pile on the

Erica:course! I mean they're absolutely amazing artists, I personally can't get enough of Florence, I actually used
to cover some of her oldthe album so its crazy to even be mentioned in the sameher, quite an honour really. I do feel
however that I have to live up to expectations which in a way is good because it makes me work harder.

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