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W E ' R E R A I S I N G T H E B A R . . .

Growth in EPS
and Dividend Per Share
50 380
Reducing the environmental burden and enhancing driving performance.
Dividend Per Share (yen)

EPS (yen/share)

Trimming costs and elevating vehicle quality.
10 80
0 20
FY 96 FY 98 FY 00 FY 02 FY 04

Dividend Per Share

Streamlining production and disseminating new technology globally.
EPS (net income per share)
FY96 ‒ FY97: Japan GAAP; FY98 ‒ : US GAAP

• Dividend increase during each of the past five fiscal years Striving for increased dividends and solidifying our financial base.

• 2.6 times increase in net income over the past five fiscal years

• Over 6 million Toyota & Lexus vehicles sold worldwide in FY04 It’s all about raising corporate value, through growth and efficiency.

• 60% of vehicles sold in North America are built in North America

• More than 36,000 North American employees For more information of interest to investors, visit our website at

• Over $15 billion invested in North America

• Only automaker with Aaa (Moody’s) and AAA (S&P) credit rating

• Financial statements prepared in accordance with US GAAP

Toyota is proud to be a par ticipant

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