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Ratin Name of Guardian Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Student: Spend Ave Value Job

g institution score with with with staff per entry added after
/100 course teaching feedback ratio student tariff score / 6
(%) (%) (%) (FTE) 10 mths

MSc in Marine Policy

44 Cardiff 49.5 85 76 53 19.8 5 399 3 60

MSc Marine Transport with Management

43 Newcastle 50.3 91 83 55 22.9 4 410 2 77

Shipping, Trade and Finance (MSc)

47 City 48 76 72 43 16.8 6 355 6 56

Maritime Law (LLM)

10 Nottingham 66.3 88 91 63 16.8 7 472 5 80

18 Bristol 62.4 85 87 56 18.3 7 479 5 81

19 Southampton 62.2 94 89 70 19.2 6 438 6 70

Maritime and Marine Law

61 Plymouth 42.7 79 78 59 15.3 6 271 3 55

Ratings according to Guardian University guide 2011

University guide 2011: Law

University guide 2011: Economics
Programs according to

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