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Embedded Bluetooth

Gang Xie

presents to EE281 Class

Stanford University

Bluetooth Was Originally a Cable-
Replacement Technology
In the Office …

You arrive at the

office …

While in a
meeting, …

When inspecting
equipment, …
On the road …

You arrive at the

airport …

You enter the

airport waiting
lounge, …
You get on the
rent-a-car bus, …

Specification describes Profiles describe how

how the technology works, the technology is used, i.e.,
i.e., the Bluetooth protocol how different parts of the
architecture. specification can be used
to fulfill a desired function
for a Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Specification Protocol Stack
Bluetooth Profile Structure
Radio Specification
PDU format:
 The Bluetooth system is operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM
(Industrial Scientific Medicine) band. The regulatory range of
this frequency band is 2.400 – 2.4835 GHz.
 The Bluetooth radio accomplishes spectrum spreading by in 79
hops displaced by 1 MHz.
 Radio modulation uses GFSK.

Operating frequency bands:

0 1 2 78

2.402 GHz 2.480 GHz

Baseband Specification

There is one master

and one or more
slaves in each piconet

Packet format:
Service Discovery Protocol Specification

Protocol Data Unit format:

 PDU ID: identifies the type of PDU
 Transaction ID: uniquely identifies request PDUs and is used to
match response PDUs to request PDUs
 Parameter Length
Bluetooth Design and Development Tools

 Design tools:
tools RF and digital design tools,
simulators, and other tools

 Development tools:
tools including modules, chipsets,
RA and digital kits, protocol implementations and
other tools

 Testing/evaluation tools
Key Features

 Robustness
 Low complexity
 Low power: battery powered
 Low cost: about $5

 Fast acknowledgement
 Fast frequency hopping scheme
 Shorter packets






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