Draft Magna Carta of Students

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We, the members of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan community, in
accordance with the University mission and vision that provide an academic
community that facilitates the total formation and development of young men and
women for and with others, and the interest of Jesuit quality liberal education, do
hereby enact a Magna Carta for Undergraduate Student’s Rights and Responsibilities
at Xavier University

a. SECTION 1. Title – This act shall be known as the Magna Carta of
Undergraduate Students of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan.
Henceforth, it shall be known as the Magna Carta.



The provision of this Magna Carta shall be interpreted in the light of the
University’s Mission and Vision statement. It shall be interpreted in the spirit
of open dialogue and respect between the student and the different
sectors of the university community.


It is hereby declared that the members of the Xavier University – Ateneo

de Cagayan community recognize, promote, and protect the rights and
responsibilities of each student. The Magna Carta declares the following
as basic and guiding principles.

1. The mission of the University is to develop and form men and

women equipped with the competency of his/her field, who are
discerning and morally upright, and who are inspired to commit
themselves in service to others. The university seeks to form men
and women willing and able to serve the Church and the Filipino
People. Students at the University have the right to quality Jesuit
Liberal Education.

2. Students enroll in the University primarily for education and

formation. Thus, their primary task and responsibility are to study
and maximize the many opportunities for growth and
development presented in the various university programs and

3. The students’ rights to participate actively and effectively in
processes which effectuate development within the University
shall always be recognized. The University shall regard each other
as indispensable and collaborative partners in all efforts of
education and formation.

4. The students are primarily represented by their duly

elected/appointed officers in the Central Student Government
and Student Councils. Students have the right to participate in
the formulation of school policies which affect them. The
university administration, in all matters affecting the rights and
welfare of students, shall recognize and respect the mandate of
the student representatives and engage them in meaningful
consultation and dialogue.

5. The Student Organizations shall help promote the ideas of the

University as given in Art. II, Sec. 1. Membership and active
participation in student organizations, which promote student’s
rights and/ or contribute to the growth and development of the
students and the advancement of national development shall be
respected and guaranteed by the University administration. The
student organizations, under the umbrella of the Central Student
Government and the College Student Councils, shall be
autonomous with regard to the sectors of the University. The
Office of Student Affairs through the Student Activities and
Leadership Development Office shall guide the student
organizations and provide opportunities for organizational growth
and development of every student involved.

6. Student Publications, guided by the Campus Journalism Act of

1994 and by pertinent school policies shall serve as important
vehicles for free expression and dialogue, dissemination of
information, opinions and ideas within the academic community.
The University Administration shall ensure the autonomy of
management, fiscal and editorial affairs of the student




Students shall be admitted to Xavier University, regardless of their
handicap, socio-economic status, political or religious belief, ethnic origin,
sexual orientation, citizenship or membership in student organizations that
will not run counter to CHED Order No. 4, S..1995; not shall pregnant
students and certified reformed substance abusers and those who are HIV
positive be discriminated against. Once students are admitted to any
program, they should be allowed to continue until completion of that
program within the maximum period set by CHED, unless they have
incurred academic deficiency or violated school rules and regulations
punishable by suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.


Students have the right to quality Jesuit education manifested by greater

integration of service learning in the curriculum, faculty development and
formation, functioning and conducive learning environment and facilities,
and efficient and effective services all for the total development of the

c. SECTION 3: ACADEMIC FREEDOM. Students’ academic freedom shall

consist of but not limited to the following rights:

1. To conduct research related to academic work and to freely

discuss and publish their findings and recommendations.
2. To conduct inquiry within the campus for curricular, co-curricular,
and extra-curricular purposes.
3. To choose the field of study, from among existing programs for
which they qualify, and to continue their courses up to
graduation except in cases of academic deficiency or violation
of disciplinary regulations which do not infringe upon the exercise
of the students’ rights.
4. To appropriately express any opinion related to the subject
matter under discussion in class.
5. To resort to procedures for the redress of their grievances
concerning teachers, grades, class policies and other academic-
related matters.


1. Student Handbook. Students shall be given a copy of the Student

Handbook which shall contain all relevant information for the

student including a full copy of the Magna Carta upon entry into
the University.
2. Course Outline. At the beginning of every semester, students shall
be provided with a written course outline which contains the
A. Course description
B. General objectives
C. Instructional content of the course, specific objectives and
D. Methods and techniques to be used
E. Evaluation and grading system of course requirements
F. Consultation hours
3. Class performance. Students have the right to inquire from
teachers their class performance data during the semester.
A. The students shall have the right and access to their graded
quizzes, exams, projects, homework or written assignments
and the like before final examination and access to criteria
used to evaluate these requirements and their weights in the
computation of the final grade.
B. The students shall have the right to request for an
explanation on how essays, oral examination items and
group work are graded.
C. In cases of group work, the students shall have the right in
cases of group work to be provided a system of grading that
ensures a just and equitable grading of individual members
of the group.

4. Final examination.

A. Students have the right to request the teacher to see his

corrected final examination papers and the computation of
his/her final grade after the distribution of the corrected final
marks and, should mistakes in the corrections or
determination of marks and other discrepancies ne
discovered to make an appeal for change of grade within
the prescribed period.
B. Students shall have the right to refuse to take an
examination that does not follow the Registrar’s regular final
exam schedule and request for a reschedule without having
to pay the delayed exam fee.

C. In cases that the student cannot comply with the
requirements set forth by the offices involved in the
clearance, the student can make necessary arrangements
with the respective offices.

5. Consultation. The students shall have the right to consult their

teachers for academic consultation. Likewise, the teachers
should make themselves available for consultation with their
students during the consultation hours provided by them at the
start of the semester and provided the course outline.

6. Final grades. The students shall have the right to know their final
grades at the date set by the Registrar. The teachers shall ensure
to submit the grades of their students on time as set by the

7. Major Requirements.

A. Major Exams. Students shall be informed of a long

examination at least one (1) week in advance, and
midterms and/or finals at least, two (2) weeks in advance.
B. Other Major Requirements. Students shall be informed of
relevant and reasonable major requirements and projects
(including timetable for submission) within the first three (3)
weeks of the semester. However, if the teacher deems it
necessary to add requirements, it should be with consent of
the class and to be submitted within a reasonable amount
of working time.
C. The students shall have the right to make-up for work not
accomplished due to some valid and grave reason/s,
he/she shall have the right to make up for the missed major
requirements within the allowable period after presentation
of relevant documents to prove the validity of the excuse.

8. Class Schedules

A. All classes shall follow the schedule issued by the Registrar.

Any changes of schedule initiated by the teacher shall be
duly approved by the Registrar before implementation. If
the change is initiated after the allotted time set by the

Registrar, the consent of the class must be secured without
undue prejudice to the rights of individual students.
B. Students shall not be obliged to attend any academic
activity (make-up classes) during the university mandated
and/or national holidays.
C. During Activity Hours, the students are not obliged to attend
any academic activity (make-up classes).

9. Academic Evaluation. The students shall have the right to be

graded according to their merits.

A. The students shall have the right to know the manner and
system of grading at the beginning of the semester.
B. In cases in which teachers initiate change in the major
requirements, the approval of the department chair and the
consent of the class must be secured without undue
prejudice to the rights of the individual students.
C. Absences shall not be taken against the grades of the
students unless they have gone over the prescribed number
of allowable absences.

e. SECTION V. Evaluation of Teachers

The students have the right to quality education by having competent,

socially committed, and morally upright teachers manifested by their
regular presence and punctuality, the content and quality of their lectures
and the encouragement of depth of thought in their discussions. The
students shall have the right to make a written evaluation of the
performance of their teachers and to honestly answer the evaluation
sheet provided by the colleges without fear or hesitation.

f. SECTION VI. Evaluation of Courses

The students shall have the right to evaluate their courses to propose and
to participate in the progressive updating of the curriculum.

g. SECTION VII. Faculty Hiring Procedures

All Departments are highly encouraged to have teaching demonstrations

in the hiring of new faculty, where upper-year students specifically

belonging to the course of interest are allowed to participate and give
feedback to the Department.

h. SECTION VIII. School Facilities and Campus Environment

1. The students shall be provided with adequate and up-to-date

academic facilities including classrooms and laboratories, library,
athletic and recreational facilities.
2. The University Administration shall provide a list of accredited and
adjacent housing/dormitories that can aid students in identifying
potential residential spaces
3. The University Infirmary shall be equipped with sufficient and
proper medical equipment, facilities, and medicines to ensure
smooth and effective delivery of health services.
4. The Administration, faculty, staff and the students are responsible
for the maintenance of a healthy and clean school campus.
5. The University shall provide the students with an environment
conducive for learning.
6. The responsibility to build a conducive atmosphere within the
campus belongs to the whole academic community.
7. The University Administration through the Athletics Office and the
Physical Plant Office shall ensure the maximum use of the
University’s sports and fitness facility to all students.

i. SECTION IX. School Programs and Support Services

1. International Linkages. The University Administration shall

encourage the participation of students in international
conventions and programs and as much as possible, to provide
reasonable financial subsidy to these students.
2. Student Assistantship Program. The University Administration shall
ensure the continuation and development of the Student
Assistantship Program through improved benefits and protection
of the rights and welfare of the student assistants.
3. Student Loan Program. The University Administration shall ensure
an efficient, equitable, and just loaning program that provides
sufficient financial aid to students who need it. Inability to pay the
loan shall not have any weight on any student’s academic
and/or extra-curricular standing.
4. Scholarships. The University Administration shall ensure greater
access to scholarship opportunities and improving benefits

especially to students who are academically excellent but
financially limited.
5. Students should have access to different programs and support
services such as athletic, co-and extra-curricular activities;
spiritual and religious formation, and counselling which are
essential to their holistic formation.
6. Co-, Extra-Curricular and various religious-related organizations,
and athletics shall be encouraged by the school.
7. The Administration shall support student activities by providing
students with venues and facilities needed for them to operate
efficiently and effectively.
8. Student Organizations shall observe and abide by the school
policies concerning the use of these venues and facilities.
9. Student Organizations shall abide by school rules and regulations
concerning on-and-off campus activities.

j. SECTION X. Involuntary Contribution

1. Involuntary contributions from students are prohibited except

those approved by the Director of Student Affairs or the Central
Student Government as provided for by Memorandum No. 80, s.
1968 (Department Order No. 15, s. 1968); RA No 4206 as amended
by RA No. 4725.
2. Teachers shall not require the purchase of tickets or the like as
part of the academic requirement of any academic course.
Failure to pay should not be counted against the grade of the

k. SECTION XI. Text books and materials

1. The students shall have the right to quality and appropriate

textbooks with updated content and teachers should ensure
maximum use of prescribed textbooks.

2. The university administration shall ensure a review of the form and

content of all textbooks produced by the departments for
general use.

l. SECTION XII. Security of Tenure

Students shall have the right to complete their program of study in the
school, except in cases of academic deficiency, violation of disciplinary

regulations, the maximum residency rule, or non-payment of tuition and

IV. ARTICLE IV: Academic Responsibilities

a. SECTION 1. Students have the following responsibilities

1. To uphold, preserve and maintain the good name of their

University through such acts as respect towards school symbols
such as the university seal and the prescribed uniform and
Identification Card.
2. To exert utmost effort towards the realization of harmonious
relationships with the rest of the academic community
3. To participate actively in school activities including religious,
athletic, and civic affairs for the development of the individual,
the community and the nation.
4. To strive for academic excellence and to develop their potentials
to the utmost in order to be of greater service to their families and
to society
5. To abide by University’s existing basic policies on academics and
6. To abide by University policies and regulations on academic
honesty and against any form of cheating in campus.
7. To be cognizant of the information provided by the University on
academic and other concerns through various offices/venues
that provide such information.
8. To maximize the benefits that may be derived from the
academic programs of the university.
9. To present alternative proposals and recommendations as a
result of evaluations made on academic problems and concerns
such as teachers, curricula, and facilities.
10. To actively participate in and support various programs and
opportunities for extension and outreach outside the University
11. To actively participate in and support the Central Student
Government and the College Student Councils.
12. To actively participate in and support student organizations,
especially in taking leadership roles.
13. To be responsible for inviting on-and-off campus speakers or
resource persons in their sponsored activities and assemblies in
accordance with the university policies and procedures.

14. In a student organization, the officers are responsible for their
activities and programs and for the well being of their members.
15. To respect the property of the school and of others, observe
cleanliness, avoid vandalism in any form, and to respect and
preserve the environment. Any violation hereof shall be subject to
University regulations.
16. To abide by the policy to maintain University campus as Smoke-
17. To abide by the University rules and regulations pertaining to their
academic and other responsibilities.
18. To refrain from engaging in online and other activities that might
damage the school’s reputation and good name.



Xavier University recognizes the right of students to freely organize among

themselves. It shall be the right of the students to form, assist or join
campus organizations, alliances or federations for their physical, moral,
cultural, civic, spiritual, academic, and political interests provided that the
objectives set by the organizations do not go counter to the University
Mission Statement ( Art.2, Sec. 1) and to CHED Order No. 4, S. 1995.

1. Student Organizations shall be autonomous. This means that

they have their own goals and objectives, planning,
organization and activities. They are however, still required to
consult with their moderators and report to the office of the
Director of Student Affairs for compliance with policies and
monitoring purposes.

2. Accreditation of student organizations shall be in accordance

with University rules and regulations found in the College
Student’s Handbook.


1. Xavier University – Central Student Government – The Central

Student Government shall be the highest governing body of the
student body. All transactions involving and affecting the greater
body of the Colleges shall be entered into with the Central

Student Government. The University shall ensure the democratic
and autonomous existence of the Central Student Government,
which shall be given recognition as the official representative of
the student body. It shall have its own set of officers, elected and
appointed. The Central Student Government has the right to
determine its policies and programs on matter with its jurisdiction
in accordance with its duly ratified Constitution and by-laws
2. College Student Councils – The College Councils in the various
colleges shall serve as venues for student association,
representation and services. The College Student Councils shall
be the legitimate representatives of the student body in the
various Colleges.
3. Co- and Extra Curricular Organizations – the Co- and Extra-
Curricular Organizations shall serve as venues for the
development of specific fields of the student interest. The
formation, support and allocation of financial resources to these
organizations shall follow established University regulations.
4. Religious Organizations – Religious Organizations shall serve as
venues for spiritual growth and enrichment. These organizations
shall also serve various religious denominations among the
student body.
5. Student Publication – Students have the right to freedom of
expression. The right of students to publish student newspaper
and similar publications shall be supported and not be curtailed
pursuant to R.A. 7079, otherwise known as the Campus Journalism
Act of 1991.
6. Posting and distribution of handbills, posters and the like are
subject to established University regulations.


1. As a general rule, academic activities and the like shall not be

held during the prescribed Student Activity Hour.
2. Whenever possible, the University shall allow student organizations
and athletic teams to use student facilities free of charge.
Likewise, the University shall ensure a reasonable amount of
charges for the usage of the facilities.
3. Student Organizations wanting to use school facilities for some
activities hall comply with the requirements of the office
concerned and shall be responsible for any damage incurred
during the use of the said facilities.

4. The University Administration and the student organizations shall
endeavour to create harmonious system of coordination of all on-
and off-campus activities.
5. Student organized events and other University events shall be
given high priority in using University facilities than external entities.
6. The Central Student Government and the College Student
Councils shall reserve the right to determine their policies and
programs for the students subject to their duly ratified constitution,
charters or the equivalent thereof, provided that these objectives
are not detrimental to the values promoted by the University
Mission Statement ( Article II)
7. The Central Student Government and the College Student
Councils shall serve as legitimate representatives of the student
body. They shall be held responsible for promoting the rights,
responsibilities and general welfare of the student body.
8. The Xavier University – Central Student Government, the College
Councils and student organizations shall be responsible for the
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their


The University, through the Finance Office, shall be responsible for

the periodic collection of specified Student Organizational Funds
(SOF) and CSG funds. The Central Student Government, College
Councils, and all other organizations, shall be transparent in all
financial transactions. Expenditures are subject to the accounting
and auditing procedures for student organizations and the
auditing rules of the Office of Student Affairs and the Finance



The students have the right to access official and public information on
matters directly affecting their welfare.


The students have the right to access their own school records with the
condition that all requirements set to avail that information is met within 30
days. The University shall ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the


The students have the right to be informed of tuition and special fees as
well as the breakdown of these payments. The university administration
shall mount reasonable and prominent notices in strategic locations
informing them of the deadline of payments and other relevant


a. SECTION 1: Observer Status in the Board of Trustees. Discussions on formal

policies that directly involve and affect the students, the student body
shall have the right to be invited and to observe the meetings through
their elected representative to the Board of Trustees.

b. SECTION 2: Student representation with deliberate and voting rights in the

following policy-making bodies shall be assured by the University
1. One (1) seat in the Academic Council with three alternates
namely the CSG President, the Chairman of the Directors and the
Department of Academic Affairs.
2. Three (3) representatives in the College Dean’s Councils from the
respective College Student Councils.
3. Two (2) representatives to the Committee on Investigation and
4. Two (2) representatives to the Library Committee
5. One (1) representative to the College Administrative Board
6. One (1) representative to the Academic Standards Committee
7. One (1) representative to the Curriculum Committee.
8. Three (3) representative to the Review and Recognition
9. One (1) representative to the Awards Committee

As needed, students may also serve as members of the University and

College Committees.

c. SECTION 3: On matters of tuition and school fees

a. The students shall have the right to be consulted on any proposal

to increase or create new school fees. Their justification shall be
included in the consultation. There shall also be an adequate
dissemination of the proposed increase or creation of fees.
b. During the formal consultation meeting, the University Treasurer
shall be required to present the pertinent financial statements of
the university for the past 5 years immediately preceding the
proposal for such adjustment

d. SECTION 4: Student’s Initiative

The students have the right to organize and initiate moves that
formulate, modify or reject school policy affecting them directly
through their official representatives who will then present the
substance of the student’s initiative to official bodies for review and
appropriate action.

e. SECTION 5. Right to Consultation

The general student body, aside from their official representatives,

shall have the right to be consulted before any school rule
affecting them directly is approved or implemented.


a. SECTION 1. Right against Prior Restraint. Students shall have the right to
express their views and opinions freely in any form that is acceptable to
the academic community. Opposition to school policies inimical to
student’s interest shall not be a ground to denying or withdrawing
scholarship grants and privileges to deserving students or shall affect
academic and/or extra-curricular standing(s).

b. SECTION 2. Privacy of Communication. The Privacy of communication and

correspondence among students remain inviolable.

c. SECTION 3. Right to Student Publication

Students shall have the right to publish student newspaper and other
similar publications, print in their pages materials that they deem in
pursuance of their academic freedom and freedom of expression in

accordance with Republic Act NO. 7079, otherwise known as the
“Campus Journalism Act of 1991.” Pursuant thereto, no individual who is
not a staff member of the publication shall determine its content. The role
of the faculty adviser in the student newspaper shall be limited to
technical guidance.

The selection of the student editor-in-chief and his/her staff shall be made
by annual fair and competitive examinations to be administered by the
Editorial Board.

The editorial staff shall observe the ethics of professional journalism. It shall
be the responsibility of the editorial staff to ensure that the student paper
is not used for purposes contrary to law.

The editor/editorial staff shall, unless sooner removed for cause and with
due process, be assured of security of tenure for the duration of his/her its
prescribed term.

d. SECTION 4. Right to Peaceably Assemble

Students shall have the right to peaceably assemble and discus issues that
directly affect them. The University shall ensure that right to freedom to
peaceably assemble be upheld at all times.


a. SECTION 1. Rights Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures. – Every

student shall be free from any form of unreasonable search or seizure. No
search or seizure of students shall be deemed valid, except for the
following instances:

1. Searches made at the point of ingress and egress by authorized

personnel of the school;

2. Searches and seizures of illegal article(s) falling in the plain view of

duly authorized personnel;

3. Searches and seizures made when the student is about to commit,

is committing, or has just committed a crime or a serious infraction
of the school’s rules and regulations, and;

4. Searches made with a valid search warrant issued by the DSA, and
implemented by the University Security Officer or a duly constituted
authority of the University equivalent thereof.

b. SECTION 2. Firearms and Explosives Ban. – Students are strictly not allowed
to carry and bear firearms, explosive devices and those of similar nature
inside the Xavier University premises.

c. SECTION 3. Prohibition against Militarization of School Campus. The pursuit

of academic excellence and exercise of academic freedom can be
attained only in an atmosphere free from fear and unreasonable restraint.
Pursuant thereto, no military, detachment or any affiliation similar thereof
shall be installed or be given special accord of residence on the school
d. SECTION 4. Right of Security of Person and Honor. All students shall have
the right to be treated with respect and courtesy. They shall have the right
to be free from physical abuse, sexual harassment and other forms of
emotional abuse. Moreover, the students have the right to be protected
from libellous and slanderous statements.


a. SECTION 1: The right to due process of a student under disciplinary

proceedings shall be fully granted and observed. In the process of hearing
his/her side, a fair scrutiny of the case(s) and/ or act(s) made is important
before the disciplinary board can render any decision of sanction.

1. The student has the right to defend himself/herself on an offense

he/she is accused of and be rendered an impartial decision.
b. SECTION 2: Penalties of suspension, exclusion, blacklisting and other such
disciplinary sanction that may be taken against a student shall not be valid
unless the following rights and due process have been observed and
accorded to the student:

1. The right to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise;

2. The right to be informed in writing of the nature and the cause of
the accusation;
3. The right to full access to the evidence in the case;
4. The right to be provided adequate time to prepare defense;
5. The right to a hearing before the University Disciplinary Board;
6. The right against self-incrimination so as to guarantee that a
student shall not implicate his/her own person in an injury, and;
7. The right to appeal decisions to the University President.

c. SECTION 3: After fair hearing, the student is responsible for serving any
sanction(s) given.
d. SECTION 4: A penalty of expulsion shall be served only after a University
recommendation has been approved by the CHED.
e. SECTION 5: The decision made in any disciplinary proceeding must be
rendered on the basis of relevant and substantial evidence(s) presented at
the hearing and disclosed to the student involved.
1. The deciding body must act on its own independent consideration
of the facts of the case.
2. The body should, in all controversial questions, render its decisions in
a manner that makes the issues involved and the reasons for any
decision clear to the student.
3. The body must ensure the confidentiality of any decision to protect
the privacy of the student involved.
4. The nature and gravity of disciplinary sanctions must be
proportionate to the seriousness of the violation committed, as
provide for the College Student Handbook.
5. The College Dean of the student concerned shall be informed of
any disciplinary cases against a student under his/her college.


a. SECTION 1: No School Policy Shall be implemented Ex Post Facto

b. SECTION 2: Students shall have the right to file an appeal on any policy
and decisions of the school in according to existing procedures.


a. SECTION 1: Rules and Regulations. – The Central Student Government, the

College Administration, and Faculty and Staff shall observe and uphold
the necessary rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this act.
b. SECTION 2: Separability Clause - If any provision of this act is declared
invalid, the remainder thereof not be affected shall continue in full force
of effect.
c. SECTION 3: Repealing Clause. – All rules and regulations, or other issuance
or parts thereof that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
d. SECTION 4: Ratification. – This Magna Carta and any subsequent
amendments are ratified by a simple majority of students voting in a
referendum/election called for this purpose.

e. SECTION 5: Effectivity. – The Provisions of his Magna Carta will take effect
only after this document is dully approved.
f. SECTION 6. Amendments – this act can only be amended every two
school years after the end of the second semester of its ratification.
Amendments may be proposed by any students but must be approved
by 2/3 vote of the assembly composed of the following:

1. Central Student Government – President, Vice-President,

Secretary – Commissioner for Student’s Rights and Welfare
and Department Secretary for Academic Affairs, and;

2. For each College Student Council – President, Vice-

President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a fifth official named by
the College Student Council President.

Proposed Amendments approved by the above-mentioned

assembly are then presented to the Academic Council which shall
form an Ad Hoc Committee to study the proposal; the said Ad Hoc
committee shall have representatives from the Central Student
Government, the College Student Councils, the Faculty and the
University Administration.

Proposed amendments approved by a majority vote of the

Academic Council are the presented ratification by the student


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