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Case 1:10-cv-01712-RMC Document 7-8 Filed 02/16/11 Page 1 of 1

From: Anne Weismann []

Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 5:28 PM
To: Wehausen, Robert
Subject: RE: FOIA Case No. 10-01704-F

This accurately represents my conversation and clarification. Thank you. Anne Weismann

From: Wehausen, Robert []

Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 3:54 PM
To: Anne Weismann
Subject: FOIA Case No. 10-01704-F

Good afternoon Ms. Weismann-

I’m a FOIA Public Liaison with the Department of Education and I’m assisting Mrs. Bennie Jessup with
processing your request. Mrs. Jessup has filled me in with the history of your request and provided me
the information regarding the telephone conversation the two of you had discussing the scope of your
request. This email is to memorialize the conversation to ensure the case is being processed correctly.

This is pursuant to your conversation on October 21, 2010 with the Department regarding narrowing the
scope of FOIA Case No. 10-01704-F. You clarified that, to the extent that your request seeks internal
Departmental communications regarding for-profit education, you are seeking only internal
communications regarding any Departmental communications with the outside entities listed in your
FOIA request. You also continue to seek records reflecting external communications as described in
your request.

Please confirm whether this accurately represents the conversation at your earliest convenience.

Thank you-

Robert Wehausen
Program Analyst, FOIA Service Center
Office of Management
U.S. Dept. of Education

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