Nat Turner's Rebellion and (17) William Lloyd Garrison

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Lecture #9: Antebellum Slavery and Abolitionists


(16) Nat Turner’s Rebellion and (17) William Lloyd Garrison

Part I: The Antebellum South

A. A Failed Revolution
a. Results of the American Revolution
b. The Slave Trade
B. Nat Turner’s Rebellion (1831)
a. The Rebellion
b. The Aftermath
C. Class in the Old South
a. The Planter Elite
b. The Yeomen Farmers
c. Class Breakdown:
i. 1/4th of the population owns slaves
ii. Only 4% of the southern population is part of the planter elite.
iii. 6% of African-Americans were free in the South.
iv. The Cotton Belt: AL, MS, LA, TX, and lower SC.
D. Southern Justifications of Slavery
a. Phrenology

Part II: Slavery in the South

A. Slave Labor in the South
a. Task System
b. Gang System
c. Small Farm Slaves
d. Industrial Slaves
B. Slave Families
C. Slave Relgion

Part III: Abolitionism

A. Second Great Awakening
B. American Colonization Society
C. William Lloyd Garrison
a. The Liberator
b. American Anti-Slavery Society
D. The Movement Fractures
E. Outside New England
F. Abolition and Class
a. Upper
b. Lower
c. Middle
G. African-American Participation
H. Did Abolitionists Cause the Civil War?

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