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Develop Your Skills to Conduct Effective

By Rita James, Lotus Press, 2007
One of the biggest meetings and how to
complaints about most conduct them effectively. About the Author:
organizations concerns
meetings and how they are Rita James has wide-ranging
experience dealing with people
held. Poorly organized in various organizations. She
meetings waste resources has been writing dynamic
and may even serve to employee handbooks for many
demotivate people - they are years.
thus counterproductive. She has been providing skills
necessary to Managers and
Meetings are conducted at Employees so that they can
attain performance excellence
many levels in an through focusing on and
organization. One may at contributing to organizational
one point in time be involved development and improved
merely as a participant, but internal communication.

sooner or later one will rise in During the course of her

the hierarchy and conduct interaction with people, she
one's own meetings. has been able to gather enough
material to write fearlessly and
effectively on management
It is therefore in topics.
organizations' best interests
for everyone to learn all about read the summary for author info

Inside This Book Summary:

ŸThe Big Idea ŸInteraction Models for Meetings

ŸWhy You Need This Book ŸParticipation
ŸPurposes of Meetings ŸStaff Meetings
ŸPreparing for a Meeting ŸBrainstorming in Meetings
ŸThe Meeting Procedure ŸPresentations at Meetings
ŸImportant Factors

Published by BusinessSummaries, 7891 W Flagler St, # 346 Miami Florida, 33144 ©2008 BusinessSummaries All rights
reserved. No part of this summary may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
photocopying, or otherwise, without prior notice of
Why You Need This Book Preparing for a Meeting
This book provides practical guidance regarding
organizing and managing different types of
meetings, and is therefore applicable not only to
upper management but to everyone. It stresses
the importance of planning and preparation in According to a research, senior executives
order to ensure that meetings function smoothly. spend an average of 23 hours a week in
meetings while middle managers spend 11
hours. What's more, senior and middle
managers say that only 56% of meetings are
Purposes of Meetings productive; a phone call or a memo could
replace over 25% of the meetings they attend.

It is therefore necessary to ensure that

The very first question that should be asked is, meetings held deliver the best possible output
“Why are we meeting and what do we want to using the least amount of resources. Here are
accomplish?” If there are no clear-cut answers to some steps to do so:
this question, don't hold the meeting.
1. Determine if a different activity could be
The three good purposes for a meeting are: resorted to other than a meeting.

1. Brainstorming 2. Identify the place of the meeting.

2. Delivering information 3. List participants and guests.

3. Gathering information 4. List what the participants' roles are and

what is expected from them.
These three reasons lead people to take crucial
decisions individually or as a group. When you 5. Define the objectives and desired
can clearly identify the purpose for the meeting, outcomes.
all concerned should agree to a code of conduct
for the meetings to ensure that things run 6. Determine topics to cover and the best
smoothly. format for the discussion of each one.

7. Estimate the length of the meeting.

About the Book:
8. Make every meeting a learning event:
include creative and cutting-edge
education regarding your particular topic
Author: Rita James
by using books, speakers, or videos.
Publisher: Lotus Press
Date of Publication: 2007 9. Use a variety of tools and activities to
ISBN: 81-8382-097-2 make the meeting productive and fun. Get
130 pages them charged up!

10. Create an agenda that is carefully


Develop Your Skills to Conduct Effective Meetings, by Rita James 2 of 6

The Meeting Procedure phase. Once all arguments have been heard,
Every meeting you organize can become more it becomes possible to arrive at a decision.
effective if you pay attention to three areas:
content, design, and process.

Content. Make sure to focus meetings Important Factors

around key issues. Never lose sight of the
“what” of your meeting. Make sure each
and every meeting is justified.

Design. The design of the meeting can In order to keep the meeting focused and moving,
hinder or support the decision-making or the following steps should be kept in mind:
problem-solving process, as well as the
informational task at hand. In designing a 1. A good way to start the meeting is to review
meeting, figure out how you want to the agenda and set priorities for the meeting.
approach each agenda item, as well as
how deeply or thoroughly you want to 2. Work through the agenda, addressing each
discuss each item. point in turn.

Process. You can improve the process by 3. Ensure that all team members contribute
making sure that one idea is discussed at a and feel able to disagree.
time, and that everyone is in agreement as
to how decisions will be made. Note that 4. Communicate openly and listen actively.
this area depends heavily on the other two.
If you pay attention to the content and 5. When the group encounters a problem,
design of your meeting, you can bet that confront it openly and attempt to find a
you will end up with far fewer problems solution.
6. A flip chart can be useful for recording and
summarizing new ideas and suggestion.
7. Ensure that all people are heard from.
Information Phase. The first phase of the
meeting is the information phase. During 8. Let the people carry the content; make sure
this phase, those attending the meeting that the moderators just guide them through
must try not to allow their opinions to be too the process.
obvious, thus avoiding 'forcing' a decision.
9. Vary the pace: speed up, slow down, and
Opinion Phase. The second stage is that take breaks.
of forming an opinion. This is the phase in
which the participants need to be creative. 10. Keep the group aware of where they are in
All information and all or some of the the process.
opinions must be brought together as
closely as possible in order to create a view 11. Help the group reach consensus and
or solution that enjoys the support of a reach conclusions.
majority of the discussion partners.

Decision-making Phase. The third phase The following irritants can happen and have to be
of the meeting is the decision-making kept at bay by the organizer of the meeting:

Develop Your Skills to Conduct Effective Meetings, by Rita James 3 of 6

ŸAn argument could start about a fact which chairman and the meeting participants. The
has long since been established. participants do not communicate directly
with each other but do so 'through the
ŸOpinions could be introduced as if they chair': all remarks are addressed to the
were facts. chairman and all responses come from
ŸPeople can intimidate others with real or
imaginary 'knowledge'. The objective of the star model is to take
stock of available information or opinions
ŸPeople can overwhelm others with a without rampant debate. Everyone gets a
proposal before they are ready to consider turn (the 'round robin') or those who have
it. something to add will attract the chairman's
attention (perhaps by raising a hand).
ŸPeople can become angry for no good
reason or could play upon other emotions.
The Web Model. In the web model, the
ŸIndividuals could be focused on or even communication between meeting
attacked instead of the issues. participants proceeds rather more freely
and with less structure than in the star
ŸOne's own vision could be promoted at the model. The participants speak directly to
expense of all others when summarizing. each other and to the chairman, who
restricts his interventions to only those
ŸSome could demanding or offer (far) more necessary to prevent total chaos.
information than is strictly necessary.
The objective of this form of communication
ŸOther participants could be addressed in is to influence other meeting participants
roles which they are not occupying during and to allow creativity. Opinions are formed
the meeting. by means of 'thinking out loud' in a creative
dialogue. Every participant can speak at
ŸSecret trysts, deals, bargains and horse any moment and does not have to suspend
trading could take place. his thinking process until it is 'his turn'.

ŸFacts could be created and situations

choreographed. About the Author:
Rita James has wide-ranging experience dealing
with people in various organizations. She has been
Interaction Models for Meetings writing dynamic employee handbooks for many

She has been providing skills necessary to

Managers and Employees so that they can attain
performance excellence through focusing on and
In general there are two possible forms of contributing to organizational development and
interaction. Which of these will be more effective improved internal communication.
depends on the phase that the meeting has
reached. During the course of her interaction with people,
she has been able to gather enough material to
The Star Model. In the star model we see write fearlessly and effectively on management
rigidly ordered interaction between the topics.

Develop Your Skills to Conduct Effective Meetings, by Rita James 4 of 6

Participation The most effective tool for accomplishing your
The best facilitators are able to advance the communication objectives is the staff meeting.
agenda gracefully without participants' Here are tips for effective staff meetings:
realizing they are being guided. Here are some
suggestions for those seeking to facilitate ŸDesignate a meeting facilitator.
ŸHave a clear purpose and written agenda for
ŸBe a model of honesty and integrity. the meeting.

ŸUse the agenda, but don't refer to it ŸEstablish a starting and ending time for the
outright. meeting.

ŸGive everyone an opportunity to ŸInform staff ahead of time of their

contribute, and if someone isn't responsibilities for the meeting.
participating, offer him or her the floor.
ŸEncourage staffers to participate but not to
ŸWhen asking for input from the group, let dominate.
each person speak for a set period time, for
example, 2 minutes. ŸIf certain issues or projects require extensive
planning or discussion, schedule another
ŸHold people to things they've said or meeting for the relevant staff rather than
committed to earlier in the meeting or in discussing it with the full group.
previous meetings.
ŸMost staff meetings should last less than an
ŸPoint out contradictions in what people hour.
say, by way of encouraging the group to
determine ways to resolve those ŸGive the members of your group one minute
contradictions. to report on progress made in their area of
ŸExamine body language for nonverbal
disagreement, conflict, anger, or other ŸInvite a guest expert to give a 10-minute
signals that not everyone is in synch. presentation on some skill or technology that
benefits your group.
ŸLet people finish what they are saying.
ŸGive each group member a minute to
ŸAsk follow-up questions that show the describe a challenge that hinders work on a
speaker's point was heard and help the current project and then let everyone propose
speaker to finish an incomplete thought. solutions.

ŸI f s o m e o n e s t e e r s o ff c o u r s e ,
acknowledge the valuable nugget in what Brainstorming in Meetings
was contributed but show how it can be
applied to the topic at hand.

Brainstorming can be done either individually or in

Staff Meetings a group. In group brainstorming, the participants
are encouraged, and often expected, to share
their ideas with one another as soon as they are

Develop Your Skills to Conduct Effective Meetings, by Rita James 5 of 6

The key to brainstorming is to not interrupt the ŸStart promptly and keep within your time
thought process. Although the main purpose of frame.
brainstorming is to generate ideas, it has
additional benefits: ŸFigure one slide per minute, maximum.

ŸIt improves initiative that can last after the ŸPut only a few words or one picture on a
session, as participants are encouraged to slide.
constantly throw in their ideas and to take
initiative all the time. ŸBe enthusiastic about your presentation
and remember to smile - this will help to
ŸIt improves creative thinking: participants relieve some of the stress, if there is any.
learn to approach problems creatively and
use association to create ideas, which they ŸRemember to make eye contact with your
can use after the session. audience.

ŸIt improves morale: participants work ŸDistribute handouts only when you are
together to find a solution to a problem, and ready to use them.
every participant is given importance.
ŸSpeak as loudly and clearly as you can to
ŸParticipants usually like the interactive and make sure that all the members in your
creative atmosphere. audience can hear your presentation.

ŸDon't leave people in the dark. When

you're speaking, the attention should be on
Presentations at Meetings you.

ŸForget the formula that says you have to

tell a joke at the beginning.

The following tips can help improve a ŸDetermine in advance whether you will be
presentation: expected to handle questions from the
ŸArrive early to greet the other attendees and
get a sense of the mood. ŸHandle unexpected problems with
technology, car alarms outdoors, or other
ŸAllow time before you start your unscheduled occurrences with grace and
presentation to test the equipment you are wit.
going to use.
ŸAt the end of your presentation, thank your
ŸAlways introduce yourself and your topic, audience for their time.
and briefly explain the process that you are
going to follow with your presentation.

ŸYour appearance (dress and grooming), the ~///~

quality of your handouts and your visual
presentation, etc., are very important.

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