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Group 4


Member Tourism Sec.02

1. Miss Paradee Tongprom 5131205042

2. Miss Ploypann Poomwattananon 5131205147
3. Miss Palapa Harnbumrungtham 5131205151
4. Miss Panumas Kongka 5131205161
5. Miss Wachiraporn Penkul 5131205173

Mae Fah Luang University


This business project is project about interior design and garden decoration to perform
the small and medium business enterprises. Propose of this report for use in operation system
and find co-investor in business. In this report have many information about background of
business, nature of industry and situation, marketing analysis, technical feasibility, finance,
risk, and conclusion. That those information is the information that investor should to know
business and future of the business. This report will tell about the risk that it has a benefit for
investor and protect before it occur.
Garden Land Company hopes the business project can makes more income to the
investor and investor can get better profit and can manage about risk that it can occur.


Preface .................................................................................................................................. 2
Exclusive Summary .............................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 1 .............................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6
Background and Significance of the Project ...................................................................... 7
1.2. Project Objectives ................................................................................................... 8
1.3. Benefits of Project .................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................ 10
Industry Profile ................................................................................................................... 10
Style of landscaping .................................................................................................... 18
Marketing strategy....................................................................................................... 24
Financial strategy ........................................................................................................ 24
Human resource strategy ............................................................................................. 24
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................ 25
Market feasibility Study ...................................................................................................... 25
Political ....................................................................................................................... 26
Economic .................................................................................................................... 26
Technology ................................................................................................................. 33
Social and Environment ............................................................................................... 34
Competitor Analysis .................................................................................................... 34
Customer Analysis ...................................................................................................... 36
Competitive Analysis .................................................................................................. 36
3.2. STP Analysis ............................................................................................................ 37
3.3. Marketing Mix Strategy ............................................................................................ 39
3.4. Product Position ....................................................................................................... 40
3.5. Work detail ............................................................................................................... 40
3.6. Service charge analysis divides to be 2 the cause, as follows .................................... 41
3.7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 42
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................ 43
Technical Feasibility Study ................................................................................................. 43
Interior decoration ....................................................................................................... 45
Example of interior decoration design ......................................................................... 46
Example of equipments ............................................................................................... 47
Landscaping or interior garden .................................................................................... 48
Example of landscaping or interior garden design ........................................................ 49
Example of equipments ............................................................................................... 49
Example of plants ........................................................................................................ 50
4.1.3. Specification type of products ................................................................................ 52
Orders specially ........................................................................................................... 53
4.1.4. Production/Services Process .................................................................................. 54
Production Process ...................................................................................................... 54
Services Process .......................................................................................................... 55
4.1.5. Location ................................................................................................................ 56
4.1.6. Facility Layout ...................................................................................................... 57
4.1.7. Machine/Tools/ Equipments .................................................................................. 62
4.1.9. Facility Management ............................................................................................. 67
Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................ 72
Financial ............................................................................................................................. 72
Income Statement Year 1 ................................................................................................ 73
Income Statement Year 2 ................................................................................................ 74
Income Statement Year 3 ................................................................................................ 75
Income Statement Year 4 ................................................................................................ 76
Income Statement Year 5 ................................................................................................ 77
Statement of Cash Flow Year 1 ....................................................................................... 78
Statement of Cash Flow Year 2 ....................................................................................... 78
Statement of Cash Flow Year 5 ....................................................................................... 80
Balance Sheet Year 5 ...................................................................................................... 83
Chapter6 ............................................................................................................................. 84
Risk Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 84
Risk ............................................................................................................................. 85
Sales decrease 2.5% ........................................................................................................ 91
Sales decrease 5% ........................................................................................................... 92
Sale decrease 7.5% .......................................................................................................... 93
Interest increase 2.5%...................................................................................................... 94
Interest increase 5% ........................................................................................................ 95
Interest increase 7.5%...................................................................................................... 96
Cost/Expense increase 2.5% ............................................................................................ 97
Cost/Expense increase 5% ............................................................................................... 98
Cost/Expense increase 7.5% ............................................................................................ 99
Chapter 7 .......................................................................................................................... 100
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 100
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 101
Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 104

Exclusive Summary

This project is study about the feasibility of the interior design and garden decoration
company that will operate at Chiang Rai province. Garden Land company establish at the
center of Chiang Rai province because we think it easy to contact with the customer. For the
reason that we establish the company at Chiang Rai because in Chiang Rai do not have many
competition and our company focuses the competitor at Chiang Mai.
About the marketing analysis we use 4 Ps to analyze marketing mix that are:
Product: The product of our company is interior design and landscaping. The
company uses the quality law material. Select the best for the demand of customer. And our
companies can grantee the standard of product also.
Price: Our company setting the price from easy or difficulty design of the work.
Include the equipment that choose to use decorate a house. And the quality of the material is
appropriate and consistent with the specified price.
Place: Our company is located in the center of Chiang Rai province. It is easy to
access and convenient in work connection of a customer.
promotion: Our company there is many type of advertising. Such as website, bill
broad, brochure, radio, and televisions. Have some promotion to the customer who use our
service that depend on the season, the area that they decorate and the area of garden.
For the financial analysis and risk we will show in this report and we hopes investor
can solving the problem that it can occur in the future and can get more income

Chapter 1

Background and Significance of the Project

Chiang Rai province is an attractive one province. It has beautiful scenery and fresh
air. Population lovers often to miss the cold weather will come to visit or settle in Chiang Rai
Province. So we chose to create a company in Chiang Rai, because we predict future
population in Chiang Rai province has a lot of increased. People will have to retreat to escape
the chaos in the city. Interior and garden design is an investment worth.
Our company has a location at the center of Chiang Rai. We thing this location can
attract many customer to contact us. If some people cannot come to our company they can
see as in internet, brochures, and they can cell us. Our company has a website that it helps us
to contact other people and other people can contact us easy. And we will distribute
brochures and advertising in television. If some customer cannot contact us on the internet
they can cell us then we will go to your home and helps them to design garden or design your
home. Our company helps every people to design your home that mean we will decorate your
home in every room that you want. We think our target market is the people who buy new
home, decorate home and get a nice garden.
Current interior design and landscaping business, is becoming popular at this time. It
was a creative decorative quality to the quality of human life and the enjoyment of residents
and businesses, because home is one of the fundamental importance of human life.
Human nature is that which is concomitant despite the growth of urban society will
continue to grow, but people are still calling for the natural instinct is try to bring nature such
as ornamental flowers to decorate the work areas, shops and housing. According to the most
natural landscape, so it is natural to pull out close to the most.
Company our way wants to present the variety of designing has interior decoration a
house and very a garden in the format that a customer wants. Designer way has presented
strong-hold work and the modern. In order that ,for building market new build the investor
and new business at serve to build a customer in the Chiang Rai.

1.2. Project Objectives
The objectives of our company are need to for support the requirement of a customer
in designing within and very a garden. Because of, in now a customer takes an interest and
want yes serve greatly. Therefore business our way then is the choice in the making a
decision builds a house of a customer.
- To study the possible of business about interior in Chiang Rai.
- This company wants to help to unemployed them have work.
- Our company wants to set the interior business in Chiang Rai.
- Our company wants to create the blueprint of house and garden.
- Be provider the best of design and high service in Chiang Rai.

1.3. Benefits of Project

The benefit of this is the result of after done business.
- Get the profit for run business in the next time.
- Get the customer loyalty.
- Get to cooperate with the other company about interior design.

1.4. Activities/Time Frame

Activities November December January February

Prepare and collect data for

decision about our business

Marketing survey

Business plan (SWOT)

Marketing analysis

Finance analysis

Summary and advise teacher

Collect and check report

Finish project and submit report

Chapter 2
Industry Profile

2.1. Nature of Industry
Formerly, this business still doesn’t be that extensively. People still give precedence a
little for the price that hire to do of a customer and the taste of some group person. When,
bear fruit reply of a customer increases. Make the businessman turns to give precedence and
do a business about interior design and landscaping increase also. So we will think to build
this company for supporting the requirement of a customer in the Chiang Rai province. The
nature of our company is about interior design and landscaping. That provide responsible the
all work since design indoor, the equipment in garden decoration and decorate a garden.

Our business is an interior design and design a garden that we will design it follows
the demand of customer. If the customers want to get advice to decorate their home we will
help them to design and if they have a concept in their mind we will do it follow the concept
that they think. Many customers can contact us by internet, brochures, and they can call us or
meet us at the office that the office has located on the center of Chiang Rai. Our target market
is the people who buy a new house or the people who want to decorate their home. We think
we will receive more money from many customers. We have many promotions in each
season for support the demand of customers. The price of decorate depend on place, size, raw
material, ect. But mostly we think we will decorate interior and design a garden more than
they expect for they use our service again and again or world of mouth.

Our company has many parts in the business and the managers or staffs of our
company have more experiences for support the demand of customer. We want to get the
confidence from the customers and we will do our work for they satisfied. When we do our
work we will do it fast for the customer will satisfy our work and they can get a nice home
and nice garden.
Our company provides interior design and landscaping. The interior design is to
create an environment within a building associated with the lives of everyday people. For the
convenience of usefulness and beauty in form the based reasoning and information on human
behavior. The company has many style of design such as Biedermeier, Empire, Art Nouveau.
Moreover, the garden is not difficult and residents will be able to garden with its
own. But we have a team ready to help. And as a team with professional landscaping services
and garden beautiful, whether you want your garden where we can easy arrange for you. Our
team of gardening experts and gardening and all types of outdoor garden, indoor garden, and
greenhouse garden at night Office or garden area. We can take many forms, such as garden
flower garden rocks garden Bali Europe, Japan or any other garden by the imagination of
designers and residents.

2.2. Situation of Industry

Nowadays there are many businesses about interior design and landscaping in
Thailand. A lot of people take an interest and the requirement uses to serve increase greatly.
And then make have doing business this format with greatly also. Thus make each a company
competes do a business for hopes the profit too much more than the competitive. Then cause
the analysis and think the idea strange abundantly for, a customer takes an interest and want
to use serve. Such as modern style, classic style, Thai shape style, Lanna style, etc. therefore
we then must aim of a business. Setting plans of work straight standardized and think strange
work to that attract a customer. And make a customer feels to impress for want reply come
back use serve in the next time.
Currently many customers turned to hiring interior designers because that is quite
necessary and useful. In this economy the cost of hiring interior designers are very cheap
compared to the damage that may occur along with problems such nonsense. Many are raised
to give you endless headaches. When exchange of money to hire an interior design and then
built up held that the interior designers choose to hire a good one holds an investment worth
it and quite a lot.

For the location of the company chooses the city at Province Chiang Rai because it is
a good location, people to come through a lot and it makes easy advertising.
Interior design and landscaping are one of necessities that to help the atmosphere of
place is beautiful and also imply a liking of owner. So an Interior design and landscaping
business are popular greatly. Nowadays, a business has extensively and have a lot of
customer use to serve because, Interior design and landscaping will make by experienced
person because of each the place has each different suitability of format. Moreover, the
interior design and landscaping business are responding to customer needs by providing
varietal of designing to suitable for customer lifestyle, then the customer can design their
format and detail of style and specification the budget for use a service by themselves.
The customer in Chiang Rai Market: In the year 2009 a customer to use the service of
Interior design and landscaping average 243 people per years, then the type of places is home,
resort, office, restaurant, other shop.

The proportion of customer to use the service in each type

Other shop
Coffe shop 5%


Figure 2.1: The proportion of customer to use the service in each type

In the years 2011-2012 the resort around Chiang Rai to increase which tendency
representing percent the using service of the total Interior design and landscaping has height

2.3. Product/Service (in General)
Our products are interior design and designs a garden many people have many
different of demand

2.3.1. Product

Style of interior design

Glass House
Glass House is in the midst of nature, forests and mountains. The concept comes from
the tree house in need of clear glass around the sides and to areas within the broad and open.

Multi Family House

Multi Family House is becoming more and more popular cities for the price of land
enormously expensive and finding it harder every day. It is family house consisting of three
layers are family New on the very limited space but to meet the needs of three families as
well. A chord in the middle together to share green space, terrace with private space and each
family had a private person.

Modern style of Japan
Modern style is a home affordable, the design look simple a function to use a perfect
fit as the Japanese-style house.

Country style
A house is country style authentic. A little bit rustic and old to see that the old house
country style, but if you look into it in detail with that latent effects of the French.

Style of landscaping

Bali Garden

Rock garden

Chinese garden

Thai garden

Formal Style

Natural Garden

Japanese style

2.3.2 Equipments

2.4. Vision of your Organization

“Decorate for satisfaction of customer”

2.5. Mission

Our company interest in interior design and garden design. We have third step
to achieve in the business that are: first, we will find the information of marketing for
determine the target market of our company for support the demand of customer. If
we can seek more information we can set the strategy and use it for attract many
customers. Second, we will set target market on the customer who has a new home,
want to advice about decorate home, and want to use the service of company that do
about interior for help them to decorate their home. Third, we will set marketing plan
such as promotion and advertising. Then we will prepare financial information for our
company can manage the money of our company and we will get more money. We
think we can get net income about 10,000 to 50,000 in each case.

2.6. Business Strategy

2.6.1. Corporate Level

Our business has a strategy to success in job and gets more profit that we think we
will cooperate with other company that they build house. If we cooperate with them we will
get many customers that we can get more revenue because a new house must to decorate in
every room it makes our company get more income and profit than decorate each room
follow the demand of customers. In the future we think we will expand the business because
we think home is the place that has an important and many people must to live in home. We
think decorate is a main point that helps a house livable. If we expand the business we will
send a leader for administer in each branch.

2.6.2. Business Level

We think we will advertise in many media such as internet, brochures, and sometimes the
customer can call us. May be we will join with the company that they make about house
because we think we will get the money in this way. When the company builds the house
finished next we will decorate house for customer can get convenience. We have an adviser
that they have more experience for give the advice to them. We have the staffs that have a
standard for support our company and the employee of our company will pass training for the
customer get the good quality.

2.6.3. Functional Level

Marketing strategy
 Product strategy: The products of our company use the quality law material. Select the
best for the demand of customer. And our companies can grantee the standard of
product also.
 Price strategy: Our company setting the price from easy or difficulty and good design
of the work. Include the equipment that choose to use decorate a house.
 Place strategy: The location of our company setting at the central of Ching Rai
province. Easy to access and convenient in work connection of a customer.
 Promotion strategy: Our companies there are many type of advertising. Such as
website, bill broad, brochure, radio, and televisions.

Financial strategy
 Prepare financial statements to systematic, clear, and accurate in every month.
 Check the receipts, the expenses and the profit.

Human resource strategy

 Training employee for high quality, such as, there is training teamwork, customer
service skill, persuasion talking, action and manners, and good personality service to
customer, etc.
 Evaluate the performance of work after finished the work.
 Divide work, and explain the duty and explain the detail of the work.

Chapter 3
Market feasibility Study

Market Feasibility Study

3.1. Market Analysis

3.1.1. General Environment Analysis

The external factor that affects marketing management’s ability to build business
opportunities and it can threats to our business.

The politic has the direct effect to government policy, by change to political and legal
environment. It causes the government policy uncertainty. This environment faction is
composed of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various
organizations and individuals. Marketing decisions have to consider a legal of the
government about tax rate in proceeding business and price of capital product such as
construction materials, interior decoration tools, decoration garden tools, garden tree products
and flowerer products. Moreover, the government has the policy encourages and control the
prices of product, so it cause a price of products capital has to change all time.

The economy, Chiang Rai, dimensions of the implementation to international trade,
Think that in the future, economic cooperation among six countries in Mekong (GMS) and
the concrete development clearly which the rode Kun Ming - Bangkok and Chiang Khong
bridge - Huay Sai has finished. Chiang Rai will be prepared for the growth of this suddenly
and size of the economy is growing more dozens of times from the current inside
development, trade from center and foreign countries such as China and Japan. It will come
enormous, so this is a good trade of Chiang Rai.
The inflation rate in Thailand was last reported at 3.40 percent in July of 2010. From
2000 until 2010, the average inflation rate in Thailand was 2.51 percent reaching an historical
high of 9.20 percent in July of 2008 and a record low of -4.40 percent in July of 2009.
Inflation rate refers to a general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing
power. The most well known measures of Inflation are the CPI which measures consumer
prices, and the GDP deflator, which measures inflation in the whole of the domestic economy.
(Trading Economic, 2009)

Figure 3.1. Thailand GDP Growth Rate

Year Mar Jun Sep Dec

2009 -1.60 2.40 1.40 4.00

2008 1.60 0.00 -0.70 -4.90


The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Thailand contracted at an annual rate of 0.2
percent in the third quarter of 2010. From 1993 until 2010, Thailand's average quarterly GDP
Growth was 1.01 percent reaching an historical high of 7.10 percent in September of 1993
and a record low of -5.10 percent in March of 1998. The economy of Thailand is an emerging
economy which is heavily export-dependent, with exports accounting for more than two
thirds of gross domestic product (GDP). Well-developed infrastructure, a free-enterprise
economy, and generally pro-investment policies, made Thailand one of East Asia's best
performers. However, overall economic growth has fallen sharply in 2008 and 2009 as global
downturn and persistent political crisis stalled infrastructure mega-projects, eroded investor
and consumer confidence.

Figure 3.2. Thailand Inflation Rate

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2009 -0.40 -0.10 -0.20 -0.90 -3.30 -4.00 -4.40 -1.00 -1.00 0.40 1.90 3.50

2008 4.30 5.40 5.30 6.20 7.60 8.90 9.20 6.40 6.00 3.90 2.20 0.40

* The table above displays the monthly average.

Economic Projection Year 2010 and 2011

The economic growth for 2011 is expected to be in the range of 3.5-4.5 percent,
decelerated from the forecasted 7.9 percent growth in 2010 This is GDP (%) due to a global
economic slowdown and the appreciation of Thai baht. Regarding the economic outlook,
exports are projected to grow by 11.7 percent while private consumption and private
investment are forecasted to expand by 4.3 and 9.8 percent respectively. Other key economic
indicators are forecasted as follow: headline inflation between 2.5-3.5 percent;
unemployment rate in the range of 1.2-1.3 percent; and current account surplus of 3.3 percent
of GDP.
Trend of economic in Thailand 2011
In the year 2011, Thai economy is expected to expand in the range of 3.5 – 4.5
percent, down from 7.9 percent in 2010 as a result of global economic slowdown. The
upward trend of oil prices and Thai baht will affect costs of production as well as income
from exports. Labor shortage in various industries will be a major obstacle in the
manufacturing sector. Furthermore, flooding during the second half of 2010 will certainly
have a drastic effect on agricultural sectors in the first quarter of 2011. Thus, headline

inflation in 2011 is expected to be in a range of 2.5 – 3.5 percent. Household consumption is
projected to grow by 4.3 percent while investment is estimated to expand by 8.0 percent.
Export value in US dollar term is expected to grow by 11.7 percent with a current account
surplus of 3.3 percent of GDP, down from a surplus of 4.3 percent of GDP in 2010.
Thai economic outlook for 2011
Supporting factors for Thai economic expansion
(1) Thai economy in 2011 will continuously expand. The momentum of 2010
economic improvement, particularly the domestic demand will be an economic impetus and
offset the deceleration of the external demand.
(2) The income of grass root consumers is expanded as a consequence of increase of
civil servants’ salaries, minimum wages, and private officers’ salaries; the tendency of the
rise of farm income due to the pickup of major agricultural product prices – such as prices of
rubber, cassava, and sugar cane – as well as the implementation of the farm income guarantee
measure; the 21.8 percent expansion of 2011 fiscal budget from the prior year which will
enlarge the government expenditure; and the low rate of unemployment The above factors
will contribute to the continual growth of the domestic demand.
(3) The interest rates tend to be at the low level, specifically during the first half of
2011 due to the US, EU, and Japan have been implementing the loosen monetary policies in
order to accelerate the economic revival. Thus, the interest rate policy adjustment in these
countries is predicted to occur in the forth quarter of 2011; and the developing countries are
worrying about their currencies’ appreciation so that they avoid raising their interest rates to
prevent the capital inflows which could in turn cause the appreciation of their currencies.
Risk Factors and Limitations
(1) The world economic revival is still fragile specifically the recovery of the EU
countries and Japan which mainly rely on the external demand. Nevertheless, the external
demand of these countries tends to be affected by the exchange rate fluctuation. Thus, the
engines of economic growth of these countries in 2011 tend to slowdown, compared to 2010.
Together with the limited monetary and fiscal policies, the EU and Japanese economies are
likely to expand at a low level. Under the above conditions, the US and Chinese economic
growths would decelerate since the EU countries and Japan are their major trading partners.
(2) The political condition remains unstable despite the calmness during the latter half
of 2010 affected the continuation of fiscal policy implementation and the government

As a consequence, the investors’ confidence would be affected and lead to delay of
their investment in Thailand.
(3) Agricultural production and farm income face a risk from the weather fluctuation
principally the deluge at the end of 2010 which would generate the continuous impact in the
first quarter of 2011; and the baht appreciation against US dollar as well as Vietnamese dong
which is the main competitor in rice exports.
(4) The capital flows from major economies to developing countries particularly
Asian countries lead to the continual appreciation of currencies in this region as well as Thai
baht, lowering the competitive advantage of their exports. Furthermore, the capital movement
in order to speculate in capital and real estate markets could cause the rise of asset prices,
especially in the real estate market which indicated by the increase of detached house price
by 2.5 percent in the third quarter of 2010, the first improvement since the first quarter of
(5) The labor shortage in some industries is one of the key barriers to their expansion.
Despite the higher orders during the economic recovery, the producers are unable to respond
to consumers’ demand, lowering the opportunity to expand their businesses.
(6) The inflationary pressure could occur if the agricultural product prices increase too
quickly due to the supply shock which was caused by the natural disaster. The higher
inflation rate may lead to the rise of interest rate; however, the increase in interest rate would
generate the risk of capital inflows which would lead to the baht appreciation. Hence, the
policy implementation in order to address the problem of economic stability will be

Inflation is the condition that price of good will increase continually. That it is not
necessary all price of goods in economic system grow up but the general price or rate price
will increase and has trend that will increase. If inflation condition occurs our company will
get the benefit from this condition because the customer will spend their money to our
company that this condition it makes our company has a lot of money. For the reason that
customer will spend their money our company is the customers do not want to carry their
money in their hand and they must to pay about the price of interior. This reason will help our
company get more money and after the government can solve inflation problem our company
can use the money to spend in our company.


The technology is important in the living of many people, then have development to
invention and convenient for use to help produce product. The advances of technology are
control and create production to have a quality respond the requirement of a customer. Also,
Technology help easy to communication and connections between the world's population
contact information at time together. Nowadays, Technology industry has created innovation
technological extensively. Our business has advantage from using the technology such as:

 Computer Technology is design format to have quality and fast. The business
can use computer to present a samples of work and adjust it immediately.

 Internet Technology is easily to communication with customers that faster and

more complete information. The customer can communicate and order by send
e-mail directly to company.
 Website is the customer can view the design of the interior decoration and
garden decoration. Moreover, our business can use the website to promote
service and information to customer in other country that that not only in
Chiang Rai.

Social and Environment
The Social and Environment have the concernment with other people, because a
peoples’ lives altogether in the social. A person’s social environment includes their living and
working conditions, income level, educational background and they are part of the
communities. All these have a powerful effect on health. The differences in social
environments contribute to wide disparities in health. There are big gaps in life expectancy
and disease rates between rich and poor, the well and the poorly educated and manual
workers and professionals. The social and the environment have a role in requirement
stimulation of a people in the livelihood and development a quality of life that a people need
to have good being and be accepted of other person in the social. Therefore, creating business
must consider the tendency and compatible in the social and environment.

3.1.2. Competition Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis is important to do a business. It helps to understand the

competitive environment about strengths and weaknesses of the businesses. Moreover, our
business can use competitor analysis to improve the strategies and position in the market.
According to our business, we design interior decoration and garden decoration. The
competitor of business, there are many in Chiang Rai and around country, but who provides
similar service as us have a few. For example, the competitors in Chiang Rai, CR, Yo designs
business at the city, best home shop at Lim Kok River, their business are small size and be
know of a few people, but the business has to support with the contract for build company
and their business advertising by radio and website which providing the pattern design of
their services, and information each style. But, in our business, we will promote the variety of
style in design and add the advertising on website, radio, brochure, and present a service to
resort, housing project and office. Therefore, our business can create brand and service
compete in the business market.
Our company has a competitive analysis at Chiang Mai because Chiang Mai has a
location near Chiang Rai. Then the customer can choose the service of our competitive
because our competitive establish the company more than our company. About the
competition we have the competitions that are Chonlasit Design, Prodec Center Limited
Partnership, Inspire, Banpirom, Thitivat punya, Pim power first, Floor Décor, Fusion arch,
Mongdo design, Sirijiwan (I.S) Ltd., Athanya yana, Chiang Mai Perm Poon Teak Wood CO.,

LTD., Chiangmaisittiwat, and Ahome Architects.. Chonlasit Design this company establish
about 2003. They do not have employee but they have a efficient and they get the customer
loyalty. Prodec Center Limited Partnership establishes about 2000 and they have success
about interior and the customer trust them about their service. This thing is a think that it is a
weakness of our company. And Inspire is a company that they cooperate with contractors and
they have past performance with Land&House. Mostly, many competitive of our company
will think about the price of interior follow three methods:
1. Think price follow the budget in decoration. This method is the most popular in
Thailand that they will think decorate price about 10%, 15%, or 20-25%.
2. Think price follow lump-sum appropriation. This method is the method that use for
solve the problem from the first method. After the customer set the price designer and
customer will agree about number for fix the cost of service. For example, the
customer have budget about 2,000,000 and designer will think about price of
decoration about 10% that is 200,000. When the customer and designer agree about
price the number of price has total about 180,000.
3. Think price follow area of designer. This method popular in Europe and America. The
designer will think about price follow the area and follow rate of each area that has
different pricing according to difficulty. This method the price will decrease from
method one and two. For example, the customer want to decorate bedroom 20 square
meter they will spent price of decoration about 750 baht per square meter. The
customer will spend cost of decoration about 15,000 baht. The first method the
customer will spend cost of decoration about 20,000-30,000 baht.

Customer Analysis
The customers in Chiang Rai are target group of our business which the Chiang Rai
has progressed in the facilities and economy, then the tourism in Chiang Rai is popular of a
tourists. It makes have the growth in a business about accommodation and a shop to increase
greatly, cause to enhance using interior decoration and garden decoration service. The most
business in chiang Rai are the resort and coffee shop, which trend of business has grow up
continuously. By have the objectives to design the place beautifully for attract a customer.
Therefore, we make a decision to service the customers group in Chiang Rai which helps
them to design the place and respond their need directly.
According to President Chiang Rai Chamber of Commerce, Chiang Rai had a vision
is “Meang Thoug” of Lanna culture, which led to international trade and Chiang Rai in the
future it will grow in three dimensions, First the cultural city with a history of great
civilizations. Second, the tourism that has the air is cool in pretty fresh beautiful environment.
Third, Chiang Rai is artist city, so the tourist attraction of Chiang Rai is full of art both the
past and present.

Competitive Analysis

The Competitive Analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context
through which to identify opportunities and threats. In marketing and strategic management is
an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors
In Chiang Rai an interior decoration and garden decoration business, there is
competition rate not high. Owing to the amount of the competitors has a few and a business
size is small. So, there is a good opportunity to provide the business in Chiang Rai which has
a few options for customers to use the service.

3.2. STP Analysis
3.2.1. Segmentation

 Geographic segmentation
We think the Geographic segmentation of our company is the Northern of Thailand at
the Chiang Rai province. We think if we establish the company at this area we can get
more revenue because we think in this area has a little competition.
 Demographic segmentation
We think at Chiang Rai has more investment and more population that most are singer
group, family group and investor about resort. Then we will use demographic for
focus on group of customer for we can get high profit.
 Psychographic segmentation
About psychographic we use values of people and life style to decide the business.
We think many people want to different or want to get specific that we will serve our
service and product follow those things. About values nowadays the Northern of
Thailand can attract more tourists that it is mean the resort and hotel have an
important. Then we will think if we establish business we will get work and get
money. About life style we think two to three group that we think have a money and
they want to have house, decorate house, and decorate garden then we will have a
promotion and advertising that we think it can contact more people and we will get
more customers.
 Behavior segmentation
Our company think we will serve a service follow the demand of customer for they
satisfaction in finished of product. We think if customers satisfy about our service
they will use our service again and we hope the customer will use world of mouth to
other people for other people use the service of our company.

3.2.2. Target Market
The target markets of our company are the people who want to buy a new
house (singer group), the people who want to decorate house (family group) and resort.
About the people who want to buy a new house our company will get money from
cooperation company and the customer of this group can contact us direct for tell me about
the style of house and garden that they want to get. About the people who want to decorate
house our company think we will decorate house follow they want and they can contact us in
phone, e-mail, etc. And the target about resort our company will decorate resort follow the
style that resort want to get and we think we will have some promotion to the customer who
use our service that depend on the season, the area that they decorate and the area of garden.
We think singer group is the group that they going to buy the house and mostly they decide
by themselves. We think in this group people want to decorate their house and buy house that
if they buy house our company will get the money from decorate house because we cooperate
with the company who build house. In singer group have to decide for their self and they
want to have a family. Then we think if we focus this group we will get the money. Next we
focus is family group. We think this group likes about the nature, garden and decoration their
house. They will decorate their house because when they married they will have a child that
mostly they will decorate house for their child and they want to get a nice garden for their
child can run and do the activities in the family. In this group we will make a nice garden and
give advice to customers about garden. In the family have a member that sometimes they
have grandmother and grandfather in their family. We will set the garden that has an
atmosphere look like natural for them feel relax. And their children in the family want to get
wide area for their activity. We think in this group has a high purchasing power that we think
we will receive more money for them. Our company will set it follow the demand of
customer because customer satisfaction is very important more than other reason.

3.3. Marketing Mix Strategy
 Product
The product of our company is interior design and landscaping. The company
uses the quality law material. Select the best for the demand of customer. And our
companies can grantee the standard of product also. Sometimes we use local materials
because it is a way that the distribution of income to communities.
 Price
Our company setting the price from easy or difficulty design of the work.
Include the equipment that choose to use decorate a house. And the quality of the
material is appropriate and consistent with the specified price. Our company has
reduced prices to stem competition and sometimes the pricing low in order not to lose
the chance of a new customer.
 Place
Our company is located in the center of Ching Rai province. It is easy to
access and convenient in work connection of a customer. Sometimes companies have
set up booths at the mall in Chiang Rai province to improve channels of distribution
to customers and facilitate customers. There is also a way to reach customers by Print
Ad Poster, Leaflet, e-Commerce, and e-Mail Marketing.
 Promotion
Our company there is many type of advertising. Such as website, bill broad,
brochure, radio, and televisions. Have some promotion to the customer who use our
service that depend on the season, the area that they decorate and the area of garden.
In addition, our company also has sales staff through training and customer service to
the customer the impression and satisfaction in our company. If the customer is
satisfied with the service say word of mouth it will take to promote the word of our
company another format.

3.4. Product Position
Our company set a price that depends on the area of decoration and the area of
garden. We think the price of our company is middle price that we think the customer can
spend and use service of our company. And we think we have a staff that they have more
experiences we will competitive other company about price and product.

3.5. Work detail

 Architectural Design serve design architecture work, follow especial requirement of
a customer. By consider the beauty heavily the identity and the advantage buy
topmost in every the area.

 Design construction and engineering serve design structure work, system work and
check the construction work thoroughly every the step on standard topmost quality.

 Interior Design serve design have interior decoration, give correspond architecture
work, follow the taste of the house-owner, by select the inventory but be of good
quality, and give born the beauty.

 Mass & Mass Model / Pvc , house , building , office , and , architecture work , a
house and every kind building , project plan , housing development , factory , school ,
oval , carry , etc.

3.6. Service charge analysis divides to be 2 the cause, as follows

3.6.1. Serve design mind time only (Interior Design)

1. See, Plan, or, see TRUE place, by unexpected the service charge anything.
2. Talk designing detail and designing style within, still unexpected the value designs.
3. Bid the value designs, still unexpected the service charge anything.
4. When, agree the price already begin think the service charge 30%
 1 amount installments present, Furniture Layout + Concept Design , fully sign the
contract 40%
 2 amount installments present , a level develops , + Perspective + Material Board
( can modify get ) 30% 3 amount installments present , detail level, ( cannot modify
get already ) , fully send the work.

3.6.2. Serve design fully within have interior decoration (Turn Key).

1. See, Plan, or, see TRUE place, by unexpected the service charge anything.
2. Talk designing detail and designing style within, still unexpected the value designs.
3. Present Furniture Layout + Concept Design, by, think service direction self charge, depend
upon the size of that.
4. Bid the value designs fully within has interior decoration.
5. When, agree the price already, begin think the service charge.
 30% / 1 amount instilments fully sign the contract, summarize like [ model ] , for
build TRUE and begin give a technician faces the work at the beginning ,
 10% / 4, 20% / 3, 40% / 2 amount installments amount installments amount
installments examine the work and deliver the work finish.

Note is: the service charge totals up the value inspects. Coordinate activities with a contractor
has and inventory store as an example already.

Service work charge designs to have interior decoration, think have the
advantage a square meter approximately the detail as follows:
- Lower 50 35,000 square baht meters.
- 50 a square meter goes up 850 a baht, graft meter gutter.
- 100 a square meter goes up 750 a baht, graft meter gutter.
- 200 a square meter goes up 650 a baht, graft.
- 300 meter square meter gutters go up 550 a baht, graft.
- 400 meter square meter gutters go up 450 a baht, graft meter gutter.

3.7. Conclusion
Our company has segmentation about Geography; Northern of Thailand at the
Chiang Rai province, Demographic focus on more investment and more population that most
are singer group, family group and investor about resort, Psychographic we use values of
people and life style to decide the business, Behavior we will serve a service follow the
demand of customer for they satisfaction in finished of product. The target markets of our
company are the people who want to buy a new house (singer group), the people who want to
decorate house (family group) and resort.

Chapter 4
Technical Feasibility Study

Technical Feasibility Study

4.1. Production and Operations Analysis

4.1.2. Product Characteristics

Our products are interior decoration and design a garden that we will design it follows
the demand of customer. The company providing varietal of designing to suitable for
customer lifestyle Such as modern style, classic style, Thai shape style, Lanna style, etc., then
the customer can design their format and detail by themselves.

 Product

If more square meters, the price of product will decrease, because the companies will
to give discount.

Square meters Price(Baht)

Lower 50 10,000-35,000

50-100 25,000-45,000

100-200 35,000-55,000

200-300 45,000-65,000

300-400 55,000-75,000

400-500 65,000-85,000

500 up 75,000 up

*Note: The price may be changed, depends on size, design, type of equipments and type of

Interior decoration

Figure4.1: The interior decoration

Example of interior decoration design

Glass House Multi Family House

Modern style of Japan Country style

Lanna style England style

Example of equipments

Figure4.2: The equipments of interior decoration

Landscaping or interior garden

Figure4.3: Landscaping or interior garden

Example of landscaping or interior garden design

Figure4.4: Landscaping or interior garden design

Example of equipments

Figure4.5: Example of equipments

Example of plants

Figure4.6: The flowering tree

Figure4.7: The shrub tree

Figure4.8: The aquatic plant

Figure4.9: The perennial plant

4.1.3. Specification type of products
Import from foreign country

Some products manufactured in other countries that customers want to use for
decorate. The company provides services to import the product for respond of needs and
satisfaction to customers.
 Example

Orders specially
Equipment made to order with special designs such as wall decoration, sculpture,
furniture and other decorative items. The customers can make special order to need.
 Example

4.1.4. Production/Services Process
Production Process

Services Process

 When the customers come to a company, they will be welcoming by

receptionist, which have be friendly, smile and talk to built first impression for
make a relationship with customers.
 Officers will offer the catalog of company’s products to customers and let
them to see show room to make them have the choice for make decision, if
they want some more design or a design by themselves, the designer of
companies will advise to the customer.
 Customers can choose the design, details, price, type of equipment and plants
from catalog and example of products.
 After, the customer order a company will design style present the detail and
price to a customer again for recheck and confirm order by the customer.
 So, the company will levy on deposit the money half of service and after,
finished the work then pays the remainder.

4.1.5. Location
Garden Land Company building is the green color, three blogs with two floors
building which is located on Phahon Yothin Road, Wiang sub-district, Muang Chiang Rai
district, Chiang Rai. The nearby company is Bangkok Bank on the left hand side. RN Paint is
on the right hand side and opposite to Dunlop Center.

Figure4.10: The Location of Garden Land Company

4.1.6. Facility Layout
The building is 3 boxes with 2 floors. The area is 9 x 10 x 4 meters in each floor.
Total area is about 90 square meters in each floor. The first floor will contain with
receptionist zone, showroom, office zone, and toilet. Second floor contain with board of
director, general manager room, meeting room, common room and toilet.

Figure 4.11: The Facility Layout

Layout inside

 First floor

Receptionist Zone

Show Room

Office Zone


 Second floor

Board of director and general manager room

Common Room

Meeting Room


4.1.7. Machine/Tools/ Equipments

 Office

- Table/Desk/Chair 46,840 Baht

- Sofa 47,000 Baht

- Telephone 2,580 Baht/Unit

- Microwave 3,590 Baht/Unit

- Refrigerator 13,690 Baht/Unit

- Air condition 17,900 Baht/Unit

- Computer 15,000 Baht/Set

- Fax 7,980 Baht/Unit

 Interior house/hotel

o Bedroom

o Living room

o Kitchen room

o Bath room


o Furniture

- Sofa 42,000 Bath / set

- Lamp 2,850 Bath / piece

- Table 5,500 Bath/

- Chair 700 Bath/ piece

- Ceramic 3,000 Bath/ piece

- Vase 350 Bath/ piece

- Curtain 22,000 Bath/ set

- Cupboard 7,500 Bath/ piece

- Etc.

* Note is you can choose furniture from catalogue. And price changes based on customer

 Garden

- Plant 900 Bath

- Stone 350 Bath/ queue

- Brick 0.44 Bath/ piece

- Sand 300 Bath/ queue

- Soil 300 Bath/ queue

- Pebble 300 Bath/ queue

- Pot decoration 850 Bath/ piece

- Hoe 210 Bath/ piece

- Spade 250 Bath/ piece

- Lamp 1,200 Bath/ piece

- Carpentry 3,500 Bath/ piece

- Vase 375 Bath/ piece

- Stump 550 Bath/ piece

- Dolls garden 650 Bath/ piece

- Table 2,200 Bath/

- Waterfall 1,900 Bath/ piece

- Fountain 1,350 Bath/ set

- Water overflow 1,800 Bath/ set

- Locking block 15 Bath/ piece

- Bird house 400 Bath/ piece

- Garden block 45 Bath/ piece

- Silica plate 2,700 Bath/ piece

- Water curtain 1,700 Bath/ set

- Lath 160 Bath/ piece

- Umbrella 480 Bath/ piece

- Palisade 180 Bath/ piece

- Wood rail 800 Bath/ piece

- Pavilion 4,000 Bath/ piece

- Clay pot 170 Bath/ piece

- Basin 650 Bath/ piece

- Jar 390 Bath/ piece

* Note is you can choose furniture from catalogue. And price changes based on customer

 Utility
- Wire + the switch are + set up the lamp (not total up star lamp) 800 a baht is /dot.

4.1.8. Logistics Management

The logistics management of our company we will use many shipping routes.
Because of some raw material we will import from foreign countries. Which main route in
the shipping is road way because easy to the transportation fast already. Route other part such
as by sea by air that the both is the minority that use because decrease the capital and for the

4.1.9. Facility Management
The facility in office is all of good and service for customer. Provide the
employee of give the information, answer every a question, and help to guide the opinion
when a customer wants the assistance. Company way has side administration serves by face
to face. Such as, serve the water, serve the coffee bar, and have various gifts for decorate a
house. Our company has a reception counter for welcome the customer. When customers
come to our company we will serve the coffee or tea between they talk about their work. We
have a facility car park for support the customer when they come to see us.

 Cost of investment

o Pre-Operating cost

- Landscape 2,500,000 Baht

- Fee 205,000 Baht

- Total 2,705,000 Baht

 Investment cost

Investment Amount Depreciation Annual Dep. Monthly Dep.

Land 2,5000,000 - - -

Building 3,500,000 20 years 175,000 14,583

Vehicle 1,270,000 5 years 254,000 211,667

Equipment 600,000 5 years 120,000 10,000

Computer 150,000 3 years 50,000 4,166

Telephone 2,580 2 years 1,290 108

Fax 15,960 2 years 7,980 665

Air condition 136,000 4 years 34,000 2,833

 Operating cost

o Raw material cost

- Borrow Bank 50,000,000 Baht

- Land 2,500,000 Baht

- Building 3,500,000 Baht

- Vehicle (3) 1,270,000 Baht

- Air condition (8) 136,000 Baht

- Equipment (Furniture) 600,000 Baht

- Telephone (10) 2,580 Baht

- Computer (10) 150,000 Baht

- Fax (2) 15,960 Baht

Total 58,174,540 Baht

o Direct labor cost

- Salary 482,600 Baht

o Overhead

- House Keeper 30,000 Baht/Month

- Guard 15,000 Baht/Month
Total 45,000 Baht

- Utility Infrastructure (electricity, telephone, fax, water, light

etc.) 52,000 Baht/mouth
o Cost of Goods Sold
- Labor 5,400 Baht/month

 Management Analysis

o Administration Cost
- Salary

CEO 55,000 Baht/Month

Secretary Officer 15,000 Baht/Month
Manager 25,000 Baht/Month

Architects / Web Design / Graphic Design 20,000 Baht/Month
Accounting Officer (Financing & Costing) 12,000 Baht/Month
Engineer / Staff (Process / Production / Quality) 20,000 Baht/Month
Marketing & Sale coordinator 15,000 Baht/Month

Human resources Department 10,500 Baht/Month

PR 10,000 Baht/Month

Detail of salary
Average about 55,000 per month/1 person (CEO)
Average about 15,000 per month/1 person (Secretary Officer)
Average about 75,000 per month / 3 person (Manager)
Average about 100,000 per month / 5 person (Architects)
Average about 24,000 per month / 2 person (Accounting)
Average about 40,000 per month / 2 person (Engineer)
Average about 30,000 per month / 2 person (Marketing)
Average about 21,000 per month / 2 person (Human resources)
Average about 20,000 per month / 2 person (PR)
Average about (30,000) per month / 4 person (House Keeper)
Average about (15,000) per month / 2 person (Guard)
Average about (108,000) per month /20 person (Labor)

Total 46 position

Total 380,000 Baht/month

*Note (Investment)
Raw material cost 8,174,540 Baht
Fee 205,000 Baht

Total 8,374,540 Baht (Investment)

*Note Detail of Architect
Our companies there are 5 architects that we choose architects from the ability. And
architects of our companies have experience at least 2 years. So customers can confidence
and the efficiency of the work from our company

"Architect" is one of key persons involved in the design Planning and construction. Known as
the architecture. Architects Act currently divides the architecture into four main areas:
Architecture, city planning, landscape architecture and decorative arts.
1. Architects are trained to take your brief and can see the big picture.
2. Architects look beyond your immediate requirements to design flexible buildings that
will adapt with the changing needs of your business.
3. Architects solve problems creatively.
4. When they are involved at the earliest planning stage, they gain more opportunities to
understand your business, develop creative solutions, and propose ways to reduce
5. Architects can save you money by maximizing your investment.
6. A well-designed building can reduce your bills now and increase its long-term value.
7. Architects can manage your project from site selection to completion. In many
building projects the role of the architect includes co-coordinating a team of specialist
consultants such as landscape architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, interior
designers, builders and subcontractors.
8. Architects can save you time.

9. By managing and co-coordinating key project elements they allow you to focus on
your organization’s activities.
10. Architects can help your business.
11. They create total environments, interior and exterior, which are pleasing and
functional for the people who work and do business within them.

The rate salary of architects

- Think is % 2.5-7 of the price builds from the table estimates the asset.
- Take of all 30000 – 60000 baht of secondary houses and not exceed 160 square meters.
- The value draws and design, in case of no do by oneself, at least 20,000 baht
- The value will design to draw is from the value estimates to build of a house.
- The Bangkok is about 13000 – 15000 baht
- The seashore about 15000 - 18000 baht
- Forest his field about 10000 - 12000 baht
- Design type of CAD 30,000 baht
- Design type of (Perspective)
For example
10,000 a baht per /Square meter
2,150, 000 a baht / 215 Square meter
The value designs the standard 5%, as a result, at about 100,000 a baht.
 Conclusion

Our company will manage the technical feasibility by giving detail

information about a company includes explain the detail of the price and value
calculation of Investment cost. Because of we must know the loss or profit for to
do business in the future that we will set the price all of cost of products and the
service charge. So the customer can check the price and check of the justice in the
work has of a company. And include can calculate of the investment will have
done a business next in the future as well.

Chapter 5

Income Statement Year 1

Garden Land Company

Income Statement
For the year 1 Ended 31 Dec.
First year January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sale 2431537.00 2432548.00 3563355.00 2688032.00 3609839.00 3519099.00 3345037.00 4471175.00 2408902.00 4881221.00 4854331.00 4566435.00 42771511.00
Total revenue 2431537.00 2432548.00 3563355.00 2688032.00 3609839.00 3519099.00 3345037.00 4471175.00 2408902.00 4881221.00 4854331.00 4566435.00 42771511.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00
Labor 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 110300.00 112700.00 111800.00 110900.00 109400.00 110300.00 110500.00 109700.00 109900.00 110000.00 109500.00 110100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 2321237.00 2319848.00 3451555.00 2577132.00 3500439.00 3408799.00 3234537.00 4361475.00 2299002.00 4771221.00 4744831.00 4456335.00 41446411.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8174540.00
Direct labor cost 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 6151200.00
Overhead 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 8747216.00 542676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 15046652.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600000.00
Total Administration Expenses 960000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 4920000.00

Total Expenses 9707216.00 902676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 19966652.00

Operating Income (Loss) -7385979.00 1417172.00 2518879.00 1644456.00 2567763.00 2476123.00 2301861.00 3428799.00 1366326.00 3838545.00 3812155.00 3523659.00 21479759.00
Interest Expenese(5%) 2500000.00 2375000.00 2256250.00 2143437.50 2036265.63 1934452.34 1837729.73 1745843.24 1658551.08 1575623.53 1496842.35 1422000.23 22981995.62
EBIT -9885979.00 -957828.00 262629.00 -498981.50 531497.38 541670.66 464131.27 1682955.76 -292225.08 2262921.48 2315312.65 2101658.77 -1502236.62
Taxes (30%) -2965793.70 -287348.40 78788.70 -149694.45 159449.21 162501.20 139239.38 504886.73 -87667.52 678876.44 694593.80 630497.63 -441670.99
Net Income -9885979.00 -957828.00 262629.00 -498981.50 531497.38 541670.66 464131.27 1682955.76 -292225.08 2262921.48 2315312.65 2101658.77 -1060565.63

Income Statement Year 2

Garden Land Company

Income Statement
For the year 2 Ended 31 Dec.
Second year January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sale 2625282.00 2443953.00 3266625.00 4691855.00 3598219.00 4617747.00 4139652.00 3673292.00 3022238.00 4588893.00 4091872.00 5057945.00 45817573.00
Total revenue 2625282.00 2443953.00 3266625.00 4691855.00 3598219.00 4617747.00 4139652.00 3673292.00 3022238.00 4588893.00 4091872.00 5057945.00 45817573.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00
Labor 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 110300.00 112700.00 111800.00 110900.00 109400.00 110300.00 110500.00 109700.00 109900.00 110000.00 109500.00 110100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 2514982.00 2331253.00 3154825.00 4580955.00 3488819.00 4507447.00 4029152.00 3563592.00 2912338.00 4478893.00 3982372.00 4947845.00 44492473.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 6151200.00
Overhead 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 624000.00
Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 1582306.00 1398577.00 2222149.00 3648279.00 2556143.00 3574771.00 3096476.00 2630916.00 1979662.00 3546217.00 3049696.00 4015169.00 33300361.00
Interest Expenese(5%) 1279800.208 1215810.198 1155019.688 1097268.704 1042405.268 1045148.44 992891.01 943246.4675 896084.1441 851279.9368 808715.9402 768280.143 12095950.15
EBIT 302505.79 182766.80 1067129.31 2551010.30 1513737.73 2529622.56 2103584.99 1687669.53 1083577.86 2694937.06 2240980.06 3246888.86 21204410.85
Taxes (30%) 90751.74 54830.04 320138.79 765303.09 454121.32 758886.77 631075.50 506300.86 325073.36 808481.12 672294.02 974066.66 6361323.26
Net Income 302505.79 182766.80 1067129.31 2551010.30 1513737.73 2529622.56 2103584.99 1687669.53 1083577.86 2694937.06 2240980.06 3246888.86 14843087.60

Income Statement Year 3

Garden Land Company

Income Statement
For the year 3 Ended 31 Dec.
Third year January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sale 5253936.00 5266025.00 6713570.00 5983332.00 7793900.00 9196784.00 7798450.00 6311076.00 8570315.00 10613250.00 10021535.00 8984457.00 92506610.00
Total revenue 5253936.00 5266025.00 6713570.00 5983332.00 7793900.00 9196784.00 7798450.00 6311076.00 8570315.00 10613250.00 10021535.00 8984457.00 92506610.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00
Labor 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 110300.00 112700.00 111800.00 110900.00 109400.00 110300.00 110500.00 109700.00 109900.00 110000.00 109500.00 110100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 5143636.00 5153325.00 6601770.00 5872432.00 7684500.00 9086484.00 7687950.00 6201376.00 8460415.00 10503250.00 9912035.00 8874357.00 91181510.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 150000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220000.00
Direct labor cost 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 6151200.00
Overhead 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 722676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 642676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 7092112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 624000.00
Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 1082676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 1002676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 11412112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 4060960.00 4220649.00 5669094.00 4939756.00 6751824.00 8083808.00 6755274.00 5268700.00 7527739.00 9570574.00 8979359.00 7941681.00 79769398.00
Interest Expenese(5%) 729866.14 693372.83 658704.19 625768.98 594480.53 564756.50 536518.68 509692.74 484208.11 459997.70 436997.82 415147.93 6709512.13
EBIT 3331093.86 3527276.17 5010389.81 4313987.02 6157343.47 7519051.50 6218755.32 4759007.26 7043530.89 9110576.30 8542361.18 7526533.07 73059885.87
Taxes (30%) 999328.16 1058182.85 1503116.94 1294196.11 1847203.04 2255715.45 1865626.60 1427702.18 2113059.27 2733172.89 2562708.36 2257959.92 21917971.76
Net Income 3331093.86 3527276.17 5010389.81 4313987.02 6157343.47 7519051.50 6218755.32 4759007.26 7043530.89 9110576.30 8542361.18 7526533.07 51141914.11

Income Statement Year 4

Garden Land Company

Income Statement
For the year 4 Ended 31 Dec.
Fourth year January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sale 6646123.00 7309188.00 11400528.00 11282034.00 13356396.00 10497962.00 11127456.00 10081771.00 12446795.00 9736971.00 11517224.00 12533193.00 127935641.00
Total revenue 6646123.00 7309188.00 11400528.00 11282034.00 13356396.00 10497962.00 11127456.00 10081771.00 12446795.00 9736971.00 11517224.00 12533193.00 127935641.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00
Labor 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 110300.00 112700.00 111800.00 110900.00 109400.00 110300.00 110500.00 109700.00 109900.00 110000.00 109500.00 110100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 6535823.00 7196488.00 11288728.00 11171134.00 13246996.00 10387662.00 11016956.00 9972071.00 12336895.00 9626971.00 11407724.00 12423093.00 126610541.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 6151200.00
Overhead 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 624000.00
Equipment 40000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00
Total Administration Expenses 400000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 425000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 4425000.00

Total Expenses 972676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 997676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 11297112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 5563147.00 6263812.00 10356052.00 10238458.00 12314320.00 9454986.00 10084280.00 8974395.00 11404219.00 8694295.00 10475048.00 11490417.00 115313429.00
Interest Expenese(5%) 394390.53 374671.00 355937.45 338140.58 321233.55 305171.87 289912.78 275417.16 261646.30 248563.98 236135.78 224329.00 3625549.99
EBIT 5168756.47 5889141.00 10000114.55 9900317.42 11993086.45 9149814.13 9794367.22 8698977.84 11142572.70 8445731.02 10238912.22 11266088.00 111687879.01
Taxes (30%) 1550626.94 1766742.30 3000034.36 2970095.23 3597925.93 2744944.24 2938310.17 2609693.35 3342771.81 2533719.30 3071673.66 3379826.40 33506363.70
Net Income 5168756.47 5889141.00 10000114.55 9900317.42 11993086.45 9149814.13 9794367.22 8698977.84 11142572.70 8445731.02 10238912.22 7886261.60 78181515.31

Income Statement Year 5

Garden Land Company

Income Statement
For the year 5 Ended 31 Dec.
Fifth year January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sale 20080346.00 18601619.00 14065957.00 14784445.00 18967113.00 15750476.00 18739220.00 25406574.00 15674337.00 15072791.00 24817571.00 23230081.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 20080346.00 18601619.00 14065957.00 14784445.00 18967113.00 15750476.00 18739220.00 25406574.00 15674337.00 15072791.00 24817571.00 23230081.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00
Labor 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 108000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 110300.00 112700.00 111800.00 110900.00 109400.00 110300.00 110500.00 109700.00 109900.00 110000.00 109500.00 110100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 19970046.00 18488919.00 13954157.00 14673545.00 18857713.00 15640176.00 18628720.00 25296874.00 15564437.00 14962791.00 24708071.00 23119981.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 512600.00 6151200.00
Overhead 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 45000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 572676.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 308000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 52000.00 624000.00
Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 360000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 932676.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 19037370.00 17556243.00 13021481.00 13740869.00 17925037.00 14707500.00 17696044.00 24364198.00 14631761.00 14030115.00 23775395.00 22187305.00 212673318.00
Interest Expenese(5%) 218133.11 207226.45 196865.13 187021.87 177670.78 168787.24 160347.84 152330.45 144713.92 137478.23 130604.32 124074.10 2005253.43
EBIT 18819236.89 17349016.55 12824615.87 13553847.13 17747366.22 14538712.76 17535696.16 24211867.55 14487047.08 13892636.77 23644790.68 22063230.90 210668064.57
Taxes (30%) 5645771.07 5204704.96 3847384.76 4066154.14 5324209.87 4361613.83 5260708.85 7263560.27 4346114.12 4167791.03 7093437.21 6618969.27 63200419.37
Net Income 18819236.89 17349016.55 12824615.87 13553847.13 17747366.22 14538712.76 17535696.16 24211867.55 14487047.08 13892636.77 23644790.68 22063230.90 147467645.20

Statement of Cash Flow Year 1

Garden Land Company

Statement of Cash Flow
For Year 1 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Cash Provided From Operating Activities
Net Income -9885979.00 -957828.00 262629.00 -498981.50 531497.38 541670.66 464131.27 262629.00 -498981.50 531497.38 541670.66 464131.27 1682955.76
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Increase in Accounts Receivable 2431537.00 2432548.00 3563355.00 2688032.00 3609839.00 3519099.00 3345037.00 4471175.00 2408902.00 4881221.00 4854331.00 4566435.00 42771511.00
Increase in Inventory
Net Cash from Operating Activities -12302440.00 -3375300.00 -3285650.00 -3171937.50 -3063265.63 -2962352.34 -2865829.73 -4193470.00 -2892807.50 -4334647.63 -4297584.34 -4087227.73 -40907643.24
Cash Provided From Investing Activities
Purchased Land & Building 6000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6000000.00
Purchased Vehicle 1270000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1270000.00
Purchased Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600000.00
Purchased Telephone 2580.00 2375000.00 2256250.00 2143437.50 2036265.63 1934452.34 1837729.73 1745843.24 1658551.08 1575623.53 1496842.35 1422000.23 2580.00
Purchased Computer 150000.00 0.00 -2256250.00 -2143437.50 -2036265.63 -1934452.34 -1837729.73 -1745843.24 0.00 -1575623.53 -1496842.35 -1422000.23 150000.00
Purchased Fax 15960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15960.00
Purchased Air condition 136000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 136000.00
Net Cash from Investing Activities 8174540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8174540.00
Cash Provided From Financing Activities
Borrowing Bank 500000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50000000.00
Interest Payment 2500000.00 2375000.00 2256250.00 2143437.50 2036265.63 1934452.34 1837729.73 1745843.24 1658551.08 1575623.53 1496842.35 1422000.23 22981995.62
Net Cash from Financing Activities 497500000.00 -2375000.00 -2256250.00 -2143437.50 -2036265.63 -1934452.34 -1837729.73 -1745843.24 -1658551.08 -1575623.53 -1496842.35 -1422000.23 27018004.38
Net Cash Increase or Decrease 493372100.00 -5750300.00 -5541900.00 -5315375.00 -5099531.25 -4896804.69 -4703559.45 -5939313.24 -4551358.58 -5910271.15 -5794426.69 -5509227.96 -5715098.86
Cash Beginning of the month 0.00 493372100.00 487621800.00 482079900.00 476764525.00 471664993.75 466768189.06 462064629.61 456125316.37 451573957.79 445663686.64 439869259.95 434360031.99
Cash Ending of the month 493372100.00 487621800.00 482079900.00 476764525.00 471664993.75 466768189.06 462064629.61 456125316.37 451573957.79 445663686.64 439869259.95 434360031.99 428644933.13

Statement of Cash Flow Year 2

Garden Land Company
Statement of Cash Flow
For Year 2 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 2 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Cash Provided From Operating Activities
Net Income 302505.79 182766.80 1067129.31 2551010.30 1513737.73 2529622.56 2103584.99 1687669.53 1083577.86 2694937.06 2240980.06 3246888.86 14843087.60
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Increase in Accounts Receivable 2625282.00 2443953.00 3266625.00 4691855.00 3598219.00 4617747.00 4139652.00 3673292.00 3022238.00 4588893.00 4091872.00 5057945.00 45817573.00
Increase in Inventory
Net Cash from Operating Activities -2307700.21 -2246110.20 -2184419.69 -2125768.70 -2069405.27 -2073048.44 -2020991.01 -1970546.47 -1923584.14 -1878879.94 -1835815.94 -1795980.14 -30793573.40
Cash Provided From Investing Activities
Purchased Land & Building 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Vehicle 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Equipment
Purchased Telephone
Purchased Computer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Fax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Air condition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Cash from Investing Activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cash Provided From Financing Activities
Borrowing Bank 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Interest Payment 1279800.208 1215810.198 1155019.688 1097268.704 1042405.268 1045148.44 992891.01 943246.4675 896084.1441 851279.9368 808715.9402 768280.143 12095950.15
Net Cash from Financing Activities 1279800.21 1215810.20 1155019.69 1097268.70 1042405.27 1045148.44 992891.01 943246.47 896084.14 851279.94 808715.94 768280.14 12095950.15
Net Cash Increase or Decrease -1027900.00 -1030300.00 -2184419.69 -1028500.00 -1027000.00 -1027900.00 -1028100.00 -1027300.00 -1027500.00 -1027600.00 -1027100.00 -1027700.00 -18697623.26
Cash Beginning of the month 434360031.99 433332131.99 432301831.99 430117412.30 429088912.30 428061912.30 427034012.30 426005912.30 424978612.30 423951112.30 422923512.30 421896412.30 420868712.30
Cash Ending of the month 433332131.99 432301831.99 430117412.30 429088912.30 428061912.30 427034012.30 426005912.30 424978612.30 423951112.30 422923512.30 421896412.30 420868712.30 402171089.05

Statement of Cash Flow Year 3

Garden Land Company

Statement of Cash Flow
For Year 3 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 3 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Cash Provided From Operating Activities
Net Income 3331093.86 3527276.17 5010389.81 4313987.02 6157343.47 7519051.50 6218755.32 4759007.26 7043530.89 9110576.30 8542361.18 7526533.07 51141914.11
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Increase in Accounts Receivable 5253936.00 5266025.00 6713570.00 5983332.00 7793900.00 9196784.00 7798450.00 6311076.00 8570315.00 10613250.00 10021535.00 8984457.00 92506610.00
Increase in Inventory
Net Cash from Operating Activities -1907766.14 -1723672.83 -1688104.19 -1654268.98 -1621480.53 -1662656.50 -1564618.68 -1536992.74 -1511708.11 -1487597.70 -1464097.82 -1442847.93 -41183783.89
Cash Provided From Investing Activities
Purchased Land & Building 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Vehicle 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Telephone 729866.14 693372.83 0.00 625768.98 594480.53 564756.50 536518.68 509692.74 0.00 459997.70 436997.82 415147.93 6709512.13
Purchased Computer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Fax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Air condition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Cash from Investing Activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cash Provided From Financing Activities
Borrowing Bank 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Interest Payment 729866.14 693372.83 658704.19 625768.98 594480.53 564756.50 536518.68 509692.74 484208.11 459997.70 436997.82 415147.93 6709512.13
Net Cash from Financing Activities 729866.14 693372.83 658704.19 625768.98 594480.53 564756.50 536518.68 509692.74 484208.11 459997.70 436997.82 415147.93 6709512.13
Net Cash Increase or Decrease -1177900.00 -1030300.00 -1029400.00 -1028500.00 -1027000.00 -1097900.00 -1028100.00 -1027300.00 -1027500.00 -1027600.00 -1027100.00 -1027700.00 -34474271.76
Cash Beginning of the month 420868712.30 419690812.30 418660512.30 417631112.30 416602612.30 415575612.30 414477712.30 413449612.30 412422312.30 411394812.30 410367212.30 409340112.30 408312412.30
Cash Ending of the month 419690812.30 418660512.30 417631112.30 416602612.30 415575612.30 414477712.30 413449612.30 412422312.30 411394812.30 410367212.30 409340112.30 408312412.30 373838140.54

Statement of Cash Flow Year 4

Garden Land Company
Statement of Cash Flow
For Year 4 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 4 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Cash Provided From Operating Activities
Net Income 5168756.47 5889141.00 10000114.55 9900317.42 11993086.45 9149814.13 9794367.22 8698977.84 11142572.70 8445731.02 10238912.22 7886261.60 78181515.31
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Increase in Accounts Receivable 6646123.00 7309188.00 11400528.00 11282034.00 13356396.00 10497962.00 11127456.00 10081771.00 12446795.00 9736971.00 11517224.00 12533193.00 127935641.00
Increase in Inventory
Net Cash from Operating Activities -1462290.53 -1404971.00 -1385337.45 -1366640.58 -1348233.55 -1333071.87 -1318012.78 -1367717.16 -1289146.30 -1276163.98 -1263235.78 -4631855.40 -49573213.69
Cash Provided From Investing Activities
Purchased Land & Building 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Vehicle 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Equipment 40000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00
Purchased Telephone 394390.53 374671.00 0.00 338140.58 321233.55 305171.87 289912.78 275417.16 0.00 248563.98 236135.78 224329.00 3625549.99
Purchased Computer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Fax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Air condition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Cash from Investing Activities 40000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00
Cash Provided From Financing Activities
Borrowing Bank 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Interest Payment 394390.53 374671.00 355937.45 338140.58 321233.55 305171.87 289912.78 275417.16 261646.30 248563.98 236135.78 224329.00 3625549.99
Net Cash from Financing Activities 394390.53 374671.00 355937.45 338140.58 321233.55 305171.87 289912.78 275417.16 261646.30 248563.98 236135.78 224329.00 3625549.99
Net Cash Increase or Decrease -1027900.00 -1030300.00 -1029400.00 -1028500.00 -1027000.00 -1027900.00 -1028100.00 -1027300.00 -1027500.00 -1027600.00 -1027100.00 -4407526.40 -45842663.70
Cash Beginning of the month 408312412.30 407284512.30 406254212.30 405224812.30 404196312.30 403169312.30 402141412.30 401113312.30 400086012.30 399058512.30 398030912.30 397003812.30 392596285.90
Cash Ending of the month 407284512.30 406254212.30 405224812.30 404196312.30 403169312.30 402141412.30 401113312.30 400086012.30 399058512.30 398030912.30 397003812.30 392596285.90 346753622.20

Statement of Cash Flow Year 5

Garden Land Company

Statement of Cash Flow
For Year 5 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 5 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Cash Provided From Operating Activities
Net Income 18819236.89 17349016.55 12824615.87 13553847.13 17747366.22 14538712.76 17535696.16 24211867.55 14487047.08 13892636.77 23644790.68 22063230.90 147467645.20
Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Increase in Accounts Receivable 20080346.00 18601619.00 14065957.00 14784445.00 18967113.00 15750476.00 18739220.00 25406574.00 15674337.00 15072791.00 24817571.00 23230081.00 225190530.00
Increase in Inventory
Net Cash from Operating Activities -1246033.11 -1237526.45 -1226265.13 -1215521.87 -1204670.78 -1196687.24 -1188447.84 -1179630.45 -1172213.92 -1165078.23 -1157704.32 -1151774.10 -77541972.80
Cash Provided From Investing Activities
Purchased Land & Building 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Vehicle 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Telephone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Computer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Fax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Purchased Air condition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Cash from Investing Activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cash Provided From Financing Activities
Borrowing Bank 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Interest Payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Cash from Financing Activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Cash Increase or Decrease -1246033.11 -1237526.45 -1226265.13 -1215521.87 -1204670.78 -1196687.24 -1188447.84 -1179630.45 -1172213.92 -1165078.23 -1157704.32 -1151774.10 -77541972.80
Cash Beginning of the month 392596285.90 391350252.79 390112726.34 388886461.21 387670939.34 386466268.56 385269581.32 384081133.49 382901503.04 381729289.12 380564210.89 379406506.57 378254732.47
Cash Ending of the month 391350252.79 390112726.34 388886461.21 387670939.34 386466268.56 385269581.32 384081133.49 382901503.04 381729289.12 380564210.89 379406506.57 378254732.47 300712759.67

Balance Sheet Year 1
Garden Land Company
Balance Sheet
For Year 1 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Current Assets
Cash 493372100.00 487621800.00 482079900.00 476764525.00 471664993.75 466768189.06 462064629.61 456125316.37 451573957.79 445663686.64 439869259.95 434360031.99 428644933.13
Accounts Receivable 2431537.00 2432548.00 3563355.00 2688032.00 3609839.00 3519099.00 3345037.00 4471175.00 2408902.00 4881221.00 4854331.00 4566435.00 42771511.00
Inventory 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00

Total Current Assets 495805937.00 490059048.00 485647055.00 479455457.00 475276232.75 470289588.06 465412166.61 460598191.37 453984759.79 450546907.64 444725090.95 438928566.99 471445544.13

Fixed Assets
Land & Building 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 72000000.00
Machine & Equipments 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 26094480.00
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Fixed Assets 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 97913568.00

Total Assets 503965401.00 498218512.00 493806519.00 487614921.00 483435696.75 478449052.06 473571630.61 468757655.37 462144223.79 458706371.64 452884554.95 447088030.99 569359112.13

Liabilities & Owners' Equity

Current Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Accounts Payable 2500000.00 2375000.00 2256250.00 2143437.50 2036265.63 1934452.34 1837729.73 1745843.24 1658551.08 1575623.53 1496842.35 1422000.23 22981995.62
Long-term debt 50000000.00 47500000.00 45125000.00 42868750.00 40725312.50 38689046.88 36754594.53 34916864.80 33171021.56 31512470.49 29936846.96 28440004.61 459639912.3
Total Liabilities 52500000.00 49875000.00 47381250.00 45012187.50 42761578.13 40623499.22 38592324.26 36662708.05 34829572.64 33088094.01 31433689.31 29862004.84 482621907.95

Owners' Equity
Capital 451465401.00 448343512.00 446425269.00 442602733.50 440674118.63 437825552.84 434979306.35 432094947.32 427314651.15 425618277.63 421450865.64 417226026.15 86737204.18
Total Owners' Equity 451465401.00 448343512.00 446425269.00 442602733.50 440674118.63 437825552.84 434979306.35 432094947.32 427314651.15 425618277.63 421450865.64 417226026.15 86737204.18

Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 503965401.00 498218512.00 493806519.00 487614921.00 483435696.75 478449052.06 473571630.61 468757655.37 462144223.79 458706371.64 452884554.95 447088030.99 569359112.13

Balance Sheet Year 2

Garden Land Company
Balance Sheet
For Year 2 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 2 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Current Assets
Cash 433332131.99 432301831.99 430117412.30 429088912.30 428061912.30 427034012.30 426005912.30 424978612.30 423951112.30 422923512.30 421896412.30 420868712.30 402171089.05
Accounts Receivable 2625282.00 2443953.00 3266625.00 4691855.00 3598219.00 4617747.00 4139652.00 3673292.00 3022238.00 4588893.00 4091872.00 5057945.00 45817573.00
Inventory 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00

Total Current Assets 435959713.99 434750484.99 433387837.30 433783667.30 431661531.30 431654059.30 430148064.30 428653604.30 426975250.30 427514405.30 425989784.30 425928757.30 448017762.05

Fixed Assets
Land & Building 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 72000000.00
Machine & Equipments 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 26094480.00
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Fixed Assets 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 97913568.00

Total Assets 444119177.99 442909948.99 441547301.30 441943131.30 439820995.30 439813523.30 438307528.30 436813068.30 435134714.30 435673869.30 434149248.30 434088221.30 545931330.05

Liabilities & Owners' Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 1279800.208 1215810.198 1155019.688 1097268.704 1042405.268 1045148.44 992891.01 943246.4675 896084.1441 851279.9368 808715.9402 768280.143 12095950.15
Long-term debt 27018004.38 25738204.17 24522393.98 23367374.29 22270105.58 21227700.32 20182551.88 19189660.87 18246414.40 17350330.25 16499050.32 15690334.38 251302124.80
Total Liabilities 28297804.59 26954014.37 25677413.66 24464642.99 23312510.85 22272848.76 21175442.89 20132907.33 19142498.54 18201610.19 17307766.26 16458614.52 263398074.95

Owners' Equity
Capital 415821373.40 415955934.62 415869887.64 417478488.31 416508484.45 417540674.55 417132085.42 416680160.97 415992215.76 417472259.11 416841482.04 417629606.78 282533255.10
Total Owners' Equity 415821373.40 415955934.62 415869887.64 417478488.31 416508484.45 417540674.55 417132085.42 416680160.97 415992215.76 417472259.11 416841482.04 417629606.78 282533255.10

Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 444119177.99 442909948.99 441547301.30 441943131.30 439820995.30 439813523.30 438307528.30 436813068.30 435134714.30 435673869.30 434149248.30 434088221.30 545931330.05

Balance Sheet Year 3
Garden Land Company
Balance Sheet
For Year 3 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 3 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Current Assets
Cash 419690812.30 418660512.30 417631112.30 416602612.30 415575612.30 414477712.30 413449612.30 412422312.30 411394812.30 410367212.30 409340112.30 408312412.30 373838140.54
Accounts Receivable 5253936.00 5266025.00 6713570.00 5983332.00 7793900.00 9196784.00 7798450.00 6311076.00 8570315.00 10613250.00 10021535.00 8984457.00 92506610.00
Inventory 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00

Total Current Assets 424947048.30 423931237.30 424348482.30 422588844.30 423370912.30 423676796.30 421250562.30 418735088.30 419967027.30 420982462.30 419363147.30 417298969.30 466373850.54

Fixed Assets
Land & Building 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 72000000.00
Machine & Equipments 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 26094480.00
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Fixed Assets 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 97913568.00

Total Assets 433106512.30 432090701.30 432507946.30 430748308.30 431530376.30 431836260.30 429410026.30 426894552.30 428126491.30 429141926.30 427522611.30 425458433.30 564287418.54

Liabilities & Owners' Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 3331093.86 3527276.17 5010389.81 4313987.02 6157343.47 7519051.50 6218755.32 4759007.26 7043530.89 9110576.30 8542361.18 7526533.07 73059885.87
Long-term debt 768280.14 -2562813.72 -6090089.89 -11100479.70 -15414466.73 -21571810.20 -29090861.69 -35309617.02 -40068624.27 -47112155.17 -56222731.47 -64765092.65 -328540462.37
Total Liabilities 4099374.01 964462.45 -1079700.08 -6786492.68 -9257123.26 -14052758.70 -22872106.37 -30550609.76 -33025093.38 -38001578.87 -47680370.28 -57238559.58 -255480576.50

Owners' Equity
Capital 429007138.29 431126238.85 433587646.38 437534800.98 440787499.56 445889019.00 452282132.67 457445162.06 461151584.68 467143505.17 475202981.58 482696992.88 819767995.04
Total Owners' Equity 429007138.29 431126238.85 433587646.38 437534800.98 440787499.56 445889019.00 452282132.67 457445162.06 461151584.68 467143505.17 475202981.58 482696992.88 819767995.04

Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 433106512.30 432090701.30 432507946.30 430748308.30 431530376.30 431836260.30 429410026.30 426894552.30 428126491.30 429141926.30 427522611.30 425458433.30 564287418.54

Balance Sheet Year 4

Garden Land Company
Balance Sheet
For Year 4 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 4 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Current Assets
Cash 5168756.47 5889141.00 10000114.55 9900317.42 11993086.45 9149814.13 9794367.22 8698977.84 11142572.70 8445731.02 10238912.22 7886261.60 78181515.31
Accounts Receivable 6646123.00 7309188.00 11400528.00 11282034.00 13356396.00 10497962.00 11127456.00 10081771.00 12446795.00 9736971.00 11517224.00 12533193.00 127935641.00
Inventory 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00

Total Current Assets 11817179.47 13203029.00 21404442.55 21185251.42 25350882.45 19650076.13 20924323.22 18782448.84 23591267.70 18184702.02 21757636.22 20421554.60 206146256.31

Fixed Assets
Land & Building 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 72000000.00
Machine & Equipments 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 26094480.00
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Fixed Assets 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 97913568.00

Total Assets 19976643.47 21362493.00 29563906.55 29344715.42 33510346.45 27809540.13 29083787.22 26941912.84 31750731.70 26344166.02 29917100.22 28581018.60 304059824.31

Liabilities & Owners' Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 394390.53 374671.00 355937.45 338140.58 321233.55 305171.87 289912.78 275417.16 261646.30 248563.98 236135.78 224329.00 3625549.99
Long-term debt -72291625.73 -72686016.25 -73060687.26 -73416624.71 -73754765.29 -74075998.84 -74381170.71 -74671083.49 -74946500.65 -75208146.95 -75456710.93 -75692846.72 -889642177.52
Total Liabilities -71897235.20 -72311345.25 -72704749.80 -73078484.13 -73433531.74 -73770826.97 -74091257.93 -74395666.34 -74684854.35 -74959582.96 -75220575.15 -75468517.72 -886016627.53

Owners' Equity
Capital 91873878.67 93673838.25 102268656.35 102423199.55 106943878.19 101580367.09 103175045.15 101337579.18 106435586.05 101303748.98 105137675.36 104049536.32 1190076451.84
Total Owners' Equity 91873878.67 93673838.25 102268656.35 102423199.55 106943878.19 101580367.09 103175045.15 101337579.18 106435586.05 101303748.98 105137675.36 104049536.32 1190076451.84

Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 19976643.47 21362493.00 29563906.55 29344715.42 33510346.45 27809540.13 29083787.22 26941912.84 31750731.70 26344166.02 29917100.22 28581018.60 304059824.31

Balance Sheet Year 5
Garden Land Company
Balance Sheet
For Year 5 Ended of 31 Dec.
Year 5 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Current Assets
Cash 391350252.79 390112726.34 388886461.21 387670939.34 386466268.56 385269581.32 384081133.49 382901503.04 381729289.12 380564210.89 379406506.57 378254732.47 300712759.67
Accounts Receivable 20080346.00 18601619.00 14065957.00 14784445.00 18967113.00 15750476.00 18739220.00 25406574.00 15674337.00 15072791.00 24817571.00 23230081.00 225190530.00
Inventory 2300.00 4700.00 3800.00 2900.00 1400.00 2300.00 2500.00 1700.00 1900.00 2000.00 1500.00 2100.00 29100.00

Total Current Assets 411432898.79 408719045.34 402956218.21 402458284.34 405434781.56 401022357.32 402822853.49 408309777.04 397405526.12 395639001.89 404225577.57 401486913.47 525932389.67

Fixed Assets
Land & Building 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 6000000.00 72000000.00
Machine & Equipments 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 2174540.00 26094480.00
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 15076.00 180912.00
Total Fixed Assets 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 8159464.00 97913568.00

Total Assets 419592362.79 416878509.34 411115682.21 410617748.34 413594245.56 409181821.32 410982317.49 416469241.04 405564990.12 403798465.89 412385041.57 409646377.47 623845957.67

Liabilities & Owners' Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 218133.11 207226.45 196865.13 187021.87 177670.78 168787.24 160347.84 152330.45 144713.92 137478.23 130604.32 124074.10 2005253.43
Long-term debt -75917175.71 -76135308.82 -76342535.27 -76539400.40 -76726422.27 -76904093.05 -77072880.29 -77233228.12 -77385558.57 -77530272.49 -77667750.72 -77798355.04 -923252980.75
Total Liabilities -75699042.60 -75928082.37 -76145670.14 -76352378.52 -76548751.49 -76735305.81 -76912532.45 -77080897.68 -77240844.65 -77392794.27 -77537146.41 -77674280.94 -921247727.32

Owners' Equity
Capital 495291405.40 492806591.71 487261352.35 486970126.87 490142997.05 485917127.13 487894849.93 493550138.72 482805834.76 481191260.16 489922187.98 487320658.41 1545093684.99
Total Owners' Equity 495291405.40 492806591.71 487261352.35 486970126.87 490142997.05 485917127.13 487894849.93 493550138.72 482805834.76 481191260.16 489922187.98 487320658.41 1545093684.99

Total Liabilities & Owners' Equity 419592362.79 416878509.34 411115682.21 410617748.34 413594245.56 409181821.32 410982317.49 416469241.04 405564990.12 403798465.89 412385041.57 409646377.47 623845957.67

Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

 Internal
Risk of human can occur from individuals or organizations, illness, death,
accident during working, conflict between the members in organization. In the
organization the ability and quality of each employee is once point of risk.
 External
The organization has a conflict between other organizations.
Solving problem: We can solve this risk by give insurance to every employee for protect the
accident that it can occur during working. About the conflict between other organizations we
think we should to do activities between the organizations for make a relationship at least
twice per months.
 Operational
 Internal
Risk of operational can occur from disruption to supplies and operations, loss
of access to essential assets, failures in distribution, and loss communication between
the employee to member and member to member.
 External
Do not clear about communication such as advertising, public relations, mass
media, and technique.
Solving problem: Meeting at least once per week and makes an activities between employee
and staff for make a good relationship.
 Reputation
 Internal
Risk of reputation can occur from the employee that does not have honest , loss
of business partner or employee confidence.
 External
The external risk of reputation can occur from damage to reputation in the
market and competition.
Solving problem: Makes credit and give confident to other for they give trust back to an

 Procedural
 Internal
Risk of procedural can occur from failures of accountability, internal systems
and controls, organization, and fraud.
 External
Risk of procedural that occur external organization from failure the people
who connect to other organizations.
Solving problem: Raising awareness to all of members in organization and have training for
develop the skill of member in organization for reduce failure.
 Project
 Internal
Risk of project can occur from cost over-runs, jobs taking too long, of
insufficient product or service quality.
 External
Risk of project can occur from conflict between organization and local people.
Solving problem: Learning about the cultural of local people and tradition. Talking with
local people for advice about the project for reduces the problem that it can occur in the
 Financial
 Internal
Risk of financial can occur from business failure, unemployment, mistake
from accounting, corruption. And our company does not have an insurance that is a
big problem because if it occurs it will have the effect to the company and we will
spend more money if it occurs.
 External
Risk of financial can occur from stock market, economic condition, exchange
rate or currency.
Solving problem: Company has reserve fund in an organization and has a professional to
predict and planning for protect the problem.
 Technical
 Internal
Risk of technical can occur from advances in technology, technical failure,
loss of professional, do not modern of equipment or tool.

 External
Risk of technical can occur from the technique lag behind competitor.
Solving problem: Find the technician to control organized and updated news about
equipment and tool and apply it to organization.
 Natural
 Internal
 External
Risk of natural can occur from threats from weather, natural disaster, accident,
Solving problem: Protect health of members in organization and pursue forecast weather
every day.
 Political
 Internal
Risk of political can occur from conflict of attitude that conflict between the
members of operation.
 External
Risk of political can occur from changes in tax regimes, public opinion,
government policy, foreign influence.
Solving problem: Have adviser and psychologist in organization and pursue government
policy for apply policy that appropriate with policy of organization.

Sales decrease
 If the company’s total sales decrease by 2.5%, it has the effect to our
company’s sales revenue as follow:
Year Income before sales decrease Income after sales decrease
1 -1,060,565.63 -2,129,853.40
2 14,843,087.60 13,697,648.27
3 51,141,914.11 48,829,248.86
4 78,181,515.31 74,983,124.29
5 147,467,645.20 141,837,881.95

 If the company’s total sales decrease by 5%, it has the effect to our company’s
sales revenue as follow:

Year Income before sales decrease Income after sales decrease

1 -1,060,565.63 -3,199,141.18
2 14,843,087.60 12,552,208.94
3 51,141,914.11 46,516,583.61
4 78,181,515.31 71,784,733.26
5 147,467,645.20 136,208,118.70

 If the company’s total sales decrease by 7.5%, it has the effect to our
company’s sales revenue as follow:
Year Income before sales decrease Income after sales decrease
1 -1,060,565.63 -4,268,428.95
2 14,843,087.60 11,406,769.62
3 51,141,914.11 44,203,918.36
4 78,181,515.31 68,586,342.24
5 147,467,645.20 130,578,355.45

Interest increase
 If the company’s total interest increase by 2.5%, it has the effect to our
company’s interest as follow:
Year Income before interest increase Income after interest increase
1 -1,060,565.63 -1,635,115.52
2 14,843,087.60 14,540,688.84
3 51,141,914.11 50,974,176.31
4 78,181,515.31 78,090,876.56
5 147,467,645.20 147,417,513.86

 If the company’s total interest increase by 5%, it has the effect to our
company’s interest as follow:
Year Income before interest increase Income after interest increase
1 -1,060,565.63 -2,209,665.41
2 14,843,087.60 14,238,290.08
3 51,141,914.11 50,806,438.50
4 78,181,515.31 78,000,237.81
5 147,467,645.20 147,367,382.53

 If the company’s total interest increase by 7.5%, it has the effect to our
company’s interest as follow:
Year Income before interest increase Income after interest increase
1 -1,060,565.63 -2,784,215.30
2 14,843,087.60 13,935,891.33
3 51,141,914.11 50,638,700.70
4 78,181,515.31 77,909,599.06
5 147,467,645.20 147,317,251.19

Cost/Expense increase
 If the company’s total cost/expense increase by 2.5%, it has the effect to our
company’s cost/expense increase as follow:
Year Income before Cost/Expense increase Income after Cost/Expense increase
1 -1,060,565.63 -1,559,731.93
2 14,843,087.60 14,563,284.79
3 51,141,914.11 50,856,611.31
4 78,181,515.31 77,899,087.51
5 147,467,645.20 147,187,842.40

 If the company’s total cost/expense increase by 5%, it has the effect to our
company’s cost/expense increase as follow:
Year Income before Cost/Expense increase Income after Cost/Expense increase
1 -1,060,565.63 -2,058,898.23
2 14,843,087.60 14,283,481.99
3 51,141,914.11 50,571,308.51
4 78,181,515.31 77,616,659.71
5 147,467,645.20 146,908,039.60

 If the company’s total cost/expense increase by 7.5%, it has the effect to our
company’s cost/expense increase as follow:
Year Income before Cost/Expense increase Income after Cost/Expense increase
1 -1,060,565.63 -2,558,064.53
2 14,843,087.60 14,003,679.19
3 51,141,914.11 50,286,005.71
4 78,181,515.31 77,334,231.91
5 147,467,645.20 146,628,236.80

Sales decrease 2.5%

Sales decrease 2.5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Sale 41702223.23 44672133.68 90193944.75 124737249.98 219560766.75
Total revenue 41702223.23 44672133.68 90193944.75 124737249.98 219560766.75

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 40377123.23 43347033.68 88868844.75 123412149.98 218235666.75


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 19966652.00 11192112.00 11412112.00 11297112.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 20410471.23 32154921.68 77456732.75 112115037.98 207043554.75

Interest Expenese(5%) 22981995.62 12095950.15 6709512.13 3625549.99 2005253.43
EBIT -2571524.39 20058971.53 70747220.62 108489487.99 205038301.32
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -2129853.40 13697648.27 48829248.86 74983124.29 141837881.95

Sales decrease 5%
Sales decrease 5%
Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Sale 40632935.45 43526694.35 87881279.50 121538858.95 213931003.50
Total revenue 40632935.45 43526694.35 87881279.50 121538858.95 213931003.50

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 39307835.45 42201594.35 86556179.50 120213758.95 212605903.50


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 19966652.00 11192112.00 11412112.00 11297112.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 19341183.45 31009482.35 75144067.50 108916646.95 201413791.50

Interest Expenese(5%) 22981995.62 12095950.15 6709512.13 3625549.99 2005253.43
EBIT -3640812.17 18913532.20 68434555.37 105291096.96 199408538.07
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -3199141.18 12552208.94 46516583.61 71784733.26 136208118.70

Sale decrease 7.5%
Sales decrease 7.5%
Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Sale 39563647.68 42381255.03 85568614.25 118340467.93 208301240.25
Total revenue 39563647.68 42381255.03 85568614.25 118340467.93 208301240.25

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 38238547.68 41056155.03 84243514.25 117015367.93 206976140.25


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 19966652.00 11192112.00 11412112.00 11297112.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 18271895.68 29864043.03 72831402.25 105718255.93 195784028.25

Interest Expenese(5%) 22981995.62 12095950.15 6709512.13 3625549.99 2005253.43
EBIT -4710099.94 17768092.88 66121890.12 102092705.94 193778774.82
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -4268428.95 11406769.62 44203918.36 68586342.24 130578355.45

Interest increase 2.5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sale 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 41446411.00 44492473.00 91181510.00 126610541.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 19966652.00 11192112.00 11412112.00 11297112.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 21479759.00 33300361.00 79769398.00 115313429.00 212673318.00

Interest Expenese(5%) 23556545.51 12398348.9 6877249.93 3716188.74 2055384.77
EBIT -2076786.51 20902012.10 72892148.07 111597240.26 210617933.23
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -1635115.52 14540688.84 50974176.31 78090876.56 147417513.86

Interest increase 5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sale 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 41446411.00 44492473.00 91181510.00 126610541.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 19966652.00 11192112.00 11412112.00 11297112.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 21479759.00 33300361.00 79769398.00 115313429.00 212673318.00

Interest Expenese(5%) 24131095.40 12700747.66 7044987.74 3806827.49 2105516.10
EBIT -2651336.40 20599613.34 72724410.26 111506601.51 210567801.90
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -2209665.41 14238290.08 50806438.50 78000237.81 147367382.53

Interest increase 7.5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sale 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 41446411.00 44492473.00 91181510.00 126610541.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 19966652.00 11192112.00 11412112.00 11297112.00 11192112.00

Operating Income (Loss) 21479759.00 33300361.00 79769398.00 115313429.00 212673318.00

Interest Expenese(5%) 24705645.29 13003146.41 7212725.54 3897466.24 2155647.44
EBIT -3225886.29 20297214.59 72556672.46 111415962.76 210517670.56
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -2784215.30 13935891.33 50638700.70 77909599.06 147317251.19

Cost/Expense increase 2.5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sale 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 41446411.00 44492473.00 91181510.00 126610541.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 20465818.30 11471914.80 11697414.80 11579539.80 11471914.80

Operating Income (Loss) 20980592.70 33020558.20 79484095.20 115031001.20 212393515.20

Interest Expenese(5%) 22981995.62 12095950.15 6709512.13 3625549.99 2005253.43
EBIT -2001402.92 20924608.05 72774583.07 111405451.21 210388261.77
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -1559731.93 14563284.79 50856611.31 77899087.51 147187842.40

Cost/Expense increase 5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sale 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 41446411.00 44492473.00 91181510.00 126610541.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 20964984.60 11751717.60 11982717.60 11861967.60 11751717.60

Operating Income (Loss) 20481426.40 32740755.40 79198792.40 114748573.40 212113712.40

Interest Expenese(5%) 22981995.62 12095950.15 6709512.13 3625549.99 2005253.43
EBIT -2500569.22 20644805.25 72489280.27 111123023.41 210108458.97
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -2058898.23 14283481.99 50571308.51 77616659.71 146908039.60

Cost/Expense increase 7.5%

Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Sale 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00
Total revenue 42771511.00 45817573.00 92506610.00 127935641.00 225190530.00

Cost of goods sold

Marterials 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00 29100.00
Labor 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00 1296000.00
Total Cost of Goods Sold 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00 1325100.00

Gross Income 41446411.00 44492473.00 91181510.00 126610541.00 223865430.00


Operating Expenses
Raw material cost 8174540.00 0.00 220000.00 0.00 0.00
Direct labor cost 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00 6151200.00
Overhead 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00 540000.00
Depreciation 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00 180912.00
Total Operating Expenses 15046652.00 6872112.00 7092112.00 6872112.00 6872112.00

Administration Expenses
Salary 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00 3696000.00
Infrastructure 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00 624000.00
Equipment 600000.00 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00
Total Administration Expenses 4920000.00 4320000.00 4320000.00 4425000.00 4320000.00

Total Expenses 21464150.90 12031520.40 12268020.40 12144395.40 12031520.40

Operating Income (Loss) 19982260.10 32460952.60 78913489.60 114466145.60 211833909.60

Interest Expenese(5%) 22981995.62 12095950.15 6709512.13 3625549.99 2005253.43
EBIT -2999735.52 20365002.45 72203977.47 110840595.61 209828656.17
Taxes (30%) -441670.99 6361323.26 21917971.76 33506363.70 63200419.37
Net Income -2558064.53 14003679.19 50286005.71 77334231.91 146628236.80

Chapter 7


The GardenLand company provide for to need to for support the requirement of a
customer in interior design and a garden in Chiang Rai. By the vision is “Decorate for
satisfaction of customer”For the objective of project feasibility is to study the possible of
business about interior in Chiang Rai. The goal of company is the successful and gets profit
every year. Our company focuses on Chiang Rai province. Our company to update the trend
of economic condition in Thailand, Especially of in Chiang Rai for does business. The
finance of our company will show the profit that increase income to continually every year.
ROI of our company:

Year ROI
1 42,771,411
2 45,817,473

NPV of our company: 3 92,506,510

4 127,935,541
5 225,190,430

Year NPV
1 126,961,850.23
2 131,950,341.12
3 263,494,642.63
4 362,989,485.32
5 635,532,442.66

About marketing mix strategy we use 4 Ps for analyze marketing mix

Product: The product of our company is interior design and landscaping. The
company uses the quality law material. Select the best for the demand of customer. And our
companies can grantee the standard of product also.

Price: Our company setting the price from easy or difficulty design of the work.
Include the equipment that choose to use decorate a house. And the quality of the material is
appropriate and consistent with the specified price.
Place: Our company is located in the center of Chiang Rai province. It is easy to
access and convenient in work connection of a customer.
And promotion: Our company there is many type of advertising. Such as website, bill
broad, brochure, radio, and televisions. Have some promotion to the customer who use our
service that depend on the season, the area that they decorate and the area of garden.
Our company has a competitive analysis at Chiang Mai because Chiang Mai has a
location near Chiang Rai. Then the customer can choose the service of our competitive
because our competitive establish the company more than our company. About the
competition we have the competitions that are Chonlasit Design, Prodec Center Limited
Partnership, Inspire, Banpirom, Thitivat punya, Pim power first, Floor Décor, Fusion arch,
Mongdo design, Sirijiwan (I.S) Ltd., Athanya yana, Chiang Mai Perm Poon Teak Wood CO.,
LTD., Chiangmaisittiwat, and Ahome Architects. Chonlasit Design this company establish
about 2003. They do not have employee but they have a efficient and they get the customer
loyalty. Prodec Center Limited Partnership establishes about 2000 and they have success
about interior and the customer trust them about their service. This thing is a think that it is a
weakness of our company. And Inspire is a company that they cooperate with contractors and
they have past performance with Land&House. Mostly, many competitive of our company
will think about the price of interior follow three methods:
4. Think price follow the budget in decoration. This method is the most popular in
Thailand that they will think decorate price about 10%, 15%, or 20-25%.
5. Think price follow lump-sum appropriation. This method is the method that use for
solve the problem from the first method. After the customer set the price designer and
customer will agree about number for fix the cost of service. For example, the
customer have budget about 2,000,000 and designer will think about price of
decoration about 10% that is 200,000. When the customer and designer agree about
price the number of price has total about 180,000.
6. Think price follow area of designer. This method popular in Europe and America. The
designer will think about price follow the area and follow rate of each area that has
different pricing according to difficulty. This method the price will decrease from
method one and two. For example, the customer want to decorate bedroom 20 square

meter they will spent price of decoration about 750 baht per square meter. The
customer will spend cost of decoration about 15,000 baht. The first method the
customer will spend cost of decoration about 20,000-30,000 baht.

Risk analysis we divided into two parts that are internal risk and external risk. Internal
risk and external risk consists of human, operational, reputation, procedural, project, financial,
technical, natural, and political. We will show about sales decrease, interest increase, and
cost/expense increase that it has the effect to the project if it occurs but it is a little bit effect
to the company because our company gets more income in each year.
So, the GardenLand company is the once of your life and you can received high
quality and high service from us.


1. "รับออกแบบ ตกแต่งภายใน งานเฟอร์นิเจอร์ดีไซน์ รับเหมาก่อสร้างอาคาร/โรงงาน/บ้าน/โรงแรม-รี สอร์ท/คอนโด-แมนชัน่
Style ต่างๆ." กล้ องดิจิตอล กล้ อง ทุนการศึ กษา เรี ยนภาษาอังกฤษ กีฬา ตกปลา เกมส์ โดเรมอน พระเครื่ อง ตลาดพระ
โน๊ ตบุ๊ค Notebook โรงงานอุตสาหกรรม วัสดุก่อสร้ าง เครื่ องเสี ยง Lcd กีต้าร์ กีต้าร์ ไฟฟ้ า นาฬิกามือสอง แหวนแต่ งงาน
เครื่ องสาอาง ครี มหน้ าขาว แต่ งงาน การ์ ดแต่ งงาน ชุดแต่งงาน สถานที่ ท่องเที่ ยว ทัวร์ เกาหลี โทรศัพท์ มือถือ ราคามือถือ รายได้
เสริ ม ธุรกิจแฟรนไชส์ บ้ านมือสอง บ้ านและสวน หนังใหม่ ละคร เฟอร์ นิเจอร์ แต่ งบ้ าน อาหารเด็ก แม่ และเด็ก รถมือสอง
รถยนต์ งานประดิษฐ์ งานฝี มือ สุ นัข ไก่ ชน สุ ขภาพ อาหารเพื่อสุ ขภาพ เสื ้อผ้ าแฟชั่น เสื ้อผ้ าแฟชั่นเกาหลี นิยาย เรื่ องสั้ น อาหาร
ไทย ขนมไทย อุปกรณ์ สานักงาน เครื่ องเขียน แผนธุรกิจ เงิ นด่ วน. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

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เชี ยงราย,บ้ านล้ านนา. Web. 17 Feb.

3. "About Us PRODEC CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP - รับเขียนแบบบ้าน รับออกแบบ

ตกแต่งภายในเชียงใหม่ Interior Design Chiang Mai." PRODEC CENTER LIMITED
PARTNERSHIP - รั บเขียนแบบบ้ าน รั บออกแบบตกแต่ งภายใน เชี ยงใหม่ Interior Design Chiang Mai
Thailand. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

4. "เกีย่ วกับ บริ ษทั ชลสิทธิ์ ดีไซน์ จากัด." รั บออกแบบก่ อสร้ างและตกแต่ งภายใน เชี ยงใหม่ | บริ ษัท ชลสิ ทธิ์ ดีไซน์ จากัด.
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6. "กลยุทธ์ STP (STP Analysis)." Web. 17 Feb. 2011.


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12. ::THAIENERGYDATA::. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. <>.

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