SRS of Online Exam

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On Line

Submitted By : Guided By:

Antima Singh
Sanket Ranadeve
Prateek Agrawal
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ____________________________________________________________________3
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. ...........................................................................................4
1.4 References ..............................................................................................................................................4
2.3 User Characteristics:.........................................................................................................................6
3.1 Functions.............................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Hardware Interfaces...........................................................................................................................8
3.4 Software Interfaces...........................................................................................................................8
4. Appendices:...........................................................................................................................................9

4.1 Sequence Disgram
4.2 Context Diagram
4.3 E-R Diagram
1. Introduction
On line examination system is made for the students to give a
exam on a particular subject according to the time.

1.1 Purpose
On line examination can change the mind of admin. This
system can generate the report of the student according to the
score. It is time consuming system because when the student
gives test then the checking time can save. The score of student
is automatically generated by this system.

1.2 Scope

Online Examination System is useful for both admin and

student. In this system admin can add the questions and the
admin take exam of a reg. student.
• To follow SDLC to develop the system.
• To develop GUI as per convenience of the user.
• To implement the physical model, being tested as per the
• To document our efforts and analysis in a proper
Comprehensible manner.

• To make a responsive, easy to operate, fast and efficient
retrieval of information as per the user's convenience.
• To provide all information of student to admin according
to requirement.
• To provide ease in the maintenance of different
student scores.

• To make a database that is consistent, reliable and secure.

• To provide correct, complete, ongoing information.
• To develop a well-organized information storage system.
• To make good documentation so as to facilitate possible
future enhancements.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.


1. SDLC: The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), or

Software Develo-pment Life Cycle in systems engineering and
software engineering, is the process of creating or altering
systems, and the models and methodologies that people use to
develop these systems

2. JPanel: JPanel is a generic lightweight container.

3. Use Case: A use case in software engineering and systems

engineering is a description of a system’s behavior as it responds to a
request that originates from outside of that system

4. DFD : It is pictorial representation of the system that how it works.


SDLC : Software/System Development Life Cycle

GUI : Graphical User Interface

1.4 References

1. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering- A practitioner’s approach.

NY Mc Graw Hill, 2005
2. Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell – Software Project Management 2nd
edition. By Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2001.
1.5 Overview

By this system student give exam of various subjects as he/she

wants. Firstly student wants to register and then choose the
subject. Admin can add the various questions in different subject

2. General Descriptions:

2.1 Product Perspective:

• SMMS is a independent and totally self contained.
• Block Diagram of the System is below:






2.2 Product Function :

In On Line Examination System, the administrator can
add/update/delete/view all the subjects and questions
according to the subject.
To Explain about the product functions, we use Use Case Diagram
as below:


Fig: Use Case Diagram of Administrator And System

2.3 User Characteristics:

In this system there are two user.
Administrator User:
• He/she have knowledge of System.
• He/she handle the system process.
• He/have rights to entry the records.
Normal User:
• Normal user can not handle the system.
• He/she can only view the record of his/her self

2.4 General Constraints:

Thus software provides a secure system to handle records .
The general constraints can include:

• It is not a large scale system.

• Only limited information provided by this system.
• The student does not have rights to check the status of other

3. Specific Requirements:

3.1 Functions

The Functions of system are as follows:

11 Administrator Login
11 Question
11 Report

1. Administrator/Normal User Login:

Registered user should be allowed to Login into the “On
line examination system” by entering his/her user name and
password. The user name and password should be checked and
only authorized user should be allowed to enter in on line exam
System. For unauthorized users proper message should be
displayed such as incorrect user name/ password, please enter
correct entries etc.
• Username - Mandatory
• Password – Mandatory
2. Question:
In Question option User can Add/Update/Delete/View
all question and their four options with correct answer but to
take exam we admin want to add at least 30 question.

3. Report:
In report section , admin can view the student report. In
this admin can see the score of all students.
3.2 User Interfaces:

For Administrator User:

• Admin needs to see all the questions.
• Admin can generate report according to the score.

For the Normal User:

• User can view his/her account.
• Student can give exam.
• Student can only own score..

3.3 Hardware Interfaces

• Intel Processor 2.0 GHz or above.

• 256 MB RAM or more.

• 10 GB or more Hard Disk Drive or above.

3.4 Software Interfaces

• Microsoft Windows 2000/XP.

• Jpanel.

• My Sql

• Ms Office Package
4. Appendices:

4.1 Sequence Diagram : It shown as below

Sequence Diagram For Administrator:

4.2 Context Diagram:

ADMIN View questions and reports STUDENT

Give authority

Enter username and password
Generate test
Add/update/delete questions

subjecti canswe
d r
Option nam
que 3 id e
stio option
n 2 Option4

question subject
d to


examination Student

id enroll
id enroll Exam_

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