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RICK LARSEN naira 2no Distr, WastincTON Bae Congress of the United States samen senvets vovtpnen ame House of Representatives uncer See ‘Washington, BE 20515-4702 February 17, 2011 ‘The Honorable Ray LaHcod Secretary of Transportation USS, Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Latfood: Thank you for granting Washington state an addtional $161 millon in redistributed high-speed rail funds. 1 encourage you to once again give Washington state strong consideration for the high-speed rail funds rejeted by the State of Florida, My home state of Washington is well- positioned to use these funds on ready-to-go projets that will create jobs, ‘There is strong public support for high-speed ral in Washington state. The Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor has experienced record-breaking ridership this year. Amtrak Cascades ridership was up 13% last year compared to the previous year. The state of Washington is committed 10 investing in the corridor: Washington state ranks second inthe nation inthe amount of direct state subsidy that supports Amtrak service. Washington state has invested $137 million in capital ail improvements since 1999 to improve infastructure, safety and stations. ‘Washington state is well positioned to use any returned high-speed rail funds. The state has 14 projects valued at $533.5 million which were submitted to and vetted by FRA in their original high-speed rail application that were not funded, Three of these projects are located in my district and could create much-needed jobs in our local communities. They include the Blaine- ‘Swit Customs Facility Siling ($5.1 million), Bellingham Main Line Relocation ($45.1 million) and Everett Curve Realignment ($78.3 million). urge you to give Washington tae strong consideration for any returned funds and stand ready to work with you to reprogram these funds. Thank you for your atention to my request. Sincerely, Rick Larsen Member af Congress

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