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WATCH In the second month of 2011, we have seen Egypt's endtime prophetic
EGYPT! destiny begin to unfold, manifesting before the eyes of the world: Check out
the prophecy of Isaiah 19:

"The burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord RIDETH upon a swift cloud,
and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his
presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it. And I will set the
Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his
brother, and every one against his neighbor; city against city and kingdom
against kingdom. And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I
will destroy the counsel thereof' and they shall seek to the idols, and to the
charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards. And the
Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall
rule over them, saith the Lord of hosts."

Did we not see the underlined portion of Isaiah's prophecy transpire right
before our eyes on public television???

Is this "cruel lord," the fierce king"Hosni Mubarak or is this cruel one
Mubarak's replacement? With Mubarak forced to resign, the rest of this
prophecy declares that "things are going to get a lot worst." Read the entire
chapter for yourself: Isaiah 19. I believe that it is very important that
we watch Egypt, for as the prophecy continues to unfold, we may get a
sense of how long it will be before the Lord returns. Certainly not the hour,
the day or the month, but we may be able to know "the year" by "watching

What stands out for me is that Isaiah prophecied that after the revolution
recently fought by neighbor against neighbor in the public square, the
fighting, though quieted now, will spread---from internal fighting that spread
even beyond the boarders of Egypt into "other kingdoms". Besides
catastrophic environmental upheavals, Isaiah also declared in the rest of the
chapter that Egypt shall be taken over "by Canaan." Who is present day

According to the New World Encyclopedia, present day Canaan is Israel.

Canaan is an ancient term for a region approximating present-day Israel, the

West Bank and the Gaza Strip, plus adjoining coastal lands and parts of
Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Canaanites are mentioned extensively in the
Bible, as well as in Mesopotamian and Ancient Egyptian texts. According to
the Bible, the land of Canaan was the "promised land" which God gave to
Abraham and his descendants. The Canaanites themselves, however, were
considered to be the implacable enemies of the Israelites, who practiced a
decadent and idolatrous religion. Contemporary archaeologists, however, see
much continuity between the Canaanite population and the early Israelites,
with whom they shared a common language and customs.

So if this is an endtime prophecy, then Isaiah has predicted that present day
Egypt shall be taken over by present day Israel. Whether it be a gradual

infiltration or an out and out invasion, Isaiah says that the seizure shall be so
complete, that Egyptians in five cities will end up speaking the language of
RELEASED these "Canaanites." As to the language of Canaan, I again quote the New
World Encyclopedia:
The Canaanite language refers to a group of closely related Semitic
languages. Hebrew was once a southern dialect of the Canaanite language, and Ugaritic, a northern one. Canaanite is the first language to use a Semitic
alphabet, from which most other scripts derive. your life has been one of
intense problems, failures, oppositions, persecutions and pressure, then this
GOD BREAKS could be a sign of preparation for the prophetic ministry. I have yet to meet a
prophet who has had life of smooth sailing, easy success and personal
US TO HEAL recognition. As I said earlier, the prophetic call is a call to death. Like the
apostle, the prophet must have the sentence of death in himself. He must
US! sacrifice all for the sake of the ministry. He must die completely to self.

In other words, Egyptians are going to end up speaking Hebrew!!! The

infiltration seems to be an invasion, almost as God's continued
retribution against Egypt's 400 years enslavement of the people of Abraham,
delivered by Moses. Here is the scripture:

" The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they
have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth
in his vomit. Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which the head or tail,
branch or rush, may do In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it
shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of
hosts, which he shaketh over it. And the land of Judau shall be a terror unto
Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself,
becuse of the counsel of the Lord of hosts, which he (the Lord) hath
determined against it." (verses 14-17)

What really stands out for me in Isaiah 19 are verses 19-25 that refer to the
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It seems to me that this outstanding event
MUST take place immediately AFTER the end of the age when the Lord comes
back to earth with the departed saints and those who are alive at His coming.
Just before the Lord returns, Egyptians "shall cry unto the Lord because of
the oppression that they will receive at the hand of Israel and the Savior will
be sent to the Egyptians to deliver them. This prophecy of Isaiah causes me
to wonder whether or not the Anti-Christ is an Israelite.
More on that in the future.

For now, I focus my attention to Isaiah's prophetic words: "in that day shall
there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at
the border thereof to the Lord." If the Lord comes and delivers Egypt "in
person," then this is a prophecy that will transpire AFTER the Lord comes
back. So logically speaking, if we watch what happens in Egypt
as prophesied by Isaiah, then we can get a sense of when the Lord is coming
YOU MUST BE back. How long does it take for a country to be so overtaken that the captives
end up speaking the language of their oppressors? The answer to that
LOST, IN question will determine whether you and I are alive when the Lord returns.
ORDER TO BE From a personal perspective, what REALLY strikes my attention is that the
FOUND! Lord intends to break Egypt in order to heal Egypt. He broke Egypt in
the days of Moses, yet the Egyptians were not healed at that time. However,
when the Lord descends to rule all nations, He will have pity on the
Egyptians. Where salvation and deliverance are concerned, the process is
the same: God breaks in order to heal. To resist the breaking is to delay the
healing. There are so many believers in God the Father who resist God the
Son and God the Holy Ghost. For example, Muslims go directly to the
Father, call Him "Allah," and relegate the Lord to the role of prophet and
teacher, denying His divinity. Even so, my particular burden is professing

Christians, who sought the Father, and who ignored either the Son, the Holy
SPIRITUAL Ghost, or both. Among them are those who believe that they were saved
GROWTH either by repeating a sinner's prayer or responding to an invitation to
Christian discipleship and declaring "I accepted Jesus.' In order to be
COMES FROM healed, these people must be broken. As the Lord will use the terror of Israel
to break the Egyptians, the Lord allows the terror invoked by the enemy to
BROKENNESS break those who believe that they are saved but they are not.

Here are some guidelines to unravel any confusion about this one statement,
namely, one must know that he is lost before he can be found:

 Salvation is certainly a blessing but we are drawn by the Holy Ghost to the
cross through a personal crisis. Preacher Paul Washer calls it "a crisis of
belief." A crisis of belief is where you are brought to a place where
everything you once believed is challenged and found to be in error. This
crisis is crucial to salvation;
 Since we really don't have a true conception of our own sin, the Holy
Ghost will convict you of sin, to the extent that you actually LOATH it. Only
if you look within, see your own sinful nature and hate it, will you actually
understand your need for salvation.
 The NEED of a Saviour must be felt before the Saviour Himself will come
in. Just inviting Him with words is not enough.
 The DEPTH of one's fall must be experienced, or else the height, and
depth, and breadth, and length of salvation cannot be understood.
 Only the Holy Spirit can bring the fallen one to know himself and his
condition. In order to be saved, you must SEE that in YOU DWELLS NO
 the pride of life must be broken down.

Interestingly enough, this week I commented on a facebook note which was a

statement about what are the signs of a true prophet of God. The author of
the note identified 10 signs. I was only impressed with the 10th sign:

If you are called to be a prophet, then your preparation will span many years
and will be one of the most difficult and troublesome processes. The prophet
will be battered and broken and brought to nothing in himself before he can
be of any use to the Kingdom of God. He will have to learn not to trust in
himself or in his own abilities. His knowledge and natural strengths will be
tried in the fire and brought to naught before God can use him.

This word causes me to want to study the life of Isaiah more deeply. This is a
man who did not live to see most of his prophecies come to past. Not to put
myself on the level of prophets like Isaiah, I must admit that the 10th point is
very similar to my own life. This is my 30th year in ministry and I have not yet
lived to see the fruit of it. In fact, I don't expect that the books that I write will
become important until after I am dead and gone, if the Lord doesn't come
back first. The Lord has battered and broken me more times than I can
remember. Yet, once I understood the reason for the breaking, it stopped.





THE WORKER An excerpt from my first book, “To Curse the Root.”


YOU? Breaking
Much effort can be saved and spiritual growth can be obtained if we
give up the struggle and submit ourselves to the breaking. I can recall
a significant example from my own experience. I myself tend to fall
under all four (4) personality categories---THE LEADER, THE
have had to endure more breaking than the average person.

However, my breaking as a worker is a good example of the

persistency of the Holy Ghost. In the early years of my career in state
government, I was extremely ambitious. Even though my nature was
not conducive to the requirements of politics, my goal was to one day
become a director or a commissioner. It took me three periods of
unemployment for it to finally dawn on me that this was not the
Lord’s purpose for my life. As soon as I would gain some stature at
my place of employment, I would be laid off from excellent jobs
with career potential: first for six (6) months, then for another six (6)
months, then for nine (9) months, and
finallyfor fourteen (14) months! While unemployed, I learned how to trust
Jesus Christ in times of want as opposed to trusting in my own
abilities. I also learned how to yield to authority. It is interesting to
note that once the necessary lessons of trust and humility had been
mastered, I continued to be employed at my last job for seventeen
(17) years. When it was “time to go,” I did not resist the Lord.

In fact, the series of experiences that I have learned over time have
provided information concerning my overall purpose in life. In
matters of relationship, the Holy Spirit will often use our experiences
with significant others, particularlywith the opposite sex to break us
in several areas. Three outstanding personality traits that require the
Lord’s breaking include: esteem, pride and vanity. The breaking of
these three characteristics is very important because a life of self
confrontation is an open door to CURSING THE ROOT!



If we are to understand the overall consequence and symbolic

meaning of the plagues, we need to understand who the
Egyptian gods were and what the Egyptians believed was the
authority and power of each of the gods that they worshipped.
To these gods, prayers were invoked and sacrifices were made
for centuries. The whole picture becomes understandable when
we realize the extent of the identification of the demon gods with
the land, the water and the sky of Egypt. In his book, “The
Invisible War,” the late Donald Grey Barnhouse paints an
impressive picture of God’s message within the plagues, for with
each of 10 judgments, God made the demon gods as nothing:

“The first of the judgments was upon the waters of Egypt. Not
only the Nile, but the other waters of the lands, even the water
that was drawn for use in the houses, and which was kept in
wooden vessels and stone jars, turned to blood, and for seven
days the whole land was in this horror, with the fish dying and
the rivers stinking. (Exodus 7:19-25.) In order to comprehend
the loss of face that this plague must have been for the gods of
Egypt we must realize how important and numerous were the
gods of the river. Osiris, one of the chief gods of Egypt, was first
of all god of the Nile, He together with his companion, the mother
god, Isis, and their child Horus, were human-headed gods, among
the many that had heads of birds, beasts and reptiles.”1

The first plague was an insult to gods like Khnum, the

guardian of the Nile. Hapi was identified with the great original
gods who were believed to have created the world, regarded as
the maker and molder of everything within the universe.
Imagine the horror and frustration of the people of Egypt as they
gazed at that which was formerly beautiful only to find dead fish

D.G. Barnhouse, The Invisible War, The Panorama of the Continuing Conflict Between Good and Evil,
Zondervan Pub.p 203

lining its shores. Dead fish lined the shores of Arkansas, a

significant state within the bible belt of both traditional religion
and the charismatic movement. Bible Belt is an informal term for
an area of the United States in which socially conservative
evangelical Protestantism is a significant part of the culture and
Christian church attendance across the denominations is
extremely high. 2

Likewise, the next nine plagues proved the emptiness of the

powers of the gods of Egypt: 3

Plague 2: The land was covered with an abundance of frogs.,

mocking the Egyptian god Hekt---who had the head of a frog---a
god who was said to be the creator of the world. Amulets and
scarabs were worn by Egyptian women to protect them during
childbirth, bearing the image of Hekt for protection. Even the
involuntary slaughter of a frog was often punished with death.
When the hundreds of thousands of frogs died, their decaying
bodies created an awful stench throughout Egypt. The people
had to gather the decaying bodies of the frogs and put them into

Plague 3: Known for its rich soil and its crops of onions, garlic,
leeks, melons and luscious fruits of all kinds, the god of the earth
called Geb was rendered powerless, unable to exterminate the
sand flies and fleas. The priests could no longer duplicate their
magic of former days as they were distracted by the constant
itching. In fact, this particular plague was especially horrendous
for the priests, for they were required to shave their heads every
day, and wear a single tunic, so that no lice could come upon
their bodies.

Plague 4: The swarms of flies had a religious significance due to

the sacred scarab among the gods of Egypt. Deification of the
scarab beetle is still seen in Egypt today. Amon-Ra was a god
known in many forms, a real mockery to his power. However,
most often, he had a head of a beetle. Imagine the confusion that
covered the land at the arrival of swarms of insects worshiped as
sacred into their homes. The plague of the swarms had yet
another humiliating facet to it. This is the first plague in which
God made a distinction between His people and the Egyptians---
the swarms staying away from the land of Goshen where His
people resided. The swarms came upon the Hamites in Egypt,

Ibid, pg. 205-212.

but their slaves went untouched.

Plague 5: The fifth plague was against the domestic animals of

Egypt. Horses and cattle were not only beloved but they were
also considered sacred. In fact, the Egyptians worshiped many
animal-headed gods. For example, the god Apis had a head of a
bull and had been worshiped in Egypt since around 3000 BC.
Hathor was a cow-headed goddess of the desert, a woman with
the head of a cow. She was considered the symbolic mother of
Pharaoh himself. Khnum was the ram-god while Bast was the cat
goddess of love. Once again, the disease bypassed the herds of
cattle belonging to the Israelites.

Plague 6: Against the bodies of the Egyptians, painful boils

affected the knees, legs, and the soles of the feet. Because o the
boils, Pharaoh’s magicians couldn’t stand. Tainted with the
disease themselves, the magicians and the priests were unable to
carry out their religious duties. Certainly, this particular plague
mocked Serapis, the god of healing, for like leprosy, this disease
was incurable. Also, this incurable disease was an affront to
Imhotep, the god of medicine and to Thoth, the ibis-headed god
of intelligence and medical learning.

Plague 7: This wonder must have inspired terror to the hearts of

the Egyptians when a great storm occurred in a nation that
rarely received any rain at all. Besides rain, the sky poured down
both hail and fire. Where was Shu, the wind god” Where was
Nut, the sky goddess? Why couldn’t they protect the land from
these horrendous outbreaks that were supposed to be under
their command?

Plague 8: Rather than summarize, here is a direct quotation:

“There seems to have been a long interval between some of the
earlier plagues, but the eighth followed hard on the seventh.
Locusts were brought into the land. It would appear that this
was a new thing for Egypt. Locusts have been known in other
places, but now the dread scourge of western North Africa and of
western Asia was to come into the land of the Nile where it had
not been known before. Every grain and twig and leaf that had
escaped the fire and the hail was now taken by the locusts.
Where was Nepri, the grain god? Where was Ermutet, goddess of
childbirth and crops? Where was Anubis, jackal-headed
guardian of the fields? Above all, where was Osiris, great head of
the Hamitic trinity, who was also an agricultural god? The

people of Egypt lost all faith in their gods.” 4

Plague 9: The mockery of the great god Ra was saved for last.
Believed to be the god of the Sun, there was no sign of Ra when
the Almighty God turned off all light. Other gods were not left
out. Ptah was believed to have created the moon, but the moon
was darkened. Tem was the god of sunset and Shu was the god
of sunlight and air. Once more, God made a division between His
people and the Egyptians. Though Egypt was dark, God’s people
had light in their dwellings.

Plague 10: This one can stand for them all because it was the
most memorable, the death of the first born of Egypt, both
human and animal. The importance of the firstborn was focused
in the right of inheritance because the firstborn received a major
portion of a family estate when the father died. So the death of
the firstborn crippled a family both legally and emotionally.5 The
firstborn of God’s people were spared as long as they had blood
on their doorposts. Where there was blood on the door, there
was no death in the house and the death angel “passed over”
them, a symbol of what the Lord Jesus Christ was to be and to do
at the cross, a redemption where, in order to reveal to the
universe that the victory over death was complete, the Holy
Ghost invaded the very dust of the earth at the Lord’s
resurrection and took out a select sample of old testament saints,
giving them resurrected bodies. (Matthew 25:51-53) Complete
conquering over death is predicted to occur at the Lord’s second
coming to rescue and deliver the rest of His people from the
grave, and changing those who are alive from mortality to

Consequently, I perceive some basic principles that can be

gleaned from an exploration of how God delivered His people out
of the hands of Pharaoh to understand how He will also deliver
the elect out of the hands of the Antichrist when He opens the 7
vial and the 7 seal judgments outlined by the Apostle John in the
book of Revelation. These judgments or plagues are listed in the
8th chapter: earthquakes, the sea becomes blood, 1/3 of the
creatures of the sea die, 1/3 of the rivers and waters are
contaminated, darkness with 1/3 of the light turned off of the
moon, the sun and the stars, locusts that torment the unsaved
only for 5 months, 1/3 of men killed by war.

Ibid, pg. 209

Endtime plagues certainly bear noticeable similarities to the

10 wonders that came upon Egypt, i.e the contamination of
water, weather disturbances, death of sea creatures, darkness,
and death, with God’s people being protected. The 20th verse of
Revelation 9 hits the nail on the proverbial head for those who
practice idolatry in end times:

“And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues
yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not
worship devils, and idols of gold, silver, brass, and stone, and of
wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither
repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of
their fornication, nor of their thefts. (Rev. 9:20, 21)

When we consider the four horsemen riding on various

colored horses, chemical warfare is foreshadowed. (Rev 6:1-8)
The word for “pale” in the Greek is “chloros”, an offshoot of our
English word “chemical.” The rider of the pale horse—death---
will destroy ¼ of the world’s population. The red horse of war,
the black horse of famine and the pale horse of death are
obvious. However, who is on the white horse? Some believe him
to be Christ. However, I believe that he is the Antichrist,
mimicking the true Christ who shall also come on a white horse.
(Rev 19:11-16) We should not be surprised because the
Antichrist is seeking to win the world by counterfeiting Jesus and
drawing people to worship him and the devil. In fact, it stands to
reason that the Antichrist could be a professing Christian
himself. This is what “the New Idolatry” is all about----how the
spirit of the Antichrist has and will continue to delude professing

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY 12061

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