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wees nor fice, and dhe bad bes that igh ad onl sw eal ics a besa, While Fra bought kes fo the Sanford Townsend Band the group de somthing that righe thar Hew he roof of the pice. ‘Almost every concre sats sy with the band plying sles ‘known songs fom their newest albums, The concer. then ude 10a recenda the group pigs dr hestlnown song at the end, eng io a ip-oring nce, Na on his nigh. The Sonn Townsend Band supped out ofthe shadows, eappel on chee istrumens, and bse sight mo she hit song tha eerone expecta co come daring the cote! The house went deldou, and the moron ver die beak al pee ‘So, we going ro take a ca from the Sanford Townsend Band ‘a staghc co the chapter youve een wating f0r—jou go i cone on massurhaon. ‘Well drs she quenions hat you most wan answer Iemstubation asin? Isis why cane op ie iki, why doe pil? ‘Ane the Biggs guston ofall IF Go did want me o masa hyd He pu ny genial within cary ech of my bande (On hough sve drone Forheme!) all about the M word 1 get sigh oi fe things isc: Masuhston in ads inthe Bile, s0 ther’ no dec, definitive spre cha ste te practice ight br wrong. In eher words, the ie of asurtaton wort Beas cut ard hed sy, adler. Bur the fice that aley a in ip us ut 2 great bi in deining lose al marital mason sin, es ss Trl you hat anyone wh okt woman hay as heady commit adalery wih en isha. (Mew 528) Wess defines simply king bly a woman as ary forthe Woried man, cerainly looking lusty aca woman and asain x ue This is indspubl. Bur wks about you sage guys? While the eis uoclee about mareurbavon this sve separ makes imialy ate agin asi looks ia single men, IF looking haly a 2 ans the same as going bed with her fr muti ys, ooking has 2 woman ithe sme as going co ba with he for singe gs. We soe much dies Nether des Ed Cale parr with mains speaking plato: bron dos pornogepyencourngs i viwes ata igs thc mins Iau nis tem ofc abou. Ul these hss ove zn exc tha can nly bese with someone tory mistubaton, Once nage deve inthe mind that cue cate stronghold in he mind und became, Some peopl thinkin ot ison fc pecking this bt coniually encounter wha ive tal ems bance because of aba mtutlon, One man sk How many ns day would you cose aia” Th renan enough 0 tah Some make a cae that ull instances of masturbation wo rc sexual tion ie okay, if ye mared and focng on you wift—nal some supetmodel—dusing psiode of separation or ines. Bren if th true whee dss ha ae ou single guys? Nombre. You realy have woman yu can ena laf So nls guy cn gue out how to astute without any fina, masturbation is recnicaly asin, But that beg ober quest Lets suppose a man can igute ot how to masurbte without ny ne simpy does io lise ec tenon. Whar does ha ssa sion come fn inthe fie plac? Wal f thi sexual tension wre and rooted in his hormonal maksup, dha would he one ting, Hed Tide ies conto ner Farha iis al ar? Tae would be another hing ene inane, wha ihe bough this frases seal tension upon i booking at Ince pom daring the as Few evenings afer wont about the cumulative ce of rein Tai on Way nigh bile eatsoaked ising yl sora che wack maxon afiroon, and lightly rubbing sour geil guns gi ding tc the Say night socal? ren if i guy oor muse wit clean mind, wast the tension cased bys on sin nthe fs place? Le bing he sion upon ounces cough sin, wouldnt reaing dha seal ‘hugh masubaion abo bea sin? Locking ati rom another nasa the oly way eo som sexual esion? There may ways We nerd vo dca all hse questions WELCOME TO THE GRAY ZONE As you can se since God eld acess nsaraton dein Serpe, ‘he quesoncan seem ends. Thealine wll argu ene this Christ ‘etuns and maybe dats how ie shoud be whence Scripture is en ren we coauthor have found icicle decide ogtir whet abel masturbation and where o draw the ines of sin, 1 (ed) fel mos comforble simply cling ustutaion “i Because ofits ae eck thefts ofany other sin in mai ie Wivlooks ikea duck, walls ke adc nd quik ikea duck, ely iba dicts + Hobiual maturation consistently crenes dance fam God + Jess id ha using ie women in your here the same as doing it Since mos masurbacon inva fl fay or poregraphy sete cea that ney al instanes volate Srp + The pornography and neste surround masturbation change the may we view women, 2 you saa Stee oy ow cin that be tighe + Hobitual masrubation tard en stop. Ifyou doi believe ie wae Ullyou gee mared and wy 0 gut masturbating # Mastin s progressive Yate moe ies to masturbate the Alyafer you masturbate than yu ily co do ithe day ale yo Midi nor words the pleural chemical rsctons dew ou © he practice more nd more This is bondage, and Gd hates nag in isso, her pon isha at leas 98 perce ofall masturbation involves vena Faas or pornography. Mos all, then, i. Ly, ule ovr whic cll macaroni -when mos fit asin ayes wth sis in principe: How emule now? Lanka hat hing with pornography and finay dl o his fe He wate women in demeaning way: He war spitally weakened. He aus an steoton Sil Steve ys, “Like aching, wha iin the hear that can produce the sin, ren conse sex between two mated people can in ‘ore sin depending on what «person ghee thinking atthe cme Because ofthe unvaraitl,cuhing share that roles atound mast basin, we ned be ctl ow we eramunicue about ie When you rmasubae fo the fist cme, you dnt come the unpardonable ino engage in something shat grows Ii on your palms or causes you 10 eoblind” KEEP THE SHAME AWAY “Wile See betes masarbaton neatly always involves in, because she dcp les she ofen ana wih he peers nto fos the word sx bu on the hear, He has sen young men eae negative ah preaching abou eal in, wheres hearing 2 hopefl message change and freedom, and honoring God and women can result in posh “ange. The shaming approach fien makes the problem wore Ina nce sin broaden, Ste i, ‘When maturation sin noranend-afibe-wo kindof sin hat shad dive guy int deeper laos. Thnow of young ‘men anv women who ae ive with church because tye ‘vara wth marufton. Thy wet tis tbe wars ane nos rile ig dy could cl, wo whet spp thy ed ke tol urea ri God is nee good to dv young pele fiom the church. marion edo in ify. is a0 something sould ci dep shame: Mararhadon i nts and mast have ed it ome pint. They js don admit callesbour ie Ta the mame consrition, Seve, Whats grea wih me Ive witha wsh who have been m= ‘urbating wih pornography since hey wr ethan hy stop. they fad deca diferea ws out here, They find hat. ‘hey can hanes difecndy: When shy go wthou mh ing fr moat the fl clen and god about thems. We both wane remove dap shame fm te quaion, Wee sen masturbation wed by young mento save dsp insecurity ot pycologcl in. Derk sid “Tv sn Chistian al my and I had no problems gh sna sin unl my pares divorced oa yt ago when Iwas seer ten. Lwarso upset: Forsome ein, Esti up with ome mil pom and Imasuctson ee good, but now gen eid worse. doi ow what 1 de,” Found de sn and shame apo 20 hd, and is inscity froblems get ony songs, Many be "sus" ess Family problems an prompea yung male fo plese hmsl in order mask the pin ek cewher in his if Maybe guy has ane problems or big a or alg, What The pine Is ie does do any good wpe «buskerload of “You st no god” on lop ofr. Sefcondemnacon oly sets the eee of masturbation into & van spa causing deeper emberrasmen nd hain, While (Fel sl cll maserbton asin case of thea fine iyi, [agree that dep, ile shame hs place inthe ution, sta Fuher who shams Hi children, Well geo tha it amo me Many ders are concerned wth this iue and ow ia efi. In en 0 mastsbain, you might have been aught 1 "hep i iimam" The motivation is right, So many young men el po 1 sup an el debe when it dos happen, and nobody wane mor shame upoa then. Maybe ack Midleton, iad and brillant Cian counselor summed ie up bet when he si “Tn very sn-astubation and sion of Gods design for sua in macy, atin also very ashame nd se how hive topic ely shames young men baal” Cau It WHAT You WILL... Stee and I join locke with Prick on thit eae: We must ede lee of fies in this icon, wiesltanensly making ut pendulum cenit ving tn arin the ther dca. We mas ne, sex masturbation aja "gue being B95" “Take a ook at whac masturbation caus i my lie. T experienced esp spantion and ditnce from Gad and i the en corer evilst make complet connection with my wie, Call mas ‘whatever yo sl uit was wrong, Lemus ge fe are ple the gut of deep. “The rsultsin St ile were no better: Wha if aching the "gu begs mesg cases oung men to eithe sch igh fi al Seay get io mattbation without coneer—only ge trl sin eyes of pornography and fumey from which they cat ‘Wha if ey wack thir lationship wih God because the hang roa imply io, we ned ogc thee ying agin. Ie hee “deaemindo” and “dean” form of masturbation to this ae) the hep iveo-e-inimam advice would be decent ‘Bat ety nek it of the only advice fr nen ll men the porogepy nd tl sin vole Sin bind and suck densi ike our sexe’ decons about rack coin petamina, We aa change our views and legalize the, she ‘he shame, Buty il ena in ade, binding es Intusin dsp Soin the ast analy, pliting xi over wha we cll Sly There are nly wo quesine tht mater Ifyou in bandage tomas rurbaton, should you try obra fee? The awe ios. it posible wo brie We ali iti yoateliing with deep senso shane over masturbation, you need to top masturbating bayou alo need 0 stop the shame A good ise is ew change your hah view of God_-morepreitels Go ew oom ‘Only den an you dea wth mason athe binding sng pob- leis without woryng about ay sly le shame shar we nsdn catty ‘ioe chlden of Ga. We want yong ment focus on sept can lke overcome shisha Wheve hoe hop, thee fate ved ae lp a fn ate ae hs eh stot wots? Yue be That alt are Helped bss co ices iota ase snail he ee e Dealsuiepoceaplia the view from above ‘opps Noun No oking bak Te pts pavetanpore bite ese Co atari akg ae Hl STILL FEELING UNWORTHY? When we mascsbus sme of como out Father andy “ve mar Irie gain and Tm noe worthy o be called Your son.” He bishes that ‘le sying, "No one but Jou i ory ro be lls my Son ut ave ‘When be ie sn came wo his senses ed, “How many of ny Joe and oegve ou” He demonstrates that love by presenting as with « fathers ir men ve feos a ere am aig © Hing ob, and shoes. Then He sys, “Incase you ogo, Jeu picked use exh! il xt an gp buco ny er and sy ci: Fate {ipa Cabary fr you That makes you worthy enough fr Me: Now ks "ve sinned git haven and agin ou. a no lege worthy leat and ejay ach ob" to calla yoursan: make mele ae of your hid men." Sos he When we in, God doer shou, Hell and damnation on you!” Sine cup and went oi fhe save, He los Fll el hac theca no more condemnation for ae ew ila ng yf i her saw hi and cus of Chris. Remember, He pesprlly had che pores write hat r= lel wth compasion fa in an in, ew his ar he Bibl! Jon psi ial, Oar Father inresed making spay ound bi an isd him, by ading shame afer another ogc lure hepa, The on toi, Fath, hive sine api heen Gol, your Fuhr ifr you. He has plins to prosper you, and plane znd agin ou. Tam no anges wont to be caled your sn” Bal ou a hope and a fas promis in Jrmish 29, Grand the her nd isan "Cc Bring the bes robe and pu ics unconiionaly approve of your Beir but He des uncon iconhin, Puig on his ler and snd on i ee. Beng lly Hove you. When you masse, He wines you to know you he td fan ile eve a stand cob” the mark of His high cling, He wants you eo know that this Aske 1517-2) epantes you flr Hi, and thar ey yt nig it ard to ton, God sie asic conceal about wheter youre worthy bog cal ook ac how masrurition aft yourreaonship to Hin, log ts natural for usc hike chat way. The pa ‘hiss what God i mos concerned with, You aay His son, What He wants now fr you to move bck clos to Him. And since ‘wet focsing inthis seton on bow we an fall and authentically love ital our sen (our bod) his is our primary inne, wel. ye err matubatd, you kno tat you heart soften gripped wi ay rand sorrow afer Ar that moments very ear thas yon dort deserve ll dhe grace Chie ha gen you and you can bre is yourhead to loka your Father?’ ye The isances very But our mistakes and thi dice ate never he centerpiece of God focus on Myo would manage lok sain inno His ees andra the foot of the cross, youl ind thar Chriss ouseched arms and sie to faye ae la the glvius centerpiece 10 every Chi sory Evry one of us can tl our own story of His amaing grace sid He Him? a stored and wil pect and comple oft sn Tiss Go's foc. Te mat also be ons. Docs that mean we shoulda es God? Does hat mean we shod slack on event nl Look at he desuctv stories wee share you. The pri son cad up in pig eating pi ood, and appl ese deruson in is on ie Gob Views Us ANOTHER Way Js knows very wel the sree yi a. He ed ere as Himself remem? The Bible ws He wa tompea in ll pins “The Haly Spit knows you through and hough. He ves in yo ‘ea sent guide you and como you God is wih yous and He know the struae i great. He you se by sd. Thi view of God keeps shame vay but ike to eep prope cation tvard maurbton. “Think hand abou hi. Obviouly, ejecting pornography isa baseline rquemene, Tha must be done, because i it foun of masturbation mit sop at wall there orm of has ent inf, keeping toa mini i ete tan diving ew the ‘maximum. Who can aguc tha? Bar we wane mote for you, and God dfn wants more for you: We bate as you ead on that youll undestnd the dep ofthe poem and dcde you wont want wo masturbate al, Tet ae sose who ty is nox posible because of che abe, but we fei very pole We hope tha hounds of eds of his bok wl decid o sop pouting exsoine ‘ont hor ire of pasion, desi, and a. Wee bout sshow you how and ve believe tha has who taketh path wll nee, ete eee We dont ‘pect anyone, afer hivng applied the frthcoming adie, o later de- thie, "Gee, [js wit had mactrbated ere.” ‘While thee may be some comes of maurbaton that asm, most Df vhat surounds masturbation isin and binds to the point of sean lbs us spsiualy and emovonally. We must fice that ut like men Wctng shame and choosing manhood Now sas good atime rary to ads is he wean I herea cor ‘of masurbtion that si sn? Cana man masturbate wit a oral ind? Dai, svete et ld Heim sy hic ris posible wo maser wit «cn min and fe Because Te done Thee tll yo, howe, hati ely Tks ong tie witout intl simulation or fantsing even if hv ying it over Wt glk 1 somecmes so deroring Tj stop. That a good bse then my motoring Aelline, an then the mn ges ely iil econ and yp bak io sin Hiren when can do it with can sd tee’ something ee fs me dvb aboue the pace Forth ew mons hen doing wha allan he pence of Gof {ovis payer and ig to go rough my day king eo al prising Hin. When maar cen wih dean mind shat conection wth Gd ad gs mse up, Kil her, and ean sl aly Ge ba have hit wiles ha even i ot 4, Becoming aware of how various melis—mugaznes, cable TY, eos, Inemet, and eatalogs—afcs your ex ie Falling dese four equireents wil allow yu wo love your God with all your saength and seuaiy. We dese the fst pine eas, 0 well de with she nex he in reter dil head sin then el rpc Imacy with God tour whole eso fr fighting the a, it Fi ens up the inimacy why 2 sds, even f"lerminde” mae urban i sin technically we sll ease a bondage in he whol ats ad God hats bondage in His people. Pals in 1 Corinthian 612 ac we must “ot he mare by anything” On those grou fous of mstubtion em suspect BEING FREE FROM SEXUAL FEVERS {Ste onc hen shesequeons posed on my New Lif aio bre ‘smaxubaion moving me clos ro where want co go my it I ‘ie with other? fn my if wih God?” ‘We can anor that callos nee dos, Young men today ae spending ach ofthe pial energy off sexal ees What ify kepe yousel ie fom tis dining ‘he Bi place, which would fe you to expend your spinal en God’ kingdom? Tecan be done, The word haan ye sen what God can do um of our men feof sexual ees. You ca remain pes ight quai for sch an ary The four quirements neces masturbating teflon: 1. Making a trong decison co no longer “stop shor” of seandans 2: Joining an accousabilsy group that allows forthe expresion of sings 3. Consnsing a atv, ongoing elaonship with God involves worship and pres ‘hough shee ben cs aide. They ped hee ive suching fr lone and meaning when ie shoal have ben provide inthe ome by a mother and afaher I HAPPENED TO ME what are you replacing Tio th denen 20 anc hee fo dency on h Bice i salina peace with masturbation? Se Mason beste cay oem ap Sa uajmmneayenly mealies RR ee ely talc aoe ec eee favo pret meer eT TE Ran nen nanan cain pone nrg Bec nr a Bee ncrcee ‘iy _ eater ampere argo nh Se iis tata I ime ot ines papas Inionship ar often the meppingstones to masuradon. We rpc ky coward Dad who was sing eagely with a bemused smile on his \avtthaoth ie nay of mu, Ao aa ee at ne ne rainy irene mtirepraaenia eo ey 6 ie reeee'iel gare ae I an ed fk en aca oa a aeteepa deta seri PR aE ale go pec p naan e en “a edged wis ewer he he bean he re hy—omething that ail plagues him ody: We heard many std Fon remember the rest of hee words. They dct mater. My world Dennis, and we think we know why: 30 percent of fathers lingo dust, vaporized instant. We race headlong to Mom, wail a eee opti bles nh Bei chg hay a, nel ac cen srk pono cal BS rs cee eet ae asta, Meno rie es te of ed den sy ee eee Diet Src open des oe DR ieee igh cerca BR istered end hited yk aa aaa “This crit, Dad resid in che area hp ae us, bute wasn adalerer and very bank with me: Pathermors ie became a emotional ane financial hor fry eth my eo ss, and me. Te preset of singe pucating nay lewd Mom, but she tenaciously fought on. ‘She come ome fm her dy oh ae espini, gb ait a, then head ou esl ve plots eng. Mom was sly the bavest pera Ive ver mee My young hear ached for her ar he Bada on T ese [vowed never do anything thar would make here. As che ony mal in dhe fly {should the mantle f manhood as bes could, while ivan sth ty Bh fr ding tht Mize emotions, however, ert only 0 conte me Fr, On ‘end ed Did ven ld hi, He wa higgeha ie ‘mate superhero, nd I waned plese him in ueything id, Hands and ough, Dud had been a eaonal wren charpion in college and bull in Be, Yon another lev, auld have cares about hi. Whi loved ay ith dap down Tew hl tal hii wih me foe ‘mises. Tht spell berayal tm me. Uni the day he died, be scp me ara man or an equal He even cose me out of his his ded, only expe ne astm how unworthy 1s his mame AI ould do war sag my shoulders, bese he never all oho ths son of is wa when he weal I remember dhe ane school when I began tining with 4 close buddy. We were ou shy nih of us itd much, One night Dad chewed our Mom or Jing mew hang ove wih this bude accusing her of ring me ty Me didnt eve know tha wat ny’ pasion fr Fotal ae ‘met shu ating noc homes “Another eo ccd when 1 was foun. Da le ‘one wack and give he the following onder: “Have Fred ead ‘ik up Friday night a seven olock: Ive go a dean protean fe evening. ine fe him ler about love” He dnt ndesand vohy ny mashr and I were repulse birt ids. cannot dsibe ‘he rage ta odd me af can ha avert sigesion, Perl ye fete sme eof ange and pain in your fay el ons Such anger ofen apes dor ro pomoraphy and mascrbon. ‘The desi wo become cle ote a sli ive you quickly in the arms of women or onesidd Fienshipe Rather than tanto God, you ‘ely can begin ooking fo oe in al the wong places, hoping for ome thing. anything co tke the plc fda ne. Thisis whee our maleness works saint ws, Remember, men aia By go and recive ser inimacy prio to and dung intercourse, When you bing younslf co orgs while fneahng o viewing women on 4 sy magne page, you havea eing of nia Shot adds wo the peal at home. The cre pase on arth high-school campus youe no arf the sigh “clique jocks, the ‘heres, she ASTer=—then youl pu dwn an aga t merely I your peers. Ive told my Hs wo jas hang on during the high schoo sean “Bases, you wor soe 9 percent of these he ever sti” Ty Why ec what heyy bebe ou?” remind cher hatin calle, people sean things tar reaming nora ‘Tiouble is during dese eying days of ane ad academic, many young ge desdfully lonly and pummeled, For thse guys masubation hm fel gon and take aay the lonelins—for a momen INNER FOCUS—AND More ISOLATION ouble wih his ck hae martini an implosion of sexu ha foes 5 gy Rare and Furr inc ie, lees, hat Ie ead Fr inerpesoml ininacy canoe he me by selEseskng sexual avg es ke shaking your puch hse wi le wee sip va sis fr moment but he eveneal resus ae disstous IF yu masturbate 0" your Feng ofesecuiy and slasion, then the mas Turton jest adds wo your lense becuse youte not resving ue ‘nimacy when you d het Tlie watching Vall lone, Have you ee orc sha ou fa even mow only nd ule air nightofsoltry TV watching beens thet fea nose man contact? Mastbaion is ina noe a els ncoute, Suc i es sea ae aually eves a guy fing one and more ashamed than when he woke up cat morning This opposite of wha rl versal encanta sappsed vo dos Fy expect to stop masturbating in early al cases you mut make trong decion op, Bt the power of inespesonl rato jae so mporane 1 his pcs that can sometimes beak te the masturbation axle on is own. Wil a fiend of mine who di inp sd ihn ly ee or tho eth nerd it pod ays. A abit thar had been with ae for years began co fal: Ne a ‘naturally 95 I reached out wo other people. a ACCOUNTABILITY GRoUrs Do Hate honest exchange lou ging there canbe award (As : Honest sharing must occur in these rel vi See ae a ene f° Thacs ll righ,” ; eer wasp hind af loner and ack oral Bey night afc wor Td gn home omy parent alalone, ar wind tain pornography and maraton. The expen me feng onde and more la! When fends athe fice se plies fer work, omy fay calle od hog on wx found mpelying tll a thon ‘One day usa it wih mpl Ping yf: dowml coumied to sein ee invaion forthe nest four jst ce whet would Kapen. Thar ws ely hand i Tet ow of lce—Eiea hid he evar as hough ha teow robe wth pope ina ctl envronment fra experins bomere | etd ping comforabe a er thie, was ag to help owt Nathan. Ron eed Nathan onthe pone Fon INTIMACY: WoRSH fecha “Howse going at home, Nathan?” Ron ake. Thy previouly eb ‘While you build rel inerpersoml inimacy ino you ie by joining « led ehar this question ees to masturbation rer group aking wth your yourh patronising an accountability plead the th sd Naha, parr dor forget o place God inthe cemr ofthe uation, By seking Uh-oh. Taleo me” and asking Hin for supernanu elp inthis bane, you an overcome “les hen happening every ober Fre pat wo weds” ‘hing that you never though possible. Yul find youre hanger 20 "Arey ending the Bibl” Row ashe, ls Him nd youll experience agree date wo communicate wich "ve" Him, As your ietimaey with God grows, youl ae sof dat fe in hee you praying” ‘macy. Youl fn Him tobe your bs acnunebily porte "Ye ‘Wha hls bring eve ncimacy with Gad ui? Wordip. We were Aue you ely angry with someone uted to worhp. Wohi and pak bring insimary with dhe Lord and Not al tuo us qu inc His presence “Wha the problem ther Tse heard Chas Swindoll meron dis oa his igh fr Ling “Teo much tlevsion,” Naan answered. “Shows on HBO and & tat broadcast when he sid hate never enrersprayer witout ene sete reins” Jing worship 1 wared thee, memoraing afew chore and hymns and Following this conversion, Ron began ealing Nathan every d Bg tes nyt Lea ty alas bf beg Sometimes Nathan need wo be encouraged. Somesimes be neds 10 Iyer So wha coulda cary tane across Mere Hay Road ify lie chlleagd todo whit: Inthe ee though, it came dow to epee upon i [Nathan had made a dcon to win a decison for py. Accounaii Whar kind of wong di Tw? Lave song! Songs Ica sing Hi, only works when soled wich fm commitment 0 win Who de might be your accountability partner? Te wes his “God irbringng me though the worse sug of my if” ay Te sug vith what I watch on TV for fve yeas, but vhen st came hk on Ince pons, God ha provided wonder a ably arn into my on dal. Ca you ive i? We alk tes bon el understanding [Newyany committal man cn be your acount par cauion you, homes fom elistng you lien as one, Thats forgeting into more ole aes i ety. want el Him ove Him apd build on tha, ty, SoU ute love segs that 1 can sng eight to Hi. Thee ate yr sons expresing lve to the Lond tha are pope now: One of my 9 vores gins simply, "Yue the One tat Yn" Another sti {ill wriip You ny Lave” Now this ise the only way to worship of Fndiimacy with God You sek Hin, use mae sue you doit waitto op masturbating eyo each ato Chri in wonhip and pai, You ned thai Jn your lif. His hear of pasion longs fr you. Woship Hi. Hes enor of he universe and Heb frou A CLosine THOUGHT ‘One of che key components to sang ic through your ten and young adhlt year is teamwork. Errore needs supprive fim or groups yer young an noon nsnatelaioship with God. ‘Ultimate ne ofall gs face che sare challenge—kng for help an being booet dbo emotions and rages. oe mos young me, i 4 mor victory to com ro the poi oF asking fr help. Have you do thar yer your sumo sex drive ew quit maturating dhe le ofthe four reiemcasi eo under sand what cable TV; videos the nme, gine and fay can do ro ure dive. What ae deft? Semple The nce yout sex deve, which makes it prcically imposible wo cimiaae maturation, Some would say its Simply imposible ive lie ata single male without having ites, tnd tha we must choose ether genuine xe intercourse with agi of Fike imercoure with our and ot go cay, Ate those rely he only op- Vos? To anover dha, we migh ak a Beer qucson: Do you sete Inasrtarion because ofthe sex drive God gave you or basa our built how ancien Bigs dive? [1's ONLY a Symptom ssa it carl Masuaton primary symptom of uncontold And fieacing hough. When you cee new habits of guarding ops and aking Fras opie, masubsion cn ste, Unt en it by wont. Mascurbason ile the ow warming ight onthe dash eat ft goes on, he problem snot withthe ig the el problem ler de hood nan feels oveache in the ard. "Bue my yecane be the only What about my ex eve” he asked, "Looe, Tm seen and fave a songer sex dev than some rabbis. Since I'm licking in the wife depanment, what am I ging todo abou if How wil | gx ese” My ply wa, “sha your natal se dee or have you done sme thing o grow ie™ “Thesic of oursex dive i xd, Iwate wo cine masturbation, se mist see that ur ex dive ha evo pare One paris ied at ith, bu the other paca ilo up ie hoeaballon as we encourage “That we have baseline sx civ there no question Dames Dae son satel in What Wis Wide Tei Hund Krew Abo Women thehunan mule, because of seem prodsction and other fos, sau ests asexual ese every seve hous, You pobly 0 etn what can be done about ha. Iter away to eka ta su? handles While oe body has his aural physical promo sex else, God Hin hs prided a bul “la somet sn which ye fala. Clinically called a “noua emision Tong 3go in «dank sly Rab oer oom, sme kd decid ‘ea wet clear and that name uc The ood news fortes tha tl emisions con work fr you in our quest for pus. Having de, you mighe wonder how such deamscan work py sine some of these semionsius igh of ney ane tnd cay Bt doc ors that those ot and henry pects ‘wha youre been feng your mind ech day. The sme pre tind da ep you from actin serking rene during the dy the inp the your mind can we in your deans aight. Thea ssl dearatally pues in sope an conten than you now ei ‘Nocturnal emison ik in natural in espons 0 your tral pes bilup Ths means har he ined par of your see mor ores taken cre fy Gas aural wae So thera leas some help epting se neal sin soc hve. This means ht yon set neces vera a simpy because you have no wis, However, you can become your nota vo guard youreyer and ind. We bring mex of the ce st eo ns hh vin tian eel 2 which pulls up che varle prion af wr sex orton of our ex dives othe point whee tfc o handle rough noiunaleson alone. Wel cll this eile sex dive Waar Mabe You Fatt? Kt se hp nnn hn a wher any of bis guys fll into masturbation, his standard “ andi Why Jo el la? Whe yo ing ing ey so tn Ae Ret" digs Lunds vt eyeing te Rtn yas i pad yop jae a fy se ivy ly ist isne there anymoee.” aaa Son of eli ci ty drt thy ara ony igi ne en So tha aye Kh ore ing nd hing bce soon aan By fc yt hn lp I at ain youvoddnehal nal wasn la gr e Btn os al do, puis ingly te ie nds ewengy hice year ol earl collee student, cured sgle—no fp ilfiend, 0 soxhng “I know God hols me 0 vey high sid Thal “but il havea desire Frsomie kind of sexu sai fe only mental ata sper 1 wrong ll his desire vac do I place i with? Tan just ignore ie or probably ore I ontewanc to. How do ge Goa oil hi dt in me? Tones answer is that cit Ge jab o il ha desir, Thad cated ihr die hint hog faa but now habe snation fas ally your bruised and bared spc ge angry and you blame ie all on teome big and frtrtng, Thad wants God to bail hin out In Gots Gr sping under your eth, "God pr mein thing with hem pinion it That jobeotakecaofi, Thad adn he doar wane to ssc ve. fH had gen ct me [woul esp eng holed sein hi mind ood ecole Ou gus is eld beeen les ine: MBE uf tering and have to maniac, lis Hi pce, oe mine” ts in ain hiss oboe He wants Godt dif him ‘You wat and wai but Mr. Sex Drives op standing hz bored st ‘Wal, in mont es, God inh ging to doi. Wel sy once mor MER de dickens, wating fr sore ore, Meade you clin bc a Sooner lr we il ane fight frou puiy, Tat word fe as aM the ring fo anther Brngleson, and then another, andthe ache ges ema hem espera the despair rng eat your es, Yu deci eee sen foe tie to timew goo church Your pastor mss God wl fo you 4 defiat Me, Sex Driv. Yu pray victory, When church ove, yo ise up cecourge, march bck othe ea, and dele your veory once ore Standing on our side ofthe cil, ou command Mr Sex Dive Go. inthe name ofthe Lon.” Nevertles he wide ve nd kocks oun youre So ENTER THE RING! lave you eer been channel suing and see two Janis sumo wre ping ti inde a small ing? Ina sumo mising mate, 10 lehemoths drs i onc apes (si gab each other’ arms ‘a shoulders unl one gts knocked ou ofthe ring, Wel, picture You hope thar hormone drop wil sink him down sm buc tule with maturation a beng like a samo match, Youre on one of che sing. and your evergrown blued opponent—Kown 2s Mi Drives the other Iya knock Me, Sex Dive out of the ng dont have eo mastubate, FP Me, Sex Drive Jocks you out of the youd havea msnubate Not Gods will Thrsan offer the character of God Youre sting justine he sing, wesrng ha silly whine th God ens to you an says, “Gein thet,” So you obey but Mr your sums crosed and your gritad tei bared. With peng Dive nels you can inno he wal agin. oad at Mt. Sex Drive lve you alone, Me Sex Die Ming co God with pleating eyes you cr, °See God? Save me fom Dillon mel of ist and fey, yawns and looks a his nsec! Don Yous love me ppasng quite bors he wads ener your way. Wout lock am wth youn bate, be mer ring his huge ths sends you ying sgn the wall here yo dilly sic down Lyoko tht Ld! ia never marries. You hope yl growin pial sng, but that seem o happen. You fl shame helo Gn especialy ait ving thecmpry ro Vaseline yng around, Fly you sy, “l gus ith not fil hat win hide” us, Hove you" says the Creator of he univene, “Don yo bate he pt are the sot" “Time and agin, yo et thing and dine and aging fe ying beneath the sine and gh ofthat monsuous Me Sex he wal empeying jaar of Vine. For wile you ‘og by bravely fing up 0 Mr Sex Drive agin and aig Asse makeup of wha jour sx dive is supposed wo lok ike Sox Dive isi ikea vf tse inch,110-pound shin, ‘buss grown huge ect youve ben ding very well onthe sess You serve him sc te ast ne cay nl bse ig ad fat ara bar dor ‘Once you decide 0 save Mr Sex Drie hows i weigh anid et sulin Hlshed pourds overnight Allyou have dos stop edn Tim the able Tien, lr, agains and farsy we mensional eae Sure wo ose nwo unde pounds evenight wl shad weight her qui you choo ot 0 heap vison? food i rome af sf fice Then youl cut Mi. Sex Dive di tn dae. and once that happens youl art winning ore of thowe ba inside he ing. ‘You ean do i, bt you must act wth urgency and choose 0 be and courgous before your pees in your guest for part Tn the ronnie to make hat choice, che Holy Spirit wil scm gue hough the sei Tet alk specs by coneing the movie Titanic How di movie eve pl down 4 PG-13 ting? The aw sexy ofthe “ie teone lone should ave alii tis ln for an Ring, F rude se was eminkesnr of some of the 1970s

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