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Fellowship—January 2010

Extreme Makeover: Christian Edition Captain Trudy Medina

Eastern Territory
women about easy and inexpensive
redecorating ideas.
TV Shows
There are a number of shows on
television that deal with decorating.
HGTV’s “Dream House,” “Design
If there is an ARC in your area, ask if
Recognizing Antiques
Star,” or “Extreme Makeover: Home
someone on their staff could speak to
Edition” are a couple of these. Tape a
the women on how to recognize
portion of one of these for the women
antiques in their home or what they
to watch. Following the viewing have
should look for when purchasing
them discuss the ideas and if they
items from a thrift store.
could use them in their home.
Field Trip
Visit the ARC or a thrift store so the

Contact a local home decorating women can see what bargains they
Redecorating a Room

company to see if they have someone could purchase to use in redecorating

who could come and speak to the a room in their home.
Mini–Home Show
Invite some of the women to bring
items from a room in their home that
demonstrates their decorating style.
For example, if they choose the living
room they can display their favorite
A Personal Makeover
wall pictures, sconces and figurines Who hasn’t dreamed of owning a beautiful home? We often walk
that depict the style—country, mod- through our homes wishing we had an updated kitchen, a larger living
ern, antique. Their child’s bedroom room or a huge walk–in closet for all our possessions.
might have a sports or princess theme. Many of you have probably seen the TV show “Extreme Makeover—
Display these items on the tables Home Edition.” This is the program where a crew of designers and con-
throughout the room. struction workers totally remodel or rebuild a deteriorating house in one
Depending on the number of tables, week. This makes us think of all the remodeling we could do in our
the guests could move from table to homes if we just had the time or money. Our sink needs fixing, the walls
table where the hostess shows the need re–painting, a deck would be nice, an extra bathroom would be
items that she brought and shares even better. There are so many possibilities.
about the theme of her room. Or the But have you given thought to your personal life? Are there areas that
hostess could address the entire group need a makeover? This could be something that will require God our
and show pictures of her whole room Maker to “re–do” in us. Is there something in your life you can’t fix on
on a screen. your own? God wants to be our makeover Artist, our Designer, who
reminds us that we are the work of His hands. “O Lord, you are our
Father. We are the clay, You are the potter; we are all the work of Your
hands”(Isa. 64:8).
Ask each participant to provide a
plate of treats to share for the refresh-
The Lord can perform whatever makeover, remodeling, or rebuilding
ment time. Suggest that these should
projects needed in our life. Nothing is impossible for our Designer. He
be items that she would serve when
gives us this promise, “What a beautiful home, God ... I've always longed
entertaining in her home.
to live in a place like this, always dreamed of a room in your house where
I could sing for joy” (Ps. 84:1,2 The Message). This verse reminds us that
Internet Sites once we begin the remodeling process in our personal lives, we already
There are many sites on the Internet have a room reserved for us in Heaven that needs no makeover, remodel-
on the subject of redecorating. Enter ing or rebuilding. It’s a beautiful place we can only dream about now, but
the word “redecorating,” using your where some day we will be forever singing joyfully.
favorite search engine.
How can we be sure that we have a room reserved for us in Heaven?
A couple of good sites are the We need to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus lives in our
HGTV Home and Gardens site: heart. We have to ask Him to forgive our sins and then begin making, changes in our lives. Once Jesus Christ reigns in our hearts, He will also
which includes videos on “design on reign in our homes.
a dime.” The site has a
home and garden section that has We may not live in the perfect dream house but isn’t it more important
many ideas including decorating on a to know that we have Jesus Christ reigning in our hearts and that He has
budget, remodeling and how to inex- reserved a room just for us in Heaven? A room with everything we’ve
pensively update your kitchen. always wanted right next to Him.

Education—January 2010
Major Lee Ann Thompson Laundry Hints from Sally
Central Territory
effectively removes ink and many food
stains from most color–safe fabrics.
Laundry Party Games

A week prior to the meeting hand

Most Helpful Hint

out index cards and ask the women to

Baking soda mixed with water to
Baking Soda
write down their favorite laundry tip.
form a paste makes an excellent
It can be an idea that will help organ- can be slipped right onto hangers. If
homemade stain remover for perspi-
ize the task of doing the laundry or a you machine–dry a shirt, hang it
ration stains on clothing. Three table-
tip on how to remove stubborn stains. immediately and give it a shot of
spoons of hydrogen peroxide mixed
Have the women vote for the best tip spray starch on the collar and cuffs to
with one tablespoon of ammonia is
and give the winner a prize. make it look presentable.
another version of an excellent home-
made stain remover that can be effec- Add a dry bath towel to a load of
Hang up two clothes lines in the tive as a spot remover for delicate fab-
Clothes Line Countdown
damp clothes and they will dry much
room. Place one laundry basket full of rics. This mixture should not be made faster. If you've forgotten a load in the
clothes and clothespins under each in larger quantity and should be dis- dryer and the wrinkles are set in,
clothes line. Divide the group into two carded after one use. throw a damp towel in with the load
teams. The first team member must and put it through a cycle again, set-
hang up all of the clothes in their bas- Saving Time
ting the machine to warm rather than
ket. The second member takes them Attach a stain stick to the inside top
hot. If that doesn't do the job, use a
down and returns them to the basket. of the bathroom hamper. Rub the stick
pressing cloth dampened with diluted
This is repeated until one team is on any stains as you put the clothes in
white distilled vinegar.
declared the winner. the hamper. If clothes don’t get
washed immediately, they’re already
Check the CD–Rom for laundry
Laundry Hints
Before you wash shirts and blouses, health safety tips and how to deal
Use a gentle, nontoxic soap or deter-
Laundry Detergent Boost
button alternate buttons starting with with odd and oversized items. There
gent and boost the cleaning power as
the third one from the top. Arms won't are also ideas for laundry friendly
needed by adding 1/2 cup Borax. This
tangle in the wash and damp shirts refreshments.
naturally occurring mineral has anti-
septic, antibacterial, water–softening
and whitening properties.
Soak Me in Your Laundry
Add 1/4 cup to 1 cup of white vine-
Homemade Fabric Softener Read Psalm 51 from The Message.
gar to the final rinse cycle (never mix I am sure we have all had a time when we’ve said, “Where in the world
vinegar and chlorine bleach). Try 1/4 did that spot on my blouse come from and how long has it been there?”
cup baking soda in the wash cycle to Perhaps we were engaged in conversation with a lunch partner or rush-
reduce static cling. Remove clothes ing through a busy day with a bite to eat on the run when that phantom
from the dryer while still slightly spot plopped upon us. It’s always a little disheartening to find an offend-
damp. Line–drying will also help ing mark but the sooner it’s dealt with the better chance we have of elim-
reduce static cling. inating it.
King David wrote, “Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,
Mix in a large tub: scrub me and I’ll have a snow–white life” (Ps. 51:7 The Message). He wrote
Homemade Stain Remover

1 c. Clorox 2® powder this after he was confronted by Nathan about his affair with Bathsheda.
1 c. Cascade® powder In David’s petition to God he reveals how his repentant heart longs for a
7 to 14 quarts hot water stain–free relationship with Him. David understands very well one of the
most important lessons any of us can learn. God and God alone can
Soak clothes in mixture for 6 to 24
cleanse our hearts from sin. Forgiveness is a deep cleansing from God,
hours. This may take out the color in
one that not only removes the surface stain, but one that cleanses even to
dark items, so be careful!
the core of our being.
Like David, we can become spotted with sin. Sometimes we don’t even
Borax is one of the most useful prod-
realize how deeply it has affected us, much like that phantom spot that
uct ingredients for making homemade
appears on our blouse when we are not looking. Apply the words of
stain removers. You’ll find several dif-
David to your life. Fall on the mercy of God and recognize it is only from
ferent options and directions on the
His hands that forgiveness can be given. Come to Him with a broken and
box for use in laundry. One teaspoon
contrite heart and let Him clean you to the deepest recesses of your soul.
of Borax mixed with a teaspoon each
We wouldn’t take pride in wearing a stained article of clothing. Why
of white vinegar and lemon juice will
would we want to continue to wear a sin–stain on our soul?
make a homemade stain remover that

Laundry Hints from Sally
Supplemental Material

Large items such as bedspreads,

Decorations Dealing With Odd and Bedspreads
Keep the decorations simple. Use
white candles or flowers floating in comforters and king size blankets
Oversized Items

glass containers filled with water. Most old stuffed animals can be sal- should be washed alone or laundered
Stuffed Animals

Place on a white tablecloth and use vaged. Place them in a pillowcase, tie and dried in oversized machines,
white paper products on the serving a knot in the case and place the ani- available in most Laundromats®.
table. mals in your washing machine on
gentle or permanent press cycle. You
Laundry Health Safety can even dry them. For best results,
Residues from fabric softeners, as dry the animals for about 20 minutes
well as the fragrances commonly used and then let them air dry. Your child’s
in them, can aggravate allergies and favorite stuffed toy may look like new.
sensitivities. It can also be hazardous
in some dryers, leaving a buildup on
Clean your favorite baseball cap
Baseball Caps
lint screens, which can block airflow
or on moisture sensors. If you use without destroying its shape by plac-
the recommended amount of a ing it on the top rack of the dishwash-
good–quality natural detergent, you er. Run it through a complete cycle
can avoid the detergent residue and allow it to dry thoroughly before
buildup that causes clothes to stiffen. wearing.

Laundry Friendly Refreshments

All of the refreshments for the meeting should be light in color making them simple and clean just like you want
your laundry.
Serve chicken or tuna salad on crustless white bread, potato chips with sour cream dip, white chocolate fondue with
angel food cake, white grapes, white meringue cookies, white chocolate covered pretzels, white Jordan almonds and
marshmallows. The recipes for white drinks and white chocolate fondue follow:

White Almond Punch 1 ounce sweetened lime juice

1 cup water 1 pint lime sherbet, softened
White Chocolate Fondue
1 (11 ounce) package white
2 cups sugar 6 ounces lemon–lime soda chocolate pieces
1 (12 ounce) can evaporated 1/4 cup milk
Pour the white cranberry juice cock-
milk 1 tablespoon crunchy peanut
tail and lime juice into a large punch
1 tablespoon almond extract butter (optional)
bowl. Spoon scoops of sherbet into
6 (2 liter) bottles carbonated Milk
bowl, then gently stir in the soda.
lemon–lime beverage
3 (1/2 gallon) cartons vanilla ice Makes 13 servings. In the top of a double boiler
cream placed over gently simmering
Mix the sugar and water in a
White Hot Chocolate water or in small heavy saucepan,
1 cup white chocolate chips combine the chocolate pieces and
saucepan. Stir constantly over 1 cup heavy cream
medium heat until the sugar is 1/4 cup milk. Heat, stirring con-
4 cups half–and–half stantly, over low heat until choco-
dissolved. Remove from heat, add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
the evaporated milk and almond late is melted and smooth. Stir in
Vanilla whipped topping and mint the peanut butter.
extract and let cool. Chill until leaves for garnish
serving time. Combine milk mix- Cook and stir until heated
ture with the lemon–lime drink in In a double boiler over medium heat, through. Stir in the additional
punch bowl. Just before serving combine the white chocolate chips milk, 1 tablespoon at a time, until
stir in the ice cream breaking it and heavy cream. Stir continuously the desired consistency is reach-
into small pieces. until the chocolate chips have com- ed. Makes 5 quarter cup servings.
pletely melted. Add the half–and–half
and vanilla extract. Stir occasionally
until heated through. Pour into very
White Cranberry Lime
Punch small mugs and top with a dollop of
1 (64 ounce) bottle white vanilla whipped topping and garnish
cranberry juice, chilled. with mint leaf.

Service—January 2010
Mission Organization Captain Robin T. Hackbarth
Southern Territory
times and must be used in one contin-
Divide the women into two teams.
Clean Sweep
ual sweep. They cannot go backward,
Place a chair at the end of the room only forward. The team with the most
across from the two teams. Scatter confetti wins.
confetti across the floor between the
teams and their chair. Each team CD–ROM
member must pull a broom across the Check the CD–ROM for the Mission
floor around the chair and back again. Organization program outline, deco-
Service Project The goal is to get the most confetti ration and door prize ideas. There are
Survey the corps kitchen to deter- back to their team’s starting point. The also Internet websites giving addition-
mine how to organize it. Place labels broom must stay on the floor at all al resources.
underneath cabinet doors and draw-
ers indicating what items should be
placed in them. Label three boxes with
the following signs: trash, recycle and Spiritual Sanitizing
thrift store/give away. On the night of “Be virtuous and pure. Keep a good house” (Titus 2:1).
the program this will help everyone in
Have you ever been in a kitchen that is disorganized and dirty with
organizing the kitchen. Have cleaning
unwanted pests around? In order to get rid of those unwanted visitors,
supplies on hand.
you have to clean the kitchen from top to bottom. To accomplish this task
Place numbered post it notes on each you must have the essential cleaning supplies and then make sure that
cabinet and drawer. Place the same things are properly stored. Before you clean your house, you must rec-
numbered pieces of paper in a jar. ognize the fact that it needs to be cleaned. Sometimes this is subjective. I
Have each woman pick a number may think something needs cleaning when my husband sees it different-
from the jar. Ask them to clean and ly. You may need an objective eye.
organize the cabinets that correspond
Our spiritual life can become cluttered and messy just like a kitchen. It
with the number they drew. They
will also need to be cleaned and reorganized. For this task we need the
should decide if the items in their cab-
objective eye of the Holy Spirit. He will let us know what is right and
inets will be kept, recycled, trashed or
what is wrong. He will see the unwanted rodents of sin that plague our
given away. If the item is to be kept,
hearts. We just have to be aware of His presence and listen.
have them place it in the appropriate
cabinet. If not, it should be placed in Once you have identified what needs to be cleaned, you must use some
one of the boxes to be disposed of. type of cleaning product to get the job done. It is hard to clean glass with-
out glass cleaner and a rag. You cannot properly clean your kitchen sink
with just water. You would be left with a lot of soap scum. Likewise, we
must use cleaning agents to help us keep our lives pure and clean. The

Give each woman a nametag with a most powerful cleaning agent is prayer. We read in Scripture, “If we con-
What’s My Name?

cleaning product written on it and ten fess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and puri-
star stickers. Everyone must address fy us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). We must ask for forgiveness
each other by the name on their tag. If for those sins.
someone calls her by her real name, After you have cleaned the kitchen, you must organize it. You will need
they must give her one of their star to put a system in place to keep the unwanted pests away. There are
stickers. The woman who has the many temptations that hinder our spiritual life. Our organizational mis-
most star stickers at the end of the sion is to keep our spiritual lives sparkling clean. Our instructions are in
night wins a prize. God’s Word. “There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing
you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of
Using the same nametags have the Scripture is God–breathed and useful in one way or another—showing
How Am I Used?

women write as many ways their us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to
cleaning product can be used. live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped for
the tasks God has for us” (2 Tim. 3:16,17, The Message). We need to apply
the lessons taught to us through the Bible. It will help us keep our spiri-
Divide the women into teams of two.
Buff the Floor
tual lives fresh and free of sin. When your house is clean, you can relax
Give each team a piece of strong cloth and enjoy it. It is the same when our spiritual house is in order. We can
or a large heavy–duty plastic bag. One relax and enjoy fellowship with God.
woman must sit down on the cloth,
while her teammate pulls her across Is there something in your spiritual house that needs to be cleansed?
the floor around a chair and back to Today is the day for cleaning. Let’s not be caught with unwanted pests in
the finish line. The team that gets back our kitchen. Take a moment in silent prayer and ask God to wipe away
to the start first wins. all that is not honoring to Him.

Mission Organization
Supplemental Material

Mission Organization
Program Outlline
“... Be virtuous and pure. Keep a good house,
be good wives”
Titus 2:5 (The Message).
A Sparkling Beginning
Welcome and Opening Prayer
Let’s Put Ourselves in Order
Roll Call and Dues
A Fresh Moment
Song # 426, First Verse,
“I Want, Dear Lord”
The Salvation Army Song Book
Spiritual Sanitizing
A Spotless Melody
Song # 426, Third Verse
“I Want, Dear Lord”
The Salvation Army Song Book
Sort Out the Players
Mission Organization
Service Project
Cleansing the Appetite
Arrange For Dismissal
Closing Prayer

of Tonight’s Door Prize!” The number

of signs would depend on the number
Purchase or recycle baskets from the
thrift store in a variety of sizes and col- of door prizes available. Whoever has
ors. You will need one basket for each to clean that cabinet will win the door
table. prize. If you use the decorations sug-
gested, those baskets can be used as
Fill them with cleaning supplies. the door prizes. If not, purchase some-
These don’t need to be expensive. thing that pertains to cleaning or
They can be purchased at a dollar organization to give each winner.
store. Place the baskets in the center of
the tables. These decorations can also
serve as door or game prizes.
Internet Resources
Check the following websites for
helpful information on organizing
and how to clean.
Door Prizes
Place the following sign in a number
of the cabinets or drawers: “Congra-
tulations! You Are The Lucky Winner

Worship—January 2010
Captain Camie Potter My Heart, Jesus’ Home
Western Territory
devotional, illustrate with pictures or
doll house furniture.
Program Ideas
Show clips from “Super Nanny” or
from movies about nannies taming
bratty children. “Mary Poppins” or
“The Sound of Music” are alternate Serve an English tea in china cups,
choices. along with an assortment of finger
sandwiches, fruit breads and small
As the objects are mentioned in the cookies.

Surrender Control to Jesus

Running and screaming through the formal living room, she jumps on the sofa, tips over the coffee table, spills
juice all over the rug and breaks the lamp. What do you do with a screaming disobedient child? It’s “Super Nanny”
to the rescue! She observes the extremely dysfunctional family and comes up with a plan of action. If the family
follows her directions, they are successful. If not, well, we’ve seen the results.
When I watch “Super Nanny,” I question why the kids act naughty in front of the Nanny. It makes me wonder
what God thinks as He watches us, His children, throw fits, demand our own way and refuse to surrender to His
will. Does He think we are acting just like those children? We stomp our feet, raise our hands and scream, “No! I
want to do it my way.” God has given us a plan of action in His Word, but many times we choose to disregard it.
Perhaps we need to work toward growing up in Christ so that our lives are more pleasing to Him.
Our hearts should be Jesus’ home. Let us offer Him our formal living room, a room usually off limits for children
and childish behavior. The living room is designed for adults and grown up conversations—a place for quiet
repose. Today we will use some of the items found in a formal living room and relate them to spiritual insights
from Scripture.
Sofa—In the 1700s the sofa was only used for esteemed guests. “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1
Pet. 3:15). We need to set apart our lives for Christ, putting away our own fleshly desires, keeping our minds clear
and fit for our walk with Christ. He is the special guest in our lives, but He is also the owner of our hearts.
Coffee Table—This is described as a sturdy table where you place your coffee cups and magazines. “And we pray
this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord … being strengthened with all power according to His glo-
rious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joy” (Col. 1:10,11). God’s strength flowing
through us allows us to be sturdy as we face difficulties and challenges each day. A sturdy walk with Christ pleas-
es Him, produces spiritual fruit and matures us as believers.
Fireplace/Mantle—Imagine a cold winter day with no fire in the fireplace. Sometimes we face cold spiritual win-
ters in our lives. I can’t imagine facing those times without the Holy Spirit as my Comforter. We were created to be
the temple of the Holy Spirit. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in
you?” (1 Cor. 3:16). Our hearts can be a place where the fire of the Holy Spirit burns brightly.
Portrait— Often a portrait of the family hangs on the wall in the living room. A portrait of Christ should hang on
the wall of our hearts to remind us that we seek to reflect Christ. “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the
Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever–increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who
is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18). We are blessed to be the ones He has chosen to reflect His image, a portrait of His love.
Thank God that He has qualified every one of us to be partakers in the inheritance of the saints.
Rug—The rug protects the floor and adds beauty to the room. In the same way we need to be covered and pro-
tected so that we are beautiful for God’s use. Read Ephesians. 6:10–18. We have been told to put on the whole armor
of God which He has given for our protection and comfort. We need to wear it.
Lamp—A lamp provides a source of light. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peo-
ple belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful
light” (1 Pet. 2:9). We are a people who belong to a holy God. We should be about His work, so that He shines
through us. “For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He
loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (1 Col. 1:13,14). We now have access to the God of the
universe because of what Christ did for us on the cross.
As we learn to surrender every room of our home to Jesus, we will find that we are comfortable in His presence.
We will enjoy sitting with Him in the formal living room of our hearts as grownups in Christ.

Fellowship—February 2010
Home, Where My Heart Is Major Margaret Goding
Diana Clemons

“My Home Is in Heaven,” #740* Lapace

“Love at Home,” #664*

*The Salvation Army Song Book Igloo

Lispt velle
Divide the women into small work-
Build a Home
Tihew Shoeu
Split level
ing groups. Provide them with gra-
Ogl binca
White House
ham crackers, gumdrops, marshmal-
Log Cabin
lows, icing, pretzels and candy. Ask
them to build a house from these sup-
plies. Award prizes for the most origi-
Ask the women to create two lists of
Treasures in the Home
nal and best use of material.
the treasures found in their homes.
The first should contain those items
Unscramble the words related to that have monetary value—stereo, TV,

types of homes. The answers are in silver, china, jewelry. The second list
Worship Center
Display a small house made out of
italics. would be those items that are senti-
Legos®, Lincoln Logs® or use a doll
mental in nature but have little or no
house. Add a small wooden box or Oconlila monetary value. Invite them to dis-
trunk to include small treasures, small Chnra
cuss the following questions:
dolls to depict a family and a Bible. Nett

Ardardcob obx 1. Which list was longest?


Satcle 2. What do you value most from

Cardboard Box

Annomis either list and why?

Fundamentals Castle
“What makes a home?” Mansion
I asked my little boy;
And this is what he said:
“You, mother, Home
And when dad comes, As we transferred to each new appointment and began to settle our-
Our tables set all shiny. selves in the new quarters, I felt it was important to keep some stability
And my bed, in the home; not so much for my husband and me, but more so for our
And mother, I think it’s home children. Wherever we lived, as we unpacked our stuff, we soon realized
Because we love each other.” this was our home. For our son, it was being able to use our own personal
You who are old and wise, glasses that were put in the kitchen cupboard. Who would have thought
What would you say, jelly jar glasses would be such a treasure in our home? Then there were
If you were asked the question? all those magnets on the refrigerator. They had to be the last things
Tell me, pray. removed and the first things put up. Little things meant so much. These
The old wise ones can answer treasures were what made that house our home. Unfortunately, too often
nothing more. treasures begin to consume our time, plans, money—us!
A man, a woman and a child, Read Matthew 6:19–21. In this portion of Scripture Jesus warns us that it’s
Their love, warm as the gold hearth not what we accumulate on earth that really matters. Rather, it’s what we
fire along the floor. are storing up in heaven.
A table and a lamp for light
And smooth white beds at night. As humans, we tend to put our emphasis on things that have no signif-
Only the old sweet fundamental icant, lasting value or worth. Jesus said these treasures could rust, be
things. burned, stolen or moth eaten. But treasures stockpiled in heaven will last
And long ago I learned home may forever. “For where your treasure is, there your hearts will be also” (Matt
be near, home may be far, .6:21).
But it is anywhere that love and a
Heaven is God’s home and He wants us to live with Him there for all
few plain household treasures are.
eternity. That, however, depends on where we put our hearts. Are they in
—Author Unknown treasures here in our homes or in treasures there in His home?
ProgramAids, June 1983
My secretary said that, as a child, it just didn’t seem like home to her
unless her Mom was there. The house would have an empty, cold feeling
Program Ideas
Between each activity sing one of the
if she were gone because the warmth of her presence was missing.
following songs:
How much our spiritual hearts are like that—empty and cold—until we
“Home on the Range”
ask the Lord to come in and take control. When He does, that’s when we
“The Wise Man Built His House
begin to store up for ourselves treasures that will last. That’s where we’ll
Upon the Rock”
really find our hearts!
“I’ve Got a Mansion”

Education—February 2010
Major Mary Duskin Getting Personal
Central Territory
Program Ideas throw rugs in the bathroom. (F)

Invite a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or

Speakers If you have rugs, make sure that they

someone from the health department

have a non–slip backing.
7. The temperature of a water heater
to speak on the following subjects: should be set at 140 degrees. (F)
Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). (T)
❋ The proper care and disposal of It should be set at 120 degrees or lower to
medications prevent scalding. This is a tool that protects you from a dan-
❋ The misuse of prescription drugs 8. It’s fine to have glass containers and
gerous shock when water and electricity
❋ Over–the–counter medications that drinking cups in the bathroom. (F)
come together.
12. Never leave a young child alone in
are often misused by young people 9. You should get rid of clutter on the a bathtub. (T)
❋ General bathroom safety floor and shelves in the bathroom.(T)
10. Store things where they are reach- water, so stay close enough so that you
Children can drown in just a few inches of

Visit a pharmacy that caries supplies able so the elderly don’t have to reach
Field Trips

to assist the elderly. Have a staff mem- or stoop for them. (T and F)
can always touch them.
13. You should know what is poison-
ber explain the bathroom devices ous in your bathroom and its antidote.
available. (T)
Medication, cleaning supplies and make-
up should be placed in cupboards not
Visit a baby store to learn what sup-
accessible to children. America’s poison centers are open 24
plies are available to assist parents in 11. The electrical outlets in the bath-
hours a day, seven days a week. Keep the

keeping their bathrooms a safe place room should have a Ground Fault
poison help hot line number on hand for

for toddlers.

Visit a container store to see what

items are available to organize and de-
Practice Hospitality
clutter a bathroom.
“Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as
healthy as I know your soul is” (3 John 2 NLT).
The disciple John was concerned about his friend’s physical health. He
Bathrooms are often called the read-
The Reading Room
knew that Gaius’ spiritual health was good and prayed that his body was
ing room. Decorate wicker or plastic as good. Gaius was a fellow believer who frequently showed hospitality
baskets suitable to put in the bath- to traveling missionaries. John wanted to commend him and thank him
room to hold magazines or books. for his willingness to invite these missionaries into his home. So John
wrote this letter to encourage those who were kind to others.
Bathroom Quiz (True or False)
1. It is okay to share your prescription Not everyone has the gift of hospitality, but all of us can show hospital-
medicines with someone else. (F) ity in how we treat others. When we read the rest of John’s letter, we see
that Diotrephes not only didn’t invite people into his home but excluded
people from the church who did show hospitality. John was telling Gaius
Your doctor prescribes your medication

not to follow Diotrephes’ example, but to do what was good.

based on your weight, other medications
you are taking and for a specific medical
Hospitality is important in every culture and time. In reference to hos-
condition. All of these factors could be dif-
pitality The Touchpoint Bible indicates, “Hospitality is a friendly hand-
ferent in someone else.
2. It is never okay to flush an unwant- shake, a warm smile, a good meal. It is warmth of presence, an extension
ed prescription down the toilet. (F) of personhood and expression of love. How we treat others is a visible
For a list of drugs that should be flushed badge of honor, revealing our true character to others.”
I like my house to be clean and orderly before inviting people over. The
check the federal guidelines: www.white-

problem is that it is never perfect enough, so I sometimes avoid inviting

anyone. I have had to deal with this attitude and my feelings concerning
3. The appropriate way to dispose of
welcoming others into my home.
outdated medications is to flush them.
(F) Christian hospitality is different than social entertaining. When we
entertain socially, we focus on the cleanliness of the house and what food
we will serve. Christian hospitality, by contrast, focuses on the guests and
Other medications should be taken out

their needs. This might mean nourishing food, a listening ear or a place
of their original containers and thrown in

to stay. This can happen in a messy house with shabby furniture over a
the trash.
4. Tubs and showers should have non-
slip mats or strips. (T) meal of canned soup. Don’t hesitate to offer hospitality because you are
too tired, busy or don’t have much money. Don’t let things get in the way
5. It’s a good idea to have a night– of ministering to others. Paul wrote to the Romans: “Share with God’s
light in the bathroom. (T) people who are in need. Practice hospitality” (Rom. 12:13).
6. It is nice as well as safe to have

Service—February 2010
A Place for My Things Captain Lynn Irish
Captain Andrea Ellis
Children, All the Children of the Southern Territory
Introduction World.” Fill the backpacks with the
Foster care can supplies. It is a good idea to identify their suitcase. The first team to com-
be a lonely, scary the age and gender of the child who plete the task wins. To make this game
and overwhelm- will receive the backpack. more fun, provide an ample number
ing experience of items that will fit into the suitcase
for a child. Child- when they are carefully folded.
ren from all
walks of life find Form the women into two teams.
Pack a Suitcase

themselves sepa- Fill a bag with items associated with

What’s In the Bag?
Using identical bags, the first team
rated from their member must pack the bag with the traveling. Pull out the items one by
siblings and parents. In some situations clothing provided and close it. The one and show them to the women.
they are moved from home to home. As next team member must unpack the Then replace them in the bag. The
foster children they lose their identity suitcase and repack it. This continues women are to write down as many
and the confidence of who they are and until all team members have packed items as they can remember.
to whom they belong. It is hoped that
when these children are placed they
will become quickly content and happy To Whom Do You Belong?
with their new homes. The gift bags The Salvation Army’s Missing Persons Bureau searches the world to
that the group will prepare for them locate many missing loved ones for family members. In 1993 the Eastern
will add something special to help in Territory Missing Persons Bureau received a letter from a man asking for
their adjustment and let them know help in searching for his birth mother whom he had not heard from in
that there are people who care about over 30 years. The Social Security Administration agreed to forward a let-
them. ter to his mother. The mother in return contacted the son and they were
reunited. This is a letter from the mother:
Program Ideas
Dear Major Miller,
Contact the county office and ar-
... When he’s older, he will seek you out ... Thirty–three years ago my mother,
range for a speaker to share with the
who passed away recently, made that prediction. I was a child of divorce and had
group about the foster care program
constantly been torn apart between my mother and father. I vowed never to have
in your community. Indicate that the
a child of mine go through that agony. So when my son’s father and grandmoth-
women’s ministries group would like
er started to fight for his custody, I stepped out of his life. I then lived with the
to put together backpacks for these
faith and trust that someday God would reunite us.
children and request suggestions for
suitable items and age groups for this
One day that dream came true. After speaking to you, I notified all my family.

project. At the conclusion of the pro-

With the urging of my daughter I called the number you gave me. It was 10:15

gram, present the backpacks to be

a.m. on May 24. The last time I heard my son’s voice he was seven years old. I

given to children experiencing the

asked, “May I speak to Michael?” He said, “This is he.” I replied, “Michael, I

trauma and adjustment of moving to a

understand you have been searching for me, this is your mother Mary Anne.”
“Mary Anne,” he gasped. “Oh, Mom, is it you? I almost gave
foster home. up hope of ever hearing your voice or seeing you.”
We cannot look back, but surge forward. We have much to learn about one
Ask the women to donate appropri-
another. What a wonderful feeling to be wanted and needed. At the next reunion
ate items as suggested by the speaker. he will meet his aunts, uncles, cousins and hopefully his brother, Mark.
For younger children this might be Occasions when families are brought back together remind us of Isaiah
teddy bears, small blankets, dolls, 43. “But now, this is what the Lord says, He who created you, O Jacob,
match cars, books, crayons and color- He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have
ing books. For older children suitable summoned you by name; you are Mine.’” These missing individuals are
items might be school supplies or per- often restored to their families and relationships are re–established.
sonal hygiene items. Place the items in
inexpensive backpacks. How thankful we can all be that God is with us. He is everywhere,
whether we find ourselves alone in another home or country. He is
As the women arrive ask them to always present and loves each of us. Our identity lies in the Father’s
decorate 3 X 5 cards to place inside the hands. He formed us, He created us and He calls us by name. As
backpacks. The cards should have a Christians, we have the assurance of a heavenly Father who loves us no
Scripture verse or verse from a chil- matter what our circumstances or who our families are. He is there wait-
dren’s song printed on them. Suitable ing and wanting to care for each of us as His own. Do not let the prob-
songs would be “Jesus, Loves Me This lems of this life toss you about and make you feel lost, alone or scared.
I Know,” or “Jesus Loves the Little Put your hope and trust in our heavenly Father who knows your name.

Worship—February 2010
Captain Christa Mitchell Remember Me
Western Territory
Introduction Discussion
My heart is Christ’s home. As I invite Following the devotional, break the
Him into my dining room when I say women into small groups and invite
grace before meals, I need to stop and them to discuss the following:
consider the habits of my life that deal
❊ Do you always pray before meals? er insight into why we should pray
with eating. Sometimes good habits
become rote and lose their meaning ❊ What does it mean to remember before meals?
and purpose until we stop to consider Jesus when we say grace? ❊ How will this program affect the
the reason we are doing them. ❊ Did this devotional provide a deep- way you pray before a meal?

As Christians, we begin our meals

by saying a prayer of thanks. Indeed
we are thankful for the food, but if we
When we give our lives to Jesus, we acknowledge Him as the owner of
take Jesus’ words to the disciples at our hearts, which makes our hearts His home. As we allow this holy
the Last Supper to heart, “Do this in Guest access to our home, consider these words of Jesus as they relate to
remembrance of me”(Luke 22:19) each the Christian mealtime. “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it,
meal will become an opportunity to and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is My body given for you; do this in
stop and remember that Jesus is with remembrance of Me’” (Luke 22:19).
us at our table. Each meal becomes a
time of communion because we re- Christians pray before every meal to thank God for the food, but how
member what He has done for us. often do we really use that prayer time and that meal to remember Jesus?
When we neglect to remember Him, we rob ourselves of a rich time of
Meeting Outline communion and fellowship with Him. Here are four important reasons
Call to Worship—Psalm 34:1–10 to remember Jesus as we enjoy our meals with family, friends and other
Song #970, “We Gather Together*” believers or even as we eat a solitary meal:
Placemat Blessings
Song #650, “Break Thou the First—remembering keeps us from becoming casual in our thanks for
Bread of Life*” what Jesus did for us. Our relationship with God should never be casual.
(Between the verses invite the women to He takes it seriously and so should we. He wants to change our lives, to
share Scripture promises. Promise boxes impact every area. What Jesus did on the cross, hanging there for all
with appropriate Scripture are available at those hours, was hardly a casual thing. Our remembrance of Him should
the Bible bookstore.) not be casual either.
Discussion Second—remembering draws us to deeper love for Jesus. When I inten-
Song #512, “My Life Must Be Christ’s tionally reflect on the love that drove Jesus to the cross on my behalf, I
Broken Bread” can’t help but desire Him all the more. This happens especially when I
*The Salvation Army Song Book reflect on the fact that I don’t deserve it. His love, as shown in the break-
ing of His body and the shedding of His blood, demonstrated His love
for me. He wants me to love Him back.
Placemat Blessings

12" x 16" pieces of cardstock, laminat- Third—remembering draws us to a deeper level of commitment to live
Supplies Needed

ing material, flowered wrapping for Jesus. There is a story about a man who was in prison overseas. Each
paper, lace, ribbon, permanent year, he was told that he could leave the prison and go home to his wife.
felt–tip pens All he had to do was renounce his allegiance to Christ. His answer was
Invite the women to write prayer always the same, “Since Jesus has done so much for me, how can I deny
blessings on their cardstock placemat. Him?” That is true commitment.
Here are some samples:
Fourth—remembering helps us to consecrate our lives to God. Jesus
❊ For food and friends and all God said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
sends, we give Thee thanks. and with all your strength and with all your mind” (Luke 10:27). So often
❊ God is great; God is good, let us we spend too much time trying to figure out just what it means to love
thank Him for our food. God. We forget that one little word describes how we’re supposed to love
❊ Bless us, O Lord, and these gifts God. That little word is “all.” We are to love God with all our heart, all
which we are about to receive from our soul, all our mind and all our strength. We’re supposed to consecrate
Your bounty, through Christ our Lord. our entire being to loving and serving God.

Have the women decorate their place- God isn’t some distant force that existed and worked only in the ancient
mats by gluing on flowers cut from past. He exists and is working today. He is mindful of us all the time. Not
wrapping paper, pieces of lace or just as a group of people who call themselves Christians, but as individ-
ribbon. Once completed, laminate them uals. Remembering what He did in the past helps us to rely on Him now
so they can be used multiple times. and for our future.

Fellowship—March 2010
An EGG-cellent Home Captain Patricia L. Kurtz
Eastern Territory
26:6–13; 1 Peter 3:5,6; 1 Peter 3:3,4; ❋ What special features would your
Matthew 5:8; Psalm 27:4; Ecclesiastes kitchen have to make your life
3:11; John 3:17; John 20:14–16 easier?
❋ Does a well–decorated house
After the egg hunt, discuss the fol-
guarantee a peaceful home?
lowing questions, interspersed with
❋ React to this statement: “It’s the
the Scripture verses from the egg hunt:
family that makes a house a
❋ What does your dream house look home.”
Craft Idea
like? ❋ What do you think makes your
Resist Dyeing

One hard–boiled egg for each ❋ How is it decorated? home beautiful?

Supplies Needed

Herb and flower petals
Old clean panty hose (one pair will Lessons From a Hen House
do two eggs) The inside of a hen house normally consists of several nesting boxes for
Food coloring the chickens to sit in while laying their eggs and perches for them to use
Twist ties while sleeping. Often the floor is covered with straw or wood chips to
contain the chicken waste and to allow easier cleanup. The chicken coop
Since these eggs have to completely also has feeding and watering devices and some kind of ventilation sys-
dry before they are taken home, set up tem to mitigate odors. Since chickens are often prone to illness from
the egg dying stations before the meet- drafts and poor weather, hen houses are best designed to be warm when
ing. Allow the women to start on their it is cold and cool when it is hot and as draft free as possible.
eggs as they come to the program.
These chicken condominiums are probably the most foul structures on
Invite the women to arrange the the farm. Soon after the tenants move in, the place becomes filled with
herb leaves and flower petals on the cackling, crowing and hen–pecking. The smooth wood gets marred and
outside of the eggshell. Holding the scratched up; saw dust becomes soiled. We must remember though, this
leaves tightly against the shell, put it house was built for a purpose. The “ladies” who have set up housekeep-
into one leg of the nylon hose. Pull ing are hard at work laying eggs.
gently to tighten the nylon against the
eggshell. Tie the ends of the nylon Like the rest of the farm animals, the hens are dependent on the farmer.
with twist ties. No matter how industrious they are, they are not able to feed themselves.
They also need the farmer to keep the hen house clean and well repaired
Dip the nylon enclosed egg in food to keep them safe. The farmer knows this, so he diligently takes care of
coloring or another dye mixed with each hen. Now he does have a motive. He is expecting the hens to pro-
water. Let the egg completely dry vide him with a daily supply of eggs.
before you take it out of the nylon. The
egg will be dyed all over except for “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved
where the leaves were placed. us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His
mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the
Games Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ
our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become
Divide women into pairs. Have team heirs having the hope of eternal life“ (Titus 3:4–7). This portion of
Egg Roll

members sit across from each other at Scripture tells us that it was out of kindness and love that Jesus saves us,
a table. Set a time limit of 30 seconds. not because we perform a righteous task. No matter how industrious we
During this time they are to roll a hard are, we can not earn His love. It is a gift freely given to each of us. There
boiled egg back and forth. The object is no hidden motive with God. He saves us because He loves us.
is to see who can get the highest num-
Sometimes our homes may seem like that noisy hen house and we long
ber of rolls. Because the egg is not per-
for a few minutes of peace. Maybe our family responsibilities crowd out
fectly round it is not as easy as it
our personal and devotional times with the Lord. We may feel like the
egg farmer everyone depends on. Take heart, there is a more egg–cellent
This can be set up either outside or
Egg Hunt
Just like those hens give fresh eggs to the farmer every day, so the Holy
indoors. Fill plastic eggs with Scrip-
Spirit gives us new life every day. We do not have to hunt for it. It is given
ture verses about beauty—our beauty
freely with no strings attached. When the Holy Spirit renews us the joy
and Christ’s beauty—and tickets for
of the Lord will transform our hearts and our homes. Then we can say
the door prize drawings. Following
with the Psalmist: “What a beautiful home, God ... I’ve always longed to
are some verses that could be used:
live in a place like this, always dreamed of a room in Your house where I
Proverbs 11:22; 31:30; Song of Songs
could sing for joy” (Ps. 84:1,2, The Message).
1:15; Isaiah 4:2; 28:5; 52:7; Matthew

Education—March 2010
Major Beth Trimmell Home Grown
Central Territory
❋ Two familiar girls’ names.
How to Turn a Thumb Green
Ask the woman from the women’s
ministries group who is most experi- Rosemary
enced in gardening and houseplants
to present this program. You will find
Give each woman a sheet of paper
Flowers, Trees, Plants
information on “How to Turn a
that has the words “women’s group”
Thumb Green” on the CD–ROM. This
at the top with each letter in a separate
article gives the basics of houseplant
column. The women are to write as
care, which may be supplemented
many flowers, trees and plants that
with the presenter’s own experiences. on the website:
begin with the letter in that column.
Players receive points for each item projects/spring/gardenjar/main.htm
listed, plus 5 bonus points for each provides instructions for a lovely gift
Place packets of seeds around a pot-
one not listed on anyone else’s sheet. that could be made by the women.
ted plant or flower in the center of
These could be used as gifts for visitors
each table. The seed packets make
or included with an outreach
great table favors.
Service Project
The Garden–In–a–Jar project found invitation to women’s ministries.
Provide a fruit buffet for refresh-
ments, with an assortment of fresh When I Get On My Knees
fruits, each in its own bowl, so the One of my favorite songs is “I Get on My Knees.” It reminds me that
women make their own choices of wonderful things happen when I’m on my knees. I commune with God
ingredients for their salad. Other when I pray. I commune with nature, His creation, when I garden.
bowls could include an assortment Gardening has some other similarities to spiritual life.
of fruit dips, whipped cream, nuts,
coconut, maraschino cherries and When I decide to plant a new garden, I think about it first. I consider if
dressings. I really want to put in the time, money and effort to sustain a garden.
There is nothing quite so disgraceful as a neglected garden that has
become the eyesore of the neighborhood. Instead of bringing neighbors
delight, the garden fosters their resentment. So too is the effect of

Place a pair of garden gloves and a Christians who excuse sin in their lives instead of weeding it out.
Chewing Gum

package of gum at each table. The first Jesus said, “But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would
woman puts on the gloves and opens begin construction of a building without first getting estimates and then
the package of gum and puts a piece checking to see if he has enough money to pay the bills?” (Luke 14:28
in her mouth before passing the gum NLT) and in verse 33, “So no one can become My disciple unless he first
and gloves to the next woman. This sits down and counts his blessings and then renounces them all for Me.”
continues until everyone has a piece
of gum in her mouth. After committing to a garden, I must get on my knees to plant and weed
it, regardless of weather conditions. When I am tired, if some of the
plants die and others fail to bloom, I am not excused from gardening. It
❋ A charge to remember.
Hidden Flowers
is similar in our Christian walk. When I am tired, when others gossip,
Forget–me–not when life is just plain hard and unfair, I still must pray and read my Bible.
❋ Sought by young men. Tulips
❋ A well–dressed dude and the king Gardens rarely look exactly as we planned them. Some plants thrive
of beasts. Dandelion and multiply; others die. A friend may give you a start of a plant with
❋ Used by the cook in making cakes. which you were unfamiliar. Even though the garden will never be exact-
Buttercup ly as envisioned, if work continues it will be a wonderful sight.
❋ Often found between two thorns. Our lives also diverge from what we have planned. For some, it may be
Rose more children than planned; for others, no natural births. Unexpected
❋ What we throw in winter. career opportunities, loss of income, accidents, bonuses, transfers, deaths
Snowball and inheritances all can alter our lives from what we expect. If we perse-
❋ Another name for Dad. Poppy vere with God, obediently trusting, we can say with Paul, “Yet I am not
❋ Son’s morning reveille. ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that
Johnny–jump–up He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day” (2 Tim.
❋ One way for a man to get rich 1:12). Our life will be a glory to Him through His plan, not ours.
quickly. Marigold
To accomplish a thriving garden that beautifies the neighborhood and
❋ How can you tell if she will have
to maintain a transparent, truly Christian life, I must get on my knees.
you? Aster
❋ An hour in the afternoon.

Home Grown
Supplemental Material
the water should go entirely through
the whole plant, reaching the roots,
How to Turn a Thumb Green

not penetrate the top layer only. If it

Getting Started
Instead of purchasing one large or
expensive plant, select five or six sits in a saucer, water should seep into
small plants. These can be guinea pigs the saucer.
from which to learn. Some of them 7. Plants that have very thick, fleshy
will die and some will live. Learning leaves, such as aloes, cacti, or kalan-
how to care for plants will occur in choes, require much less water.
each case, without much investment.
At the end of a year, a green thumb 8. Test to see if a plant needs water-
ing by touching the soil. If it is moist, Do not fertilize after September.
will be evident in the grower.
wait to water. If the plant is crisp and 2. Systemic time–release fertilizers
House Plant Basics brown, you have waited too long. are easy and effective. They are pellets
that gradually release fertilizer for
1. Water and light are the two most
Water and Light
1. A plant should be repotted when it about a 3–month period.
Repotting Plants
important factors in helping a plant to
has outgrown the current pot. One
indicator is roots that are coming out
Insects and Disease
1. If the leaves are turning yellow,
2. All plants need sunlight and of the bottom of the pot or are visible
sometimes with black spots, the prob-
should be placed in a window during at the top. Another sign is when the
lem is most likely over–watering.
the fall, winter and spring months. plant is disproportional to the pot and
Plants requiring low light can be appears top–heavy. 2. The three most common insect
placed in a northern window. All oth- problems are spider mites, white flies
2. It is important not to transplant
ers will appreciate a west or southern and scale. Because insecticides are
into too large a pot. It may seem easi-
exposure except during the summer often carcinogenic, it is best just to try
er to go directly from a small pot to a
months. to keep the plant alive until it can be
large one, but if the pot is too large,
placed outdoors. Scale will disappear
3. Most plants love to vacation out- the plant’s growth will be inhibited. It
outside. Spider mites hate to be wet,
side during the summer. They can go is preferable to graduate the plant
so they can be dealt with outside sim-
outdoors when the danger of frost has from a small to a medium pot.
ply by spraying the plant down with
passed. It is best to place them in the the hose during watering.
3. Most pots have a hole in the bot-
shade in a sheltered spot initially, so
tom for drainage to allow excess water
they can gradually become accus- 3. Another insect is the mealy bug. It
to escape. This is important, as most
tomed to more light and breeze. Most appears suddenly, in mass and has a
plants will not tolerate “wet feet.” If
plants appreciate some periods of white cotton–like appearance. If
you use a pot with no opening at the
direct sunlight each day after they mealy bugs appear, throw the plant
bottom, place rocks or broken pottery
have acclimated to being placed out- away. They infest the soil and are a
pieces in the bottom 1–2 inches of the
side. menace to get rid of.
pot before adding the soil and plant.
They will also require much more This will allow a buffer zone prevent-
water, even daily watering. This does ing the roots from being water–
Blooming Plants
1. Some blooming plants have a bulb
not need to be burdensome, as the gar- logged. or rhizome underground. These types
den hose can be utilized. Be sure to of plants require a resting or dormant
4. A good quality potting soil, which
bring them back inside in the fall period after blooming. Examples are
has both peat and vermiculite should
before the nights get too cool, so they gloxinia, cyclamen and amaryllis.
be used when repotting.
aren’t shocked by the temperature After blooming, the foliage will grad-
change. 5. If the plant is root–bound, with the ually die. At that time, place it in a
roots interwoven round and round or cool, dark place, such as a basement.
4. It is best to water plants in the
in a tight ball, it is best to loosen the Check it once per month and water
morning, when they most need the
roots and trim them before repotting. just a bit if it is totally bone dry. After
6. Don’t pack the soil too tightly, as 3–5 months, bring it up into the light,
5. Watch closely when watering. If fertilize and water regularly.
plant roots need air.
the water drains quickly, it was thirsty.
If the water stays pooled at the top of 2. Some blooming plants are called
“pot plants.” They are annuals and
the pot after you water, it has been 1. Fertilize plants beginning in
over–watered. gradually die after the blooming stage
February or March, when they are
is complete. Cineraria and Calceolaria
reviving from their winter rest. This is
6. It is better to water thoroughly are examples of pot plants. There is no
also a good time to give them a trim,
once or twice a week, than to water reason to feel guilty when they die—
at the beginning of the spring growth
sparsely more often. When watering they are supposed to die.

Service—March 2010
Welcome to the Library Captain Kathy Williams
Southern Territory
online reading at www.web-books.
Ask the women to discuss a favorite com.
Book Report

book or author.
You can read books online for free
and customize the visual page to fit
Invite the women to bring a book your needs at www.classicbookshelf.
Share a Book

they no longer wish to keep for a book com.

you can download free audio books in
Service Ideas
✛ Repair the corps songbooks and
Download classic books for free MP3 and Ipod® book format.
Bibles. Use tape the same color as the
books to be repaired, which is avail-
able at most home improvement store.
✛ Check for reading opportunities at Worship the Lord
local care facilities. Many seniors who
reside there have failing eyesight and
Read Psalm 100:1–5.
enjoy someone reading to them. Psalm 100 declares that worship is for everyone. It begins with “all the
earth” and ends with “all generations.” It is everyone’s responsibility and
✛ Inquire at the library regarding vol-
privilege to worship God. It is not just for when we are enjoying good
unteer opportunities, such as reading times but also during the bad times. This applies to every stage of our
books to children, helping people with lives. Unfortunately, sometimes we base our worship on how much we
the computers or restocking the have or how good we feel. It should not be that way. It should be based
shelves. on who God is and what He is doing in our lives. Job, in the Old
✛ Check with local shelters or hospi- Testament, is a good example of how and when we should praise God. He
tals to see if they accept used books for praised the Lord even when he lost everything, including his children.
their clients to read. Organize a book When we worship the Lord with gladness we maintain a joyful attitude
drive to collect the books.You can ask in all that we do. Joyful Christians are contagious. No one wants to be
for specific types of books such as around a sour Christian. A joyful attitude helps us to focus our attention
Christian authors, daily devotionals, on the Lord. We are able to block everything else out and direct our atten-
children’s books or paperback novels. tion on Him.
✛ Include a bookmark made by the Worship also evokes action. Verse 4 of Psalm 100 instructs us to “Enter
women in each book collected for the His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” He wants us to
book drive. Cut 1 1/2 to 2 inch strips of share the victories that have happened to us throughout the week with
colored card stock. Choose Scripture other believers. When we attend a sports game, we go with anticipation
verses ahead of time that the women and expectation. We give high fives and yell encouragement when the
can copy onto the bookmarks or players score a victory. Shouldn’t we do the same when we enter into the
preprint the verses on the card stock. church? When we come together, we should be shouting the praises of
Decorate the bookmark with stickers. what God has done for us.
Laminate them so they will last longer.
Punch a hole near the top and loop Worship is a time to celebrate. There are several instances mentioned in
yarn or thin ribbon through the hole. the Bible where the people shouted praise to the Lord. The wall of Jericho
For ready to print bookmarks check came down because of the shouts of praise of His people. When the Ark
the website www.christianfreebies. of the Covenant came into Israel’s camp, the ground shook with praise.
com (click on bookmarks). When we worship, service should flow out. Service is humble submis-
sion to God. We are not to serve the church, leaders or preachers; we are
to serve the Lord. We serve Him when we feed the hungry and clothe the
Program Ideas

Invite a librarian to speak about the naked. We should not serve because we are feeling guilty or obligated to

history of books, how to find a book do so. Service to others is a witness of the Lord in our life. When service
in the library and the proper care of flows out of us because of what God has done for us, that is true service.
books. Or take a field trip to the local When we worship, we are invited to come into His presence, to come
library to discover all of the resources before His face. What a gracious invitation to come face to face with God.
available firsthand. We are to be glad even in times of pain and sorrow knowing He cares for
us. He created each of us as unique individuals designed to worship
Invite the women to participate in Him. We are to come with a joyful song, knowing that we are His chil-
Tongue Twisters

reciting tongue twisters. There are dren and He wants the best for us. Praise Him today as you give thanks
many sites on the Internet. for everything in your life.

Worship—March 2010
Major Cindy Dickinson Making a Difference
Western Territory
8. Look through the family photo
Welcome albums
Worship Meeting Outline

Song #664, “Love at Home”* 9. Have family devotions

Prayer 10. Pray together
11. Talk—schedule a time when each
Song #661, “Happy the Home member of the family can share
When God is There”* what is happening in their life
Remember When (Photos)
Scripture Reading
Ask the women to bring a favorite
Colossians 3:1–17 treat, homemade or store bought, that
Discussion was special to them growing up.
During refreshment time have them
Devotional “What Happens share memories of what made that
in Your Family Room” treat special.
Chorus #96, “Savior, to Me
Thy Love Impart”*
Closing Prayer What Happens in Your Family Room?
*The Salvation Army Song Book If you walked into my family room, in just one glance you would know
we have a busy family. On any given day you would see books that one
of our three children is reading, baby dolls that our daughter is mother-
ing, piano or cornet music and Bible Bowl materials our oldest son is
Program Ideas

Invite the women to bring in family studying. Our middle son is creating new adventures with action figures,
Remember When

pictures and share about their fami- Bionicles® creatures and Legos®. Our family room is a gathering place. It
lies. is the room that we have fun in, share stories and laughs in. It is the room
where we pray together before we head out the door to start our day. It
is the room we come to in the evening and discuss the events of each per-
❅ What childhood memories do you
son’s day. It is the room we sat in together as we told our children that
have of activities shared with your Grandpa’s cancer had returned. It was there that we talked openly about
family? cancer, death and God’s promise of eternal life. It was there that we
❅ What activities do you enjoy doing hugged and then prayed for Grandpa and found peace.
now at home with your family?
It is important that we create beautiful homes for our families, not only
❅ How has family time changed over
through the décor of each room but also through the décor of our lives.
the years and how it has remained
As we gather with our families it is important that we create an attitude
the same?
and atmosphere that leaves no doubt in their minds that Christ Jesus
❅ How important is family time to
lives in our hearts. It is our responsibility to help build a Godly home.
Colossians 3:12–14 tells us, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy
Ideas for Simple Family Fun and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humili-
Spending time together as a family ty, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever
doesn’t have to take excessive plan- grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord for-
ning or money. There are lots of fun gave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all
things to do right in the comfort of together in perfect unity.” Biblical commentator Warren Wiersbe wrote,
your own family room. If there are “When love rules in our lives, it unites all these spiritual virtues so that
children in the family, let them take there is beauty and harmony, indicating spiritual maturity. The harmony
turns each week to choose what activ- and maturity keep the life balanced and growing.” As the virtues out-
ity the family will do together. Here lined in verse 12 of Colossians 3 grow in our lives they will be seen by our
are some easy ideas: family members through our everyday living.
1. Play a board or card game Enjoy time in your family room and make the most of every opportu-
2. Play charades nity. Remember to laugh, share, cry, talk, pray and read God’s Word
3. Read a book together together so there will be no doubt that Jesus lives in your heart and is the
4. Do a puzzle together center of your family.
5. Make popcorn, cuddle up on the
couch and watch a movie To Ponder or Discuss
6. Teach your children a game you Would Jesus feel comfortable with what goes on in your family room?
played as a child If not, what changes should be made? How will you begin? Would Jesus
7. Have a campout in your family feel comfortable in the family room in your heart? Would Jesus have first
room place there or would He be second or third to family matters?


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