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I. Review of Related Literature:

This chapter deals with the different issues concerning about the Gay Tourism. On what are the

effects to the students of Saint Louis University preferably in the School of Accountancy and Business

Management? How do they interact and socialize with the SABM students.

II. Historical Background:

During the Ancient Civilization, there was already a record of a same-sex relationship but they

kept it secretly. Even now, they still prefer to keep it secret. In our modern world, this kind of

relationship still exist and continuous spreading around the globe. Recently some of the countries,

known to be liberated, they already accepted the same-sex relationship and implemented a law where

in they give permission to same-sex marriage as known as the civil union.

III. Issues:

Same-sex Marriage:

Same-sex Marriage is not acceptable in the society but some countries made a law to make it

legal, it is known as Civil Union. It is also termed as Registered Partnership or Civil Partnership. There are

20 countries that recognized a same-sex marriage 1. Mostly seen in the United States and some parts of

Europe but in Africa and Middle East, it is strictly prohibited to have this kind of relationship.

Civil Union is somewhat different from a Marriage although the rights as partners are almost the

same. Civil union is a separate and unequal legal institution for same-sex couples that were created by

the four states of the United States that includes Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Vermont

to avoid allowing same-sex couples to legally marry.

As in the Philippines, same-sex marriage is strictly forbidden. Partners may allow living

in the same house but cannot be married as one. Homosexuals are generally tolerated within

the country although some disapprove because of religious reasons 2. Progay-Philippines was

the main gay organization in the country that was founded in 1993. Also we have the LADLAD, a

Political Party that was approved by the Supreme Court to participate in the May 2010 election.

Job Discrimination:

Being a member of the LGBT, job discrimination is always present. There are employers

who fired their gay and lesbian employees just because they discover and disapproved of their

sexual orientation3. Discrimination can degrade their self confidence and trust to their self

that’s why some of them does not want anymore to apply on a job because it was already set

on their mind that they will not be hired anymore because of their sexual preferences. What

people do not know is that, gays and lesbians are more dedicated to their work.

In United States, 85 percent of the Americans fights job discrimination on the basis of

sexual orientation, and 61 percent would like to see such job discrimination prohibited at a

federal level4. Currently, it is legal to discriminate in the workplace based on sexual orientation

in 29 states and in 38 states based on gender identity. According to the Employment Non-

Discrimination Act (H.R. 3017), that was introduced by Rep. Barney Frank, would prohibit

employment discrimination, preferential treatment, and retaliation on the basis of sexual

orientation or gender identity by employers with 15 or more employees. 5

Recently, the Senate of the U.S congress voted to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in

the military, approving a bill that cancels the policy of the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”. Gays and Lesbians can

now work freely without any discrimination inside the military camp and can have the same benefits

received by a normal cadet. Furthermore, the LGBT community is also a human being, who has all the

rights to live a normal life, which they can work multi role in the community as a man and woman at the

same time.

In Philippine setting, especially in show business, gays play an important role in soap

operas and movies. They serve as the bright color of the show giving it a lively product. No gays,

no show is a truism in TV soap operas 6. In the fashion industry they serve as the critics,

commenter, designers, make-up artist and organizers which in the end come up a successful

event, a certified work of a creative LGBT.

Then there was the time that the LGBT community passed The Anti-Discrimination Bill:


GENDER IDENTITY AND PROVIDING PENALTIES 7. After the first reading, the bill is still pending

with the House Committee on Human Rights and looks like the bill still has to go through a lot

of stages.

Family Issues:

It is hard for parents to accept if their own son or daughter belongs to the LGBT

community. Some parents reject their children and forget them as their own. Some thinks that

it is a disgrace in the family and their reputation will be put to shame. There are also instances

that they maltreated their children upon knowing their real sexual orientation.

It takes time to admit the reality to parents that are not actually educated to this kind of

situations. But for children that belong in this community, they really need the acceptance,

love, respect and trust of their family especially their parents. In this stage, they felt isolated in

this world because they are different in others perception. Just remember we cannot change

them, they are who they are as we are who we are and no one can change us or would we want

them to8.

Children should be open to their parents to establish a good and strong relationship.

The best way to have a good relationship is to talk with them personally and tell what you feel,

your problems.



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