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'.·TO li2'Dl-3-n~1 MAJ ESnC: -1,2 G R QUP' SiP EC ~A l OPE'FlAlll0 NIS, iMA N UAl



w i\!~ N n"'H l~' nH~ M~ 1.1 'l>Or~ $1~o.;··usfr~~ti\J I C l~YE.S· '~JN L" ~I uc U nl("~l.ll f'Olj~ :LM:('H) n g Cl)lMl~Wl7t~llielll t4_l,ltl~d. I u I or ula l WU t~~ se ut ~:a '[ to· 'I b~ .I, ~t t hjcrul ~ s-e~t~ 'rUy 0-(

! t I if" l ~n~~ed S~Uh~5, 1!~yJES ONt \~ ~\CC1~@S '~.(]c ttlt' m~Itln~la~ ht·n",hl is ~!l:n{'uy lUl1tuid ~o 1)if';'1~SQ1n:1,"'~" I~Ostil'1iSUlg MAJ te~12 Cl~:t~ ~\Jtl\NCE· L~EVJ~L, !~"',lIntntllhw 't1f use 'by !f~ lU1~~ tlwri~e(t :p:ef$~':IliUH;l }$ .. rr II" (I~' r~~lrbh:;l!~,t":' f~ i'Uld :I,g, p1:nriSl ~~abhjl , b:y" !fe"~'el'a r

Jaw. ' . '.' .

21, , -22

:2,6 .' 28,·. ;. "29

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SONI 1~01

~tA.JE'~'TI.c - 12 GROUP Washingt.on25, D'. C.~ '7 A,r~\r:illfj'54



CJ [}.;~J ~:H! . ()PFRATWN 1VMJ,ESTIe~12 i'"<l~Jn

S, . t jon J. Proj oct JlU rpose at] d gOl1lils.~._ ..... ~.~"~.__ _ II ~5

(_'Pf.i'lYn:9·~ 2. mTRODUCTrDN


S"ct j llI.n I. Geuera L " "_-~ .. , _ •.••.•..•... ,~ ••. ~ .~ .. _ ,.~~ •.• ~ .• e

n. Dcfi n ition an ~I. data •. ~_. ._._~. -. __ .•.. _~.~


S "c tic II I. Security _.~ , :. .. ~._ _~ __ __ . _~. "_ .

l i. Tedl nl1:~t~gy N3"C1QIVery •••••••••••• _ •• _~~ .• ' •• __ ••• ,._ ••• CHAvn;H 4. WfsCElVING i\ND J~L\NDLIN-G

Secrionl . Hand ling upon rete] pt of m,a.W.rraJ ~.~.~~".,._ .. ~ eli),P'J liJ, .5. EX1'RA'l'ERHES'rRIAL BIOLOGICAL I~,,"TITmB

S(~Uon L [i,ving o.rh.raIlj;$Ui8 ••.•• ~ .".,~.~ ••• " ••• ~~.~ •• __ •. _~~.~~_~

11. Non·1 i ving organ is m s ~,. .~ •• __ .... __ .~."'_._~

CHA1~] E~~ 6_ GlJ mE. TO Uj· U UJr::~N·!lFICA'nON

Ei.'C:L~on L upon guide •. _ •.. •. - .••. ~ ._ .• '" ._ .. "._. __ .

1 r . I:d ~m to fj·ca.Hofl.cri teda _~" __ ~'~"" ~.~ _ .

n Lro~~ibl" 0!l:igins. .... _ .. _~. __ . -- •..•. __ •• _ ..".--~

PI I?ndh L < ltEFERENClES ~._ ....•• _,...~., ....... _.~ ~ ....... ~._.~~..;,_

. ppend br 113. FO RM8 ...•..... ~ .. . .. ~._ ..• ~_._ ..••• ~ • ..:. .

'pp(~ndh: II. .MA..H,"i -12 GltOUP PEH1BO}·nnUj~~~ ... ~~~ _.

. , '. II 1. ~!H OTOGIMP ns _.:_ _ . - . .,_ ... ~._ ... ~:.~;_ .. ,~.~ ....


6:;7 8.U

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:21~~4 25~216'

21~2:gl ~~OEl;Uj, 8:6~n'

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/ MAJ ~,LV

,_ scope

~ 'Thi~ manual hilS h!'r>n pl"Cptlired ~1:;.;p~it\Uy for,: Maj~sUn-"12 uniJ;a, nil pmiJ~ 10 pr~s~mtaU'ls.p(!()t1> of MIlI:k~~it-"12 .80 nnLhj)H~~~~l p¢r~l:n~d -\'Vi~l ,in' a il('itel' U nd~l1'ltl~nding ·()fl he ~!'O!lh'l (lr~he O!:'OO1P, b nblo tQ :mom 'rt!y derll with Unid~ntif]li!(l 1I1'].1'i!11 Obj(:cliS, Exbflt!llll'l!:lW-jl'l1 TIf'<t~~ulO'(.lY ~hl l'; nr i ti C?~. auduuf'D(:!!J!lS(! lh(l('ffi,ciency o-f I'D tyU!,

ump ar l men t f1 t ~O]] al secu LY f\CCJ~SS t, Ilited LO pel's ARANCELB J riz ed per so n e by fl~dent i ]

_,.1') ·--l '1 i;lakoothe subj~t QflU.'OB!lI,I!;i)1;tl'{lwrr{;!:1str.iol f\!:ibn(ll'l1~'Y,' ~f~d ! ern \~l ria;] BiQ]Q!,:ico<l,i, J~:fJlt~ties vCl'yoot'],o'l.:llslv and l(XtUliidlll(S tb@1 enUre " hjd't w h~l U 11:I''1tl(Jlr o.hhfl "'{lory h:igh~t 1l,~th~UOll ~I[l(';l'lri~y. Focr thnt reaoou fe]Hti.~lg to the ~ubj~t balll h~n, a:9~g)l{ld the "'!{}toy hichCtlt seeu-

d;'l;->~inGaliQll. 'l~b:roo J1Ul~.n .poinhl, win be (:ov~w In th~$ s!llctkm n.

Th e gener·!lJ~f.!rH~(~ts ofMJ-12 to C4lCi'lIl' ll]) uny mi1l'Ci'lle~ptiQ;n!l. that nuw have,

I' b. The i mp.ortan C(~ (lr~ht'l (]i!lemtj,oIH1., . '.

• L Tht' ueed few a bsol u te SfLlt;ri6CY fn all phases oiF oIH~'rJ)t:io:tL

this decu me p ~ r aon oS r eq le' ~,U-] 213 duclior. in a nsrribe d

.~. Sec!.!lllf~i~y ClassUlcaUon

. AJJ jrafOrml.flt,lOH reiniliflg' to MJ-12 htla bt'<ln tJ~!:i!'dfied MAJ1:C EYE~ . r ,Y a nd en IT ~p~ a ge~'I!lI'Uy level 2' poit!~ a]:H).VI!:l' dUll, of Top &!e:r!JJt. '['h~ ~i~f" til is h as to dQ w ith ~;he looniSequen~l~ Uui:may "'rilJ~ not unly fflO'Ili:

un pad upon the public sho1iJj.ld the !l:{lstenoe o.f sach -matt~r:!I b(l!()ome gen~ Inww.!,~dg(!, hut~!oo ~he d~lit'l.ger of hiilvlng !jiW~h. ai!lrfinced i~~b.I:],Q~OID' l'lI5

: iwP[! rco()iV1~n:d by the Air fi'Of-('i(:l' faU into thchancil~ -of 1:1 u fdcQdly'o[\tJllili[l . .1\'0 ih~onnaHQI1 is n;!Ie,umdl.o tbe pl1blit.: press and rl~Q oimcia~ ~'T.!\'~ . (·Itt p(}!,iti:n~ it! that, no flJ)LI(:ial gl'oupsueh {Ill .~lJ~-1,2o~ists,.

I Opel'.1ltL~U:l Mqk~hC-~12w'u!lf'J\I:ab1]shil1d by spooiaJ ChlMifiOO 'PfesM~.I)lh\l . em. 24 Scopunnb er 1917 ~lt the rwo.lnlu,cndi'itwn nf S('!'Cr'@il:.lilry (If Deferl!l:l!il . V.!·'{Jrr('stillllurl Dr, VaImevaa: Bush, Gharirnlmn (li! the Joint '_·r>'·'··'rrll HruJ D("v(~k~plU.@nt Board. OJ~emH()'lL:i1i lfI:l't"l 'r!'luTieij orut und~r a '.~"'op 4:1"~'·f·''1'~ ftl!"f:Wcl:wch(lud DlCye!upmfllfl[ • rnLfl]Ugen~e GM~lp dirceUy .rt'.:fpij)ni!ib~tl . ly to [h,r' P~'.~~,id(>llt vr the United StaLes, f]lhol',l'l,uds o.ftthe MJ ...... l2: Group

11'0 P S f~C R t~~r j !vt A~J r C E ygS 0 N LY

tr/'/'j(()lJIWrUI!"" IN AI'H· nnuJ J."{ IN'JJ~mlJ'I}I;A, nlt·I"h'.ma~I-~'~. i.itW

HJI'. 11;0 ((lllo~~' - : .

tl "rh!!' r'lL'OCj)'II,'t~Ij' tOI" sci.en~ifit :study of aUiIlI(I;L'f.)r:i;a]tI aed d~'lil:,e.s ~(' i))i. f~t~ '., PI~!l or f·xtriller,re· Itri.!l.1 manuIlII'!tur,e· I;biil;t,m~yb$lJIJlIJe' at.vii.Ua'bJe. :$u'Oh' ..

I n I:' It'n Ii J' "'1'1 d dev;icelSW'iU bl'! rocove~ hy an)!' l!ud aU ttle81RS d.eem!lld ,n~~';' .

MO' h~ lhe Group. _ .; ".

b. Tilt' T' ~:OV'f!I)' ((II: gcJe!lHtl;·e study of' ulj eQ't,lties and r,smadins ',o;! entrt~ - _.' . tlJll( Il( wrn,f,fril'.ll Qrigin whkb may 'Ix'COQH) a:vaUable throughin.d~~Ili).eIl:l .. '

!},rtj,Jfl by :tJwse ent:i:tles or b::,' misfortu_D@ 0 .... military action, . . _ '. : , : .... - ,

, (' The c;;tahIi5hmc'llt and :lOO:nini9lrilitWtl. or Speciall 'I'eam..q, to l1ieco:tn;plOOh_ .'f'.'.

Iw ~lbo\'t' QPC'nllinn~. ;

rf. The ('~['ahHshnlOl'lt and,t;ration or speelal s~r.e, tllCiitl!es ,'. , -·"'·"~"··'·{·d at secr·t !Qcnt:i,on~ within tbe continentaJ hord6~ 'Oif tht: tlmtlKt. .

I i!I,('" for the 1'Ix:d".i'nK. prlJ'Cc-ssill,!5, a:r~.alysiE!, ~nd iIIcient1fic ~~udy ,olf' @,]l'1!1I4 .' . , m~lted!IJ and entities ~lassified illS, heit'lg' (If eXlo.rnte.~l;rial otig.ln·.by!the. '" '.

I Up' ordH" Spf'1::i HJ J'eru'lul. '. ,~ ':".

I .J _ E~( ablishmunt and.adminisl,fHtion of OO,1iI'ert i)p~iltion$ wille cf\tfied. o1llllt '.'

eonccrt witb CCtltrtl.1 Inlel,U,gence to efliect the fil!CO'lieZY for .tll~, U:mi~· of cNt-rJ:lten-estriai te(alJOlogYMld e.oLi,ties whj'cltm~y ~o.m.e" '~Q~. ":

I til' le'rriWty or Of f~UinbQ' the pu!i8e..~~ion ofror~ pom~ "_". . .

t Th, t's;Lahli~bmcnt and maintPJlancc (If I;lb~olute tlfiP secr-eey o'q.!J.c,mi~\lr If I he aho"l'e op·!?!:' afions_ . '. "; ~.;


. Cunen~ SlwaNolI'! It If' 'otf!~i,d"H-.d I~I> .fnr ilstbe current s:lmat.i.on~ 'C(jRcem~j U;~:Lth~Ie am ",

m II'car Llm~ thfll{ til 'Ire objet·ts and their builders pOO' iii! dliirect 't:.b:I\'Ie!li!t .. ln >

II!' ~l'nJJrII.'" or d'H~ nited . 'tates, dJ 'i:Spit~ tbe' u~c(l~rlointy tiS 't?l tlil,ei:r 1f!I1Itfo~' : "" ' . mll'llofl:i III ro:IIIiu,g hero. C,1!!:rtainly the t"il!'Cb:m;Jilf,Or ~~ed by.lU.e."I€I'~ ..

, mp f;lr !'IIJII-p 1~:'It' llI.n)'tbing KnO,W'DIto tuode:m 5dlll1C'e. yet thlrlSIl' Jlli~~i@.~oo 1'1'f' ~t'I'm: 10 bo b mgn, and ~bey ileem to ~ ~vold:ing ,ct)hl8.elt, 'with. Q~ it·_u..U.j" .... H'.;', • l k'lu'!1 for the p~l:!nt. oS -v tl! dlLti eflUties lhnv'0 b~ t~~~ . iOJ II-:' \\ !tlJ. tI suhst UI tla II MIl :U~l't {lr\ .. ~~ Il:ud dmri~ from. kwuod.¢('nft.' .,

J! IIr '"," lidt lIft' ~~'QW IInd~r lud)1 - ','lllftl),'1l' ' l0C3Uon .N:Q QneQ'lp~ llM'~ ,I" h - ,·d.lit~·rn":lltriDl,1 ~JHiriQ <['_'bill'~:O OOh1lllltt .lmt!l;I'II;',lt~~ IIiU:' •. r~~l".

!li"lf lh:ad CUlu~tt'rp!U't f til!o d.(Jwn~ Oluft, iilIOf,lm !r:hcUKib on- l_Hh ~N,h~,. ,1.1< I h.' r"l" ... ~h ,I r diif,::d wnwUi! 11")1 =ClI'i n 'Iho Jm!a . t lll~jL .£$it ;tliJi. .. 'fiw(!,

rr ... ·~ rum ltl" fi.1·(luj_lIiU~n nd 'tu.dy ,f -chi liuihollllUood t~hFUlIl_I~(OMitP_'l!

I'lwr IJhrnl'ndlll tu II hi!' n~t( • St. t _I~ :~8 tv I~, ~ -, D t1)Jll ltb n.~~ , oIruj 1"IUl" ot·m.hi- typiJ Qf ,~'lrial lliy 'be Uill:i~M sw·~ ,iIil, ~ ~)i\\-"Q I]dl III '~I pn nt,.

I~ I • H

~ ""

TOP .sECRET! MAJ'(>C RY~IS' o~tL"("




'N ,_ i

:CRET--M,AJI -, C"(l:01 p It r t men t a ,I IHi,ti,on al sec uri N LY' ACCE~SS tu imitled to perso ~AllANCE ,LiE

'~O" Deselipt~c,rn l~f ~ate:fTre$tflalliHOfogi~:Ii~ Entitt~" ~~ i~BE,~'~' ,<':' .':"<;::' ,

b[ll_~]ll[!~Jti~n 01 nm~;!)hl$ ~'Y'C~ '~, ~~ ,Qt !UPO& ~~~k\s"tll~t:' :>' ',,' ,

C!~triai BioJ,ogk.tID Ent:ft.iHi m;lIi:Y b{l ~~~a~'~ ~(,(q;' (Wi(! ~~~~~~, ~~~~:;,_ ~;,~ " : , , '

• :!I:il foll('Jfws; , " ' - ' , :' ,(" :,', ,-- " , ' " ': ,'," ' , ' -": >' '_- ",...-~t,:' ,

G. ERE f)f"'.' 1_ T'h~ enHt!~ ~ l;t\]J~~ '~~ ~t hl". ':~i~,$!k,f.i~'t~i;, ',: ",:, :,,....',. C',''',' '1IIru.~ bdng::r, ~r the O:r-i5'lihllliraee if ~n:EmIE 6:~~' .1'h~,~~ ,bi~'~"':' : " 1 u-5(~~ ~, ~ficb,~ in height, .u:nd! \~:gjh'80 .. !OO ~~~. Jlw~~~-,: .: ~~r~ ~im.ilar t,, ahb~,~tle ~)n:i;~.~ ~m.ifl""!i~t-,1tl;,~··mitf·· .

eou nd~ iblf! s.kiln ~s ,!!.p!Bl~; ICh:~jl:~-}~lrj)o',~ .itl'OOtQi\' ili]cli::~ '~d 8~gbfly. ' ':i. . .

in ~ptl~ooee~ 'E~~e l~~ ,~, smaI\. ~¢H~~ . $ii~'!ld41n~ ;Wl,tW, :': ' ..... ",

~5h-I:i]': ,t(,,~ tr:i~""it~¥¢ll ~ik,,"iTThi~~ ~Mt~ ~fJlle ~ .. ~~l ~~i1; '-:.'.,', . ;. '

that of htlimans, but lm,'ea griw .~t:: ":'fbi ~iis ~.- ~ ~~ae') '.:' v ,

,. (H~ tho.;> sl..-u ~t rTh~ n(b~f'Ji£rnrn, -:nid. ,!;D~ :n.M'tl\:~ :~ii1.~J:1 ]:5~rid,';,r'~ in. ~'. ,: ,. ~til1di :t'Iem·t~( lipl~._ '[ll:~l'(!!:.:i$ nJJI~F~~~lt.fll;C~~ \~ ~ay~J'lit~tl~ .' i· .,: ;:;.'- :,' h~lif, th~,t. 00lGg "'<TiN'] fin.e ~1i1. ¢Olarm_e~t ~I) ~e itn.d'eir~m find: tnil 'grci~': _':,; ',~'. 'I'll Ii! htrld,y is thi tHIUd witill:Dut ~P:pi..~t bOOy fBt: Ill'lllt" 'th~i :a'u'\ll8~. ~R .' .. '.' ~:. . ,.

" . . T~ IW1Q;s m-e ~JM'!!.\.vJ:th film: l~ng di~ts; i)lI!J!lt eM, n.pi~~~li£t ..' .. " <_',' ,.'

'l'h~ out:.:!id~ d~git~::I jol.nted,· 'WI' ~ .~l'tt't ~ :~ .lm 11.\\':flt~op~le~ .. ': : .

rh,:,l'lti' I::;' nn webbirtg b:et'WeeatheMg'~·caa,'inllu:m;ME. f~e l~~,:~r ". \',.

ty hut ni1tiooollb~ ~wect 1Emrl tbj! (~ ~ s~!liJi~lwt splll!~~ ":;m:d pli:i:I: .: . : .,' ;, .'.~", ,

L' ~U.r lM:ge.,. . . I •• ' .... : ~: •• ).'~.' •• ::~,' ~ ~.~ :".:.: ': • '.~' .. :~ >'~':""',:,.,~>~, ".

, b. $B.B" 1]~ II Th~ 'e:utiU~ ~ lrur~Eii~.oodb'ui,,'ooftM: ~;:~I}-pe ~.'~~: .: ' :".:" "

: . ~.r'{"'.;pel..~'!:s., They t'l.'!:',e bl.pOOaL~S·F~i: § m~ '""<:li"_'~t, 2 in~~illJiimgn;t : ..... '.' . m d~ d ~ (I per :;H:l!,~tllll_'~j'i; w{'igil 2.5·,00 p!J}1Jn';s.. :Pmpa!,'iti:on{ ~oh~ ·Jam i:Saro.cli.···ID$:g,~ ctlitM .': ;' '.:;

L E ", mans o~Typ@'] l':Bl':",,,, [,he l~r<1!:n~um milllg mucin l~ii(l,l't)jnd 6tQn~oOOi. 'Ttl. "

mit' very l~! ~lauted. ~d ~!$uly \ll1WllJp Ilro'lltiJld:.~e ~Ih. Qt·the gik-ij,U:·.· ",,<"'.' ~\TI' Mad:\: ?'id~ nQ whit~ ~~.'lJ~mg- .ITbere ~ no l};Qi,tieei.\bJe ~~~.-.r;~'-, :" .'-. '

" ~.hte ~kl[llU hUr!; 9 t£lig:ht.~ak (,\ltl,t ml!li~ iW'~rtl.JJ~;~~H" .:'fh.elio.t-e ~~~~- .:: '.>',.';. '.

~W{) smrulSiUts wh[en 's~t hi~h <~,hQi\le· th:e ilit.;ltke 'mol-th. T1l~' '~y' no: ',:, _. .... !.'m~! ,~J:U"l;. Tb~ ~k'in is H p.;!tlebhffiiSh-g:r,~r c:olQi~:bwg' ~&'QUl~\i.b.o:t ~~--t'.'J .:. /.' "., the back of t;hc 1e:~"'t¥tll'N1 and m,.'t;f'1&lY ~MtI'I,·.$ti. b~llM:' Ttn.i~m,~~HD'· .::> :'.: .

till ,el[her dIe :ru.c{~ or the~! ,1.}J]:l~ tb~ cr.oo.J;1:~. 'tW,' n~t '{i-P~~~; 90 . '::,::'-

~1.Ilnll;{l.U· an. The-ann~ ru:'f:!' lQ~g tn~:n."'Op::I:!:tW'Q to ' wl~lbrb u_iJ,m,': " , .. H' ~lnl"t' !GUj\l.'fmgful~rn and, ntb!i~b 'i'ihfudi. ~·.,~a:dy u ]~.~.~ _ ' . .(" :' .'.; .'

, The ~Qnd tiinW'!I' ~ thiilmrlhOlHi ti[ll1J brb~.Im'l;l,t Hut M liG'Dg8..i' 1llibi . - ...,

tinge;!'. Tb~ t700t are]t M:d ~~~, MId fCl'lll':' OO~ ~'1ffii~!~~ .. ' .-' .. .. =.

'_::I!!,~ltW~f wiU~ a UUi1-ud],rllnt'. . '" .:'. ,. .' '., .. .. ,' . _'" :.''-'' I

h iii nol de;llnitdy kll~"O lfihe'N ~~,tbl!'t tli'P'!Il of ~j'~tu~~o:r~gm:'(l!~~~ .~t';b.~· ..... . :'" ,'. ' ";J;~fij!.Ij: ~~uj,ill} that tb,~r djd not iI':l'l."nlu~ on ,~~w.· '}1 is f[l!{fdeJl!14' .' .. "",,: ... I ~;Itt:u]u~~tl not ,~.-t"f~~~ln. thot th'jjJ' roayb~"~~ 01'~~iDated oalV.t"O, di~l'~illIlt ,bml~·.' . ,. ,



~Oin P[Ht ms n t a 1~,dona! S("C H r i 'l''l.:, ". ,'.',C" C· E' C ~ ~ 0

~ _:11. _"'l '"" .'. _" L)~ 'W :Ij,. i

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~ Jf" I . ,~~
1l.> Ir. iii
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1 1. O~scrlpth:m of E'I(trntI!!!HrestriIO:11 TGchnQ,~ogy

t t~" kll,'~" InlZ mftlnHa(~(~U is rrmHpl'diminu~' {l:IM1'!U~ t"f'IX\·rt> or wn>ck

" •••• r.' '" _' ,', 'lh'\"~~'~ i fnHn n ;;:I~h !'tll':<' uf ,r"lr"h'rrt\Sh'~ ~I, 'l"f 1\ 1.··~.~. H)f'{. l': ""rpts fl': '111 " I: 1·,- 11 .;11'" 'Itwh'{i \.'~'I"b;u lin ., 0 1 rovide tJ;uldml Il' as W 'Ilw t~1>~ nnd -11_- iI",1<'[,' I'::,l ,i'~ nl mat r-rial t hat m iKlu lw l'!!:{" UnLl'!"f'(jiu (\Mhi N' rtxClI""!!"t; up!f~m'

1 n tl b t :m:! tysis nf I htl d.!.~b:ris. fn"lm th crush ~i'h' $J(""m~ to ~ndic ~1{! t:hut h~' ~khn" I:' t hat ~)f ~ln ".X~ ra'l~rh'~triul (T~)'i'it. wht~h '~x,,'h"(h. t fron,l \~·d.h~n I\d '-.H1lt' iut o ,'ontll<'1 wirh 11,,· W"'(Jund with W:\"d force. oonl.p'b~h'ly d(l'.tn~i' , t lu: ITafl TIlt' v0Jlmw? ~.f matter iudit'il(('S th:dth':"('nlll Wll . 8pprn~:,i .

. ;11~' 1" t lw ~~ j't' of t~. medium f-l.·tl"\'n~fl;.. ~~lt.hQUgih t~he· Wt.'~g:]d of UU~ dl!!brjis in!U.

~i1l'S ~ 1l ... U ! iH' crnft W!l.:s(>.x1I"mm~ty Ugltt '1'0,[" .~ts si~e. .

.~ ~ ~ 'I :t 11 ~ t r gi enl ~u \.,\ I ysi~. of tnt' bu 1k of tlu~ di~ht'is roeovered bldi'fcfi't es t.h.itt Iw ';~1mph'~ HI''' ... nut CDmpO,t· i ~1.f an.y m •. ,tCl'i;:d13 'urr'l>utb: liuwwn to 'rm-n!Sn H 1 ... cwlh·t\

,. r~h' muterial h"tlhXI ·pt)SS(';-'\~t~fl. gr~ut :8t~n~~h and n'~L'5~nlJ.C'i!) t() h~a~ itl . rllp,.lrt ion hl l{ ~ wtigln nnd~h~\ b{'~in~ st.I.'ol\.l.:,~r b~ f~f thun uu_)" mate-dol' ..;c ..... t LIt mi lit ury or civilian :~i.n.:.rnn I'l(. :p!i'\~~tIU ..

\!m'h of the mntevia], hn\·in.~ the nppearnnce uf alurnirrum rou or ojn~ 11l~t tl1-lnllph'slum ~htl«l'~il\~~. di~pl~\yl? nene of t:ht, c.h~u·t);~tt~l-i tia, or ,nifht:r

i' .;~ L IT.5fmhhng instead smm·ki'11I;_d of unknawn plastic-like uut:t.erhtl.

.' ~\,hd;,-:.~ ructures Hnd $u.h;~hmH.ll beams lU!lying n dh.tind :smmUttrlty in . V"~lnuw~' io \'~'ry dt'n~.~~ gl.'ain-ft'e-e Wl: od, wal;! ,"u,'Y Ui,gbt in wli'ight nnd POGii~~~'."; l i'IlSi II' uul 1[.·nmpFl;~S$iun s.(r1)ttb'liJ~ not obtithUlb].~· by nn .. ~' ln~J\s. k_1\QW1:J1 , Ilw·dt'rn indu~try-

:'\PtW l~l- Ow material h~::h-d di~p]aJ,"t--d me '.:s.urabl'e m3.t.'l:l.t"H~ cihdraCl.eri~ . llr r~}jltdH!\1 radiatlen.

::-It'H'nti smnph:\."i \~i·t'Jcl,'~engnH.'ro. IIJI'(!u'1lbo-s:soo \\l1t11. lUS1'k;s. "ildi ps:Uie:r~~ t" pU~h.'·ru.~ W't'rt, not rt~u;blr ideuHG.nM'{1 i,fnd' tn d(apb:llll" ~;~miJr' t.:r II n ~ h u;~ b "l'.t1 I arfli"\'~ty uusu!l.'iIi·oo!.llfn_~.

, ~xnnlin. 't~on of .-,~\I('ir'jd .ap.pnretd tnethlluliea], d0V~C .~p-n.rS}

liull:' or uething oft:hi';J·irmtulctlons;1f .ml'thods."lr~

'TO 1-' .- ECRET IM'!\AJ[,C t)ES ONVr ,OHAPTlEiR: 3:



. '2. PresS Blackout

(fre,H~~'ir'· must 1J~~ak~Iil [,0, pl"PSIill"Ve t.he ~ui;'itr of a_ny looa\inA wlllJI'e ~t!'j!I{'rrf'£"Lrial Tech~l.oh)gy might be re~devabre, Eorsci~lH;l;fie s,ttu:J,r" rerne measures must be taken: 00 J)fotoot and pl'~'5eI"\f@ af:l!,ymllte.M~ll .t)~. n frnm dj5COVC.ry, exnrnimltion, '~r r~nu,vaJ !l)' ,c1V~]hul a,geniliE$ ~i[ indhrlds

Ii l ~ or a he gener nl pu blic, It ls tile1'efI)!Fil,tetlQlmmendedi fhat ~\ to~~J 1jlI',eSR c'k(lU'L be initiated wll~l'"I,e\u~r PQs£ibl,e. If 'thiiil CiOUi!'~ Q.f .i1.diu[I, shou,ld not fpa~ihl('. tl:i!i3 (QUQwiflg eover st6r]e;5 @1'(I :iiugg1eslJed. for re!lea~ t(I the "he omeer in charge wm fiI.'cL q:u]cldy to seieet ,tile cover ,~wry that fits the oituBition, It ahouid be l'l;!l.n~mbe'ted Wbe\ll ~e:lectinlif tl ernlll'n\l' that o!Ticiai poUey regarding UrOEs is that tlle'y do, noL ,e:ci.s.t

rr. OrfiCUlI Denial. "j'he moot, d"esiraMe ril~ponS(! wmdd 'be that, rwthing . h£IS oecurred. By stating that t:ne govertllUein;t has DO Imowledg.e cif . , e\'CIlL further iuvlll'stjgliit'lon by 'the public p~G85may be fQtiestlilUedi.

b. DiSC',r"fflit W'itness'{is, If at all poesible, witnesses will be h@id inoi)IDm,1illieodo tlnt;ii the extent of'their knl>wledge and invQlveme.nt ean b®; d'e,ter'Witnessel'), win be dis~I)~lrflged frem ttllhln_g about wh~t tht".y have and intimidation may be necessary to ensure their eooperatilJln. Jfwit.have ulready eontacted the press, it will be neo;es~aty to discredit stories. 'fills C'~UI be,~t be dOOle by the assertion 'that tbey have flitMI!' ".·.·"'w.>t,'''·1 natura] lW'ents, are the victims of hysteria 01' hallue.tna:tions~ ;)J'cth -, perpetrators of hcexes,

c. Dr!Cf!plitJlt Statements. It.IiUiY beeome nece-$S1iIi1fY to issue false state-· M pres,erVQ '&he ru!curity of the site. MetOOf'S~ downed ~~t,cmtle$. thet balloons, and. m,ilitc~ny 3Jircr~fial'e all tll':cW'iable aI:~erntitives. un in the case of the downed mmbLfj' aircraft stat;(!ooenlt care sQ.ould f~x~m:ir;,ed not to' &ug:ge-8t tjUl.t the airCT\'l!ft might be e:"~peJ:imcntal Oil' flecret" ibis might arouse more .curiosity of both the Am~ric-aD and the, (ol:leign StaWmellts issued cQlu.:et"ning eontamraatlon of the area due wtQ.xic:

Ib from truck_.'1 or raIlroad t;ank"u'.~Il~n 8IJ~(I serve ~Q keep m'l.{I,uLhol"ized ,m' . TldP.Hil'Hhl~ personnel away frQl:1l ,tbe ,area,

,:E CR E T~~tAJ I C ig com pa rtm e n t a ',,""1·011<11 s e e ur .e ,,<H


lirnitedto pf:' I."S EAKANCE LE

Seoure the Area

The area must be seeuredas rapid:ly as po.sSiibl~to keep l!.maud:l,.j)(ri~ed 'p~r:-

I __

. from illii.!,trnLing the site, The officltl' in e-haf,ge wm set up ,11 IJlilfWinUe-

and '[~1H:ahlj~h a command ,PQJ;>t iti$.ide the perlmeter. PI~,NO<fill'ellliHow,ed

SEC it l~ rp ! M A. J' ICE Y :E S 0' N L Y

WWJiO.rwCno/\! IN iIli'" ftJRM m [o'()mmJIWN In' It'fmk:RAI. LAW

T I MA" )N'.L'y'

~, jj H ~. 19 U ~~ j ,'t' H o ~,: f:l At'; C ]1, H 1;1

l ! m ! I .'. d I ,r, ~j l1 f r. I( A H /l. 1,~ f : I'~~ ! ~ tI, ~~.d ~ tl d ~~~. t' ~1I . ,I ~dd~t :ki f,~~i!'i" t fIll·

(~~U '~Ii j P'l d " ~ r ~ J ~u ,p . " .1 J!' jj r ~ I~ ij ,~ J~' t,' I rJ. I' ~'l d' M,,' f' l'IHf IM'I'. j I~ i'j I U

l nl nilUJ bl·d

U!!lJU'I lfJi!ia~ I!UU~ TfliJJ~IJPD,1if ,1\>1 i!1~~~" j\i~ '~f.lm!~nk~t[~~1T! JI\j'I1~'~~~l1ic~I~~itl, ;?:€ffilit~/lil' ~Ufl I$Q,fj,~pmr' Rtf! ~~~

wj U ftlJ'fJm~l'j~% JI~n~~Jl' !~{{ktfJ;i: I!'d(n, hv.r/rr"",J 2~ . .'

Ii n~, II "W#ttlti(j~ r rir ~~~(; 'fii~IJ!~J,hJi~ ,P~f4~1 fMr ~~t~ ~jhiJl~~:jllJ{lI 1/1!;l~~~1 'It{~' tt!jIIN~'" ,~ I.~'~(O u r~ji with pl,!Ji"'·lilfllJvhl.!i h. ~~J f.ttl}\th.1Jlf!l' ~~ 11!!1:rv:m'J. 1~~tlf fa# wUl b~ ~In' f-l-uHutj1"~u cUI u~ flthff.l' 14l,l¥[U ~Ii!fmf~" U tW~:l,~ 'n!li\~i1l I!li1n~~Rt blt ~t J~IJ' . n I)~~'nd!~d J1!-iii1;li,l.i1 lJf 'Jm,p'~ 1l,1~ n~) bwl!"t~l UJIl:l'i1.. lilt'! rJ'.5' ~II j,nul

!~',Ij{~ri~ {~f~ij ~lJdJ~}::~' M Jlfl~jM$! 'M! l~h, ,Iloll(J!'!1f51 ~Ilflro miHt{lWl1 &1J7:WUri;y. ~;lfn~. I',ull ~~~wm~ljJ~h.fl~. b~ ~~\Il~l!l!J. Lf'ln~IDJ(!f~ m'd~i:lB ! i~t!ti.j[J.!lW¥'~I~q r~M~, , j~J'~'Yu' r)4~fill,',b,llj,

ir, ~l(}J~i~jllr,l'~r !,~r"INif:1l1mUJI' f:m/t £Jrntt l'1.rn &n~ hrt if!PI!\ll~iJl!~~I!?(~ w,i~h ~4i~!:J"ml! U' 'thJ{l,v !~~Jltl!J1!-, l\j~Qttl,(~'w) I., I~~ ~~m:,i't~iU~,i.nJUI,'.Y HUilLY r~1:~n~!~ ~~~'I'il'i QJl~~'il~i:~\"j),


'~.' '. 1.11., ~' ~ I~ Cl,'." "f".I,·. "]" /.... 'II.",r... II [ r.>,.~?, \)1"''1(' ,!Ql ,0 ~r 11 ~'

tEl J' \...... l. J!~ ~. ~rvl ,J.;,., '!:J: '-r "~J ,I~ .[I:~ .F,.!l ~~ '>" t~ "'" 'i--J In

Il&'I'.IJ()rm '{'itiN m .Alt1f IN'lI'(j,!' m r{~~nUmNtt lW ft/l,"Jl~,"JIIl" I.AW.


TO I:)



lU1.fll«JIUJ 'Jt1'(}tr.!.fN Al\':.' t"io,ftN l;f.'''·,(J,R'Hl,mJfiJ,j\! ,In' ':.' I.J'" H.u_ , 4'14'


-r / .. At'-A

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D.'·' N' '.:. LV'··>

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g compa e e fHH hnu J Be,

lim HNl to J:l',e. EAlitlNCE bOl"l2:ed p~rs bJ·e by fed er [1.1'

Pa1ckagirt.g and PIGking flata Dorn(J$/ic Shllm.l[!nt_ lndl'il'!du~] i~wtns,ijr);! f~~~, ,und wrap~ In a t~arr.iera.wj· heat sf~alod. Tlmy B:rf~ tb(~n pl~lcedljn a.enr. !m~. "rbe vCiid:(5 witldu tlw bOll: ,wr~ .P!1!.ikL'iI_ rnQffiusJilr


~RET / MA:' .s O,NL'y

ror SfCUE'j'

u.J.rning cnmpan:rne, ro the natiDna! ,SC, rES O,~;LY A ('CEa

'~nry Iimjrr.Jr/ 1,0 P'e :2 CLEA IUL!\l C l~ lW,W th or iz« (] p ~~r $" ni~hJbJf' ~)y r~!d(~J'ld

TOP S ~C R~T f 1.!11t·A.~lc ~YEi~ Q~. LY

• '!I\;!.f oI~ ~~ ~ll4dtl\l ~~ p~ ~~ ¥II'~.'R .,' .1~' .. hi: id'-4~ '!II"~~h >m~'" ~!i!;l: k _. ~IJ f~:IJ J. -.00. B; ~. m J(I: ll;IJlflJlRi !Pfr~"'~~ rn.~,~ "MAMC-.12 A.O"'.,...£&. C1,Nlr ~ ~-1 !.'~ ~;,.,.. "'II' ofd.te ~ ·Th .. , ~g Ui 1r!' ·ti.~ hJl~l ~.r i1~ lin Ij.jld t~m;D.'rtUb ~""l'd ~ ~ t# p.J~i!l:dt'h& a Jl~_ m:r,. , MJo:>of!J,JMll:~. no;1l11"(!m~ ~~ ~ ~~Ft(I\ ~ ~~!~: nb ~m.,. ~. iii 'Il~' ~ :a.,,'7'~ ~. ~'4t~ ~. ~ ~1tri~ rhitr to~;nH ~ifIJ~.

~~(':1iU1i.Uif;;r,.. ~ppmg m:tr: ~r.n.b'&'f"~ all" ~j. Ql.!n.t(. i' A>~~ tI, ,tv,·

O!'t"~ fiJ1-.iplN!"'fli_ It.~ ~~ ,~~ (l ,~«~~ ~~e ti~~~ timll l~f'I";{j,rcI( 111m J'lj b!:!mj~J:cY Wdi£-a~i'" i:t.!\"" j~~ r.yf~itl ~he' int'! l ~1i1t.

6 "'-"'<1 ·Iiw. Ii' .. ltb. '- Il.' '_<I "l'<'fI>' .. r

,Wl't] b~at 4Ct:iJ~. Th,(!a. ,P~ ~~W'U:l <.!:~ ,v:,tfuj',ed mtlllo ~ ~~!i"OOl

i".~",~,...,.. 'C.\I'~lJ: !t~llr~ wi~h' W-l!t~ilt~~~" Tbi~ ~d et,ij"~ iJI, ,

".~MJJ~U I~COJ"::SS Of~']!/('liQI1 <M iii~ Im.d Ii!i plll,¢'~ iwc1t:ftli'll a ""!l'",rJ'!'Utll:":>'"'I'FA"~ J,IAAed w,ood~ iGj};,p}f.;lr. arJnt1lftl(<w:. rr:h~ Uli'J),i,mg j~ Wnll~d

W~:W7P.t~f Lt.Pti··unlil dw Wwd~; 8~lPWi~ £j\'j:nt",lioliittr ~ ~:rllji!Wq ~~ut.

• 1,! h i.pp.inS rou~a~Jillru' Ifj rf;''€lr,~d f'i'U'ifJw'l' by' ~~Jjn~' ~wo '/~"[nchm~.l . ~'~J:l t 8' fr{fal ellc1.i Iffn./J, 'S'hP;PIPi(lE iliW-imatlM ,if, fb~1il ~~a.Im!~c4

~ud1llC"t! of tf~~ W~'f!n Iiibl:p~iDg ll!il~~;~~p.p.<r, '. .

"n.l.' pll~lo~iIJg Ilfld r>~ll'kii!l{1' P1'~00d1:l~_!' d~~j'ioo' tll~ app~'IQ@! t9 nQ~f(iI)~~hl O[,Jr. bit~ .. (0.1' n!~'I!"m:nhall" r'11l~kll~j~ Puekin,K.IHld IlIn~f'p1Qg(jl"~~t1f~m:I1~ MrHlvll1n !;oy" ~j H~1l ~ Pf!JNld~rl jjij t'hH~~ ill. ,~U®n II ~)f~j",. m '-IJi!o!iI'lll.

1 E,,~_-, -T'.:-" /

.1 __" 'I

I ~ _

_ I, .

. '

r ~ v I l ~l I r t' d

, L

• I

S£'Rtl' I~\f-\JI'~' El'l!:S ONr..l'

~ iI~~p,;'llIf;)tlJ 'c "~I. '" " ',n' "''''' '-', "'u'''a", ..,. (>


. Se,ope, "bi - secUon deals with enoountem with Uvm_g' Extralterr_trial.Biol.

EnUUe (f:;S,Es). Such ,®oo!U»teta faU under dIe' jurWime .r ltf....42.

DBs-.O'l and wi.D be dealt with 'y til,,, speeislUBit,omr. TJUs,_, d . tail,s lh,@, r~spo:Baibilities of Per$O~ ofu-ni_ m,,_king tie iJIJtialam--

An-r n'OOll'oter with entilief& known to be ,of ex&awrrtitrial odSiD: is m .. , ' red tOI bea motter of IU1Uo,nw'secur.i:ty and dl.erefore 9lttUile(l, TOP , . Undm' ,no c,iliClImstflncei~,the general ,~bliG Or ,the vuhlic I!~ to ,of th ex,m,tcnoo of flle_s' efttiUes. 'fb:e "lQlIdlll wrVeQl\JneD' poJief is . 'uch ,cr-ealtJr -'.~. do, lJot '-mt fWd: ftia:t nG~lIpl\tl ~r tbe redri. "yem .. - 'is l\lO\l el\l~ ,in llJV 5tu~Otexlr8wr~tri~ .,'th U' nRif~ AnY "lfIU~t'U ru' £N'm On si -,-tea plUey is tlb$llu',tV'b {brli,iddea

,:I: . in

T • ~~' S"'I' I,' " 't,


il!1 ii •



om .'

',RET / u, ,s ONLY

I M'-\"'A:'

111\' i ,j I :' ~

I".' "',. _.


Aell',lev:aJ a,R,d Preservation. Coo Tbe d~ t),f d~rnPMjbul ~r ,ol'glllti.;; retnabts: wi V8l"y _-nding, . " . the ~~.~b orume dIe nimains, ba~~ bttro 15iDg m the' open U1ltl~ ~. m@}" be ,a~ . f'dllteG b~r hom loeal' wNther ruJidition_sand adioll bY Ther:eJiorn. biological. specimens will be mDo\-'\eiil ,hm che G'3sb'

.. ' a }i- '":,\- M .~ibte' to, pN~£'le t'bv re-m8w 'in as,:goo.<i a wadition as . . ~1''''',''1j;;·. .ft. phbt~a,pnj¢ reconl will be m_ade of·an mmA,ms 'betl1Jrt" ~. are ' . ....,_..,." . ...,.. from tll.e' !ile'.

PC~fu"il(!t i.'lV{l:iveUi i-n this \)¥' of ~atio.n "HI take all. rea.~tl~le ions (b mi_n','W2I!' :ph,.-tical eontad .. eada~ers or 'rettl'SiM being

. Sugicrilri{l1l7~, ibou~d e.·wOlnor. j(th,eyare aot a~ailshle~, wool

ie~ber glO\;es m~" be worn pro\iCN ~q 3r:e ~Ik-eted for detOlf:tarnina'" im~JeGiAt .. ~ after use, Sllo\~erls and e&tN'richlng tools mal ;be' emp}O}"M ... ' d' fi.-'W.ailh. 'pm\'itkd ,t~utiqn is exe.u~ t(l be {'eftl3in flD iamage is

'0 • rmniius:. htfli:n:s will ~, hmched "iint bVG lum_ds €)m,. it ,no, m~sru. of'm£wWg t:1l m~@be fo-~nd. ,AU pereanne! and tqUipmenl

• in ~\'ffrn' ~-pel".a{itl:os '\\~n lood'ergpdaDi8.minaiwA p~n:s,

IiIH'~!.'''''''''>I~)· ·rIter dl~QPe_r:ttim}l ·are have been MmJll'eted.. .

R~m .. " \l.~t ~ p;r:~"-"'~iagain~ further' ~mpositwi1 uequlpalellt . ~mdn..ifjo~ pgmit. Cada~ers anu :rem~ . itt.·be ~ 10% ~'y ,ap <d'n, 'lHH1lrwi OOY-rin~. Tarpaulin.' ,or' {'O'UI \\~ ather par m~y'be . :ar ~ his ,pil~ if ft, ~~'. :RtUnms wij~ be refrigerated ~l :PA'Cked· reP ~f < va..:! :, AU rem - ~n'- will b.e tau-ed er lo:Wmd and the tim~ sad reeord Wruppcsd '~Illains "''ill be plate4 en ~dlets' 0.1 ln" ~. ~ 'I' im..l:l"te{fJI" ' to ·a S«'ut':e facl itv.

~ m~li- j:'laebeod :pi~ MId ''m-Qwrlal SC:J'apea C;n.m, $e)ld S1\l.naces 7 ~a he . ~ er ~.b.-r gatd1. IC3Ip-ped (On~~ilMrsJ if a\'si'labl~ ~nfc3'ia:e'~ itt be ~«:; ~ U;!~ to t.heir rout"·!ltf'S and d'le tjml" and alt- .... ·~:omed C.vnWi-it .• !?-rl~tOO Of "l'1(I£ \ ~ ~1d_l itie,:ill I ,n,"So ~~ and . od ~ ,:~ . !t'tl'rt' ,fat: "lit '.

'f / 1M )I,N,LY

~~fKU: f If U U~I " MJ " ~ ~11: n ~~ ~ " n U' U I

N',U' A f'CE 'uli h'Id r n ; ,t .U i\ N f ~ i~J u r it, ',~ ,~t iJ! I~ ,r l~' bv ~nln~~., i

Jt'~'J I 0'1 TiMa",. ' ' ,~ ,

, • M Ill\lli '''"''' '-:kI.t ·Jo_·~it • .itt . IoIItt ..... M; " "".ot... or . .• ,,)' i Io ••• b.· !'¥oo;.~ ~!lie lI!;iIo.o<. ,~' : "h .. ~ ~ joro"

· I ",' oI'~""'Ii;""" .. ~""""'"Ilf Ilir ~ •• ~ ~'Ii\O'IO.

," ,,"",,"", '"', ."'~ do.I4~ ~ •. ~'''ll' .. j., , .t..... 1.1

"'" I., ,tb. PI'Ul!i!It 111- ~ llttoit ~ lo. h.... """I~. "''''''''Ir "". ' "r ".11 tl';';, 1'0 , ':. -14 .Jl.~ 1lQ,,'" WI Jmh01<l ... 1 ""_. """.

f ,," .. " ·,,,,,,,,,1 ~ !It .... ~ oIu'.l'4iIlJ, II I •! "'" "" IIi. .

I' t ' _ . , ':'. '.;:' ....._ .. _ ,

, . " •• 1.0. ""I\t~~ """ Si.f1ll>OW, SliM' dll'., "', , igh,'. ~,

l.diOi<l!iollo .~. :\I+m ... ;u,,; of folll>lr."" . """ '" II "'111_",

· '.dont - .. ".og,y U .. ' "'''~i '" I~., , ";,,,",1 n..J,.

" "~-ii\ii'ill -",,,I., !IS """III- I";" _ ' 01 "'".

' ""'" JlfIIt·Oi.~, . ''lbliol t_ ..... """ :1.,.. . '''''i¥h,j ,', hm ~""'I"

' . .b,.' '.IIi'~1 f""'l ,lilT.""" lnl'llll!il¥1I' I. Ih.I.~ .......

';00.""""" " ", .

f. LJi'.ll~'#!.r~ .fBiN""",. to .v .. """, }, ~,i II .. ,. 111 .... "

: <t!'l~~~illM;y «;", .. i",! ''''I",J oJ.w. oh 1d ,," ""ia.'''I~''''''

th ... ~,.·I&, Ii> II •• ifWlli'illal """"""'W ""jl)'01 lb. '~.Dll", •

. iliIl'Ililii~ .. ,·: ',~,~ '''''.'oi''11 l!Mi'I". <I;'l<1IIm, Mr....... .. ........ ,'

~; INi i~ . .., ~ ';" ....... '1 l''''I'''rti."., ' •. II,. "Ill' '.' of Ih, <lilI.

'~. ~'.!OImf"" on "''1'''1"1'1''1.' I~I) ,"""" ... ., !l>ieb" h ..... _

0" i·'/" .

· .... "_


,I,\/,' ,'I.' r rON JU rs /H)~,',"~ 8~' 1"ttm';oJiAJ_ I.~ ~.y

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