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Submitted By-
Manish Srivastava
Shreyasi Ranjan
Heemaal Kaul
Shivam Bajpai
Shweta Yadav
What is Personality?


Character or behavior of a person in different

scenarios can be called as personality
Character: Good character is defined in terms of one's actions.
Character development traditionally has focused on those traits
or values appropriate for the industrial age such as obedience to
authority, work ethic, working in group under supervision, etc.
Thoughts Emotions


Personality Development
Personality is the sum total of ways in which an
individual reacts and interacts with others.
Personality is generally defined as the deeply
ingrained and relatively enduring patterns of thought,
feeling and behavior.
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Personality Development

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Take a moment to ask yourself:

Who are you?

How well do you know yourself?
What are you good at?
What are your weaknesses, fears,
innermost strengths and desires?

Where are you headed?

What makes good personality?
•Self Confidence
•Positive Thinking
•Learning from failures
•Self reliance
•Selfless service

Approach for good personality

•Goal Setting
•Time Management
•Communication skills
•Leadership Qualities

Importance of Personality

Ensure excellence in one’s chosen field

Contribute to individual and national development

An improvement in your personality can improve your chances

for success in any undertakings
Personality Development
Express your Give up
 Artificiality
 Originality
 Imitation
 Creativity
 Shallow and superficial
 Deep thinking thinking

Believe in innate goodness

Put effort to Manifest it
Personality determinants:
Heredity : Heredity refers to those factors that were
determined at conception. Physical structure, facial
attractiveness, gender, temperament, muscle
composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological
rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered
to be either completely or substantially influenced by
who your parents were, that is by their biological,
physiological and inherent psychological make up.
Environment : The environmental factors that exert
pressures on our personality formation are the culture in
which we are raised, our early conditioning, the norms
among our family, friends and social groups, and other
influences that we experience. The environment to which
we are exposed plays a substantial role in shaping our
Situation : A third factor, the situation, influences the
effects of heredity and environment on personality. An
individual’s personality although generally stable and
consistent, does change in different situations. The
varying demand of different situation calls forth different
aspects of one’s personality. We should not therefore
look upon personality patterns in isolation.
•Communication skills form the
corner stone of soft skill
•Every human being has to essentially
& effectively communicate with
• Effective communication is the
hallmark of one’s education
•The ability to speak fluently using
the right word in the right order is
an good communication
•Message using appropriate
vocabulary and syntax form
effective communication
•Presentation skills include planning, preparation &
delivery of the message

•Making a formal speech is one form of presentation

•Presentation skills can be broadly categorized into

physical oral, & electronic
•Success in life depends on presenting ideas in an
appropriate manners

•Look at the eyes of audience & speak in a natural,

conversational voice

•Appropriate voice will make the presentation effective

and interesting

•Ask for feed back from your audience about your

presentation & change accordingly

• In presentation especially, stop occasionally to ask the

audience understand what you have said
•Learn the basics of effective verbal communications and
presentations. Take a speech communications course to
become comfortable with your verbal skills.
• Practice your telephone skills. Most interviews begin with
a telephone interview.
•You may be offered an interview because of your resume
but the best communicator in the interview will get the job.
•You only have one shot at a good 'first
•Practice your approach in greeting
people and shaking hands.
•Be well versed with 'art of
conversation' .
•Book clubs and discussion groups are
good ways
•Always to develop
learn these skills .
new things.
• Accept responsibility for your self &
your actions.
•Look at problems & challenges.
•Be grateful always.
• Love your self.
Dressing Sense
What to wear to office
• Black colour pencil skirt, sleeveless off-white blouse, a black
colour leather handbag, and ear studs.
• Churidar kurta, jute handbag, earrings, and thin necklace.
• Trouser, half sleeves shirt with checks or strips on it, office
bag, and formal shoes.

Comfort is Important
• Comfort is important when your mind is at work. If your attire
is not comfortable, your entire day can get ruined.
How to Dress up for Office

Dressing etiquettes are must in corporate world to maintain

the status quo. Here are a few tips while dressing up for office.
If you are not sure about the dress code of the company,
discuss with your superiors and clear your doubts.
Be in harmony; do not deliberately dress up oddly.
Observe your superiors and dress up accordingly.
The greatest myth about dressing well is that you have to
spend a great amount of money on shopping.

Public Speaking
Be prepared
Believe in what you say
For target audience
End with a message
Have a feedback
•Research a topic
•Organize ideas logically
•Employ quotations, facts, and statistics
•Master metaphors
•Tell a story
•Start strong and close stronger
•Incorporate humour
•Vary vocal pace, tone, and Punctuate words with gestures
•Utilize 3-dimensional space
•Complement words with visual aids
•Analyze the audience
•Connect with the audience
•Interact with the audience
•Conduct a Q&A session
•Lead a discussion
•Obey time constraints
•Craft an introduction
•Exhibit confidence and poise
•Handle unexpected issues smoothly
•Be coherent when speaking off the cuff
•Seek and utilize feedback
•Listen critically and analyze other speakers
•Act and speak ethically
Confidence and Body
Up to 93 per cent of communication is
done on a nonverbal level.

Crossing your arms can

make you look bored or
Playing with jewelry can disinterested.
convey stress and anxiety.
Non verbal language
Face is the index of the mind and it
clearly displays the persons interest.
•Body language presents to the
audience what we feel & think about
the particular matter.
Ex: Nodding one’s head
•Body language (e.g, arms crossed,
standing, sitting, relaxed).
•Emotion of the sender & receiver
(e.g, speaking clearly, enthusiastic)
Positive Body Language
Strong, firm handshake: Confidence, security
Leaning forward, eye contact, hand gestures: Sincerity,
confidence, interest
Natural tone, volume, pitch and pace of voice: Secure,
Eye contact: Openness and honesty
Altering facial expressions to match what is said (smiling
when being friendly, etc.): Secure self-esteem
Feet on desk, hands behind head: Confident, dominant or
Relaxed upright posture, arms swinging naturally while
walking: Confident
Nodding: Approval
Negative Body Language
Leaning back and looking down: Lack of confidence, aloof
Limp, weak handshake: Nervousness
Leaning in too close: Could be threatening
Weak, soft voice: Nervousness
Clearing throat, saying "um, uh," using overly complex
sentences: Insecurity, nervousness
Dropping head and looking down: Untrustworthy
Staring at other person during silences: Increases tension
Rigid, stooped posture, feet shuffling: Lack of confidence
Folded arms, crossed legs, picking lint off clothing:
Disinterested, disagreement
Twiddling thumbs, drumming fingers: Not paying
attention, anxiety
Build Self Confidence
1. Dress Sharp
2. Walk Faster
3. Good Posture
4. Personal Commercial
5. Gratitude
6. Compliment other people
7. Sit in the front row
8. Speak up
9. Work out
10. Focus on contribution
Basic Etiquettes and Manners
Good manners and proper etiquette are at the very
core of how we communicate with one another.
The following etiquette tips are easy to incorporate into
everyday life:
1. Turn the cell phone off -- completely -- during a
luncheon meeting, social function, or on public
2. Hold the door -- whether male or female, hold open a
door you have just passed through for the person
behind you.
3. Bring a gift for the hostess -- preferably one that
doesn’t require her to drop everything she is doing.
4. Keep to the right -- on the sidewalk, in stairwells.
5. Say please and thank you -- to waiters, flight
attendants, store clerks, cab drivers -- the little things go
a long way.
6. Circulate at a party or social gathering -- whether
hostess or guest, the people, not the food or drink,
should be your main focus.
7. Keep food or drink, briefcases or files in your left
hand -- keep your right hand free for handshakes.
8. Stamp and address thank you notes in advance --
when you know they will be needed, then fill them
out and drop them in the mail after attending an
event or receiving a gift or favor and you’ll be done.
9. Make eye contact and offer a warm smile -- in every
situation, this sets people at ease.
10. Be perceptive -- survey a situation and always use
your best judgment.

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